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Chapter 202: Tornado Storm

Fang Qian and Du Qinglei thought they had heard it wrong, "What? Two kilometers from Beijing to Zhangjiakou, even if it takes half a day, usually. At least two days before this situation can be reached. Without the protection of the army, don't think about going safely. Come back safely, you personally can't do it. "

Fang Yuxuan said, "Dad, mom, don't forget how I got back to Beijing, believe in Brother Chu."

Chu Xiang said: "Can't delay, the long-haired zombies apparently came from the f-adhesive. After they fail, they will naturally think of another way. In case they let them know that there is a backup in the laboratory, I am afraid they will first Let's do it in one step, and we will leave tonight. "

Fang Qian and Du Qinglei have to talk again, Zhang Jingyao waved their hands to stop talking, Chu Xiang got up and took the lead and walked back, not entirely because Fang Yuxuan's face could not be wiped, but Chu Xiang did not want to let the f adhesive fall into the hands of others, You must fall in your own hands.

"Brother Chu, I'll go with you!" Fang Yuxuan followed closely, Du Qinglei shouted at the back: "No, Xiaoyu, you can't go, it's dangerous, parents just came back from there to know the situation, you can't go!"

Fang Yuxuan ignored her parents' persuasion. She followed Chu Xiang firmly. Fang Qian and Du Qinglei could only catch up, and soon returned to their home at the front door. Zhang Hongbing and others were preparing to sleep, and they were frightened when they saw everyone embarrassed In a jump, Fang Yuxuan took out the intact fruit and then briefly explained to everyone.

Chu Xiang returned to the room to change clothes, Song Jun followed up and said, "Chu team, I'll go with you."

Chu Xiang nodded, and Zhang Hongbing said while wearing his clothes: "Of course, we need to act collectively, everyone is ready, our eschatology team will start again!"

Chu Xiang said: "Just go with Song Jun and you will stay. The base car has not been refilled with fuel and weapons. It is not suitable for travel. It is only a two-day event. There are too many people and it is easy to delay. We must be in the zombies. Get the f-adhesive in hand before rushing to the lab. "

Zhang Jingyao and everyone entered the room, and she said, "If you have any injuries, take a few more people."

Chu Xiang glanced at everyone and said, "Take Xu Huai again."

Xie Shanshan said: "I'll go too, and if I don't want to tell the truth, I can help."

Chu Xiang thought for a while and thought, "It's not necessary anymore, as long as he's afraid of death, he must say it."

Zhou Muqing said anxiously: "Bring me, I can kill zombies on a large scale, and I can clear up the obstacles for you."

Chu Xiang said: "No, we will avoid large numbers of zombies. This time, we mainly took adhesives not to kill zombies."

Everyone knew Chu Xiang's temper. Seeing that he couldn't help him, he could only do nothing, and returned to the living room Fang Qian said anxiously: "Mr. Chu, I must follow, or Zhou Wang may not believe you."

Chu Xiang said coldly: "Then I will kill him."

Fang Qian and Du Qinglei were indifferent, which is like Chu Xiang who was harmless just now. At this moment, Du Qinglei realized that what his daughter said was very man. It is true that at this moment, Chu Xiang is really a man with a scar on his forehead. Daughter She knew this when she was only ten years old. Did she like this man?

"Hey. Open the door. Let's drink. I will be off class tomorrow tonight. I will come to see you all night." Someone shouted outside the door. Wang Bin hurriedly opened the door. It turned out that He Yaohui was holding a few bottles of liquor.

When He Yaohui came in, he saw that the atmosphere inside the room was not right, and he said, "What's wrong? Who are you going to fight with?"

Fang Yuxuan said: "Brother He, Brother Chu is going to Zhangjiakou."

He Yaohui said, "Why do you go there, how can you go further and further north, and there is nothing fun to do there."

He Yaohui is his own, so there is no need to conceal this matter. Chu Xiang explained briefly. He Yaohui immediately said, "I will go with you, and we must grasp this matter. Even if we destroy the f adhesive, we cannot fall into the hands of unknown people."

Chu Xiang said: "I mean the same thing, but you also need to protect Professor Song and Liu. I should be fine with Song Jun and Xu Huai."

