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Chapter 201: Gain and lose

Du Qinglei told her daughter that she could not hang on her face, but she saw zombies constantly flowing in the corridor, but none of the zombies came close under Chu Xiang's stick. Was it useful or not? Evaluation, look at those elegant people behind, just like myself was also mocking the other party's ignorance and tacky, but now one by one bite their lips without saying a word, walking behind the team step by step.

"Well, it's not good!" Fang Qian yelled suddenly, touching his pocket.

Du Qinglei originally held her husband's arm and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Fang Qian said: "F adhesive is lost!"

Du Qinglei's face changed: "Isn't it always in your pocket? How could it be lost?"

Fang Qian recalled for a moment: "I was chased by the zombies in the lobby just now. It may be that the exit pocket fell into the ground. I didn't pay attention. What can I do? It should be handed over to the country. What if I lose it? Explanation?"

Du Qinglei is also anxious. Although the company's Fang Qian is the leader, the big boss behind the scenes is actually the country. If it ’s just something else, it does n’t matter if you drop 10 or 8 pieces, but the f adhesive is the key investment of the country. The property has been in contact with the country before. After the celebration, the property will be handed over to the country, but now it is lost, and it is thrown in the hall where the zombies are crowded. This is all over.

Chu Xiang threw away the apple nucleus, and the entire hotel was filled with infected t1. If it was just a common t virus invasion, it would never be infected so quickly. It seems that several t viruses were attacked together. Fortunately, there There are no high-level zombies, or the casualties will be greater.

There was no alarm sound in the building. If the siren was not destroyed, then the administrator had also been corpse. The probe looked out of the building from the window, and the outside was flat. It didn't seem to know what was happening inside. The doorman on the first floor was still chatting leisurely. It seems that the virus was not caused by the first floor, but by High to low.

Zhou Muqing asked Chu Xiang with concern: "Can your body persist? Would you like me to come?"

Fang Yuxuan said: "Okay, Mu Qing. Don't be sour, I think Brother Chu is alive and well, how can he be injured?"

Chu Xiang said: "It's okay. It's all t1. It's very easy to deal with. I'm just thinking about how these zombies came. The elevator door is in front. It will be no problem to take everyone to the first floor."

Fang Qian suddenly screamed, and Chu Xiang turned over the two zombies. Saw Fang Qian and his wife sweating. He asked: "Mr. Fang, are you sure that Adhesive F is thrown in the hall?"

Fang Qian nodded and said, "It should be like this, no, I'll go back to find it."

Fang Yuxuan grabbed his father and said, "Dad, you can't go, you die if you go."

Fang Qian said loudly: "If you don't go to Dad, you will die. I must go!"

Zhao Fei, Yue Ting, Wang Lei, and those who had done a great job just stepped back. It seemed that Fang Qian would pull them back together. It was really dead. At this time, there is no gentleman style. It is important to keep your own life, as far as fame is concerned.

Chu Xiang said modestly: "Let me find it. You go into the elevator right away. The first floor may not be infected. As long as you can escape to the first floor, everyone is safe."

Fang Qian was ashamed and moved. This is the person who just made him feel that he has eaten too much fruit. People have enough strength to prove their usefulness. In fact, the real rice buckets are the guys who are good-looking at the back. At the critical moment they were anxious to hide in the crevice to avoid responsibility.

Du Qinglei dumbly said: "How sorry this is, the hall is so dangerous ..."

Fang Yuxuan interrupted her mother and said, "Mom, don't say it, as long as you can wake up, Brother Chu, I will leave everything to you, and I will definitely repay you when I grow up."

Chu Xiang cleaned up the surrounding zombies. At this time, the elevator also started up, but only half of the people were squeezed in, and a few others were left outside. They were Yue Ting and Wang Lei, and one was deep. Laughing at the noble lady who had eaten Chu Xiang, these people watched the elevator door closed, their tears shed.

Chu Xiang turned and walked towards the hall. Yue Ting and Wang Lei almost fell to their knees. "Please don't leave, please wait until we get on the elevator and go, please."

