
Vol 2 Chapter 2287: Incarnations everywhere

"It seems that the old lady really looked down on Musashi's cub, but it was not easy to find us both!"

After being hidden in the shadows, the Daxing epilepsy was somewhat surprised when he was found by the Emperor Musashi.

Gu Qingfeng felt nothing.

No matter how clever you hide it, it is impossible to completely disappear.

At least Gu Qingfeng thinks so.

Hideouts are mostly hidden in space.

This involves the space avenue. The higher your perception of the space avenue, the deeper you hide it, and the less likely it is to be found. On the contrary, your perception of the space avenue is general. .

Especially in this Ligong, the law of Ligong is ever-changing, just like there are no rules. Gu Qingfeng has been enlightened for a long time, but he has only comprehended a bit of fur. In this case, if hiding and leaving the palace, those who cannot understand The mystery of Li Miya may not detect his existence.


If the enlightenment of the mysterious law of the palace is deep enough, we can certainly find the existence of the ancient Qingfeng.

"The Musashi rabbit not only found us, but also inferred that they were two. It seems that this uncle's perception of Ligong is not too shallow!"

The conversation turned around, and the Daxian monk smiled and said, "His grandma! The old guys in Xuanmiao Dongfu seem to be right this time!"

The Daxing epilepsy continued to chat with Gu Qingfeng. Although the two were discovered by Emperor Musashi, no one appeared.

They all knew that the Emperor Musashi had found them, but they only found that someone was hiding here. They did not know who was hiding here, nor where they were hiding.

"I don't know where the two are sacred, and I hope to see you!"

There was a faint smile on the handsome face of Emperor Musashi's Zhang Junmei, and a pair of deep and vast eyes glanced in all directions like golden eyes of fire.

far away.

The thirteenth day of the big day and Suoza faced each other face to face. They kept sacrificing their enlightenment and inquiries, but they came and went, and they searched and searched. Nothing was found.

The more he explored, the more afraid he felt.

Judging from the current situation, although the Emperor Musashi knows that two people are hiding here, he does not know who is hiding here. What does this mean?

This shows that the two hiding in this place are definitely masters. They may be masters who are not weaker than Emperor Musashi, and may even be stronger than Emperor Musashi.

Otherwise, with the background of Emperor Musashi as a strength, you should not speak so cautiously.

Think about it, there are two people who may be even more terrible than the Musashi Emperor, and I have never known. How terrible it is, when did the other person hide here? Before or after the arrival of Emperor Musashi, what was the purpose of hiding here? Is it for Emperor Musashi, or for himself?

Thirteen Days in Japan and Suo Sha became more and more afraid.

They thought about it. The arrival of the Emperor Musashi as an incarnation was not at himself, but at the two mysterious masters hiding in the place. This is enough to show that the two mysterious masters were hiding here before the arrival of the Emperor.

If this is the case, then the two masters hiding in the shadows are not aimed at Emperor Musashi at all, but at themselves?


What is the purpose of those two mysterious masters?

As soon as he thought about it, Da Ri 13's heart couldn't help jumping, even his mind was a little unstable. He looked up at Suosha, and Suosha's eyes were full of panic.

dark place.

Dahang epilepsy glanced at Gu Qingfeng and asked, "Since this bunny was found, shall we meet him when we go out?"

Gu Qingfeng shook his head, indicating that he had no interest.

At this time.

The Emperor Musashi said again, "If the two don't give me this face, then the emperor will have to show ugliness."


Emperor Musashi is going to try to force out the ancient Qingfeng and Daxing monk hidden in the dark. As soon as he is going to do something, a figure appears immediately.

A gray shabby monk's robe.

Wearing a worn monk hat.

A shabby old face and a shabby fan in his hand, even a shabby gourd hung on his waist.

Who isn't a Daxing epic?

Seeing the sudden emergence of Daxing episcopals, everyone in the distance, Day 13 and Soza, and others were shocked and shocked. I did not expect that a master was hiding here. After the shock, the fear in my heart decreased. a lot of.

After learning that there were masters hiding in this place, Da Ri 13 and Shao Zha were both frightened. I do n’t know who the hiding person was and what purpose it was. After seeing it was a Daxing monk, the two have been hanging in their hearts. All of a sudden fell.

They all knew Daxing epilepsy, and they all met, and even knew that the existence of Daxing epilepsy was extraordinary, even beyond imagination.

After seeing the virtuous monk, the stone hanging down in their hearts was because they all knew that the vigilant monk was a 'good man', at least not an evil man with unforgiveness, and he would not hide in the dark to attack them or kill they.

The thirteen young children of the day had heard his father, the great emperor of the sun, that the existence of a monk of the Daxing was terrible, but there was no need to fear him.

It is scary because the existence of Daxing Monk exceeds imagination, and there is no need to fear him because Daxing Monk has a Buddha heart of great compassion.

Suozha also heard from his father, Montenegro, that the Daxing epilepsy is the true Buddha who is least like a Buddha in the heavens and the world, and the only living Buddha ever since.

This is the evaluation of Emperor Tairi and the master of Montenegro on Daxing epilepsy.

The thirteen young children and cable brakes have always been in mind.

When the Emperor Musang saw the Daxing epilepsy, Zhang Junmei's face also showed a surprised expression. Obviously, he didn't think that it was the Daxing epic hiding in the dark ~ ~ Musashi! Didn't expect to meet again so soon? "

The Daxing monk greeted Emperor Musang with a smile.

"You're right, Bendi didn't expect to meet the monk again so soon."

Before this, the Daxing epilepsy had met with the Emperor Musashi, and more than once. When he was looking for the ancient breeze in the Arako Nine Palace, he had met the Emperor Musashi in the Qiang Palace and Kan Palace, and he was also the incarnation of the Emperor Musang. .

Not only that, he also knew that there were incarnations of the Emperor Musang in the ancient palace of Jiu Gong, and it is not known where his deity is.

Except for the Musashi emperor, like the master of Montenegro, the emperor of the Great Sun, including the Emperor Xitian Buddha, there are almost all incarnations distributed in the Araugu Jiugong. This method is not new, and many masters of the avenue do this, including the Daxing monk himself The incarnation is distributed in the Jiu Gong of Huanggu. Otherwise, he wouldn't happen to encounter the ancient breeze in Ligong.

. Literature Museum m.

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