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Chapter 207: X Twelve Bases

Chu Xiang didn't know how far he had run. He crossed the Great Wall, entered the desert, and saw the grasslands. He even forgot how long he had been chasing. The dust storm had long since disappeared. The ghost killer in front of him was getting farther and farther. Chu Xiang knew that on his own The speed can not surpass him, and the other party relies on its super evolution to recover a little bit in the process of running, but Chu Xiang has reached the end of the strong bow, originally only by a heart of anger, now The strength has slowly receded.

The ghostly killer's shadow eventually disappeared at the end of the grassland, and the blood on his ground was getting lighter and lighter until eventually there was no more. Chu Xiang was anxious and tired, ran, rushed, and fell to the grass, then lost consciousness His power has never been so thorough as this time, and it is a loss of power to describe it in terms commonly used on batteries.

I do n’t know how long this loss has taken place. When Chu Xiang regains consciousness, he is already lying in a tent, and the singing outside is loud. Hearing the voice is not Han, has this reached Mobei? Chu Xiang was wondering. He tried to exercise a bit. It was very good. It seemed to be more powerful than before. Is it trying hard to promote the development of physical fitness? Improved physical recovery after evolution?

It ’s a pity that Bai Xiaowei stayed with Zhang Jingyao at the Beijing base this time. Otherwise, she can help her detect it. She has been staying in the B-level lieutenant colonel without any movement. After this war, she ran full-force and virtually promoted her physical fitness. The conditions have been created. Presumably, there is now a level of a large university, is it not invincible? Chu Xiang himself was thinking with excitement in his heart, and then compared He E, Ghost Killer, and Brain Controller with the ability to evolve human beings, he found that he could not be better than a class A university. However, Bai Xiaowei's evolution theory was only formulated to a class a university. It seems that she should discuss this matter with her. Will she stop evolution or continue to strengthen her strength?

"Uncle, are you awake?" A little-year-old boy opened his tent and walked in. His voice was not as unfamiliar as the song outside. He seemed to be a Han, but it was a little different.

"Well, my friend. Hello, may I ask where is this? Did you save me? I want to say thank you sincerely."

The little boy came to Chu Xiang with a bowl of goat milk. He handed the bowl to Chu Xiang, and said, "Drink, uncle, my strength is small, it is grandma who brought you back from the grassland. You are unconscious, this It ’s always been my time to feed you goat milk, and Dad said he would n’t leave a name for doing good deeds.

Chu Xiang is very grateful: "But I still want to thank your children, thank you and your life-saving grace, but have I been in a coma for so long? I thought it was only a while."

The little boy said, "Yeah, you've been having a fever this day. Fortunately, you're woke up all right. Otherwise, my goat's milk will not be fed for free. Drink it quickly. It's cold and has a fishy smell."

Chu Xiang smiled, really childish, he took the bowl and drank a bowl of goat milk. Since it has been drinking for days, even if this goat's milk has a t virus mutation, you are not afraid, but it's strange here, isn't the t virus affected, why is there still goat milk? In addition, he had a fever in the comatose sky from the past experience. You can be sure that your physical fitness is definitely enhanced. This is a good thing and it is worth the joy.

After wiping his mouth and returning the bowl to the little boy, Chu Xiang said in a hurry and went out to see the situation. What did the ghost killer run to this desert north? Seeing that he is not Chinese, is he Russian? Lao Mao has always regarded Outer Mongolia as their colony. This should be the border between China and Mongolia. It is not uncommon for a few Russian ghosts.

To be honest, Chu Xiang didn't know what the Russians should look like. Although he also read the earth. But now he can't tell the difference between Europeans and Americans. He can only distinguish white and black men. This is really because of lack of knowledge. Every day, he let a few foreigners dangle in front of his eyes and promised to be familiar.

Get out of the tent and take photos. Chu Xiang's heart was sweet with the smell of grass. Look around and look around. Greenland prairie seems to be connected with the sky and the earth. People can not help but give birth to the meaning of empty pride. Even if there is something that can't be held back. You can relax now. For Chu Xiang, who has been immersed in grief. It is really a good place to soothe the soul. It is true that soldiers must revenge. But I have to live. Only better to live. In order to kill all those hairs. The ends of the earth will be cut!

"Boy. You are awake. I thought you couldn't pass it." A vicissitudes sounded behind Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang immediately returned from the prairie in the desert. A woman in her fifties stood behind him. He also held a leather whip. Obviously dressed in national costume. Obviously this is already in Inner Mongolia or beyond.