He Yaohui said: "You have been injured, and Song Jun is afraid of not being able to work. I had to take two more days off on vacation. Besides, it ’s safe in the Beijing base. Professor Liu, Song, and others It's protecting. "

The reason why Chu Xiang is unwilling to bring other people is that everyone except Song Jun is not suitable for melee combat. Besides, the size of the team is bound to affect the marching speed, but He Yaohui is different. His speed and strength are not at all Inferior Song Jun, but also a master of close combat, and cooperated with Xu Huai's sniper. Although he was injured, he recovered 7878, presumably the matter was assured.

"Okay," Chu Xiang decided, "Let's go!"

Fang Qian said: "You do not understand the opening and closing of the laboratory, and the f-adhesive needs a special process to dry it. If Zhou Wang does not cooperate with your work, you may not be able to get the real f-adhesive at that time. , So we must go with you, even if Zhou Wang is doing anything, I can't lie to you. "

Chu Xiang thought that if he ran for nothing, he would blindly light the candle, and he wouldn't be relieved if he and his couple were not allowed to follow. "Well, let Lin find a way to send us out of the Beijing base, and we will leave immediately."

Although Lin had reached the director of the sub-bureau, the ring blockade was guarded by the troops. In the end, He Yaohui left the relationship and let everyone out of the base. He did not dare to delay the two off-road vehicles along the Beijing-Tibet Expressway and went straight to Zhangjiakou. The team refueled at a gas station. \\

"There are more and more zombies on it, it seems that the natural barrier formed by the high-speed bus is slowly disappearing," Song Jun said while checking the condition of the vehicle.

Chu Xiang found a long pipe to pump oil from a large underground oil tank. In order to **** the oil and almost let a sip of gasoline catch, he coughed twice: "Yeah, these two family-run off-road vehicles are not resistant to toss, look Our trip will be delayed. "

He Yaohui is checking the security everywhere. He has two long knives on his back. These are his current weapons. Although the hot weapon is powerful, there is no need to worry about the bomber. There are several zombie probes to come around him. There was a flash of cold light, and the two knives seemed to flash quickly. The heads of the zombies fell to the ground, and then the swords quickly returned to their backs.

Fang Qian and Du Qinglei shrank in the car and did not dare to move. Several people outside looked at the zombies at all. Now the couple can only understand what strength means, even if they give them the weakest zombie, they can't deal with it, they can stun them, but they are nothing.

Xu Huai suddenly listened, then gave Chu Xiang a hand gesture. He pointed his finger at the trunk of Chu Xiang's off-road vehicle. Chu Xiang walked over and opened the rear door with only a few thoughts. I saw Fang Yuxuan shrinking inside. Suddenly she saw the morning sun and couldn't adapt to her eyes.

"Come out!" Chu Xiang was angry. At the beginning, he thought Fang Yuxuan listened and stayed at home but didn't follow up. Who knows that this guy actually hid in the car in advance. If it was not Xu Huai who was good at identifying breathing sounds, I'm afraid she I was able to reach Zhangjiakou in one fell swoop.

Fang Yuxuan jumped out of the car with grievances, and she moved numbly. "It's strange, I try not to let myself breathe. How do you know?"

Du Qinglei and Fang Qian were shocked to see her daughter appear. They did not bother to criticize their daughter when they got out of the car, "Xiao Yu, who asked you to come with you. Why are you so disobedient and you should be mad at your parents?"

Fang Yuxuan firmly said, "I said that I must follow along. I know you won't agree, so I'm one step ahead of you. Now that's it, you'll recognize it."

Last night's trip was close to Juyongguan. At this time, it was impossible to turn back to Fang Yuxuan, so Chu Xiang said nothing. Screw on the fuel tank cap and get on the car directly. Fang Yuxuan smiled and hid into the co-pilot of Chu Xiangche, Fang Qian and Du Qinglei were helpless. They saw these four people killing the zombies as usual, and it was impossible to turn around and let Fang Yuxuan stay.

There are more and more zombies encountered on the ground, especially near Juyongguan. The bustling past has created many zombies today. Xu Huai constantly hunts and kills zombies with snipers during the journey. Song Jun also depends on the number of subway arrows Opened, and quickly broke through Juyongguan, the world's first Xiongguan, passed the Badaling Great Wall in the afternoon, and crossed the Guanting Reservoir overnight. I passed Huai the next morning, and saw Xuanhua getting closer and closer. After Xuanhua was Zhangjiakou, everyone Finally relieved.

"Park and rest!" Chu Xiang waved to the driver on another car, He Yaohui, and parked in the rest station on the high-speed bus. No food was found in the rest station. Fortunately, everyone was prepared to take out mineral water and The biscuit sat down at the door of the rest station and settled for lunch.

