
Vol 2 Chapter 2371: Reverse

"Sister Blackwater, why don't you go and see for yourself?"

Waiting is a torment, and the old beggar dare not go, he can only resort to the black water mother.

The blackwater mother asked, "Why don't you go?"

"Don't you dare!"

Hei Shui Niang Niu turned to stare at the old beggar, that look as if you dare not stump I dare?


Hei Shui Niang Niang is not afraid, just like the old beggar, she is not afraid to provoke the consciousness and demon outside the avenue to ignite the fire, but she is afraid that she cannot accept the cruel reality that the ancient Qingfeng was swallowed up.

Despite all this waiting, it was an extremely painful suffering for her.


She would rather wait and wait than reveal the reality that no one wants and no one can accept.

She was anxious, but someone on the floor was more anxious than her.

Not others.

It is the Daxing epic.

Right now.

The Daxing epic has been staring at the ancient breeze here.

Not only was my throat mentioned, but my heart was also tense, and I didn't even dare to breathe, so I just stared.

He didn't dare to go and check in person, and he was also afraid that he could not accept the cruel reality that Gu Qingfeng was swallowed up.

He had fallen into the abyss of despair, but now he managed to climb out of the abyss. He really didn't want to fall in anymore. He looked up and looked around. Obviously, he wanted to wait for others to come in person to investigate.


Waited for a long time and no one came out.

I dare not.

Everyone is afraid.

Everyone would rather wait like this tormented, rather than reveal the answer to this puzzle in person, because the answer to the puzzle carries too much hope.


Waiting and waiting, neither waited for Gu Qingfeng's response, nor waited for others to come forward.

The Daxing monk was finally unable to bear it, and he couldn't wait any longer. He decided to come forward to investigate it. The worst result was that Gu Qingfeng's self-consciousness was swallowed up, and the hope placed on him was shattered. Anyway, just now Already desperate once, Daxing Acolyte doesn't care about falling into the abyss of despair.

In case, Gu Qingfeng's self-consciousness is not swallowed up?

Wouldn't it be clear of clouds and clouds to see Qingtian, and all heaven celebrate?

The Daxing Monk carefully flew towards Gu Qingfeng while comforting himself inside.

Although he said he didn't care about falling into the abyss of despair again, he just talked.

After falling into the abyss of despair just now, his spirit collapsed, his will was broken, and his mind was gone. It almost equaled his half-life. If he fell into the abyss of despair again, the Daxing monk pondered that he would have nothing to do.


If the ancient breeze is really swallowed up by the demon consciousness outside the avenue, he is now past, no doubt it is a sheep into the tiger's mouth, he said that he does not want to live, and the demon consciousness outside the avenue may not let Live by myself.

and so.

The Daxing Monk's departure is also a bet on his own life.

If it is Gu Qingfeng or Gu Qingfeng, then his little life can not only be saved, but also the hope placed on Gu Qingfeng is full of the future.

If Gu Qingfeng is no longer Gu Qingfeng, he will not only lose his future but also his own life.


He is not far away from the ancient breeze. In an ordinary time, he can pass by in an blink of an eye, but now, Daxing Leng Mon has walked for a long time, such as walking on thin ice. With each step, he is more nervous and trembling.

He is so.

The black water maiden on the Black Water Mountain and the old beggar are no exception. Every time the Daxing monks take a step, their spirit is more tense and their heart is trembling.

Even the Cangyan hiding in the gazebo and the ancient namelessness are no exception.

I don't know how long it has been.

really do not know.

Everyone forgets time, forgets everything, everyone's attention is on the Daxing episcopal, every step of the Daxing epiphany affects their nerves, as if it is not the ancient Qingfeng that carries their hope, but It's the same as a monk.

It's close.

Getting closer.

Daxing Monk's face was pale, and his eyes were glaring. I don't know if it was too nervous. As the distance from Gu Qingfeng seemed to get closer, Daxing Monk's body could not stop shaking, his legs It is heavy as if it does not belong to him.

Daxing epilepsy took off the cap on his head, wiped his sweaty cheeks, swallowed a spit, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

Now, it is only a few steps away from the ancient Qingfeng, but Daxing Leng Monk no longer dares to move forward. Not only that, he still regrets it!

I regret that I shouldn't be doing this.

He was really afraid that Gu Qingfeng was no longer Gu Qingfeng.


Now he felt like an arrow had to be fired on the string. He had no way back, and regret and fear would not help.

This head is destined for him to come out.

Whether the ancient Qingfeng is still the mystery of the ancient Qingfeng is also destined to be solved by him.

Thinking of this, the Daxing epistemic shook his head fiercely and stopped thinking about these messy things.

He stared at Gu Qingfeng, opened his mouth, and wanted to shout to see that Gu Qingfeng did not respond, but what caused him to collapse was that he couldn't say anything.