"Hello." Chu Xiang solemnly thanked the old man. "My name is Chu Xiang. Thank you for saving my life. Otherwise, I will not starve to death on the grassland. I will let the beasts eat it."

The old man smiled kindly: "Nothing. It's just a hand-raising job. At that time you were lying unconscious on the grassland. You thought you had almost got the strange disease and almost cut off your land. My name is Li Mei. I am a Han. This grassland has been for many years. This is my grandson. His name is Wang Xiaoyang. Both parents were lost in the illness. You are a survivor who has fled from the mainland. There is a large population. The strange disease is definitely more serious. Hey ... .... "

Li Mei should really be Han. No matter her style or language. However, her grandson Wang Lamb has certain characteristics of aliens. May be born of intermarriage.

Chu Xiang did not expect that he was almost cut off his head. It seems that the virus did not affect the place. The government report said that only the southern part of the north is not affected by the virus, so the survival of the t virus is temperature-limited. The time of the riots is in the winter of the northern hemisphere. The higher the latitude of the northern hemisphere, the colder the place is, and the lighter it is affected by t virus.

High-latitude countries such as Russia will have a large number of remaining populations due to Wen's reasons. Moreover, Russia has a large population and a low population density. As long as the early airborne infection is escaped, the damage to survivors such as t1 and t2 will be less severe.

However, there is also a disadvantage of having more surplus population. That is, it will definitely consume more food land. Let's not talk about whether new grain is planted. If you look at the northern battle during this period, the plants will also be affected by t virus , So what will grow from the next grain of wheat is really unknown.

At present, the survival of human beings in the world depends only on the storage of the previous world. Once the food reserves in the places where they live are exhausted. So if you want to continue to survive, there is only one way to plunder outwards! Only by avoiding the period of t virus's impact on the plant kingdom, and after the new species have stabilized, can humans truly escape the food crisis.

Chu Xiang quickly thought about these problems in his mind, then he pointed at the distant flock and said, "Li Dazhen. He has also been infected by the t virus, but it seems to have little effect on the grassland. At least those cows and sheep outside are fine, and the growth of the grass is normal. I still drink goat milk these days to maintain my life. "

Li Mei said: "Who said it didn't matter? My sons and daughters-in-law were all killed in that strange disease. I fled with my grandchildren all night long. The herds of cattle and sheep were found far away from us. It ’s all gone crazy, no sheep. How can we live in the future, now all hope is on them, I hope they don't get sick again. I also hope that Xiao Sun can live a healthy and healthy life. "

"Run away?" Chu Xiang was a little puzzled. Why didn't the mutant creatures stay in the grassland and continue to make troubles. Do they know that the wide grassland is not suitable for people? However, from the current situation, animals, plants, and humans also have a certain immunity value, when their immunity value reaches a certain high. t virus cannot infect them.

The immunity value is very important for ordinary humans to escape the early airborne infection of the t virus. It is useless for a person to look at the appearance alone. Some of the five thickest Chinese look like they are powerful, and they have strong muscles and fast nerve response. It ’s not low, but it ’s low immunity, so you ca n’t avoid airborne infection with t virus. Some elderly people, do n’t look at the slowness of movement. But the immunity value is high enough. So they can escape the airborne infection of the t virus.

Li Mei said: "Yes, I ran away. It seems like there is no trace disappearing overnight. Originally, Sun and I had to hide and hide, but later we found that they had disappeared, so we dared to come out of this neighborhood, and finally We have only found these surviving cattle and sheep, and fortunately we have them, or we will starve to death, and after another year and a half, they have bred enough offspring and maybe life will gradually improve. "

Wang Xiaoyang said in a loss: "My little red horse also ran away. I like it so much. It's gone now. My heart is so uncomfortable. Uncle, can you help me find it?"

"Little red horse?" Chu Xiang laughed: "Okay, if your uncle comes across it, he will help you find it. By the way, is there a lot of humans around Li Dazhen?"

Li Mei said: "Two or two are still there, just so many people used to graze together, and now such a large grassland can't even touch a living person after walking for two days, and I always feel insecure."

Chu Xiang asked again, "Dali Li, do you know any foreigners are here? For example, they run like gusts of wind, and people can't even see the shadows."