Fang Qian apologized to Chu Xiang humanely: "Thanks everyone, as long as I find f binder, I must thank you very well."

Fang Yuxuan said, "Dad, don't say anything kind. You can't even repay the kindness of Brother Chu to save me, and say these useless things."

Fang Qian's face was embarrassed. "Mr. Chu, it's not that I don't want to give you adhesive, but I also have difficulties. Outsiders seem to be high above me, but in fact, my every move is subject to state restraint, but this As long as I can find the f adhesive, I will give you half of it. Please do n’t quit, otherwise my old face ca n’t stand up. ”

Chu Xiang was pondering how to swallow some of it after he found it. Now Fang Qian himself had no need to be polite, so he nodded and threw a bottle of mineral water to Fang Qian. Fang Qian's eyes suddenly stopped, and Chu Xiang also realized It was not right behind him, and a violent wind hit his head. He grabbed it backwards, but it was a long tongue.

It turned out that a t3 was hiding in the rest station. I do n’t know how many survivors in the past have been killed under its long tongue. Chu Xiang pulled it out of the house. This t3 is not weak. Biting Chu Xiang, Chu Xiang's bones and wings spun out quickly, alas, Shang Fei was dismembered directly at midair t3.

Fang Qian and Du Qinglei yelled in horror. It was not **** scenes. Chu Xiang suddenly grew a pair of boneless wings. How could they not be afraid? Fang Yuxuan grabbed his parents and said, "Dad, mom, don't be afraid, this is Chu Brother's weapon will not hurt you. "

Du Qinglei stood far away and pointed at Chu Xiang: "He, how could he be like this, is this, or is it still human?"

Fang Yuxuan said: "Of course it's a human being. I really like his cool look."

Xu Huai, who has been in charge of the lookout, suddenly shouted, "Chu team, come on, what's ahead?"

Unknown to Chu Xiang, so the two wings directly jumped to the top of the rest station floor. Song Jun and He Yaohui followed suit. I saw a gloomy dark color in the sky to the northwest, and the vision under the shadow was dim and complicated. Dark clouds travel fast. \\ It only approached the rest station in a few minutes. It seemed that the area of ​​dark clouds was large, and the margins could not be seen from left to right.

"Is it going to rain?" He Yaohui asked.

Chu Xiang said: "It doesn't look like real black

You don't have to stand on the roof to see the dark clouds. Fang Qian shouted below: "It's a sandstorm! It seems to be accompanied by a tornado."

Chu Xiang and Song Jun looked at each other. It turned out that everyone had complicated things. Sandstorms have been common in Beijing in recent years. It ’s just that such a fast and dark sandstorm has never been heard before. Chu Xiang jumped into the roof and said: Everyone enters the rest station! Drive the car to the shelter as well. "

Xu Huai observed the distant sky through the scope on the sniper step. He said, "Chu team, something is wrong. These sandstorms are unusual. It seems that something inside will move."

Chu Xiang took the sight and looked at it for a while, but the wind speed under the dark clouds was very high, and the light was dim, and he couldn't see what was happening. There is a basement, and judging by the current wind speed, I am afraid that the ground buildings cannot bear it. "

At noon, there was some wind and sunshine at first, but the effort of a cup of tea secretly could not see the five fingers. The wind roared like the winter moon, when Chu Xiang and Song Jun drove under a stone wall and almost didn't walk back to the rest station, Fang Qian and Du Qinglei turned purple. The outside world is really not suitable for them.

"Mr. Chu, I am afraid that this second-floor building cannot bear such a strong wind." Fang Qian is a famous scientist. Although he does not study sandstorms, he still has a wealth of knowledge. He has seen the seriousness of the problem.

Chu Xiang was aware of this problem early, so Song Jun was already examining the structure of the rest station, but the final result was disappointing. This rest station has no basement at all. In order to save labor and materials, even the walls are very thin, Chu Xiang can punch through with a single punch.

boom. Bang, the roar of the wind rolled up when it fell to the ground, the glass of the lounge also began to crumble, a black wind rushed in, and everyone involuntarily fought a cold war. The smell of yellow sand permeated the air. Itchy people can't help but want to cough.

