
Vol 2 Chapter 2248: Sky character generation

When I met last time, Gu Qingfeng and Ren Tianxing had a serious conversation about why they should get rid of the original sin and take their destiny in their own hands.

Gu Qingfeng still remembers that Ren Tianxing said it was for a woman.

A woman he loves.

At that time, Gu Qingfeng was also shocked. When he wanted to come, Ren Tian acted a woman to get rid of the original sin, which made him feel unbelievable than Ren Tianxing to save people.

I thought Ren Tianxing was joking.

Later I learned that this guy is serious.

He really did it for a beloved woman to get rid of the original sin.

Gu Qingfeng himself has encountered many inexplicable causal relationships, and these causal relationships are not as simple as the surface, and I do not know what secrets are hidden behind them.

Ren Tianxing and his sympathy for the same disease are all variables of original sin. Therefore, Gu Qingfeng advised Ren Tianxing that he should not easily believe in any causal relationship. Otherwise, he was sold and he does n’t know what happened. Maybe the woman he loves is destiny. A pawn.

The results of it.

Ren Tianxing said he didn't care.

He doesn't care whether the woman he loves is the cause and effect of the arrangement or the **** of fate.

He only cared that he fell in love with that woman and was willing to do everything for him, and that was enough.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng asked curiously, "Old man, what's your love?"

Ren Tianxing shook her head and said, "She's outside, not in this wild ancient black hole."

"Oh, what a pity! What a pity!"

Aside, Mo Wentian asked, "Ancient brother, what's your pity?"

"It's a pity that I couldn't see the women who turned the old Ren fans around."


Gu Qingfeng always wanted to see what kind of woman, who could be such a lonely and ruthless demon emperor Ren Tianxing.

"What a pity, when we leave the black ancient black hole, there are many opportunities, when we go to find the old brother together." Mo Wentian smiled: "Trust me, the younger brother will surely bring the love girl to entertain you well Yes, right? "

"Well, it's settled. After we have settled on the ancient black hole, my brother and I will go there personally." Gu Qingfeng also joked: "Lao Ren, let your Jiao wife accompany you for a drink Yes, don't be upset, hahaha! "

"rest assured."

Ren Tianxingdao: "At that time, I and Qinger will definitely accompany you two to have a good drink!"

The three raised a glass of wine and drank together.

Although what they said was the agreement after leaving the ancient black hole, in fact, the three of them knew clearly that whether they could leave the ancient black hole alive is completely unknown, and there is no one in their hearts.

Mo Wentian didn't, Ren Tianxing didn't, Gu Qingfeng didn't even have the heart.


None of the three said it.

They just drank a glass of fine wine in this way, taking this vast and ancient black hole as the heaven and earth, and the endless turbulence as the scenery.

There is a way to have a thousand cups of wine.

The three are not only close friends, but also have the same destiny. They are all original sinners, and they are all ancient and ancient variables. In addition, the three have one thing in common, that is, they have a sky in their names. I do not know if it is a coincidence or accident, or it is doomed.

A Weiyang Emperor, Ren Tianxing!

A happy emperor, don't ask God!

A Jiuyou Emperor, the ancient Sirius!

"Old man!"

After drinking several cups, Ren Tianxing said, "The last time you and I met, I asked you a question. I don't know if you remember it?"

"what is the problem?"

"I asked Brother Gu already confessed his fate. Brother Gu said you already confessed."

Gu Qingfeng nodded, and said, "That's what happened, what happened?"

"What now?" Ren Tianxing asked, "but has changed his mind?"

"change idea?"

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and said with a smile: "Nothing, last time I met, I told you that I had given my fate. Now I still say this, at least, so far I still think so."

"Is Brother Gu serious?"

"Old man, when did I joke with you?"

Ren Tianxing frowned slightly, seemingly unable to understand, and asked, "If the old brother has already given his fate, why should he come to the muddy water of the ancient black hole?"

"Do you think I am willing to visit this muddy water?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't mention it, I'll be very hot when it comes to this!" Gu Qingfeng just finished drinking a glass of wine and waved his hands again and again, "I was counted by the Daxing monk, and the old bald donkey gave me his mother Well, dug up the pit, and stepped me in step by step. "

"Did you get tricked into doing it by a monk?"

"What's wrong, you still don't believe it? If you don't, you can ask Brother Mo, we were both fooled by the old bald donkey of Daxing Leng Monk."

"Is there such a thing?" Ren Tianxing looked at Mo Wentian curiously.

"This one……"

Mo Wentian seemed to have no idea how to answer this question. Looking at Gu Qingfeng, he asked, "Gu Brothers, are you sure that you have been abducted by a monk who is a monk?"

"Of course I'm sure!" Gu Qingfeng asked in return: "Sorry, aren't you? Don't you think that the Daxing priest called us to come in really to help him protect the relics of Lao Zizi? It just happened that the relics of Zen Buddhism broke up ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Involved us? "

"No! Ancient brother, you misunderstood me." Mo Wentian said: "I don't know much about your situation. The Daxing epic called us two to come and help him guard the Zen ruins. Is there any other purpose, I must not Knowing that this is not important to me, because even if there are no monks, I will enter this ancient black hole myself. "

The ancient Qingfeng suddenly realized, and said, "This is the case."

"Ancient brother, leave aside whether the Daxing Monk really abducted you into this wild ancient black hole. If there were no Daxing Monk, would you come in yourself?"

"It's really hard to say ..."

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and thought for a while, and said, "Even if there is no Daxing monk, it does not mean that there will be no other people. I can only say that if I let myself choose, I should be unlikely to enter the black ancient black hole. This muddy water. "

After hearing this, Mo Tianwen was a little stunned. He glanced at Ren Tianxing and looked at Gu Qingfeng, and admittedly asked, "Brother Gu, although Brother Ren has already asked you, I want to ask you again, you really don't want to get rid Original sin, holding destiny in your own hands? "

"If I don't want to, it's pure nonsense!" Gu Qingfeng said, "Who doesn't want to get rid of the original sin, and who doesn't want to control fate in his own hands?"

"That's why, why did the ancient brothers say fate?"

"What to do if you don't give up?"

Gu Qingfeng put down his wine glass and looked at Ren Tianxing and Mo Wentian, asking, "Would you two teach me how to get rid of the original sin, and how to control my fate in my own hands?"

Ren Tianxing and Mo Wentian looked at each other at the same time, and they both chose silence. No one answered this question.

Not want to answer.

But they do not know how to get rid of the original sin, and how to control fate in their own hands.

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