Li Mei said: "Foreigners and monsters haven't seen it, but from here to the north is a short mountain range. I used to hear the pastoral people there before saying that there are many foreigners there, and those foreigners are very vicious. They go to graze around, and they often hurt the shepherds, saying that the border has been crossed there, and the Chinese are not allowed to go. "

Chu Xiang said, "Li Dazhen, thank you for your life-saving grace. I think I'm leaving, and I will repay you for your life-saving grace if I have the chance."

Li Mei said: "Boy, where are you going? There are no people here for dozens of miles, and there may be crazy cows and sheep. We have also seen groups of crazy people. You ca n’t just run around. I will die. "

Chu Xiang said: "Thank you for reminding me, but Li Dazhen has something to do. Since there are foreigners in front of me, then I want to go and see. Rest assured, I will avoid those crazy people."

Seeing that Liu Xiang could not be retained, Li Mei could only say, "Well, I'll prepare some dry food for you. You haven't eaten for a few days, you must need it."

Wang Xiaoyang sent Chu Xiang out of the tent. It was the day when he fed Chu Xiang with high fever to drink goat milk. This gave him a bit of a lonely life. Now, seeing that Xiang Xiang had to leave as soon as he woke up, he was reluctant. Dot reddish brown. "

Chu Xiang touched Wang Xiaoyang's head and said, "Okay, uncle must help you pay attention."

There are many military bases on the China-Mongolia border, most of which were assisted by Mongolia during the Cold War. The base code x12 is one of them. Because it is located in a short mountain range, which is a favorable terrain for the endless grassland, this base has been built into one of the largest bases on the border between China and Mongolia, and its strategic reserves are abundant.

After Russia withdrew from Mongolia, these bases were once taken over by the Mongolian army, but now it is back to its masters. A group of grizzly bears from Siberia reopened the base. They needed weapons, food, and a more conducive space.

The materials of the x12 base can meet their requirements, but people's greed is endless. The new general of the base, Matvi, is still planning to include more food resources into its scope. In order to achieve this, he must Expansion of your own troops and sites, and expansion requires support from a lot of equipment. At the moment, there is a fierce discussion in the meeting room about the penalties for Yakov's failure to go to China to find the adhesive.

Division Chief Mikhail said: "General, f-adhesive plays a decisive role in establishing a strong line of military defense on the grasslands. It is more important for us to move south to find rich food resources, so I think that Yakov is negligent. , He disrupted all your general deployment. He should be severely punished. "

Sergei, the head of the base ’s section, said: "This is not the fault of Yakov, but the opponent is terrible. We have all seen the experiments of Yakov's invisible shell. Normal ground bombs are difficult to penetrate. Now Yakov is seriously injured and At the same time, he also told the story. There are more powerful evolutionaries in China, and this is not something he can deal with alone. "

Chief of Staff Andre said: "But he has guaranteed a foolproof mission, and we have given him the latest t-virus transforming genes for his use. He alienated tens of thousands of zombies to fight, but in the end he was left alone. This is really impossible. Tolerate mistakes. "

Sergei, the head of the Section, said: "I admit that Yakov made a major mistake. He should not attack the troops. Instead, he should capture the two Chinese families back home, but encountered a sandstorm. He did not know the two. Where did the famous families go? Later, when they met the Chinese troops, he thought that the two families were hiding in the troops. Therefore, he launched an attack, but who knows that ordinary soldiers are hiding masters, and he failed.

Andre said loudly: "He should have succeeded when he was in the Beijing base, but he destroyed the valuable f-adhesive! He is just a rice bucket. If he can't get f-adhesive, he should make it The arrester returned, but now he has not done anything! So he must be punished! "

Sergei stood up and argued loudly: "Evolution in Beijing base is even more doubling. Yakov said that someone would send out ultrasound waves. His invisible shell couldn't withstand the shock of the ultrasound waves, so he didn't dare to shoot. The two families wanted to leave the Beijing base, so he was deploying troops to intercept along the way, but the dust storm disrupted his plan. He lost his target and was only injured by the Chinese evolutionary. "

Division Chief Mikhail said: "Sergey, you mean that Yakov is incomparable and successful, so how will the next plan of the general be implemented?"

