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Chapter 206: Ghost killer

Hu Hao and Yu Hai did not care about Sun Wei ’s injuries. The longer the hairy zombies were, the more they were crushed to death. However, there were constant gun shots, and every time the magazine was changed, soldiers were injured and sacrificed. When the situation has reached the point of death, even if the grief is turned into anger, kill, kill one without losing money, kill two and earn one.

A dozen zombies rushed to Hu Hao and Yu Hai together. The two originally fought side by side, but at the critical moment, the machine guns were dumb. If they were not dumb, they could not stand up. The zombies were tall and they were good at blocking shots with their arms. Bouncing into the brain, it is difficult to kill them.

Roar, several long-haired zombies opened their mouths and bite at Hu Hao and Yu Hai together. The two closed their eyes and reached out to pull the glorious bombs. The comrades in heart said slowly, we came!

call! The fierce flame will moxibust the skin roasted by the sea and Hu Hao. They let go of the fingers that pulled the glorious bomb, and opened their eyes to see a sea of ​​fire. Those who just bite their zombies struggled in the sea of ​​fire, Wang Zhixiang, Chen Zhidong took the opportunity to shoot and kill them one by one.

Hu Hao couldn't believe looking at Fang Yuxuan, because her posture clearly said that the flame just blown out by her, Fang Yuxuan was in a state of excitement and sorrow, and she blew a blast of flame in the other direction, the power was no less than the real The flamethrowers of these hairy zombies are easy to catch fire because they have long hairs on them. When they are burned by the fire, they will be out of order. They will fall to the ground quickly with the machine gun. Other hairy zombies fear the flames for a while. Dare to attack again, the critical situation is only slightly eased. Chu Xiang was fighting fiercely with four senior long-hair zombies. He didn't know what happened later. It wasn't until the fire broke out that he knew Fang Yuxuan was helping. I just don't know how she urged her ability that has just evolved. Is it that she encountered great danger later?

As soon as Chu Xiang was worried, a flaw would inevitably occur. A long-haired zombie rushed into his arms to clamp Chu Xiang's neck, and then his arm sent a huge twisting force. As long as Chu Xiang's resistance failed, he could put Chu Xiang in Neck twisted. The rest of the long-haired zombies also took advantage of Chu Xiang. This is to kill you while you are sick.

Chu Xiang couldn't think much about it, and his bone spur protruded quickly from His Majesty. Alas, this desperate blow broke the brain of the zombie that gripped his neck. However, Chu Xiang's body was also hit by a zombie at the same time. His five internal organs were shifted, and his thigh was hurting like a fracture.

By the way, Chu Xiang cut his long hairy arm with a bone knife, and he sprayed blood on the long hairy zombie that came again. The zombie was blinded by blood and lost his attack direction for a while. Chu Xiang's bone knife swept across its neck and threw a head to the ground.

The remaining two zombies did not expect Chu Xiang to fight together, and it was clear that the opponent's strength theory individual was stronger than the previous one. Now the two zombies were killed, and the remaining two seemed to be difficult to win. Opponents, so the two zombies chose to escape wisely.

boom! An anti-tank rocket overtook only a long-haired high-level zombies. After the explosion, the long-haired zomb did not even have half a catty of corpse left. It turned out to be assisted by Fang Yuxuan's flame. The rear has reversed the situation. Hu Hao took the opportunity to find the anti-tank rocket launcher from the carriage, and gave it a fatal blow when the high-level long-haired zombie was about to escape. Unfortunately, a zombie escaped.

After the blow, the remaining hairy zombies backed away for a certain distance without attacking. Chu Xiang couldn't care about his injuries. He ran to the back to check the situation. Brother, Brother Fang and Brother Sun all died, all because they saved me, oh ... "

Chu Xiang had already seen Fang Zhenghe and Sun Wei lying on the floor, thinking of the fat Sun Wei shaking hands with himself to introduce himself, saying that everyone called him Viagra, thinking of the honest and honest Founder and going to find his mother, Chu Xiang Bei came from his heart. He yelled angrily in the sky, and the surrounding zombies heard Chu Xiang's roar, and retreated a dozen meters involuntarily.

Hu Hao, Yu Hai, and others were surprised by the physical changes of Chu Xiang, but at this critical moment, how could they have time to ask, and they also have some understanding of Chu Xiang, knowing that he helped everyone through several dangers, so also Not afraid of what he looks like.

