
Vol 2 Chapter 2217: True and Unknown Origins of Original Sin

?of course.

Gu Qingfeng also just doubted whether he belongs to the past or the future, he did not know.

And now that voice claimed to be Supreme.

He didn't know the truth for a while.

After all, the other word deeply affected him, otherwise, his mind, consciousness, soul and body could not be so distorted and drifted away, and it was impossible to collapse at any time.

The most important thing is that Gu Qingfeng always felt that the source's head image of the opponent's voice was calling himself, and it was still an irresistible calling.

If the blood of the original sin in your body really belongs to the Supreme Master, I am afraid that it will be so exciting only when you meet the true Supreme Master.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help wondering, stumbling the other is really legendary insincere?

Seeing that the other party did not respond, Gu Qingfeng asked again: "Are you insincere?"


The sound burst into laughter again and again, and the laughter was still ancient and overwhelming, like the gods who dominate all things.

"You're wrong! I'm not insincere!"

The response from the other side really exceeded the expectations of Gu Qingfeng. Just as he was puzzled, the voice said again: "Destiny has not perished, the era of the Wayless has not yet begun, and where is the Wayless Supreme!"

Gu Qingfeng heard that, the other party meant that the era of the Tao did not belong to the past, but belonged to the future. In other words, the legend of the Tao had not yet been born, which coincided with his speculation.

"Since you're not insincere, why do you say I have your blood in my body?"

When Gu Qingfeng asked, unexpectedly the voice laughed wildly again.

"Young man! Are you mistaken?"

"What's wrong?"

"Infidelity can represent original sin, but he is not equal to original sin! Hahaha! I can make anyone infidelity as long as I want!"

I have to say that the other party's tone is not small!

Gu Qingfeng carefully tasted this sentence.


My heart was stunned, and I remembered the prophecy recorded in the book of destiny. When the original sin found God, the avenue would fall, the ancient times would end, the heavens and earth would be born again, and the era of innocence would open ...

Now the voice says that as long as it is willing, it can make anyone insolent.

What does it mean?

Gu Qingfeng seemed to be aware of it, only felt his scalp numb, and asked, "Are you ... the original sin?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Young man! You finally know who I am!"

Good guy!

The shock in Gu Qingfeng's heart was beyond words, and he didn't know what to say. He always thought that the existence of the original sin might be a avenue, or a rule, or a source. He never thought of this thing. There is still self-awareness?

This is too evil!

Gu Qingfeng didn't know the truth, he didn't believe it.

"Young man, do you know the prophecy recorded in the book of destiny?"


"Since I know, I don't need to say more. You are the God I am looking for. When this road falls, this ancient time will end, this world will be born again, fate will die, and when the era of the Wayless begins, you will be Supreme Master!"

With the laughter of haha, the wild black hole like a sea of ​​fire and **** is burning wildly, and the physical body of the ancient Qingfeng is twisted more intensely. The physical body is the mind, soul, and consciousness, as if everything is buried in the sea of ​​fire. As if fused with it, more like being swallowed.

Right now.

Gu Qingfeng adhered to his self-awareness with an unyielding will, allowing his heart to disintegrate, allowing the physical body to distort, and allowing the soul to burn.

Perhaps it was found that Gu Qingfeng was resisting, and the voice yelled, "Are you resisting?"

"What about it?"

"Why resist and stump you don't want to become a Supreme Master?"


Gu Qingfeng responded directly without thinking.

He really didn't want to be the infidelity of Roush.

At the same time, the matter between fate and original sin was too complicated and the water was too deep, so far he had not figured out what was going on.

Although I heard that the ancient people wanted to use destiny to dominate all things in the world, I also heard that only by becoming the original sin can God wipe out fate.

But in the end he just heard about it. He didn't know what the truth was.

This is only second.

Earlier monks said that if they were really destined to be the original sin, God is most likely a conspiracy of fate, and fate will wait for him to become the original sin, and then wipe it out and get rid of the original sin.

Although this is not true, Gu Qingfeng had to guard against it, and he didn't want to be a fate chessman.

Another point is that Gu Qingfeng had to think twice before he thought. If he really became the original sin God, he would really wipe out his destiny and become the legendary infidelity, which opened the so-called infidelity era.

and then?

Fate is obliterated, but there is original sin.

Gu Qingfeng did not think that the existence of the original sin was only to kill fate.

Those ancient peoples can dominate the world through destiny.

Who dares to guarantee that the original sin will not become the second fate?

Just now the other party said a very good sentence. The infidelity can represent the original sin, but it does not mean that it is the original sin. To put it plainly, the born innocent respect is only the spokesperson of the original sin, but it is just a puppet of original sin.

Although Gu Qingfeng did not want to be a **** of fate, he did not want to be a **** of original sin.

Although Daxing epilepsy has always been stupid about Gu Qingfeng hiding his dress, but he said a word that makes Gu Qingfeng remember freshly, that is to stand alone, the current situation is so chaotic, the most important thing is to live Live for yourself and don't believe anyone should not be involved in anything.


Gu Qingfeng resisted at this moment for another more important reason.

That is, he did not quite believe that the voice was the so-called original sin.

Even if the voice made him afraid, as if he was inherently ingrained, even if the voice deeply affected him and kept calling him, he still had some doubts about the truth.

He had previously fused the blood of the original sin, which was not such a feeling at all. When he was previously fused, he did not feel any discomfort, as if he originally belonged to him ~ ~ The feeling cannot even be called fusion.

And now.

It is no longer uncomfortable, nor is it merging with itself, but eating itself.

That's right!

Just swallow!

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if the other party really is the so-called original sin, Gu Qingfeng can never be integrated with it. After all, the other party already has self-awareness. Once integrated, who's self-awareness will dominate the so-called original sin God?

Gu Qingfeng does not think that the other party's self-awareness will disappear obediently.

With this in mind, Gu Qingfeng adhered to his inner thoughts more, embraced oneness, adhered to his heart, and adhered to his self-consciousness.

"Young man! Answer me, why resist, why do n’t you want to become a Supreme Master, stumped you do n’t want to be a god, do not want to dominate your own destiny?”

(End of this chapter)

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