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Chapter 208: Magic red horse

Sergey said: "At present, it is very fast. I don't think Yakov is an opponent, but I didn't dare to put it into the real external environment to experiment, so I don't dare to conclude this matter. It You can also stand with two hind hooves like a human, and the two front hooves can be inserted into the enemy's chest like a steel knife. Its horse skin is hard. We tried to bombard it with a cannon, but it survived unharmed. It is truly amazing. "

Mattvich happily stood up: "Is there such a magic? Monsters that ca n’t be killed by machine guns aren't harder than alienated zombies, and their speed is not weaker than Yakov. If you can tame it as a mount, It's not much more comfortable than a car. "

Sergei said: "The general's consideration really is long-term, but this bay horse is tough, especially after the mutation is unwilling to convince others. Besides, its ability in other aspects is unknown, I'm afraid it's difficult to tame it. In case it is difficult to suppress its nature, it will be very troublesome. "

Matve said excitedly: "Hurry up and anger it and let it kill other mutant animals. I want to see what else it can do. We have so many evolvers. Let them work together and I ca n’t believe it. I rode on such a majestic mutant horse to meet the aristocrats in Moscow, and I think they would scare their farts and urinate to me and bow down. "

Sergei told the assistant: "Do what the General said."

The assistant entered the control room, and a long, charged iron bar was extended from the top of the laboratory. The bay horse was standing disdainfully watching the mutant animals as you tore me to death. Suddenly its back was damaged. At the time of the electric shock, his forefoot was raised high and hissed.

Sergei opened the communicator and said, "Increasing the current caused it to kill. The general didn't have the patience to wait."

A big spark exploded on the bay horse. The bay horse was erected by the electric horse hair roots. Suddenly a flying maggot erected in the air, and the charged iron bar that protruded from the high roof was pulled from the root by it. Bite it off!

Matvi was excited again. "Amazing, you can jump so high, it's not like flying! And its teeth are very strong, and the thick iron bar of the thumb snaps effortlessly. It's a well-deserved reputation."

Sergei deliberately wanted to appear in front of Matvi, and he instructed his assistant: "Shoot it with the largest caliber shell."

Sergey's assistant acted as instructed, pulling a few gun holes from the wall, and the cannons exploded inside. Small caliber shells hit the bay horse, although it didn't break its body, but it kept going backwards, and the intense pain made the bay horse unbearable. Suddenly it ran quickly in the laboratory of round-shaped mutant creatures. At the beginning, the bullet can still chase the bay horse and continue to shoot, but soon the shooter can't see the track of the bay horse running. There are shadows everywhere. I don't know which is true or false, and a whirlwind is also in bay. Where the horse ran, some small mutants like monkeys couldn't stand. They were drawn into the whirlwind and pulled towards the wall. Some unfortunate people were smashed into their heads. This shows how powerful this whirlwind is.

Matvey has stayed. "What does it, it do? Is this speed still a horse? The plane is not so fast."

Andre whispered in Matve's ear: "General. This horse is weird. It's better not to keep it. Otherwise we can't tame and hurt ourselves."

Sergei pointed his ears. He immediately objected: "Comrade Andre. I disagree with you. There are many mutant animals that we cannot tame in the outside world. Can you kill them all? We cannot stop researching because of fear. That said How can we always be one step ahead. This is where we start fighting the world again with Americans. If the first step is not dare to take it. How to overpower Americans in the future. "

Mikhail said: "Sergey. This horse runs so fast. And its terrific nature. Are you sure to subdue it. In case of injury to the general. Can you bear this responsibility?"

Sergei patted his chest and said, "I can bear the responsibility. This laboratory is entirely cast of reinforced concrete. Even if the ground-drilling missiles come over, it will have to be repeated a dozen times to penetrate. The bulletproof glass is even thicker. Fifty centimeters. No problem with artillery bombardment. "

boom. Everyone thought that artillery was really bombarding bulletproof glass for experiments. But Sergei himself was surprised. Everyone knew that it wasn't the shell that was experimenting. boom. There was another loud noise. A crack appeared in the so-called 50-centimeter-thick artillery shell.

