
Vol 2 Chapter 2220: Original sin body

There is no sky above, no earth below, only endless space turbulent, rolling and roaring like a stormy sea.

So a man stood in the endless stream.

The man in white clothes was like snow, black hair was like ink, standing quietly, no matter how turbulent the madness was, he couldn't shake him at all, his clothes never flew, his hair never danced, like a lone peak, and a man like a sword. .

Not others, it is Gu Qingfeng.

After breaking through the mysterious ancestor of Xuanming's ancestor, he did not leave, and a pair of dark eyes looked at the endless space turbulently.

Xuanming's ancestor disappeared, where he went, Gu Qingfeng didn't know, he didn't even know when the ancestor of Xuanming appeared, if not, he would not be quietly caught in the fantasy arranged by the ancestor of Xuanming.

As for who Xuanming's ancestor was, he didn't know. He was very strange to the name and had never heard of it.

The only thing that I know is that this ancestor of Xuanming is also a person of original sin, and it is very likely that the blood of original sin has been merged with the existence of Abi, Wushenshuo, Shangqianbi, and Huangquan in his body.

It may even be more than that. If this is the case, then what kind of Xuanming ancestor would exist, suddenly, Gu Qingfeng thought of a possibility.

Original sin body!

In his impression, whether it is congenital or acquired original sin, there are several stages.

The first stage is the incarnation of the original sin, the second stage reports the original sin, the third stage is the response of the original sin, and the fourth stage is the legal body of the original sin.

The so-called incarnation of the original sin, as the name suggests, is the original sin of the incarnation, which is like a madman. Although it has self-consciousness, it can no longer be controlled, at least, it will no longer be human.

The second stage is to report the original sin. What kind of sin will you get when you incarnate the original sin? If the original sin is incarnate, then the original sin will be the result. This is evil and evil.

The third stage is to respond to the original sin. Once the original sin enters this stage, there will be almost no self-consciousness, like a chaos, and it will get deeper and deeper, and the sin will become heavier.

The fourth stage is the original sin body. Entering this stage will give birth to a new self-consciousness, but this self-consciousness already belongs to the original sin self-consciousness. If the original sin is the avenue, then the original sin body is like a seed in the avenue. Similarly, this seed will take root and sprout.

Gu Qingfeng has not seen the so-called original sin law body yet. Although many people guessed that he was the original sin law body because of Wudaoshan lighting the original sin karma fire, Gu Qingfeng was very clear that he was not the original sin law body. He even felt that He should even be responsible for the original sin and report the original sin. He may not even be the incarnation of the original sin.

After all, for so many years, his self-awareness has never changed, and he has always been sober. He also doubted whether his consciousness has changed quietly, but he did n’t know it. Later, he thought about it and felt that It's unlikely.

Because he feels that he still has human nature, knows good and evil, and knows cause and effect. If he really quietly becomes the original sin body, but still has human nature, then the so-called original sin is probably not the original sin.

of course.

This is just his guess. It is unknown whether the ancestor of Xuanming was the original body of sin.

In his thinking, if the ancestors of Xuanming only reported or responded to the original sin, their consciousness should be chaotic and vague. Only the original sin body could breed a new original sin consciousness, and only became the original sin body. Incorporating the original sin without distinguishing it from the original sin, may be called the son of the original sin, and only become the child of the original sin, is eligible to become the original sin God.

The more I think about it, the more this is possible.

Just now I was caught in the imagination of mysterious mysterious ancestors. When facing mysterious ancestors, the ancient Qingfeng felt like facing the original sin, and even once suspected that the ancestors of mysterious Xuanming were the legendary infidelity. In the consciousness that Xuanming's ancestors claimed to have been born of the original sin, Gu Qingfeng almost believed.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help falling into meditation.

He was thinking, thinking about those words that Xuanming ancestor said.

Xuanming's ancestors said that during the ancient times, the original consciousness gave birth to a consciousness. It was this consciousness that caused the avenue to fall, the ancestors of the avenue were dead and injured, and even the daoist era was started.

Is this true or false?

It sounds real.

If it's true, it's crazy.

We must know that the era of the Taoist era was opened in the time of the ancient times, which means that the Three Thousand Avenues really died at that time, otherwise, the Taoist era cannot be started.


Gu Qingfeng thought of a place he had been to.

In that year, he dreamed into a vain land, and somehow went to a cemetery.

It was a avenue cemetery.

In that cemetery lies the tomb of Three Thousand Avenue.


The tombs of the Three Thousand Avenues are all inside. All the avenues of Xiandao, Demon Road, Demon Road, Ghost Road, including the graves of Heaven Road are also there.

To this day, he still clearly remembers the shock and horror when he first entered this avenue cemetery.

Before, he did n’t understand, he did n’t know why the Three Thousand Avenue was still there, why was the tomb buried there?

Now he understood that the graves of those avenues were not fake, they were all real, they were buried after the fall of Sanqian Avenue in the ancient times.


If the Three Thousand Avenues really fell during the ancient times and the Wudao era really started, then why did the Wudao era disappear again, and why did the fallen Three thousand Avenues die and rise again?

Although many avenues in Sanqian Avenue have disappeared so far, Xiandao, Demon Road, Demon Road, Ghost Road, including Tiandao, do exist.

What happened in the ancient times?

Did the original sin give birth to a consciousness.

If it was really born, then where is this consciousness now?

Gu Qingfeng had too many doubts in his heart.

It's a pity ~ ~ No one can answer him.

Shook his head.

Exhaling helplessly, he thought of Dahang epilepsy, pondering that Daxing epilepsy must know the secrets of the ancient times, but this old bald donkey likes to hide his arms and refuses to speak. Then, he thought of the nose in his body Evil Shura, Huangqianbi falls to Huangquan, and blood swallows up the sky, including the mysterious ominous object.

These existences have been fused with the blood of the original sin, and they are also the blood of the original sin obtained in the era of infidelity opened at the time of the ancient times. They should all know what happened in the ancient times.

Even more unfortunately, these beings are dead.

Even consciousness is gone. If there is still consciousness, Gu Qingfeng pondered that they would not become a creation in himself.

The only thing left is probably their will.

:. :

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