
Vol 2 Chapter 2280: deterrence

Where is Montenegro?

Those who don't know may be fearless, and those who know about Montenegro are all in awe of it.

You know that Montenegro is one of the mysterious forbidden places in this world.

It is rumored that Montenegro existed before Sanqian Avenue was born.

Throughout the ages, digital ancestors were born.

Heishan Laojun like Immortal Road!

Montenegrin husband of the demon!

Buddhist Mother of Montenegro!

Heidao Master of Montenegro!

Ghost Road in Montenegro!

There is also the humane Montenegro!

These are the legendary ancestors of the avenue.

The difference is that most of these ancestors from Heishan Avenue disappeared with the end of the ancient and ancient era. Whether it was asleep, secluded, or really disappeared, no one knows.

This is true for both the prince of Heishan in Xiandao, the husband of Heishan in Modao, and so on, but the master of Heishan in Demon Road has been running all over the world. He has dominated Demon Road for countless years, and has become the absolute overlord of Demon Road today!

Throughout the world, from time to time, mentioning the master of Montenegro, the Three Thousand Avenues are all daunting.

"His mother! The old lady was still wondering how the demon breath on this little demon was quite similar to the master of Montenegro, and he dared to be the son of the master of Montenegro!"

After learning that the demon's son was actually the son of the master of Montenegro and the mother of Sanyin, Daxing's monk was shocked. No wonder the demon's son not only fed one original sin body, but also fed four original sin bodies. I am afraid there is only the master of Montenegro Only his own son has such a large capital!

"Well, there's a good show right now."

Taking a look at the **** ancestor in the air, Daxing epistemic said with some gloat: "Xuewu, the old hair, although he was also a demon ancestor at that time, but compared with the Montenegro master, he is at best one Little **** boy, this time I'm running into Montenegro's pro-son, I'm afraid that the old hair of the black hair will suffer. "

The monk in Daxing wanted to come. He might not be afraid of the demon's son and the eight old demon with the strength of the blood, but the master of Montenegro behind the demon's son made him jealous.

As we all know, the master of Montenegro has also entered the ancient black hole. Now that his own son is in this palace, even if he is not in the palace, he must be in the other nine palaces. If Ruoxuewu dares to kill the master of his son, he will definitely The master of Montenegro brought it in. At that time, Xue Wumo said that for the original sin, whether he could leave the palace alive is an unknown number.


After learning that the biological father of the demon's son was Lord Naiyama, the flames in the blood-like eyes of the abyss gradually calmed down from the mad burning, and the skin on the face like the old tree withered skin did not smile. Said: "It turned out to be the young man of Montenegro, disrespectful and disrespectful!"

The words fell, and Xuewu said, "I haven't asked my little son to respect his first name."


The demon's son stands in the void, with his hands behind his back, the demon's face with a playful smile, the demon's breath on his body and the breath of the original sin body burning like a flame, laughing: "My name is taboo, you haven't Eligibility is known. "

"Oh, really……"

Xuewu smiled gloomily, and said, "Old and old Montenegro are old friends, but I haven't seen them for many years. I wonder if Old Montenegro is okay?"

"My father is always safe."

"Okay! The troublesome little boy tells Master Montenegro that he will come to visit in a few days!"

Xue Wudao: "The old man still has something to do now, so leave first."

After talking, Xuewu had to do it, but he just moved, and the eight old demon immediately surrounded him. Xuewu narrowed his eyes and looked at the demon's son, and said in a deep voice, "I don't know what this young master means?"

"Means nothing."

The demon's son said, "The old man learned that Xue Wu's predecessor is here, and he asked me to ask you to tell me the old."

"Dare to ask Master Montenegro where he is now?"

"Within this palace."


Xuewu stared at the demon's son, as if judging what the demon's son said was true or false, as well as guessing whether the master of Montenegro was really within the palace.


The son of the demon approached slowly, and said, "Don't you say that you are old friends with the old man? Now the old man asks you to go back to the old days. Will the seniors in Wuwu refuse to give me this face?"

"Little boy must not misunderstand, old death does not mean that, but ..." Xuewu pushed back: "Old death really has something to do with him, and I will tell the master of Montenegro after the trouble. After the old death is over, I will visit the master of Montenegro."

"Sorry, the old man deliberately ordered this time to invite the Blood Wu seniors back."

"Old man said that there are important things in his body, and I hope he will forgive me."

"If the senior Xuewu is postponed again, then it is no wonder that the younger generation will not give you face."

"I don't know why the little boy doesn't give the old face?"

"Oh! Toast without eating and drinking!"

The words didn't fall, the demon's son made a look, and the eight old demon surrounded by the **** ancestors immediately started to work. At the same time, the demon's son once again ordered the four original sins to attack him.

"Good show begins!"

Gu Qingfeng and Daxing Leng Monk, who have been hiding in the dark, are both masters who like to watch the bustle. Looking at the grandson's pro-son and the blood in the field, the two of them are like the audience watching a big show. A look of energy, while drinking a little wine, also talking.

"It is indeed the grandson of the master of Montenegro! The ability is great!"

The son of the demon has been called the evil star since ancient times, and has inherently terrible power. Its existence is even more terrifying than the so-called Tianxian Tianmo. It is also the blood of the master of Montenegro. Extraordinary, and can also be seen from the means of the demon's son, this demon's son must have been tuned by the master of Montenegro, the means can be described as fierce and tricky ~ ~ powerful and evil.

In particular, the father-in-law of Montenegro is still the original sin body. Although it is a forced original sin body, the power of the original sin cannot be underestimated. In addition to the original sin body, it also has four original sin reports.

But even so.

Daxing episcopal still thinks that the master of Montenegro's son wants to stop the **** ancestors.

This blood ancestor is a congenital original sin body, and I do n’t know how many blood of the original sin has been swallowed in these years. The power of the original sin is so powerful that it is impossible to imagine. At this moment, he is surrounded by eight old demon such as the son of the demon. They are resisting, but the wind is not falling.

It can be seen that the Blood Wu ancestor was extremely jealous of Master Montenegro, otherwise, he would not dare to fight back in the face of the siege of the old demon such as the son of the demon.

It must be said that the deterrence of the master of Montenegro is really not small, even if the **** ancestors, such as the perennial old man who lingered in the endless sea of ​​the sky, dare not make too much mistakes.

.. Literature Museum m.

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