
Vol 2 Chapter 2436: debate

The palace is empty.

The holy sacred is still opposed to the original sin.

The heavenly sacredness burns the original sin.

The original sin of the sky is engulfing sacredness like water.

"桀桀 桀桀! ——"

The dark and deep voice of the old ancestor of the green robe seemed to come from the original sin of the sky, and said, "Howling wind! You are even more ridiculous than my ancestor!"

"Oh?" The old ancestor of Fengfeng stood in the void, with one hand behind him and the other with his white beard on his chin. The sacred Guanghua of the whole body spread like a halo, yearning. He looked dull, and his eyes were cloudy. His eyes were calm, and he said, "How ridiculous is old age?"

"Are you willing to be a causal running dog, a slave to fate, is it ridiculous?"

"Since ancient times, every good cause has good results, and every evil cause has bad results. The cycle of heaven and nature, karma and retribution, whatever kind of cause you plant, you will get what kind of result. This is destiny."

The ancestor of Fengfeng retorted softly: "No one has dominated our destiny. From the beginning, we ourselves have dominated our destiny. So, why are causal running dogs, slaves of destiny?"

The ancestor of the green robe shouted, "It's ridiculous! Absurd! It's ridiculous!"

"This is not ridiculous, but a fact, but you do not dare to admit it. If there is no cause and effect, then good causes will not have good results, good people will not have good rewards, evil people will have no bad rewards, and then the world will be born again. No peace. "

have to say.

What the ancestors of Feng Feng made sense.

It is so irresistible.

Even the Tiger Immortals and the Aoki Immortals who yearn for the Wayless Era, including the ancient Qingfeng and the Daxing Monks, are no exception.

Imagine carefully. Indeed, if there is no cause and effect, good people have no good news, bad people have no bad news, there will be chaos in the world, and there will be no morals in the world. Killing is as simple as eating, and life will be in the grass and beheaded.

"Oh! Howling wind, do you have to say these farts to your ancestors! What cause and effect, and destiny, are shit! I was born equal, why do we have to observe the causal fate of this child, the so-called causal fate, but Some cages created by existence exist. If we want to break out of the cage, we can only kill the avenue and start the era of infidelity. If we continue to stay in the cage, eternal life is a **** ant in some hands! "

Don't say.

The words of the ancestor of the green robe are not without reason.

Most of the people who yearn for the era of injustice also think so.

Who stipulates that it is necessary to abide by causal fate?

I don't want to obey, can't I?

not to mention.

Behind the cause and effect fate, is there anyone to dominate?

If someone really dominates the causal fate, wouldn't it be the same as dominating the world?

"Green robe, you have misunderstood, really misunderstood, there has never been any existence that can dominate cause and effect and destiny, never!"

"桀桀 桀桀!"

The voice of the old ancestors came, and the green robe ancestors laughed more and more heartbroken. At the same time, with the green robe ancestors' laughter, the sky's original sin broke out.

At the moment of whimpering, a huge skull emerged from the original sin in the sky.

颅 This skull is distorted and fuzzy, with a shawl spreading out and looks emaciated. When conceived, he glared at the ancestor of the wind and drank, "Dare you say that there is no existence that dominates cause and effect?"

The ancestor of Feng Feng stared at the head born of the ancestor of the green robe. His expression did not change at all, and he was still calm, responding: "The old man really dares to say this sentence."

"Fart! Who knows that the ancient people have always dominated the cause and effect and destiny behind you! And you even said shamelessly that there is no existence to dominate, oh! Are you an ancestor a three-year-old child?"

"I don't know who the ancient people exist or not. Even if they exist, I don't know if the ancient people are alive." The old ancestor of Feng Feng argued: "What's more, even if the ancient people really exist, they really live. It is impossible to dominate cause and effect and destiny. "

"Oh! How the wind, how the wind! Do you think of my ancestor as a three-year-old child? Or do you treat everyone as a three-year-old child? These words you say are confusing to the mortal little ones in the world. It's stupid to fool us! "

"Oldness doesn't mean any fool, but the fact that if the ancient people can really dominate the cause and effect, then there will be no catastrophe, and no original sin."

"Fart! The existence of the original sin itself is a cause and effect error! The ancient people can't stop it!"

"You have also said that the existence of original sin is a causal error that cannot be prevented by the ancient people. Imagine if the ancient people really dominated the cause and effect of fate, how could they not stop the cause and effect error of original sin? The ancient people did not dominate cause and effect. "

This time the ancestor of the green robe was silent, and the gnat's head that had been pregnant before disappeared.

In the dark.

Wu Daxing's epilepsy also seemed a little confused by the argument between Pao Feng and Pao Pao, asking, "Guy, do you think Pao Feng's ancestors make sense?"

The ancient breeze shook his head.

What he meant was not to deny the words of the ancestors of Feng Feng, but to listen to the words of the ancestors of Feng Feng, but he was a little confused. Think carefully. Incorrect.

Sin is a cause and effect error.

能否 Whether the ancient people can stop or fully explain whether the ancient people dominate the causal fate.

After all, even if the ancient people really dominate the cause and effect, it is impossible to absolutely guarantee that there is no error in cause and effect. Maybe it is because the ancient people of cause and effect dominate the cause and effect of fate, so the cause and effect error of the original sin was conceived.

of course.

It is also possible that the ancient people did not dominate the fate of cause and effect. It was because the cause and effect themselves made mistakes that gave birth to the original sin.

It's all possible.

And ~ ~ In the view of Gu Qingfeng, it doesn't make much sense to argue here whether the ancient people dominate the cause and effect of fate.

What about puppet masters? What about being unruly?

Whether or not the ancient tribe dominated the causal fate or not, the original sin has already appeared.

Can't stand it.

Wu Daxing's epilepsy doesn't think so. On the contrary, he feels that it is very important for the ancestors of the green robes and the ancestors of Xunfeng to argue whether the ancient people dominate the cause and effect.

If it is the ancestor of the Green Robe that can prove that the ancient people dominate the fate of cause and effect, then the momentum of slaughtering the Three Thousand Avenues will be stronger, and there will be more blissful additions.

If the ancestors of Fengfeng can prove that the ancient people did not dominate the cause and effect, then the momentum of guarding the Three Thousand Avenues will be even greater, and the hesitant Dongtianfudi will also tend to guard the Three Thousand Avenues.


The ancestors of the green robes could not prove that the ancient people dominated the causal fate.

The ancestral ancestors could not absolutely prove that the ancient people must not have dominated the causal fate.

The master who hides in the dark, is either the master of returning home or the master of bliss, not the original sin ancestor or the avenue ancestor, all are the masters who have experienced strong winds and waves, although they will not be easily stirred by the words of others , But in this section will be more or less affected.

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