Sergei said: "Jakov is an evolutionary that I supported in one hand. I cannot allow you to hurt him easily, but the general's plan is of course extremely important. Since we cannot implement the step-by-step advancement plan, we can directly plunder Across the grasslands and then set up food supply bases in China's inland cities. "

General Matve said: "Did Sergey treat the Chinese as non-existent? You can say that you are an idiot in military matters. If we advance alone, we will soon be eaten by the Chinese, let alone They said they looted food from their big cities. "

Sergei said: "China is severely infected by the t virus. I believe that their troop strength is already seriously insufficient. Even if we go alone, they will not be able to cut off our retreat. Besides, are there still other Russian troops on the China-Mongolia border? , Let's unite, alienated zombies and iron armored tanks. Definitely can sweep the Central Plains within a week. "

Matt Wei snorted: "The idiots are satisfied with the status quo. They don't want to mess with the lion in China. We can only use less than four tanks. Once all of them are started, the consumption of diesel is also a day. Numbers, the x12 base is unbearable. "

Sergei said: "We can support the war. These tanks will refuel themselves after entering the Central Plains, grabbing food and fuel and then returning them to the base through the transport convoy, so we will be stronger and stronger. By the time the t virus is completely eliminated, by then we must be the most powerful organization in the world. What do we want?

Mattvi seemed to be a little emotional. He asked the division chief and chief of staff: "What's your opinion? I don't think we can really sit back and eat. We must do something."

Division Chief Mikhail said: "We obey the command of the general, but China has always behaved unexpectedly. Although their strength is not visible now, what if they deliberately hide their strength and lead us to the hook?"

Sergei said: "We have collected 20,000 zombies. Their alienation work has been completed. Ten high-level zombies have also evolved. Although Yakov took to China to execute the mission and died, there are still seven Name, let these seven high-level zombies command 20,000 alienated zombies with no capital, that is, 50,000 soldiers are not their opponents. Besides, all countries in the world, except for the capital and several major cities. Which base can have What about the defense of 50,000 troops? So they want to set traps to attract us to this hook. "

Matve nodded and said: "From the battle situation brought back by Yakov, the alienated zombies are indeed quite powerful, and the same number of troops are by no means their opponents. This is where you have the greatest credit for Sergei, and you can actually get from the mutant t virus. Refining the potion of alienated zombies, as long as a shot is given to ordinary zombies, they will be alienated into long-haired zombies with a certain wisdom and strength, as long as we firmly control the high-level collars in these long-haired zombies, then It is equivalent to controlling a large force. "

Sergei said modestly: "It all depends on the strong support of the general. Otherwise, my research will not be successful. Only Yakov can control the hairy corpses, so I think that his punishment is still exempt. Now, we can give him a chance to redeem his guilt, and let him bring the alienated zombies to the Iron Armed Forces. At that time, he will supplement the corpse source for the alienated zombies. Maybe this zombies can go all over the world alone. . "

With a wave of ambition, Matvey said: "Yes, just do what you want. Although Sergei can rest assured to do your experiments. How many living people are needed. I will ask people to find them for you, as long as Our next step is to alienate mutant creatures. Their strength will be several times stronger than the alienated zombies. At that time, we will be able to sweep through the world's food resources. As long as we have sufficient food, we will survive with high immunity. Who are they afraid of, or what t virus! "

Everyone sent himself to kneel and shouted a few words for Matvi, and Sergey was praised and excited. He was a biologist. He used to do experiments with mice, but now it ’s so good. What experiment directly takes a living person and wants a woman? Most of the survivors from the looting are women, and they promise to keep you from repeating every night. Want gold? There are so many mountains in the base, how much do you like to take, and you want the best experimental environment? Let him use the equipment in the most advanced laboratories in Russia. What does the government dare say? The government is now overwhelmed.

In a good situation, Mikhail and Andrei did not dare to oppose it. However, Chief of Staff Andrei carefully raised his doubts, "General, what about the Chinese evolutionaries? Will they interfere? Our march plan, in the event that Yakov and the seven high-level alienated zombies are killed, we will lose the zombie army, and maybe they will be back bitten by that time. "

Matve rubbed his forehead and said, "Yeah, this is a big loophole. What can you do to solve it, Sergey?"

Sergei said, "General, this problem is not without solution. First of all, we must strengthen the protection of Yakov, at least we must wait for his body to recover before revoking his protection, as long as his injury is cured. You can enter stealth again. As long as he does not take the initiative, he is not afraid of any evolutionary. As long as he exists, he can control the alienated zombie collar, so that he is not afraid of losing the zombie army. Second, we will keep seven zombie collars. Participate in the battle, so that even if there is an accident, all five zombies will die. We have spares, and we are not afraid of the zombie army.