Chu Xiang ignored these people because he knew that there were Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan and Zhou Muqing, and the rest of the zombies were not a threat at all, but how did Yue Ting and others understand this principle, and the noblewoman fell on her knees, "Don't ignore us, hero, you are a great hero, unlike these scum scums who only know how to make others ugly, as long as you don't care about us, let me do it."

The lady almost took off her clothes to show her feelings. When Fang Yuxuan was still carrying a bag of fruits, she immediately half-knelt came forward and took out an apple to Chu Xiang's mouth. "Hero, you are tired, eat apples Come on, I must send a cart of apples to your house to thank you. "

Chu Xiangjue is a bit disgusting. The human and earth thinking is really advanced. Just now these people have not regarded themselves as similar, but now they are holding themselves high above the ground, and they leave without turning back. How important, how can anyone be verbal with these people?

Two zombies came up from left to right, Yue Ting and a few people rushed out of the elevator to follow Chu Xiang's footsteps. In their opinion, only after following Chu Xiang would there be hope of survival. Plop, Plop, everyone turned back Look, it was Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan who kicked off a t1. Their physical strength has exceeded normal human values. To deal with a few t1s who are slow to move, there is no need to use super powers.

Little stars popped out in the eyes of everyone, except that the two women were still so powerful except for their beauty, especially Yue Ting and Wang Lei had a cold sweat more than others. Look at the strength of the legs just now. If your mind is a little worse, There is something indecent in the office, I'm afraid I won't be able to endure this, and the waves will be very strong. It's really drunk to see her trembling violently after her kick.

Chu Xiang pushed open the hall. The scene inside the room surprised him. He saw four long-haired things rummaging through a pile of tattered things. It turned out that the real tattered things were here. It's just that they are something, as if the corpse had not been put in the refrigerator and had moldy hairs.

"Oh!" A long-haired zombie suddenly raised a white bottle and yelled, and the other zombies surrounded them excitedly. It turned out that they were looking for f binder, this was a conspiracy!

Alas, Chu Xiang's bone wings turned out. The woolen hand held in midair was severed from the wrist, the bone wings retracted and the small medicine bottle was brought back. Chu Xiang took a look at his palm. It is just the size of a ground bottle for penicillin injection, but there are more than half bottles of ground medicine in it. From previous experiments, these doses save a lot. Do not interrupt the water into tablets before each use, then use it for several years. No problem at all.

Do you want to save a little bit for your own use? The old couple didn't seem to be generous. If you come back to help you find the medicine bottle, they may not really appreciate it. Even if you really take out the country to serve as a shield, you can still reject your request. People do n’t know **** it, so find a bottle first.

Chu Xiang looked back but was surrounded by four long-haired zombies. Their eyes were staring at the bottle in Chu Xiang's hand. Chu Xiang just teased Wang Lei Yue Ting and others. So he casually asked the four zombies: "Do you want it?"

The four long-haired zombies nodded, and Chu Xiang said, "If you want to say it, who doesn't know who you want? If you don't say I don't know what you want, I don't know what you want. I can give it to you, I do n’t give you what you want and you ca n’t ... ”

The four long-haired zombies looked at each other and whispered, and they pounced on them at the same time. Chu Xiang observed this scene in his eyes. He rushed to the nearest hairy zombie and banged. Chu Xiang's body shook, and the zombie turned back, and then rushed towards Chu Xiang again.

Chu Xiang flew his two feet up. This time, with his full strength, he clicked two long-haired zombies and was kicked in the chest. Their ribbed viscera was squeezed out of the bone gap, but they didn't realize it, and they went to death again. Leaping forward, Chu Xiang's bone wings spun out, and his four heads were cut off from the neck. Then the four corpses fluttered to the ground.

Chu Xiang can now confirm that these four hairy zombies are not ordinary t1, t2, but it seems that they have not evolved to t3, but the strength and strength of the large body bones are not comparable to t1 and t2, and they have a certain Thinking ability is not Chinese in terms of their face and height during their lifetime.