Fang Yuxuan hugged Chu Xiang's waist tightly in the back. The wind formed a flow between the front and back windows. People inside the house did not dare to stand in the center. The rapid flowing wind would roll people up and pull them out of the window. Chu Xiang looked It was still closed in the kitchen, where the wind was weak, and he raised his finger and said, "Go to the kitchen!"

Song Jun and Xu Huai pulled Fang Qian, He Yaohui pulled Du Qinglei, Chu Xiang held Fang Yuxuan, and it took a few people to move into the kitchen with the force of nine cattle and two tigers. With the weak wind, the huge stone that weighed on the chest of everyone After a little rest, the roof tiles were rattling, and from time to time, smashing sounds were heard on the second floor. It seemed that the roof could not be maintained.

boom! There was a shock above the head, and then a large opening cracked in the floor. The head of a car was drilled from the large opening. Chu Xiang's bone wings quickly blocked the falling car, and then slowly put it on the kitchen floor. This sandstorm was accompanied by a tornado. Not to mention a car, even a bulldozer is likely to be caught in the wind.

The walls of the kitchen began to shake, and Song Jun shouted, "It can't stand it, let's find a way!"

Chu Xiang didn't expect the wind to come so fast. At this moment, the situation in the kitchen is better to say. The sand and dust are not so strong except to secretly make the face invisible, but the wall of the rest station is too thin and soon There is a danger of being collapsed. The sound of pots and pans inside seems to urge Chu Xiangkuan to make a decision.

Chu Xiang shouted: "Find the buildings buried underground and hold on tight! We must stick to it, because there is wind and sand everywhere, and we can't escape at all."

"Water pipe! Grab the water pipe!" He Yaohui shouted. He leaned against the washing cabinet and touched a thick iron pipe with a child's arm. After a few tries, it was quite strong, and he shouted out loud. Remind everyone.

Alas, everyone felt a cold overhead, and then the surrounding things began to float upwards as if sucked into the space, even the hair and clothes of her, Fang Yuxuan did not have time to change her skirt. It ’s gone, but fortunately, Chu Xiang is not in a mood to look at it, everyone is watching the sky disappearing, the sky on the top of the building disappears, and the surrounding walls are finally unbearable. A wall collapsed, but the bricks were dragged into the air before it landed, and the gloomy sky could not see the situation. But presumably at this moment, debris is flying.

"Can't catch it! The wind is strong!" Fang Qian shouted loudly, his hand was about to be severed, if not for Song Jun's help, he would be taken away.

Chu Xiang said: "Rope! Find a rope to bind yourself! We will be rescued when the limelight passes."

Where to go for a rope in the kitchen for a while, even if there was wind blown away just now, but Song Jun figured out a way, he pulled down his belt and tied Fang Qian to the water pipe, as far as he could catch it. You can also free up a hand to help take care of Du Qinglei.

The wind was even more urgent. All four walls have disappeared, and the empty surroundings make it impossible to see that it was a rest station. The barriers on the high-speed public road and the protective nets on both sides have also been rolled up. The heavy raindrops that came along with the storm hit the beans. The face hurts like a needle.

"The water pipe is about to be disconnected!" Xu Huai yelled and reminded everyone that although the water pipe was buried under the concrete floor, so many people were tied to it and the pulling force was quite amazing.

Chu Xiang suddenly saw that the ground water was flowing into a leak in the corner of the wall. His bone wings stretched out and cut the drain, and there was a rather large pond below. It may be that the kitchen garbage was dug up at that time, and it was probably too much to pull away and feed the pigs. Due to the terrain, this underground pool had not been hit by the storm.

Song Jun already understood what Chu Xiang meant. His difficult first climbed in, followed by Xu Huai, but Xu Huai just stood next to the floor drain and let Song Jun grab his leg. He Yaohui pushed Du Qinglei first, and with the help of Xu Huai, Du Qinglei went to the sewage safely. In the pond, although the inside was smelly and dirty, but there was no wind, no sand, and no rain, it was really heaven compared with the thrilling ground just now. Fang Qian followed. The water pipes that bound everyone have already been deformed. Fang Yuxuan broke when it was his turn.

Fang Yuxuan originally held Chu Xiang tightly, and Chu Xiang was taken up by the wind with a water pipe. Fang Yuxuan was so frightened that she forgot to hold her tight, and the huge wind pulled her away from Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang found that the water pipe was broken, and his bone spurs protruded from the back waist. He stung into the concrete floor to stabilize his figure, but Fang Yuxuan unexpectedly released his waist at this time.

