
Vol 2 Chapter 2370: Reproduce

On the court.

The grey smoke seemed to be disappearing bit by bit.

No longer burned like a raging fire, nor swept away like a stormy sea, but become more and more nihilistic, more and more misty.


It didn't look like the gray smoke was dissipating, it was more like gathering.

That's right!

Just gathering.

The grayish white smoke gathered in the center of the image, forming a slowly swirling vortex, as if pregnant.

at the same time.

The original hollowness of the palace is gradually healing, and the cracks and caves in the palace are getting smaller and smaller, and it is becoming less and less obvious, especially as the gray smoke slowly gathers, the healing speed of the fractured void in the palace is increasing. Faster.

When the gray smoke of the sky no longer enveloped the void and gathered into a vortex, the emptiness of the palace was almost restored, and when you look away, you can no longer see any cracks, no holes, even if there is no one, as if the void has never broken It's the same, no trace left.

I do not know how long it has been.

The void was finally restored.

It still looks like the ever-changing void containing infinite mystery.

The gray smoke of the sky disappeared.

Only one gray-white vortex was slowly spinning.

The whirlpool is turning more and more ethereal, the more turning is more misty.

Secretly, there seemed to be a figure in the gray vortex, a distorted figure.

As the gray and white vortex became more and more ethereal, the originally distorted figure became clearer and clearer.

Is a man.

A man in plain clothes looking bland.

The man stood in the void, bowed his head, eyes closed.

Like a reflection in the water, looming.

Three thousand ink-like long hairs fluttered freely as the gray swirl swirled.

The white clothing that wins the snow is also hunting with the swirling gray and white swirls.

See this man.

The old beggar hiding in the black water mountain flushed with excitement and yelled, "It's that kid! Look! It's the kid of the emperor! The big sister of the black water! No! It seems you're right, the emperor, you The kid's self-consciousness hasn't really been swallowed up! This kid is still alive! Alive! Hahaha! The old man knows that this kid is so blessed that he will not be swallowed up! Hahaha! "

The old beggar was excited, his fists clenched, his body could not help shaking, his eyes were red!

Wrapped in a black robe, the black water maiden was so stern and solid, her look changed and changed, even though she tried to hide it, her eyes could not hide her inner excitement.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, as if restraining her inner excitement, saying, "Old beggar, I advise you not to be too happy, it is too early to determine whether the self-consciousness of the Emperor is swallowed up. You It should be known that if the consciousness and demon outside the avenue swallowed the Emperor's self-consciousness, it is tantamount to occupying his physical body, and the manifestation of the Youdi's physical body does not mean that his self-consciousness has not been swallowed up! "

Hear the words.

The excited old beggar was silent for a moment.

Previously he had fallen into the abyss of despair himself.

Later, the speculation of the blackwater mother-in-law pulled him out of the abyss of despair, but maybe two words again made the old beggar fall into the abyss of despair again.

At this moment, watching Gu Qingfeng's figure gradually appeared. For the old beggar, he climbed out of the abyss of despair again. I never thought that the words of the black water maiden would make him fall into the abyss again!

This kind of thinking about heaven and thinking about hell's reincarnation in hope and despair is really uncomfortable. The tortured old beggar feels more pain than being suppressed in Guixu.

in fact.


Hei Shui Niang Niang didn't mean to fight old beggars.

Instead of saying her words time and time again, the old beggar's hope was rekindled.

Rather, she wiped out that hint of hope inside her again and again.

Because she knew that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, the greater the disappointment, the greater the despair.

She doesn't want despair!

and so.

Even if she reasoned that Gu Qingfeng's self-awareness might not have been swallowed up, he didn't dare to have much hope.

Even if she saw Gu Qingfeng's physical body reappear now, she still told herself time and time again, don't hold any hope!

She didn't want hope, and what was waiting for her was endless despair.

She may also be able to wait and lose.

But she didn't want to wait or lose!

"Sister Blackwater, you better pray that the self-awareness of Youdi, the emperor, is not swallowed up, otherwise, I will tease the old man three or five times, and the old man will never spare you!"

The old beggar was really fed up. He couldn't bear the torture of hope and despair in his heart. He felt that he was about to collapse.

On the court.

The gray and white vortex has become looming, like a plume of smoke, but the figure of the ancient breeze is becoming more and more clear.

not far away.

Another person has been staring, and still staring in the clear, never leaving.

The man was wearing a worn monk robe, a worn monk hat, worn monk shoes on his feet, and a worn fan hanging around his waist.

Who isn't a Daxing epic?

When witnessing Gu Qingfeng's mad slaughter in the avenue master in the void, when witnessing Gu Qing's shadow disappearing bit by bit into the gray smoke, it is no exaggeration to say that the Daxing episcopal is better than anyone despair!