"The problem is complicated," Chu Xiang said to himself, picking out a piece of plastic linoleum from the ground to pour out the medicine powder in the vial by a fifth, hiding it in his arms, he turned and left the hall, no matter where they came from Well, that's a matter for the government, and I have done my best.

Loud sirens sounded inside and outside, presumably the people had safely withdrawn. When Chu Xiang came out of the elevator, a large number of troops had surrounded the Royal Hotel, and when Chu Xiang returned unharmed, Fang Qian and Du Qinglei hurried away. Come forward.

"How's it? Found it?" The two voices were anxious.

Chu Xiang took out the vial and threw it to Fang Qian: "I've found it and see if it works."

Fang Qian did not pay attention to the amount of medicine in the medicine bottle for a while, he was excited: "Yes, yes, that is it, Mr. Chu, you are also my life-saving benefactor! Thank you, thank you very much, you are truly a country worthy of It ’s a shame that you have a lot of talent for asking me for your request just now. ”

boom! Suddenly, like the same one, the building seemed to be shaking. Many people were even shaken to the ground. Some people who were closest to the bullet point were thrown into the air. They fell and fell to the ground, causing serious vomiting! A huge figure jumped out of the half-sinked pit. It quickly grabbed the medicine bottle in Fang Qian's hand, and then hit Fang Qian with a big fist.

Fang Qian was stunned, and the pill bottle in his hand was taken away. No one knew how to dodge. Chu Xiang yelled to meet his fist. The two fists touched in midair, and the collision produced a strong tremor. People around could not stand the strong volatility squatting on the ground and covering their ears.

This is a larger hairy zombie, but its strength and rigidity are no longer comparable to the four hairy zombies in the lobby. Just now it jumped off the roof of the Royal Hotel and it was two meters high. No injuries, it is an out-of-the-box monster.

Flip-flops, the troops fired, and the 5.8mm bomb hit the long-haired zombie that was taller than the bear and couldn't break the skin. Just pushing it backwards and forwards, yelling at the hairy zombies and kicking a car, the crowd patronized the sound of the gun to silence.

The car was loaded with various liquors that had been cleaned from the outside, and the car broke down and fell to the ground, including many brand-name wines. I don't know how many people will be sorry again. The hairy zombies stepped on these broken wine bottles step by step towards the soldiers who besieged it.

Fang Qian wakes up at first dream: "It stole my f-adhesive?"

Du Qinglei was desperately angry: "Lao Fang, why are you so careless! Mr. Chu is just in your hands!"

Fang Qian blamed himself: "Damn, I really **** it. Why so careless."

Fang Yuxuan sighed. This relationship is getting worse and worse, but there are more lice that don't bite people. If there are more lice, they will repay them together. What else can they do?

Without waiting for Fang Yuxuan to speak, Chu Xiang leapt to catch up with the hairy zombie. Not all for that potion. This monster is so powerful that I can't let it go, but I can't use the bone weapon in front of these soldiers. I can only fight with it based on my physical ability, I don't know if I can win.

Long hair zombies grabbed the broken car on the ground and threw it again to the soldiers who were preparing to shoot. Everyone again exclaimed and dodged all around. Chu Xiangyi boxed the long hair zombies in the back. Bang, the long-haired zombie slammed the puppet and dropped the broken car. It turned around and slammed a punch back at Chu Xiang. You and I drove fiercely on a pile of broken wine bottles.

The single piece of energy is worthy of Chu Xiangnai, why should n’t this hairy corpse monster, and the hairy corpse monster can't treat Chu Xiang? A few shots at it, I am afraid that it will not hold the 5.8mm rifle shells.

call. The hairy corpse embraced Chu Xiang. The two of you tripped me, tripped you, and finally fell to the ground together. It was rolling on the concrete ground full of broken glass, the people outside exclaimed, the artillery on the tank fired at all costs. Zhang Jingyao stepped forward and touched the inside of the tank car. The pilot and gunner opened the hatch and jumped out. "Fire!"

