
Vol 2 Chapter 2435: Words left on Supreme Master

The sacredness of the sky and the original sin of the sky are still fighting each other like water and fire, devouring each other.

He is not so much fighting against sacredness and original sin, it is better to say that Xuan Yuanhao, one of the nine holy sons of the Holy Land, is fighting against the green robe ancestor who repaired the original sin itself.

Wu Xuanyuan Hao people are like a sacred big day, as well as the source of sacred, blooming endless sacred glory.

The ancestor of the Green Robe has never appeared, but it is not important whether he appears or not. The important thing is that his existence is already equal to the original sin. That is to say, the original sin here is the ancestor of the Green Robe, if not so It is impossible for him to make the sky's original sin overwhelm the palace in an instant.

Whoever is better at sacredness and original sin can't see for a while.

"Cause and effect are immortal, and the original sin is not endless! The fate is endless, the original sin is immortal! The avenue is immortal, the avenue is not open! The world is immortal, the universe is not out!

The ancestor of Fengfeng read the words of the ancestor of the green robe and said, "If the old is not mistaken, this should be the last sentence that Wudao respect said."

"桀桀 桀桀! What is it? Don't you want to know why I am obsessed with the era of injustice? Well, that's why!"


The ancestors of Feng Feng laughed loudly, the laughter was loud and loud, the Canggu mighty, deafening, the laughter came, and the sacred halo of the whole body also bloomed in a circle, and said, "It's ridiculous and ridiculous!"

"Howling wind! You yellow child, do you say my ancestor funny?"

"At that time, when Wudaozun was young, you regarded him as a concubine, and then colluded with Three Thousand Avenues to try to obliterate it. After many years, I never thought you would say these words. Is it ridiculous? "


The ancestor of Fengfeng is sarcastic ancestor of green robe.

Ironically, he was despicable and shameless. The wolf was ambitious. In the past, he first used the Supreme Master, and then colluded with the Three Thousand Avenues to obliterate the Supreme Master. He tried to replace it. Now he says in the name of the Supreme Master that the cause and effect are immortal. , The original sin is immortal!

In the dark.

The ancient breeze also read these words.

The cause and effect are immortal, the original sin is endless, the fate is endless, and the original sin is immortal.

He is familiar with this sentence. He has heard this sentence many times since entering the ancient black hole. As for who is shouting this sentence, Gu Qingfeng does not know, he also tried to find it, but unfortunately he did not find it. In the end, Wudao Mountain was found somehow, and the source of the sound seemed to come from Wudao Mountain.

I heard that the old ancestor of Fengfeng said that it was spoken on the Taoist Supreme. Gu Qingfeng was quite surprised and asked, "Is this sentence really spoken on the Taoist Supreme?"

Xun Daxing's epilepsy responded ambiguously: "I heard ... it seems like it is."

"The old ancestor of Fengfeng said that this is the last sentence spoken by Wudaozun. What does it mean? It is what Wudaozun said before he died."

"This ... it should be, I don't know too well."

"How did you die?"

"I said, old boy, you can ask old man this question and it's useless. Old man hasn't experienced the ancient times, how can he know how the Supreme Master died?"

Gugu Qingfeng glanced at Daxing Leng Monk, he was very clear that Daxing, the old bald donkey, always liked to hide and hide, even if he knew he would never tell himself, even if he told himself, seven points in a sentence were false.

He didn't bother to continue to inquire and glanced at the void. At this moment, the Daxing episcote hurriedly asked: "Guzi, shouldn't you go out and ask the green robe ancestor?"

"What's wrong? No?"

"Old man advised you to stay here honestly. Didn't your boy see that the water was deep inside? This **** is a pit! It's a pit dug by the old grandson of Green Robe, Maybe just wait for your kid to jump inside. "

"How can I not see this is a pit."

"Old man thought that the ancestor of the green robe was here to stir the flames, just to make the situation chaotic, but just now the ancestor of the green robe suddenly started, and the old ancestor suddenly understood that the purpose of this old grandson is not just to make the situation chaotic."

"What else can it be?"

"The old man thought about this old grandpa grandson who might have already settled the game. He first pushed the poor out of the public and then took the opportunity to stir up the flames and shake the military heart of the heaven and earth. The purpose may be to This leads to the Holy Land or Shangqing Dongtian. "

"and then?"

然后 "Then?" The Daxing monk stared at the original sin and sacredness in the sky, saying: "If the old man guesses well, the ancestor of the green robe should probably find a way to provoke the holy land and the poor stranger!"

"Don't you say that the time is not right, the holy land will not work? Besides, I think the poor look, he does not seem to do it, but the ancestor of the green robe has been jumping up and down."

"Gu boy, don't underestimate the old grandson of the green robe, this nasty bubbling, in the ancient times of the same year, he picked the Three Thousand Avenues and the Supreme Master." The Daxing epistle said: Having said that, sometimes it ’s not a question you want to do. Poorly, maybe you do n’t want to do it, but you ca n’t stand being pushed to that share by the green robe. ”

"There are holy places, do you think holy places want to show up? No! If you can, holy places will definitely not show up easily, this time there is no way, you must show up first to stabilize the situation, in other words, the green robe this time Not only forced the poor and strange, but also the Holy Land. "

"As soon as the Holy Land came down, two Holy Sons came along, and a semi-Holy ancestor, such as Laofeng Patriarch, came here. This is a good sign, but also a bad visitor. If the old conjecture is good ~ ~ This time the Holy Land Advent, the stabilization of the situation is only second, and I am afraid to take this opportunity to show the attitude of the Holy Land. "

"Because only the Holy Land shows its attitude, those swaying cave heavens will not be inclined to open the era of infidelity."

"If you think about it again, what would the holy place do if they wanted to show their attitude at this juncture? They would surely make the caves believe that the holy place is qualified and capable to prevent the era of injustice. How to let Dong Tianfu believe it, the most direct The most effective way is to show strength. "

"The Holy Land may not be ready until the time has come, but if it is a last resort, the Holy Land will surely operate with an original sin variable to stabilize the situation and show attitude."

When the monks were serious, Gu Qingfeng knew that the old bald donkey began to brainwash himself again.


he knows.

I know Guigui knows that even if he knows that Daxing epilepsy is brainwashing himself, every time he believes it is true, at least, no reason for refutation can be found, and the more he thinks about it, the more he thinks it makes sense.

This time is no exception, Gu Qingfeng asked, "What do you mean, the holy place will have a poor sword this time?"

"This is not good! Anyway, no matter if the holy place will be operated with a poor sword, your kid should not go out. If your kid goes out, then the middle of the green robe will be in the trap. Maybe it is not impossible for the holy place to take your kid. . "

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