Booming, Matvey fell back in two steps and fell to the ground. The cracks in the bulletproof glass were bigger, like a big mouth mocking Sergey. He patted his chest to ensure that his hands had not been lowered. Now there are creatures from It was hitting bulletproof glass, and it seemed to be successful, it was like a slap on Sergey's face.

Andre was pleased in his heart, and said Sergey, you thought you knew something, and you fumbled in front of the general every day. This time, how can you quibble? If you release a few mutant creatures, then the base will look good At that time, I ca n’t say that you ca n’t guarantee this life!

When Matvi saw Sergei standing stupidly, he got up from the ground and shouted, "Sergey! Explain it to me!"

boom! The sound is louder, and the crack has a feeling of breaking. At this time, everyone can see clearly that it was the bay horse that hit the bulletproof glass. Because it runs fast, its impact power is amazing, and it is not insignificant. With a large-caliber artillery shell, from this point, we can see how hard the bay bone is, and it will leave by the counterattack force, so everyone didn't know why at the beginning.

Sergey was awakened by a loud roar of Matve, and he hurriedly issued a command: "Alert immediately, electrocut it, shoot it, bearmen, werewolves, deformers, all of you to help me out!"

Sergei knew that ordinary bullets were useless to the bay horse, so he didn't launch a guard, and Yakov, who was most likely to deal with the bay horse, was injured, and now he has to rely on several other evolvers. I hope they don't let themselves down, or Matteve loses face in front of him, and the future will be difficult.

Several evolvers rushed out of their rooms and ran to Sergey, and finally, a loud noise. The bayonet horse finally broke through the bulletproof glass and shot like a swift arrow. Matteve was too late to escape, he could only Hiding behind the evolutionists, I hope they can subdue the bay horse.

"Well ..." The bearmen and werewolves yelled at the same time and began to deform, their bodies arched forward and their mouths protruded. The face began to be covered with fluff, and there was also on the back of the hand, and the fingernails also extended a long length outward. The windrunner began to create a storm circle around it, hoping to spin all the mutant creatures into the circle and deform it. The other two hands extended to protect everyone tightly.

After the bay horse broke through the bulletproof glass and ran out, it bumped into Matvey without stopping. Maybe it really evolved wisdom. I saw that this guy was n’t a good bird. If it was because he wanted to see the experimental progress, did the bay horse suffer from such a large crime of land, let people call it, and beat it with a cannon, although It can't be killed, but it really hurts when hitting the body.

The Bearman and the Werewolf loyally guarded the Lord, and the two of them rushed towards the bay horse, banging. Two loud noises, the two were kicked off as soon as they came in contact with the bay horse, and they just fell on the wall and sprayed blood. However, the evolutionists are different. If it were ordinary humans, they had long died, but they immediately got up and attacked the bay horse again.

The bay horse was hindered by the werewolf and the bearman, and the speed was not as fast as when it was accelerated in the laboratory. Two of its hind heels were held by the bearman and the werewolf, and the horse fell and fell to the ground after the hindfoot was lost. Deformers can take advantage of it when they see it. He immediately entangled the bay horse with two long hands, and Windrunner was afraid that the storm would affect his own people, so he hid aside and did not attack.

Hi, hey, the werewolf and the bear were facing a craze on the belly of the bay horse. The bay horse was blowing blood on the nose. It seems that no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to deal with so many evolvers alone. In this narrow place, it The maximum ground speed advantage cannot be brought into play, and it can only be slaughtered by anyone at a time.

call. Another goat was scooped out of the broken bulletproof glass port. It was the seemingly kind and actually vicious guy that Sergey had just touted, and a soldier wanted to stop it from approaching Matvi. The goat slammed on the soldier's face with four hoofs, and the goat's mouth, which seemed soft and bearded, tore off the soldier's cheek.

The sound of the machine gun sounded, the goat ran out of the other mutant creatures, and naturally they were unwilling to fall behind. Everyone was scrambling to drill out. Most of their skins were thick and ordinary rifle shells were difficult to deal with. , But still can't stop their offensive, the evolutionary can only give up the bay horse to busy other mutant creatures.