Bang, Chu Xiang and the hairy monster separated from each other. The two hit each other's chest at the same time. This punch was very powerful. Chu Xiang flew back to Xie Shanshan, and the hairy monster hit the hotel building. Above, the reinforced concrete building body has collapsed into one piece.

Xie Shanshan lifted up Chu Xiang and said, "Let me come."

Chu Xiang grabbed Xie Shanshan and said, "You may not control it. If you are close, a little omission will hurt you."

Indeed, although Xie Shanshan and Zhang Jingyao are both close-attack evolvers, they need personal protection than anyone else. Although their physical strength exceeds the normal human limit, their fighting abilities against t3 and t monsters Seriously inadequate, they may take their lives with one punch.

The hairy corpse climbed up from the ground, it was ready to launch another offensive to create chaos and then escaped from the base in Beijing. Suddenly, there was a vibration in the air that was imperceptible to the human body. The glass of the Royal Hotel was the first to crack and the creaking noise People can't help covering their ears, and then the walls of the Royal Hotel can't bear the cracks. It's like being struck by a sledgehammer on the entire building. Some of the steel frame structure has been bent. It will attack the long hair of humans. After the corpse took a step, it was forced back to two steps, its body was squeezed on the hotel building wall, and the hairs detached from the body, banging, and suddenly the hair corpse exploded from the inside out!

Chu Xiang got up and pulled Zhou Muqing behind her. It was just that she risked exposing her identity to use the ultrasound to kill the hairy corpse monster, otherwise Chu Xiang didn't know how long it would take to fight with it, maybe the heavy artillery could deal with it, but just now The tank Zhang Jingyao had destroyed it in order to avoid Chu Xiang's injuries, and it was too late to readjust.

Zhou Muqing hugged Chu Xiang's lower back very well. She thought it was worth it even if she was exposed. Fortunately, everyone's attention was on long-haired zombies. Furthermore, Zhou Muqing now did not need to shout out the ultrasound, so she did not Outsiders know the truth.

Fang Qian rushed forward first. He was concerned about the medicine bottle taken by the hairy corpse monster, but there was no medicine bottle in the pile of rotten meat. Fang Yuxuan followed his father anxiously, looking for it. Fang Yuxuan, who disappeared, said: "Will it have been broken and sprinkled?"

Fang Qian said: "No land, no, ... found it!"

Even Chu Xiang hurried up, and saw that the small medicine bottle was indeed held in a broken palm, but when he opened the corpse finger, he saw that the bottom of the medicine bottle could not bear the force and had broken. There were wine stains everywhere on the ground, and the white powder was completely wet, but strangely, they did not grow.

Fang Qian shook hard, and the powder coagulated into one body without leaving half of the dry powder. He cried out, "It's over, it's over."

Chu Xiang realized something. f Binders can only grow in water, and alcoholic liquids can only kill them, although they are harder than steel. But the growth of life still depends on water. Once they are disturbed by strong acids or alkalis when they are dry powder, then they are just a small bottle of solids after death.

Chu Xiangjue's chest was a bit wet, and she was fighting fiercely with hairy zombies on the ground. All her clothes were stained with wine. Chu Xiang immediately took out the plastic tarpaulin bag in her arms. Chu Xiang was also dumbfounded. The hard-to-find medicine powder was also soaked with a glass-wrapped shredded oil cloth bag!

This is all over. Chu Xiang had a little bit of excitement, and Fang Qian fell. At this time, the army had cleared the scene, and everyone was taken back to take a bath to change clothes. Of course, it was more important to isolate and observe. . However, there was no problem in escaping these people. After two hours, everyone was released. Although Chu Xiang's strength was a bit stronger, the human physiques that can survive in this world are pretty good, so those officers and men did not ask too much. .

The crowd stood on the street, Fang Qian and Du Qinglei were in a low mood. Although the officers and soldiers of the army did not know what happened, tomorrow the government will investigate what to take to hand it in. Fang Qian continually scolded him for not paying attention. Obviously the f-adhesive was stolen again.

