
Vol 2 Chapter 2249: Avenue to the Holy

The stump is because I do not know how to get rid of the original sin, so I do not get rid of it?

I was stumped because I did n’t know how to grasp my destiny, so I confessed?

I just give up because I do n’t know?

of course not.

At least, no matter whether they are Ren Tianxing or Mo Wentian, although they do n’t know how to get rid of the original sin and how to take their destiny in their own hands, neither of them will give up, they will keep pursuing it. Even if they know that the original sin cannot be got rid of, Knowing that fate cannot be rebelled, they will go all out to gamble.

Do not ask for miracles, but seek no regrets in life.


Ancient breeze is different.

It does not mean that he does not want to get rid of the original sin, do not want to dominate his own destiny, on the contrary, he also wants to get rid of the original sin, dominate his own destiny, for this reason, he is not without efforts.

He worked hard.

And more than once.

If he didn't want to get rid of the original sin, he would not go in when Wudao Mountain came down, let alone climb the Wudao Mountain to ignite the fire of the original sin.


Things went against his wishes. In the end, instead of getting rid of the original sin, he got deeper and deeper, and he also found that the deeper he got into the original sin, the more he couldn't help himself.

Maybe it's really tired, or maybe it's enough.


Since igniting the fire of the original sin and awakening for ten thousand years, Gu Qingfeng's desire to get rid of the original sin has not been so strong, and his thoughts have become weaker and weaker.

Perhaps this is his nature, or it may be due to mood.

His previous dream was to live freely and carefree, but his dream is still the same, and may not change in the future.

and so.

As long as he can live freely, as for the person who is not the original sin, whether he is bound by cause and effect, even if it is a piece of fate, he does not care so much.

Despite this journey, he was not so free and uncomfortable. Instead, he lived in a world where he couldn't help himself.

Maybe it's numb, or maybe it's used to it.

Sometimes thinking about it, it is not a bad thing to just live together.

at least.

Ancient breeze is not so mindful.

It seemed that Ren Tianxing didn't believe Gu Qingfeng just accepted his fate, nor did he not believe it. He just couldn't accept it, saying, "Brother Gu, if you really confess your fate, why do you follow the source of that loud noise like us?"

"That said, why do I come in now, and can't go out, I have to find something to do. I can't be bored in a place where this bird doesn't **** like a second fool. The next time, I was deeply affected. I was curious and naturally wanted to see what was going on. "

Hear the words.

Ren Tianxing and Mo Wentian looked at each other.

Mo Wentian had a dignified expression and wondered what he was thinking.

Even the arrogant and ruthless Ren Tianxing's eyes flashed with complex colors.

"What kind of eyes do you two have?" Gu Qingfeng looked at the two of them, playing with taste: "Shouldn't it be disappointing to me?"

Gu Qingfeng's face was indifferent. He still had that hippie smile. He took the wine glass and filled them with wine, and then he drank it. "I'm not afraid to tell you, don't say that you are disappointed, just look at me I'm so disappointed, I can't help it, I'm just such a person. "

"As a person, I have nothing to gain from playing small, no great ambitions, what avenues, what fate, cause and effect, to be honest, I have a headache when I hear these things, as long as I can live, other loves, I don't mind being a **** for destiny. "

After the conversation turned, Gu Qingfeng grinned again: "Of course, then again, although I confess my fate now, it does not mean that I have given up. If there is hope to get rid of the original sin and dominate my own destiny, I will still take a gamble. What if the bet wins. "

At this moment, Mo Wentian said, "Can I understand that the ancient brothers are lost?"

"Lost?" Gu Qingfeng shook his head and denied: "I'm not lost."

"No! Brothers, what I mean by being lost is not being lost, but being lost."

"Losted? What do you mean?"

"As the ancient brothers said just now, if there is hope, you still gamble, and the reason why the ancient brothers are not gambling now is because they have not seen hope, or they should say that they cannot see it, right?"

Gu Qingfeng shrugged and said: "It's right."

"What if you lose?"

"If you lose, you lose. What else can I do, I'm willing to gamble to lose."

next to.

Ren Tianxing looked at Mo Wentian and said, "How?"

Mo Wentian was staring at Gu Qingfeng, calmly saying: "Admire, admire to the extreme, the state of the ancient brothers really is as you say, not me and so can be compared. It is beyond anyone's reach, beyond them!"

Hearing this, Gu Qingfeng, who was drinking, was very puzzled. He looked at Ren Tianxing, and then looked at Mo Wentian, and asked, "I said what kind of trick are you two playing? How does it sound like it was dug for me? Pit? "

"Brothers must not misunderstand."

Mo Wentian explained: "This is the case. When I met with Brother Ren, I once talked to you. Brother Ren told me that he only admired one person in his life ~ ~ is the ancient brother you."

"He said you have always been able to take it down, do whatever you want, let it be, don't force it, don't keep it, but you won't refuse it, it's true for anyone and everything."

"I asked him, what do the ancient brothers think of original sin?"

"Brother Ren said you can see whatever you want."

"I asked him again, what is the attitude of the ancient brothers on destiny?"

"He said you have no attitude towards fate."

"I asked why."

"Brother Ren said that you don't care about the original sin or the fate at all, so you can see whatever you want, and what attitude you think is what you think."

"I asked Ren again, what do you care about?"

"He said that you only care about what you care about. Brother Ren doesn't know what you care about, but he knows what you don't care about, among which is original sin and fate."

"Brother Ren said that although you are not detached, your heart is already detached."

"At first I heard my brother talk about you. I did n’t believe it. Today I heard that the ancient brothers talked about original sin and destiny. Momou knew that what his brother said was not bad. The ancient brothers’ state of mind is as high as the sacred road. It is beyond Momou's imagination, and even more admired by Momou! "

Mo Wentian stood up, holding a glass of wine in his hand. When he spoke, a resolute and handsome face was full of admiration, and he said it very sincerely.

However, Gu Qingfeng was very confused. He looked at Mo Wentian, grinned, and looked at Ren Tianxing again, and asked, "I said ... Are you two singing together, are you doing something to me? Are you deliberately ridiculing me, or mocking me, or sarcastic me, even if his mother said that my state of mind is high? Is it comparable to the Most Holy of the Avenues? Thanks to you. "


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