Matve's frightened complexion turned purple. He was tightly surrounded by a group of people, but the mutant creatures attacked quickly, and the soldiers quickly retreated. As a result, he knocked him down and made a large footprint on his face. Now that Matve has killed Sergey's heart, boasting that he can bear responsibility, now that his life is in danger, what is Sergey responsible for!

Andrei and Mikhail dragged Matve together. Under the protection of dozens of soldiers, they finally escaped from the laboratory. Clicking, angry and ashamed, Matve closed the large valve of the laboratory. In the rest of the soldiers, there was the unspeakable Sergei and the animals that were comparable to the zoo. They were tightly guarded. Andrei and Mikhail were happy, but still a little scared in their hearts. They were afraid that one day they made a mistake. Will be locked up like this.

Boom, suddenly a loud noise sounded around the crowd, and I saw that the wall of the laboratory with the iron plate phase was broken and a brown red shot from the hole, but it was not directed at Matvey, but again Accelerating along the corridor, banging, hitting the next wall again, and then continuing to accelerate outward, the base of this layer of defense finally let it slam into a life, everyone looked at the sturdy bay horse Disappeared at the end of the grassland.

Sergei's face was bruised, and he emerged from the broken laboratory wall. He told Matvi: "It hurts. I'll get him back."

Matve yelled: "Stop! You give me the research honestly. If this happens again in the future, you can rest assured that the person caged in the lab must be you!" Sergei knew He made an unforgivable mistake, and he didn't dare to say a half-headed rebuttal. He didn't dare to answer it until Mattwei asked him what the other mutant creatures were like. "Caught, the mutant creatures are far less capable than the bay horse. If it wasn't for other mutant creatures to make trouble, the werewolves and bearmen had just subdued the bay horse."

Sergei said: "I don't want to listen to this. The trouble is that you broke into the ground, you must be responsible for finding me the bay horse, otherwise you will find a way to make it for me to ride, otherwise you will be self-destructed. Find a subject like you. I believe it is not difficult. "

Sergey even said: "Yes, yes, the general is good at cursing, I will never dare to make the same mistake in the future, then general, should I do research or catch a bay horse?"

Mattvi yelled: "Do both! Hurry up and get me!"

On the grassland not far south of the x12 base. A bush of grass suddenly moved, then a man poked his head out of the grass, and he whispered, "Mountain Eagle, what's the situation with you?"

The grass also moved in the other direction, and another man leaned out his head and said, "Vulture, everything is fine with me."

The bald eagle said: "Don't call me a bald eagle, I said don't call this code, you can call me a wild eagle."

Shan Ying said: "No, this is the code assigned by the company commander. Our time is up. Let's close the job."

They looked around for a few moments, and when they saw nothing, they got up from the grass, and then patted the dirt on their bodies and went south with their rifles. The bald eagle said, "Does it come to us every day to do lurking observations? If there is real hostility on the border, then who do we report to?"

The mountain eagle pulled out the magazine and blew the blades of grass inside, and then slammed the helmet again. It was sure that there was no dust in it. Then he inserted it into the rifle with care. I am a soldier. The soldiers obey orders as their duty, and the company commander arranges for us to do what we do. "

It didn't take long for the two to meet the other lurking team members. The crowd merged into a team and pulled back. Someone asked the front: "Coachman, how long have we lost contact with the regiment? Haven't the officers returned yet? "

The company commander nodded heavily: "It seems that he is too fierce and young, and I don't think we need to sacrifice comrades anymore, we will stick here. Until the new replacement troops arrive."

Someone said, "The company commander. What can we do with a total of ten people, what is happening in this world. Are we going to go back and take a look?"

The company commander resolutely said, "No! No one is allowed to leave this border line without a withdrawal order! I must die on the sentry even if I die!"