Fang Yuxuan comforted his father: "Dad. Don't blame yourself, that hairy corpse monster is so powerful. Even Brother Chu can only play a tie with it, you can't necessarily avoid it if you hide."

Zhou Muqing said: "Although it ’s cumbersome and expensive to make that stuff, after all, it ’s still artificial, is n’t it? We do n’t hesitate to make another bottle of blood. Look at you one by one as if the world was destroyed. What ’s the big deal, let ’s start from scratch Come again. "

Du Qinglei said: "What do you know, there is no raw material at all."

Zhang Jingyao puzzled: "How is this possible? Since it is a manufactured thing, there can be no raw materials."

Fang Qian rubbed his face and said, "I'll tell you the truth, the biological medicine powder is actually made from t virus ..."

"What?" Everyone was taken aback. The t virus was not a good thing. An accidental person could kill all the remaining humans on the earth.

Fang Qian continued: "But you can rest assured that I have done the most comprehensive tests. These organisms cultured from the mother virus of t virus are not infectious, and no t virus component has been found in the test, so they are absolutely safe, just this thing. You can't let the outside world know about it, or it could easily cause panic. "

Xie Shanshan said: "Since that is so difficult, we grabbed a few zombies to re-refine t virus."

Du Qinglei said: "How can it be that simple, we also thought about it in the first place, but through the last experiment we only got the result. Only specific t virus can cultivate this fast-growing biological fungus. We collected tens of thousands of Only a zombie virus has been cultivated, but only one zombie virus has succeeded. Although the comrades in the laboratory are still trying to gather, the possibility is currently very small. "

Chu Xiang also sighed: "Not all zombies are the same, and the t virus in their bodies may be slightly different, just like the long-haired zombies we just saw.

Zhou Muqing said: "They are not Southeast Asians."

Xie Shanshan said: "It's a pity that Mao has grown dead and then deformed, otherwise it can be identified."

Chu Xiang said: "What's the use of identifying them, and we can still catch up with them?"

How could Fang Qian deliberately discuss this with the crowd? He slammed his head with two punches: "It's all my fault, just hand in the adhesive. You have to do something famous, and it's a lot of death. My friend didn't say it, and he lost it. "

Du Qinglei suddenly said: "Lao Fang, there may be a bottle there!"

Fang Qian said: "How is that possible? He said that these were produced in total, and I brought them with me when I returned to Beijing."

Du Qinglei said: "You are not clear about Zhou Wang. He always likes to hide privately. At that time, I analyzed the comparison between raw materials and Cheng and found that there was a problem. But Zhou Wang used accidental losses to stop him. I think he must be private. Hide it out. "

Fang Qian also looked up: "Yeah, Zhou Wang's person cares about everything and always loves cheap things. If he doesn't leave something for himself, it won't make sense."

Xie Shanshan said, "You have left such a person beside you?"

Du Qinglei said: "You do n’t know about this. Although Zhou Wang is selfish, his talent is outstanding. It can be said that he has at least half of the credit for the success of f binder, so we must use it even if we know he has a problem. . "

Fang Qian stood up shouting, "I'm going to find Zhouwang. The amount of raw materials and data of UU reading is at least one bottle behind. Maybe Zhouwang really intercepted some of it privately."

Fang Yuxuan said, "Dad, how are you going back to the lab?"

Fang Qian sat down suddenly again: "Yeah, if you let the country send troops to **** me back to the laboratory, what reason should I use to explain it?"

Zhang Jingyao asked: "Are the labs not in Beijing?"

Du Qinglei said: "How can such a dangerous experiment be done in Beijing? If something goes wrong, we can't hide it. Our laboratory is located in a small town not far from Zhangjiakou, where people are rarely visited, and it is easy to handle even accidents. "

Fang Qian said: "The first we returned sacrificed a row of soldiers. The country would not easily send troops to **** such a difficult trip, but how can I know if Zhou Wang has any private adhesives without returning to the laboratory? How can I explain without the adhesive from him. "

Fang Yuxuan looked at Chu Xiang pitifully, Chu Xiang said, "I'll go."


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