"No! Save me!" Fang Yuxuan was struggling in the midair. The strength of the wind coil was very strong. Fang Yuxuan of 70 or 80 pounds turned in the air like a kite with a broken wire, and a stone vehicle passed by from time to time. If you accidentally hit your head, you can smash your blood.

He had already descended to the underground pool and was hurrying to climb out, but was pulled by Song Jun. "Xiaoyu, hold on, Dad is here to save you, let me go, I am going to save my daughter."

Du Qinglei also cried in fright, she shouted to the sky: "Light rain! Light rain!"

Chu Xiang put away the bone spurs inserted in the concrete floor. The swirling storm immediately dragged him into the duct. Chu Xiang's bones were fully open. He desperately kept himself in shape. Fang Yuxuan was not far away, panic. Zhong actually asked her to hold a big iron bucket, which was hung on a big tree, and Chu Xiang climbed along the pole.

Fang Yuxuan couldn't open her eyes at all. Even if there were no sand or raindrops, the strong wind blowing people's eyes would not work properly. Bang, a brick hit the back of Fang Yuxuan's hand, and she let go with a pain, her body would be rolled deeper and deeper Gao, Chu Xiang has already arrived at Fang Yuxuan at this time, his bones and wings quickly exhibited and immediately hugged Fang Yuxuan.

At this moment, Fang Yuxuan didn't mention how embarrassed. Her skirt had been torn off by tornado. Now she only has a bra and bottoms. Chu Xiang pulled her over the big iron bucket after holding her with her bones and wings. Then she let Fang Yuxuan release. Inside, with the iron bucket to rely on, flying objects outside can easily hurt Fang Yuxuan, and the wind is not so loud, Fang Yuxuan can finally speak.

"Oh my God, am I going to die? I thought I would be shaved and never come back."

Chu Xiang said loudly: "Don't be afraid, I will find a way to take you down."

Fang Yuxuan said: "I'm not afraid, I know you will save me, be careful of that car!"

Chu Xiang's bone knife suddenly came out, and I cut off a car that had hit him. Other small objects did not need to care about him. With the protection of a large iron bucket, Fang Yuxuan was also safe for a while.

"It's exciting," Fang Yuxuan put down her nervousness when she saw Chu Xiang. She glanced underneath the probe. There was floating garbage everywhere, and Fang Yuxuan shouted when she thought she was flying.

After trying several times, Chu Xiang found that everything was futile and the tornado had a strong suction force. Now he and Fang Yuxuan can keep their figures in the duct and rise safely with the spiral airflow, unless they are completely sucked into the air. Finally they fell to a distance, or the tornado stopped suddenly before they could land, otherwise there is no other way.

"What's that?" Fang Yuxuan suddenly pointed to the top of her head in horror. Chu Xiang looked up, looking gloomy like dark clouds, but these dark clouds did not rise with spiral airflow, but flew freely in a tube formed by a tornado. This is hard to imagine, how they repel the force field caused by tornadoes.

The darker the clouds were, the lower the pressure was. The objects sucked up by the tornado were everything. Two zombies were just above the heads of Chu Xiang. They first stepped into the range of the black clouds. They saw flesh and blood when they entered. The two corpses under the eyelid turned into two pairs of bones for a while, and continued to float upwards, and when they reached a certain height, they would be thrown far away ~ ~ because the sight was weak For this reason, Fang Yuxuan and Chu Xiang did not understand how Wu Yun stripped off the flesh and blood of the two zombies. Seeing that they were also going to enter the range of Wu Yun, Chu Xiang's bones and fins went down and caught a car. The two of them will pull away again, but the big tree that is hung by the big iron bucket enters into the dark clouds, and then the big tree is broken down under the eyes of the two.

"What the **** is terrible, we have to find a way to escape!" Fang Yuxuan said in horror, and said at this time not to be afraid that it was false.

Chu Xiang looked around. He couldn't find anything else to borrow. The car was quickly pulled up by him and quickly entered the dark clouds. After the rumbling sound, the car disappeared. That's steel.

How to do? Chu Xiang anxiously asked himself that the iron bucket must not be able to protect Fang Yuxuan. In a place where the world cannot reach the ground, he had no strength to spare.

At this time, the cloud was getting closer and closer, Fang Yuxuan suddenly saw it, because a small piece of the cloud flew out and slammed into an iron bucket. "It's an ant! A big ant with long wings and sharp teeth!"


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