However, after despair, when he gradually accepted the cruel reality, his heart calmed down.

When his heart calmed down, he was hopeless again.

Like Blackwater Lady and old beggar, he also thought of someone.

Ancient nameless.

The black water maiden suspects that the ancient namelessness has been carefully laid out in secret, the purpose is to wait for the ancient Qingfeng to solve the original sin, and then kill it, thereby completely eradicating the original sin.

Daxing epilepsy is more suspicious than Blackwater Lady.

The black water maiden knew that it was impossible for the ancient nameless name to watch Gu Qingfeng's self-consciousness be swallowed up by the existence outside the avenue.

Based on this, the mother of black water speculated that Gu Qingfeng's self-consciousness might not be swallowed up, and after the Daxing epilepsy calmed down, she gradually felt this feeling.


Hei Shui Niang Niang did not dare to make a 100% decision, and Daxing Chimon also did not dare to make a 100% decision.

The Blackwater Lady is waiting.

Daxing epilepsy is also waiting.


The looming gray-white vortex finally disappeared, as if it had never happened.

Gu Qingfeng's figure once again appeared very clearly in the sight of everyone.

That's how he stood in the void.

Head down.

Eyes closed.

The flurry of black hair had calmed down, and the flying white clothes no longer rang.


Deathly silence.


No one knows whether Gu Qingfeng's self-consciousness was swallowed up by beings outside the avenue.

I do n’t know about the monks, the mother of the black water, the old beggar, the unknown, and even the unknown, and all the masters of the avenues in the sky and underground.

Everyone is waiting.

Wait for an answer.

Whether it is the guardian of Heaven and Earth Avenue, the one who seeks the original sin of God, or the one who puts his hope on Gu Qingfeng, is waiting.

Especially when the gray and white vortex disappeared and when the figure of Gu Qingfeng clearly appeared, everyone's heart mentioned the throat at this moment.

This is especially true of Daxing episcopals.

With the passing of time bit by bit, the ancient Qingfeng in the void remained motionless, still lowering her head and closing her eyes.

The old beggar hiding in the black water mountain stared at the ancient breeze in the void.

His mind, his spirit, his nerves, and everything are in a state of extreme tension.

Like this extreme tension, the old beggar had only two times in his life. The first time was when the apocalyptic era was waiting for it to open in the ancient times. This was the second time.

He felt more nervous and tormented than when he waited for the beginning of the era of injustice.

After waiting for a while, there was still no movement of Gu Qingfeng.

The old beggar felt that he was going crazy.

He wanted to sacrifice insight, but didn't dare.

It is not afraid that after Gu Qingfeng's self-consciousness was swallowed up by beings outside the avenue, he sacrificed himself to investigate, which would anger the existence outside the avenue and ignite himself.

The old beggar was not afraid to provoke existence beyond the avenue, nor was he afraid to provoke the fire.

He was afraid that he could not bear the cruel reality that Gu Qingfeng was devoured.

He had been tortured by the Blackwater Lady several times before, which kept him wandering in despair and hope. Even the strong mentality of the old beggar could not withstand such frustration.

But waiting like this is not the way to go, it is too much suffering and pain!


The old beggar stretched his heart, stomped his teeth, and stomped his feet.

I took a few deep breaths in a row, but still couldn't restrain my trembling.

He shook his head fiercely, and then poured his head into a pot of fine wine.

The old beggar clenched his fists, pierced his head, sacrificed his own consciousness, and carefully examined the past.

It's close!

Getting closer.

The old beggar closed his eyes nervously, and his body shivered.


When he finally found enough courage to sacrifice his godly desire to explore Gu Qingfeng, he was dumbfounded.

Because he found that his consciousness could not detect the existence of Gu Qingfeng at all.

Opening his eyes suddenly, the old beggar slaps his own hand slap ~ ~ It is stupid to scold himself, how can you forget this thing nervously!

The old beggar did not feel any surprise about the existence of Gu Qingfeng in the sense of God. Instead of not being surprised, he felt that he was too stupid.

Because before that, he sacrificed consciousness and could not detect the existence of the ancient Qingfeng.

What can we do if the consciousness cannot detect the existence of Gu Qingfeng?

Why do n’t you go there and see for yourself?

As soon as this idea came up, the old beggar did not even think about it and directly denied it.

He had already been tortured by the black water maiden, and was about to collapse, and then he finally made up his mind to go out and sacrifice God's knowledge to investigate, but nothing was detected.

The sacrifice of God's knowledge had exhausted his last ability to bear it, and the old beggar dared not come to investigate by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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