Daxing epilepsy is really too nervous, the nervous limbs, internal organs, and ugly ears are not obedient, and I feel nervous that the soul is about to come out of the flesh.

After calming down, Dahang epilepsy once again summoned his courage, stammered and trembled, and whispered, "Ancient, ancient ... ancient boy?"

His voice was hoarse and mild, as if he was talking quietly with his throat in his throat, as if he was afraid of disturbing the ancient Qingfeng here.

No one responded.

The ancient breeze is still standing in the void.

Head down, eyes closed.

Rumo's long hair was scattered casually, and Sheng Xue's white clothes were flying slightly.

The Daxing monk looked up at Void, as if asking about the meaning of other people in Void. The nervous but overwhelmed expression seemed to say that the old man shouted, he did not respond, what should I do? Wouldn't the old man shout and try again?

So the Daxing monk yelled again.

"Ancient boy?"

No one responded.

"Ancient ... ancient breeze?"

No one responded.

"Ancient ... Sirius?"

Still no one responded.

"King Xiaoxiao?"

"Jiuyou the Great?"

The Daxing epic called out the name of Gu Qingfeng's life and the name of his previous life, including the Taoist number in the secular world and the Taoist number in the wild.


Gu Qingfeng never responded.

This monk was completely aggressive, and finally managed to escape from everything in person. When he yelled, he was scared, and his soul was almost frightened. As a result, there was no movement on Gu Qingfeng's side. .

How to do this?

How can we investigate whether Gu Qingfeng's self-consciousness has been swallowed up?

Daxing Monk looked at the void again, he really didn't know what to do.

The old beggar hiding in the black water mountain wiped the sweat from his forehead and whispered, "Fuck! Daxing, this old bald donkey, if you call him not to agree, you can't try it!"

Next to him, the black water maiden snarled at him: "Would you like to go?"


The old beggar was dumb speechless.

On the court.

The Daxing epilepsy also seemed to realize that the call did not respond, and I was afraid that it would only be tested.

About it.

There is nothing dare to dare.

It's all here, and it's not bad to shout.

one way or another.

We must find out whether ancient breeze is not ancient breeze.

Remember this.

The Daxing epilepsy did not hesitate. He took a few steps back, and just offered the golden body. Before he could do it, suddenly, a voice came.

"Oh! Little bald donkey, relying on your insignificant ability, and delusion of doing something with this seat, I really don't know that there are heavens and avenues!"

This voice is extremely evil, low and weird, as if it came from all directions, as well as from heaven and earth, and even from the ancient and ancient era that has already ended. It is especially domineering.


Who is speaking?

and many more!

Stumped ...

The Daxing Leng Monk seemed to be aware of something, his eyes staring at the Gu Qingfeng opposite.


Gu Qingfeng still stood in the void, bowed his head and closed his eyes.

Still nothing seems to happen.


Daxing epilepsy is sure, this voice must come from Gu Qingfeng!

And from the tone of this speaking, it is clear that the ancient breeze is no longer the ancient breeze!


Did the self-consciousness that baffled Gu Qingfeng really be swallowed up by the consciousness and demon outside the avenue?

The most fearful thing of the Daxing monk finally happened.

But he still couldn't believe this was true, to be precise he couldn't accept Gu Qingfeng being swallowed up.

"you you……"

Daxing epilepse pointed at the ancient Qingfeng here and shivered tremblingly: "You took ... you took Gu's self-consciousness ... swallowed up?"


A strange and evil laugh came, saying: "Is Lao Tzu's self-consciousness so easily swallowed up?"

what's going on?

What makes Laozi's self-consciousness so easily swallowed up?

Didn't Gu Qingfeng's self-consciousness have been swallowed up by the demon consciousness outside the avenue? In other words, the ancient Qingfeng is no longer the ancient Qingfeng, but it is the physical body that dominates the ancient Qingfeng.

How could he say that Lao Tzu's self-awareness is so easily devoured?

The answer of the donkey's head is wrong.

Stumped ...

Gu Qingfeng's self-consciousness has not been swallowed up? Is he still him?

But if the ancient breeze is still the ancient breeze ~ ~ How did you call yourself this seat? What the **** said that there is a sky outside, and a road is outside?

what on earth is it?

Daxing epilepsy held back his trembling heart and asked, "You ... who are you?"

"Little bald donkey, open your dog's eyes and see who I am!"

The ancient breeze standing in the void suddenly moved.

I saw him slowly raising his head, and his closed eyes gradually opened. It was a pair of dark eyes. If there was a ridiculous smile in his eyes, he looked at the monk, and laughed: "What? Little? Bald donkeys, don't they know your uncle Gu? "

After saying that, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help laughing.

. Literature Museum m.

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