Matvi said happily, "Okay, this plan is good, but we can't rely on Yakov. In the long run, this is equivalent to let Yakov control the zombie army, Sergey, is there any other evolution? Why not let them participate in the war together, one person controls a zombie collar. One is to spread the workload, and the other is to restrain Yakov from letting him develop his power. It is not that we do n’t believe in Yakov, but we have to guard against it. Presumably you understand that. "

Sergei said: "General, we also have a bearman. A werewolf, a windrunner, an x-eye, a deformer, but their current evolution is not perfect, although bearmen and werewolves can always Deformed, but their combat effectiveness is insufficient; windrunners rely on controlling air convection to create storms, and their lethality is maintained within a limited range; x-eye is only suitable for perspective, and has no fighting power at all; deformer's body can deform at will, It takes a long time to recover after the second transformation. It is also not suitable for participating in the war. If you force them to the battlefield at this time, it will be easily hurt by the Chinese evolutionaries. This is not good for our future development. "

Mattwei said: "There are still so many problems. When can we develop and grow up? You are the head of the department. You must think of a solution immediately. I don't want to wait until the food is consumed before considering this problem."

Sergei said, "General, our troops are already the most powerful one in East Asia. Other troops have less than half of us to find the land evolvers, and our strength is not as strong as ours. Moreover, we have found a way to make zombies as cannon fodder. This is even more incomparable to other forces. "

Matvi told Sergey that he was in a good mood, and he laughed, "Yes, yes, the old guy from Vasily showed me that he found a magnetic controller, but his army evolved in two. Compared with us. He doesn't even count a fart. Let's go and see how the biological alienation works. I am looking forward to the future results. "

Sergei hurried to lead in the front, Andrei and Hamiyir followed, left the meeting room, the four went straight to the huge underground laboratory, and a group of pigs, horses, cattle and sheep was held in a tightly sealed house. Together, there are a group of tigers, lions, crocodile monkeys and the like. Anyway, they are already mutated animals, and they look more lively than in the zoo.

Matvi asked Sergei: "What do you want to do when you keep them together? Is this helpful for research? Or do you plan to collect tickets to earn some extra money."

Sergey said: "Of course it is helpful, general. I believe in the law of natural elimination. Humans have actively chosen to evolve when facing the t-virus threat, and this group of mutant organisms will definitely evolve when they face life and death. Allowing them to wander in the outer grasslands does not have a great effect on their evolution. Now that they are locked together, you will have the possibility of eating me and eating you, so that they will force themselves to produce rapid evolution. I think In addition to the increase in strength, they may also produce a great deal of wisdom. In the end, I will select the strong to study and analyze their genes, and then try to use their genes to transform other mutant organisms, and finally all mutant organisms. It's also in our hands, just like we are gradually controlling the zombies of the entire world. "

Matvi is particularly happy today, and he laughed again and again: "Yes, yes, this research project must speed up the process, we have fewer soldiers at hand, so we need to make more use of zombies and mutants. The mutant creatures have almost been collected by us, and it is time for us to expand the field. Unfortunately, the adhesive has not been obtained, otherwise our plan is absolutely foolproof. "

The crowds were fighting in the Kung Fu Lab that was talking outside. In fact, there were already many animal remains on the ground. Presumably they were just tired and they were resting. Now the arrival of the crowds stimulated them to eat, so the two parties started again. Life and death fight.

When Matvi saw such a lively scene, he did not leave in a hurry. The guard moved to the chair. He sat outside and drank tea to watch it ~ ~ These mutant creatures were all fierce and anomalous. There was a world-changing feeling. Andrea and Mikhail looked pale. If these monsters ran outside, they were afraid that no one except the certain evolutionaries could match.

Sergei explained to Matvi, "General, our experiments have actually been carried out. They are the best of the last species selected. For example, the sheep looks good, but it has been swallowed. After ten mutant companions, let ’s look at that bull again. It picked five bulls that were bigger than it and finally got into the final. If you look at that monkey again, we managed to gather fifteen. It turned out to be short. Kill other companions in a few minutes. "

Matve pointed to the room and said, "Don't say those I hate. I like the bay horse, which is very powerful. Does it also look like a mutant horse?"

Sergei said: "The general really has good eyesight. When it comes to this bay horse, I gave it a nickname called flame. Don't look at it now, people and animals are standing side by side innocently, but once it fires, there are many variations The animal is not its opponent, but it defeats and devours its own companion, and its power is quite amazing. "

Mattvi said in surprise: "Oh, what else is happening? What is it capable of?"


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