
Vol 2 Chapter 2219: Mystic ancestor

"Hahaha! Do you think it is the original sin that wants to obliterate fate? No! It is not the original sin! It was not the original sin from the beginning."

"If it wasn't for the original sin, who else would want to obliterate fate?"

"This avenue, this world!"

"Why does this avenue heaven and earth obliterate fate?"

"Hahahaha! Because in the book of destiny, when the original sin finds God, the avenue will fall, the heavens and earth will be born again, and the era of injustice will start. Why do you say that this avenue, heaven and earth will obliterate destiny? Hahaha!

Good guy!

Gu Qingfeng is an eye-opener today.

I thought that the original sin and fate were at the back of this chess game, and now his mother has come up with a avenue and a world!

After thinking about it, I think it makes sense.

If the book of destiny is true, then the original sin God ’s slaughter of the avenue and the rebirth of heaven and earth is an arrangement of destiny, that is, the slaughter of the avenue and the rebirth of heaven and earth is not the original sin, but destiny, the original sin is merely obedience The arrangement of fate is just a piece of fate.

Since it is so recorded in the book of destiny, no matter whether it is the avenue or the world, naturally it will not wait for death. In exchange for the ancient breeze, he will not just wait for death. He will surely obliterate the original sin and rebel against fate at all costs.

Thought of this, Gu Qingfeng suddenly felt a bit ridiculous.

Laugh this world is too chaotic, the water is too deep!

I always thought that others were the minions of fate, and for a long time, it was the fate that dared to love his mother.

This is really ridiculous!

and many more.

Gu Qingfeng suddenly thought of something again and asked: "It is recorded in the book of destiny that the original sin found God, the avenue fell, and the heavens and the earth were reborn, thus starting the era of injustice. Since this is the row of destiny, why do you want me to obliterate it? fate?"

"Stumped do you want to make a fate pawn?"

"It's true," said Gu Qingfeng. "So, should we join hands with the world to deal with fate?"

"Don't forget, you are the destined God, and it's your business what to do!"

Seeing Gu Qingfeng hesitated, the other party said, "I have already said what I should say. Do you have any doubts or concerns? My time is running out and I have been waiting for you for too long ... … This knowledge of mine will disappear at any time ... "

"You are destined to be the original sin, God, whether you want it or not, you cannot change it, come here ... come here ... come and merge with the original sin ..."


The sea of ​​hellfire here was burning wildly, burning Gu Qingfeng's heart and consciousness, and also burning his soul and body, and the voice of the other party was calling him like a magic sound.

Of course.

Gu Qingfeng still embraces oneness and adheres to self-consciousness.

"why why why!"

The other party was furious and thundered, and yelled, "Why are you still resisting! Why?"

"I don't like listening to other people's arrangements, especially fate."

"This is your destiny. You cannot refuse at all. You cannot refuse either. You are the destiny of God!"

"If I can't refuse, why did you try to integrate me? I think about it, there are only two possibilities, either my destiny, the original sin, God is false, or your consciousness born of this original sin is false Anyway, there must be a fake between us, maybe neither of us is true. "

"I told you so much. Do you even doubt my truth?"

"I'm not skeptical, it's just ..."

Gu Qingfeng was talking. Suddenly, there was a thunder blast from somewhere.


The sea of ​​fire like **** was shaken violently by this sound.

"Life! Luck! No! Death! Original! Sin! No! Stop!"

"Endless fate-the original sin is immortal!"

"The truth of the avenue, the mystery of the heavens and the earth, is full of original sin, all are vain!"

This sound is familiar and unfamiliar to Gu Qingfeng.

When the sound came, it was more like clearing the clouds and seeing the sky.

He has always doubted the truth of this self-proclaimed consciousness of sin, even though the other person said the truth and answered many confusions in his heart, but Gu Qingfeng still didn't believe it.

As he said, if he is really destined to be the original sin of God, then he does not need to make every effort to persuade him to merge. There must be fraud, and the ancient Qingfeng has merged the blood of the original sin. But now he felt that he was not merging with the original sin at all, but was more like being swallowed up.

When the loud noise came, he finally understood one thing, the existence of this self-professed sense of original sin was false.

It wasn't him who made himself afraid, but this loud noise.

It wasn't this guy who called himself, but it was also a loud noise.

This guy has been impersonating a loud noise by some means.

"I am not destined to be God, the original sin, I may not know, but you should not be the consciousness born of the original sin."


The other party did not respond.

After a while, the sea of ​​hellfire that was originally smashed by the loud noise reappears, and it is even more crazy than before!

"It seems that my ancestor really underestimated you! I did not expect to be seen through by your junior! Yes, my ancestor I was not the consciousness born of the original sin!"

"then who are you!"

"Who am I? Hahaha! I am the ancestor of Xuanming!"

Xuanming ancestor?

Gu Qingfeng thought about it, and was very new to the name, and he had never heard of it before. He looked at the sea of ​​hell and asked, "Do you want to devour me?"

"What about it?"

"Can I ask why? The two of us have no vengeance, what do you eat me for?"

"Because you are destined to be God!"

"So you want to devour me and replace it with God, the original sin?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Now that you are seen by your junior ~ ~ The ancestor may also tell you directly that the ancestor is going to devour you and become the original sin God! Junior! If you are acquainted, do n’t resist, otherwise the ancestor let You taste life is better than death! "


The sea of ​​hellfire burned wildly.

The physical distortion of the ancient Qingfeng is like smoke.

"Okay, Xuanming ancestors, right, I urge you to be embarrassed. If you can devour me, you won't waste so many words with me just now. I have to say that you are playing with this fantasy method. Quite clever, I almost believed it, but after all, illusions are illusions, and even brilliant illusions are false. "

Say nothing.

Gu Qingfeng shouted, "Break me!"

With a bang, the sea of ​​hellfire disappeared instantly,

The ancient breeze is still the ancient breeze, the mind is not disintegrated, the soul is not burned, the flesh is not distorted, and the consciousness is not blurred. He is still standing in a wild ancient black hole like a sea.

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