After hearing this, the atmosphere was dull for a while. Shanying said to the soldier who said just now: "Yes, Chen Gang, have you forgotten how to sing in the song? There are half of you and half of me in the military medals. The frontiers are on duty, and the family is vigorously launching a zombie movement. When the social order is restored in the future, we are all heroes. It is not a piece of cake to get a few military medals. "

The soldier named Chen Gang was named Sun, and he was grateful: "Thank you He Shan, you don't need to comfort me, I just worry about the family members, but the company commander is right, who told us to be a soldier? Since I chose this In military uniform, since we have the gun, I think we have to fulfill our responsibilities to the end, but company commander, we have run out of food at the outpost, what will we eat tonight? "

The real name of the condor is Yang Shaoyang. He said, "Yes, company commander, but we strictly follow your instructions. A fly from the north has not been let go, but now we can't find even a fly. Green grass, I personally have no opinion. I just don't know if our stomachs can be recognized or not. If you bring a cow stomach out of the army, you won't be afraid. "

The company commander was Ding Yishan, and he said seriously: "You guys do n’t talk to me. Since we ca n’t contact the large troops and we ca n’t evacuate without permission, we will focus on solving food sources in addition to patrols. Look at what can be dug out of the ground. When the Red Army crossed the grass, the blades of grass and grass had been eaten. What are we afraid of? The mountains and grass are all grass. "

He Shan took out the saber, and he squatted down on the ground and said, "Let's dig and go back to the outpost. If we are lucky, maybe we can find a mouse. Then we roast it on the fire, and the oil stains must come straight. It's delicious. "

Yang Shaoyang pumped He Shan and said, "You are ill. Only real eagles eat rats. Be careful of plague. Now there are crises step by step. You'd better not eat anything or you will not starve to death. Poisoned. "

He Shandong digs the west, and everyone knows that dinner is the only way to solve it. One after another took out the saber to search for edible plants. He Shan told Yang Shaoyang: "What do you know, mouse meat has been eaten by many people in China, and even some restaurants also specialize in this dish. You said that we people are hiding After the germs that make people crazy, this plague is still scared of it, let alone being poisoned is better than starvation. "

Wow, a whirlwind suddenly passed by the crowd, and the wind was so urgent that it slammed He Shan, the nearest one. Lying on the grass, He Shan shouted with a bayonet while stabbing, "I lean, I lean, what?"

Yang Shaoyang faintly saw a red object flashing in front of him, he pulled up the bolt and chased, "It's a big red fly!"

Company commander Ding Yishan waved his pistol to everyone: "Chasing! We have sworn together that we will never let a fly fly across the line of defense, we must do it now!"

He Shan rose from the ground. He ran behind Yang Shaoyang and asked, "Vulture, are you sure it's a fly, isn't it the fly?"

Yang Shaoyang said: "I just think it seems to be flying, so I casually say it is a fly, maybe a bison."

He Shanzhang arrived in front of Yang Shaoyang: "Follow me, there is a bison in front of me. Grab it, and we will stew the beef soup and beef tonight!"

In fact, no one knew what had just flown just now, but it was just encouraging each other, and for a long time they could not eat enough. Panic is too tired to walk, if you can't find some spiritual motivation, how can you catch up. No matter what it is, one thing is certain. Something just crossed the border just now. If you don't know what it is, no one should sleep peacefully tonight.

It is said that Chu Xiang headed north after leaving the Li Meidi tent. Although his mood was not as angry as before he was exhausted, but his determination to kill the ghost killer was never shaken. He felt money was meaningless to him now. As for talking about being a hero and being a great man, he never even thought about it. He believes that people do n’t offend me, not offenders. If they offend me, they will offend!

The ghost killer wants to control the zombies, Chu Xiang can ignore it, the ghost killer wants f adhesive, Chu Xiang can even ignore it, but Yu Hai and others treat him as a friend, and even Hai ignores his arthritis on the day of the sandstorm Give up the military coat to Fang Yuxuan at night. This moved Chu Xiang very much. I already recognized them as friends in my heart, and those friends turned up the ghost killer to kill four in a while. How can Chu Xiang not be angry, even if you drill into a bunker one kilometer deep, I have to use teeth to turn you out!