Lu Gang tapped the magazine on the helmet, and he shouted, "How come back, *, keep going! Who is afraid of who the **** is the fucker!"

Hum, everyone only heard a buzzing in their ears, and then saw Lu Gang's head flying away from his neck, blood rushing out of his shoulder like a pipe, Chu Xiang witnessed it all, he was stunned, With his eyesight, he just saw a gray shadow flying out of the zombies, and he had no time to react until Lu Gang was in trouble, until his head stopped on the ground, and his body stood still unwillingly, In the face of thousands of zombies, it seems to vent his anger! He is just a good guy! Face the enemy even if you die!

Wang Zhixiang saw that Lu Gang had also sacrificed, and he yelled angrily: "Come out! What a **** thing, fight with the old light and upright! Retreat the turtle king bastard, I greet your old lady!"

Hum, everyone heard a beep again, Wang Zhixiang suddenly left one arm, Wang Zhixiang held the gun in the other hand, he could not help but shot in the air, but nothing happened. All missed.

This time, Chu Xiang can see clearly. When the buzzer sounds, a person will appear in the air. This person's speed is so fast that Chu Xiang's current nerve reaction speed and vision cannot capture him. Wang Zhixiang's arm was cut off and disappeared in a short time.

Chu Xiang shouted, "Everyone is back to back to guard!" This is the only way to reduce danger.

There were less than ten soldiers left, and everyone was ready to form a circle. Wang Zhixiang's arms were bleeding and Hu Hao was bandaging him. Hey ... Suddenly a sneer sounded, and a stiff Chinese saying: "No need to work hard Let me end his life ... "

Alas, Wang Zhixiang's head suddenly left his neck, and Chu Xiang was already fully alert, his bone spurs pierced instantly. Hum, it seemed to be stuck on an iron plate, the shocked Chu Xiang's bones were about to fall away, and the sparkling in the void was sparkling, as magical as a sword collision.

"... Okay ... it's amazing ... I killed all of you. See how you can resist!" The voice in the void sounded again. Then the soldiers who were going to form a circle died head to head and died. It was the ghost killer who was slaughtering them! The ghost killer speaks human language. This is enough to prove that he is not a zombie, but an evolutionary! That said, these strange hairy zombies did not come out of thin air. So this is a conspiracy!

Wow, Chu Xiang's bones and wings spread, he protected the remaining soldiers as much as possible, hum, Chu Xiang's ear rang, and the bones and wings stabbed violently. However, the opponent ’s weapon was obviously unable to hurt Chu Xiangdi ’s bones and wings, so he greeted Chu Xiang ’s back with all his points of attack. Chu Xiang ’s slicing knife and bone spurs were shot together, but they all fell through. , Easily won't let Chu Xiang hit.

Chen Zhengdong suddenly cried out. It turned out that his feet were exposed by the ghost killer. Chu Xiang's bones and wings rolled outwards, and an object seemed to sweep in the void. But soon the object escaped. Obviously, although this object can be invisible, it does not exist in real space. But he moved fast and avoided detection by human eyes, so he became invisible!

Chu Xiang's mood is now extremely sorrowful. The soldiers of the class have fallen down and sacrificed one by one. Although everyone has not been in contact for a long time, they are very enthusiastic and kind, but they were killed one after another for a while, but they were unable to protect them. Chu Xiang's guilt and anger are so deep that he vowed to kill this ghost killer who is not proficient in Chinese! Revenge for the soldiers of the class!

The ghost killer has realized that Chu Xiang's strength is not low. The bone wing on Chu Xiang's back does not allow him to break for a while. However, although the bone wing is large, it is impossible to cover everyone. Hu Hao protects other soldiers. Half of his body was exposed outside the bone wing, buzzing, and suddenly a beep sounded, and then a sharp knife split in the void.

Chu Xiang screamed badly, but the bone spurs where his bone wings could reach were not necessarily. Besides, the position of the ghost killer at this moment was not even taken care of by Chu Xiang's bone wings, otherwise Hu would not be able to protect Hu Hao, if Chu Xiang withdraws the bone wings at this moment to protect Hu Hao, then the ghost killer may immediately turn his head and hurt other soldiers, without saving Hu Hao, he can only watch him sacrifice under the ghost killer's butcher knife! Chu Xiang's anxious eyes are about to bleed. If he could make himself suffer for Hu Hao, he would not hesitate for half a minute! But the ghost killer knew that giving Chu Xiang a knife might not take his life, so he didn't plan to attack Chu Xiang directly.

