
Vol 2 Chapter 2279: Montenegro's son

Although the original sin's breath on the demon's son is particularly powerful, it can be seen by both the ancient Qingfeng and the Daxing epic, the original sin's breath on the demon's son is not pure. In other words, the original sin body of the demon's son was not cultivated by himself. It is the fusion of feeding the original sin forcibly.


This is enough to surprise the Daxing epic, because he can see that the four original sins who had previously rushed into the blood tripod were exactly the original sins fed by the demon's son.

In this way, the demon's son has successfully fed an original sin body and has been merged. In addition, he has also fed four original sins. According to the breath of the original original sins, the four original sins are almost the same. It is almost becoming the original sin law body.

Where is this son of the demon sacred and how wealthy it is?

You need to know that even if the average ancestor of the Datong fed a clone of original sin, it would require a lot of blood of original sin. If five were fed, the blood of original sin would be unimaginable.

The most important thing is that the blood of the original sin is not ordinary blood, and there is very little blood of the original sin. Even if a drop of blood of the original sin is obtained, no one will be stupid enough to feed the original sin clone.

As for the blood of the original sin, you can only **** it from the person who has the original sin. Saying that feeding a body of the original sin means feeding a person who does not know how much the original sin needs to be refined, and how much blood the original sin needs to suck.

Speaking of it, after all, the Daxing episcopal is the master who has lived from the ancient times to the ancient times. He feeds the original sin clone. He has seen more, feeding one, two, seven or eight, a dozen, or even more. He is not unseen by his original sin.

However, those masters, without exception, are the overlords who dominate one avenue. It is not the lord of this avenue or the emperor. Although the man was a son of a demon just now, shouldn't it be so exaggerated?

The Daxing epic didn't think much about it, and the play on the court had already begun.

He could see that the group of old demon sons of the demon was directed at the blood in the blood tripod.

The blood ancestor used the blood tripod to devour the original sinner in the palace. Would this devil's son be able to take the opportunity to devour the blood ancestor?

When the demon's son rushed into the blood tripod, he immediately made a loud noise, and the blood tripod immediately shook violently.

next to.

The eight old demon who came with the son of the demon have already arranged the formation method, covering the three layers of blood tripod inside and outside the three layers strictly. The formation method looks mysterious and mysterious, and the eight old demon stand each The array of eyes, like eight deities, holds the blood tripod.

"This is the Octagonal Jedi!"

As the so-called expert knows if there is a shot, the Daxing Acolyte sees the famous formation method at a glance. Not only that, he also knows that this formation method was created by Lord Heishan, the demon master.

Could it be that these eight old demon are all Montenegro?


There was a loud noise within the blood tripod, and the blood tripod became more and more trembling.


At this time.

There was a low, gloomy laughter from inside, and the laughter was full of disdain, and shouted: "I don't know the little bunny who is tall and thick, I think you have eaten the ambition of the leopard, and dare to take action against your ancestor, and die!"

The words fell, and the blood trembling violently burst out suddenly!

Do not!

It is not an explosion. It is more like a huge flower blooming in the midst of a blazing flame. The surging power of the original sin bursts out, not only dissipating the collapse of the eight-sided Jedi quake that enveloped the blood tripod, but also the eight old monsters. His nose and mouth spurted blood, and his body could not stop flying horizontally.


The demon's son rushed out from behind, and four original sins responded behind him.

Xu did not expect that the strength of the Blood Wu ancestors was so tyrannical, and the look of the demon's son was quite serious, but even so, the corners of his mouth still held a kind of demon smile, and the eight old demon were guarding the demon's son for the first time Next to it, it didn't look too bad.


When the blood tripod disappeared, an old man gradually surfaced.

This old man is not tall, skinny and thin, and his white hair looks a bit loose, and his appearance is more like the old tree withered and ugly. Only one pair of eyes is as terrible as the abyss, with a red blood on it, and red blood is burning like fire .

Gu Qingfeng and Daxing Leng Monk had been hiding in the dark long ago, and their hiding ability was higher than one. At this moment, Gu Qingfeng looked at the ugly old man and asked with amazement: "This He is the blood ancestor? "

The Daxing epic nodded his head. Although he had never seen the **** ancestor before, he was sure that the skinny old man in front of him was the famous **** ancestor.

"Hey, look at this old guy, it's absolutely scary!"

Gu Qingfeng also strongly agrees. Others don't say that the original sin's breath on the **** ancestor alone is profoundly scary, and the power of the original sin that just broke out is really scary.

"What is this group of old demon?"

The Daxing monk shook his head and said, "Not quite sure, Lao Zhan estimates that there should be an old demon under the seat of the grandfather of Montenegro. The son of the demon may be no exception."

"Master Montenegro? You mean Montenegro?"

"In addition to the old monster stumped, is there a second Montenegro master?"

On the court.

After the Blood Wu ancestor appeared, he did not take any action, but swept away the sons of the demon and the eight old demon with a pair of eyes like the fire of the abyss.

"Xiaozi, do you know who is the ancestor?"


The demon's son stared directly at the Blood Wu ancestor, and smiled dismissively: "Aren't you the Blood Wu ancestor!"

"Oh? What a breath!"

The blood Wu ancestor smiled grimly and said, "I can't think that today, there are even young demon princes who recognize the ancestor, rare! It is rare! Hahaha!"

After all, the ancestor of Blood Wu glanced at the eight old demon and stared at the son of the demon, and said, "Well! I didn't expect it to be a rare demon's son. Good! Good ... but ..."

The words turned around ~ ~ The **** ancestor also said: "Little cub, the devil's breath on your body is familiar to the ancestor, especially the demon bream, especially familiar, cub! Patriarch, what is your relationship with Montenegro? "

"Ha ha!"

The demon's son smiled, but did not respond!

But an old demon next to him said, "Master Montenegro is the biological father of my young master, and Sanyin is the biological mother of my young master!"

Upon hearing this, the demon's son turned out to be the father's son of Montenegro. The **** ancestor's eyes looked like an abyss, and a blood-colored flame suddenly burst into flames.

Who is Montenegro?

Throughout this ancient and modern world, from up to nine days down to nine quiet, I am afraid that no one knows no one.

Its existence, from the mysterious place of origin such as Montenegro, is now an absolute overlord of the demon road!

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