Chu Xiang was thinking as he walked, thinking about his anger, his speed was constantly accelerating. Suddenly, a flower bloomed in front of him, and then it seemed like two high-speed cars collided. The sound was a little shocking. Chu Xiang's blood surged almost on the spot What the **** is going on here, I did n’t see anything, so why did I crash? Is it a ghost killer?

Once Chu Xiang gave birth to this vigilant heart, he would never doubt anymore. Only the ghost killer can make his vision indistinguishable, and only the speed of the ghost killer can produce the impact that just hit. There is a red figure in front of him. When he broke out, Chu Xiang thought that the ghost killer was about to run, and at his terrifying speed, it would be difficult to find if he ran away or went into stealth, so Chu Xiang jumped up and hugged him without hesitation!

The guy shook a little, but Chu Xiang refused to let go, and then the guy didn't resist anymore, but Saya ran, and this run Chu Xiang was a little bit embarrassed. This was a rocket ride because it was fast The friction with the air made Chu Xiang unable to open his eyes. The only thing he could feel was that the ghost killer's body seemed to be different, the neck was very thick and long, the **** seemed to be very heavy outward, and the body was like Hairy zombies are just as furry.

Chu Xiang wanted to take his life while he was ill, but the ghost killer did not wait for him to make a bone spur, and Chu Xiang almost gave up. He couldn't think of any trick but to clasp the ghost killer's neck again. Now, Chu Xiang was about to use a bone knife to cut off the ghost killer's neck. Suddenly, the ghost killer had an emergency brake. Chu Xiang was too late to guard. He yelled to fall out by inertia, and the thump fell on a tent. By the way, the top of the tent was broken and Chu Xiang slipped in.

"Uncle, why are you back again, why not go through the door, what if the tent breaks down and sleep at night?"

Chu Xiangjue's voice is very familiar. The wind no longer blows. The eyes hurt. He reluctantly looked in the past. I do n’t know. Is n’t this just breaking up with Wang Xiaoyang? Why did he run back again and walk through the heavenly gate? Bad, every evolutionary encounter is a master who is difficult to deal with.

Chu Xianghu jumped up and pulled Wang Lamb behind him, "Lamb, be careful! There are killers outside!"

"Yeah ..." Wang Xiaoyang suddenly burst into tears when he heard the voice, "Uncle, it's my little red horse, it's my little red horse! I can recognize its voice, it's it back, thank you uncle, it must be your help Let me find it! "

The king rushed out of the tent desperately, but Chu Xiang was a little embarrassed, but he followed him out, and there was no ghost killer outside the tent. He was clearly a brown-red healthy horse. Did he just collide with it and hold it? As soon as it flew back?

As soon as Chu Xiang recalled, he determined that both of them were moving at a fast speed, and their eyesight was naturally much weaker. Besides, it seemed that the little red horse was bleeding from the nose. So one person and one horse fainted and crashed into the car. Both of them reacted so quickly after the collision that Chu Xiang didn't even see who hit him. He mistakenly thought it was a ghost killer, so he jumped and hugged it.

Little Red Horse is intimately acquainted with Wang Xiaoyang ~ ~ But Chu Xiang does n’t look right at all. This should be a mutated horse, but it does n’t seem to hurt people. Miracle. The fact is once again Witnessed the miracle of life evolution.

The two walked outside the tent for a while, and Chu Xiang was surprised to find that the horse was not simple. It not only showed fast speed, but its strength, muscles and bones were beyond imagination. This is a BMW. , No less than the sweat of Guo Jing, if you ride it to chase the ghost killer, his speed is a fart, just do not know that Wang Xiaoyang would not be willing to lend to himself, do not leave tonight, stay See if there is a chance to talk to him.

Because of the damage to the tent, Chu Xiang slipped away and started repairing the tent for a while. Wang Xiaoyang took his little red horse to help below, and suddenly he heard several people stumbled and fell.

"Oh my mother, you're chasing it, Vulture, are you sure it came in this direction?"

"I am absolutely sure that it is coming in this direction. There is a tent here. I think we should go in and check the situation. In the event of a human being infected by a germ, we can easily solve it. If we can find food, it will be more All right."


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