Hum! With a crisp sound, the ghost killer's butcher knife did not succeed this time! A long knife held his fast knife, and another long knife stabbed into the void of the place where he held the knife, as if the sound of a broken barrel came out, and a dull scream was heard in the void, "Good knife! You Be the first person to really hurt me! "

Chu Xiang already knew that it was He Yaohui and others who rushed to rescue him. Otherwise, he would protect the soldiers on one side, but the other side could not resist the killing of the ghost killer. Now he finally came to the helper, and he must kill the ghost killer here, otherwise How to deal with those who sacrificed their comrades in the spirit of heaven!

The ghost killer's voice disappeared into the air before his long sword fell. Chu Xiang was still afraid to remove the bone wings protecting everyone at this moment. Otherwise, he could cooperate with He Yaohui's fast knife. The two might find the ghost killer. , But no one is sure that once the bone wings are removed to protect the ghost killer, a return carbine will come.

Wow, a gleaming iron arrow suddenly shot around, and several of them fell to the ground in a half-hindered way. Chu Xiang and He Yaohui looked at each other, it was time! The two flew together there, and Chu Xiang was a bone weapon attacking the potential of thunder! And He Yaohui's double knives were slamming the mighty roar of Huashan and buzzing. At first, it was like a trembling on a steel plate, but this vocal soon disappeared, and then flashed like a film space where the film was broken. A tall, slender man appeared in front of him, his figure looming at first, but soon he settled and disappeared.

From the appearance, he is not of East Asian descent, and his face is normal. It is not the kind of white that zombies have. He has a white armor on his body. This armor is very strange. Has something to do with this armor? Chu Xiang's success several times was like an impact on an iron plate, probably from this armor. But now under the double blow of Chu Xiang and He Yaohui, the armor of the ghost killer has been damaged, so he can't hide for the time being.

Wow, it's raining like a steel arrow, Song Jun also came along with He Yaohui's help. It was just his four scatterers that quickly found out the location of the ghost killer. This allowed Chu Xiang and He Yaohui to have a chance to succeed, and now they see each other injured. Song Jun certainly has to work harder.

The ghost killer clearly underestimated the power of Chu Xiang to join forces with He Yaohui and Song soldiers. It may also be that he has never encountered such a powerful opponent since his debut. That's why he was beaten out of stealth, but his speed was also unparalleled. Although Chu Xiang and He Yaohui hit him, he was injured, but he retreated instantly, dancing fast. The steel arrows that hit him were all blocked on the ground, but this attack from Song Jun provided Chu Xiang and He Yaohui with the possibility of a second attack. Both of them simultaneously followed up, and the ghost killer was too poor to deal with the air. Steel arrows, Chu Xiang and He Yaohui killed again.

Alas, Chu Xiang's bone knife and He Yaohui's fast knife greeted the ghost killer. Chu Xiang cut off one of his left hands, and He Yaohui injured his right arm, and the ghost killer's fast knife fell to the ground. He desperately struggled to ignore the two injuries and fled outward like a blast. At his current pace, I'm afraid the people present can't chase.

boom. Bang, bang, several sniper rifles sounded, the same part of the ghost killer's thigh was repeatedly hit, which made his white armor unable to resist, and the last bullet broke the protection and wounded him, so that his ground speed became large discount.

Chu Xiang was angry at the moment. Even if he could n’t catch up, he had already made up his mind to kill him. Now that the ghost killer ’s thigh is injured, he has no reason to give up. "He Yaohui, Song Jun, Xu Huai, you protect Fang Yuxuan and the soldiers, I will hunt him down! The heavens and the earth on the end of the earth always consume him!"

Hu Hao and Yu Hai shouted in the back: "Chu Xiang came back, poor Kou Mo chase, it is important that we break into Zhangjiakou!"

Song Jun reset the special uniform full of steel arrows, and he said to Hu Hao: "Don't stop him, he won't give up until he kills that monster. From the moment that monster appeared, his fate has been pronounced. "

Yu Haidao: "But it's dangerous. The invisible monster is terrible. I'm afraid that Chu Xiang will suffer. Besides, there are so many zombies outside, we should take care of the overall situation."

