
Vol 2 Chapter 2288: Quietly leave

The existence of Daxing Monk is particularly special. If only the name is known, those who do not know his person may think that he is not great, and may even think that Daxing Monk is known as a living Buddha just a nickname with a virtual chart.


The higher your level, the deeper you feel about the avenue, and the more you know about the world, the more you feel that the existence of Daxing Monk is unpredictable.

Gu Qingfeng is a good example. When he first contacted Daxing epilepsy, he was very impressed, just like a rogue monk who lied and cheated. However, with deep contact, he became more and more aware of Daxing epilepsy. Coupled with the improvement of the realm, he is increasingly feeling that the old bald donkey, who is a monk-like monk, is really an old oiler who is hidden.

True, false, and false, it's confusing. Throughout the heavens and the world, no matter you are nine or nine days, no matter whether you are in the ruins or the ruins, or in the ancient or modern times, there are no people he does n’t know. Nothing he didn't know.

How can this existence not be terrible.

Fortunately, the ancient Qingfeng is a man who let nature do nothing and listen to fate.

Otherwise, he will definitely be a little farther away from the Daxing Monk, or he may still be counting money for him if he is sold by this old bald donkey.

Behind the Emperor Musashi is the old guy of Nai Xuan Miao Dongfu, and his own cultivation is not low, and he naturally knows that the existence of Daxing episcopal is unfathomable. Although he is not afraid, he does not want to provoke.


What really disturbed him wasn't the abusive monk.

Because he knew that there were two hiding in the dark, he was not sure at first. Although he could detect that someone was hiding in the place, he could only detect it.


Perceived not a breath, but a change in space.

Whenever you hide in the void, the space will change, the difference is just how much it changes.

The ancient Qingfeng and the Daxing epic were hiding in the void. Although the changes caused were small, they were still noticed by the Emperor Musang.

But who is hiding here, where are they hiding, and several people hiding here. With his current ability, he can't detect it at all, but just guesses that it is two people.

Now there is a big monk, and the surrounding space still looks strange to the law of the palace, which means that there are still people hiding here.

So who is the other one?

After thinking for a while, the Emperor Musashi asked, "Daxing Sage, why not ask your friend to come out?"

"What friend?"

The Daxing epic was pretending to be confused, and asked blankly, "I said Musashi, what did you say, it was always just the old man hiding here, where are any friends?"

"Ha ha."

The Emperor Musashi smiled slightly, and said, "Daxing sage monk, you should know that you can't hide it from me."

The Daxing epic also knows that he cannot hide from the Emperor Musashi, and he did not expect to fool it. He just said it casually, saying: "It seems that it is really not concealable from you, boy, let me tell you anyway, it is indeed the two of us. I've been hiding here. "

The conversation turned around, and the Daxing epic smiled again: "But don't get me wrong, we have no purpose in hiding here, it's just a pure idle egg pain, just look at the excitement, nothing more."

Although the Daxing monk whispered that he was hiding here just to watch the excitement, the fact is true, except that this said that the Emperor Musang did not believe it, that is, Suosha and the 13th Dahi did not believe it.

Looking hilarious?

Or is it in the palace of one of the ancient nine palaces?

Are you kidding me?

Who doesn't know that the essence of original sin is hidden in the ancient palace of nine ancients, and who doesn't know what it means?

In this section, no matter how busy the egg pain is, it's impossible to hide here to watch the fun?

If Emperor Musashi is not here, no matter if it is Suosha or the 13th Day of the Day, he may force a question about the Daxing episcopal. However, the Emperor Musashi is here, and the two of them would not dare to talk more. Besides, It wasn't them who came in and rushed, but the monks, and they were happy to see what was going on.

"The Daxing sages should not misunderstand. The Emperor is not interested in what you are hiding here for, nor do you want to know."

The Emperor Musashi said with a smile: "This emperor is just curious who is the friend who is hiding here with the monk?"

Say nothing.

The Emperor Musashi once again sacrificed his enlightenment to try to find out exactly what the other person was hiding in the dark. Unfortunately, no matter how he probed, he could never detect it, only to find that there was something different in the space.

But at this moment, when there was a strange space, I don't know when it will return to normal. The Emperor Musang immediately realized that the person hiding in the dark had left.

And he left quietly, without even realizing it.

At this moment, the Emperor Musashi was even more curious, and was about to try to catch up, but the Daxing monk was standing in front of him.


The Emperor Musang sank, glaring at the Daxing epic, saying, "What do you mean?"

"Means nothing!"

The Daxing epilepsy knew that Gu Qingfeng had left. Based on his knowledge of Gu Qingfeng, pondering that Gu Qingfeng must feel that there was nothing lively, and it was boring to continue, so he left.

"The grandfather is gone. The old lady advised you not to chase after, you can't catch up, you can't detect it after you catch up."

Even if the Emperor Musashi did not want to, he had to admit that the Daxing episcopal said a fact that he could not deny. When Gu Qingfeng hid here just now, he could not detect it. Now Gu Qingfeng left, and when did he leave? He didn't notice, how could he catch up, and where would he catch up?

"Who is he?"

This is the answer that Emperor Musashi wanted most.


The Daxing monk stepped forward and grinned grinning, "Musashi, the old man advised you not to know the identity of the grandfather, knowing it is not good for you."


The Emperor Musashi stared at the Daxing epic ~ ~ as if thinking about something.

far away.

Suosha and the eight old demon, as well as the thirteen young children and the great emperor of Nanyue, listened to the Daxing epic monk, and they were very curious. They speculated about the identity of the other person who was hiding here just now. Dahang epilepsy said these words, and what else did he know that it would not benefit the Emperor Musashi?

They think about it and can't think of it. What kind of existence can make Daxing epilepsy say such a thing?

What kind of existence can threaten the Emperor Musashi simply by knowing his identity?

Looking at the world, is there such a thing?

You should know that using the cultivation of Emperor Musashi as a strength to create a realm, even if it is as strong as the Emperor of the Sun, Master of Montenegro, and even the Emperor Xitian Buddha, Miao Ru comes to his eyes.

. Literature Museum m.

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