He Yaohui snorted coldly: "No matter how powerful he is, he hurts Chu Xiang's friends, so no matter where he hides, he is dead anyway! As for these zombies, their big bosses lost, and soon they We will retreat, rest assured, we can **** everyone to safely enter the Zhangjiakou base. Fang Yuxuan got up hard from the ground, Xu Huai also guarded Fang Qian and Du Qinglei and rushed around from the zombies to catch up from behind, Fang Yuxuan crying and rushed into her mother In her arms, she felt terrible. Those big brothers who took her as her sister are gone, but Big Brother Chu will avenge them! No matter what kind of monster, it is best not to offend Big Brother Chu, otherwise they It's dead!

Yu Hai came to Fang Zhenghe, and he took out a pistol and wept with tears: "Lao Fang, I'm sorry, your mother, we will take care of you, your mother is our mother's mother, as long as you go! Brother and I as long as I live, Qingming Chongyang will never forget everyone. "

Bang, Fang Zhenghe's head was shot. This was one of his wishes before he died. At that time, he pointed to the sugar ball on his chest and the other pointed to his head. He didn't want to turn himself into Zombie, so let his comrades help him make up a shot, and now he can finally rest assured, there are several other comrades in the eyes of people who survive, they are all pure men!

Chen Zhengdong is usually a very strong man, but he guards the corpses of his comrades. Now he is in tears. The robes of a group of sacrifice sacrificed a few people during the sandstorm. I thought that the remaining comrades and the squad leader, Six people can safely reach the Zhangjiakou base, but now it is just over an hour, and his comrades-in-arms have passed away, leaving him and the squad leader alone.

The voices of former comrades-in-arms are still in their ears. Lu Gang, although usually careless, but he cares about his comrades-in-arms, who will never refuse if he asks for his help; Sun Wei, always talks about many elements. He also likes to make fun of some people, but he is a flavoring agent in the class, everyone likes his fun; Fang Zhenghe, the person is very muna, sometimes the words can be thunderous, but he is very filial and kind. If there is a classical man in this world, I am afraid that it is him; Wang Zhixiang, this is a person that Chen Zhengdong does not like, because he feels that Wang Zhixiang is a bit selfish, and he always likes to have a little cheap, personal personality, but Wang Zhixiang is pure Man, he used action to prove to everyone that he was not selfish at the moment! Thinking of Chen Zhengdong solemnly saluting Wang Zhixiang's body at this time, he shed tears in his heart. Aspiration, you are not selfish, it is brothers' selfishness.

The zombies frightened by Chu Xiang finally attacked again, but the firepower of He Yaohui, Song Jun, and Xu Huai broke out together. Those zombies fell to the ground, their arms and heads no longer worked, Xu Huai could even hit from the front The back of their heads! In addition, the high-level long-haired zombies have fled, and the master's ghost killer has also fled. These zombies have lost their command tone, and they are quickly dispersed under the fierce fire.

Hu Hao and Yu Hai discussed it and decided to bury the sacrificed soldiers on the spot. After the world was leveled, as long as there was a row of people in the 81st Division of the Armed Police Force, they would have to be buried in the scenery. Write down their heroic deeds. If anyone wants to prevent the recognition of them as martyrs, the people in the row will never agree.

Fang Yuxuan cried and buried these comrades and brothers. Fang Qian and Du Qinglei were baptized after two days of life and death. Their hearts were greatly shaken. They never knew that the outside world was so terrible. They never knew that ordinary soldiers were alive. They are so real, they never know that people can be anonymous but will always live in the hearts of others ~ ~ None of these people who stand by firing guns to see off their comrades in arms, none of them will forget the same robe, These people deserve the most lovely and respectable people! It is because of them that humanity will not perish and China will definitely be rebuilt!

"Get off! We can carry as many ammunition as we can, and we can carry as many guns as we can. We chase the big troops!" Hu Hao issued tears to everyone, the supply vehicle had been destroyed, and Song Jun and others The car can't hold so many people, so walking is inevitable.

The ghost killer ran fast, but Chu Xiang was furious, and he was chased even more by the fan of the bone wing. He vowed that his friends would never allow anyone to hurt! But now the ghost killer kills several friends in front of him, Chu Xiang's heart is bleeding. This time, even if he is exhausted, he will kill the ghost killer!

The ghost killer is very depressed. He thinks that with his own strength and the help of countless zombies, how many soldiers to kill is not easy, and he doesn't even need to move a finger at all, but now the four diamonds he finally cultivated are over. Alas, and he was seriously injured under the care of four masters in conjunction with the negligence. The invisibility is definitely impossible. Even the speed has been greatly affected. How can he not face the winged monster as his opponent, but Now there is nothing but fleeing and fleeing, hoping to keep his life alive again.


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