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Chapter 209: Herders robbed

Wang Xiaoyang was scared to hear the outside voice. Chu Xiang jumped out of the tent and pulled Wang Xiaoyang behind him to protect him. Don't look at Wang Xiaoyang's young age, but he is Chu Xiang's little life-saving benefactor. If it weren't for him to feed Chu Xiang every day Chu Xiang may be starved to death, while Little Red Horse arched the king lamb with his nose, as if comforting him not to be afraid.

The door of the tent was opened, and two soldiers came in and saw two people and a horse standing in the room. They were obviously more surprised than the people in the room. The muzzle could not help pointing at Chu Xiang, and his fingers were tight. If you do n’t answer well, you will treat the person in front of you as a zombies. Although they are unwilling to do so, the lesson of blood tells them that they can only be killed by the zombies when they do n’t kill them. To kill the lives of infected comrades around is a tragic but compelling task.

"Who are you?" The two kept revising the muzzle sight, striving for a shot in the center of the head.

Chu Xiang was calm and authentic: "Shepherd."

The two soldiers' faces finally relaxed, and they took a long breath and lowered their guns and said, "Frighten us, if you don't speak again, you will shoot. Hello, we are soldiers at the border station. My name is He Shan. His name is Yang Shaoyang. How come you are here, and the area is also invaded by germs, are you all right? "

Wang Xiaoyang was still afraid of the two fighters with guns. He hid behind his back and didn't dare to show up. Chu Xiang patted his head to signal him not to be afraid. "It's all right, everything is fine at the border station. The two soldiers ordered Nodded: "We have sacrificed many comrades in arms, but so far the border station is still under control. It ’s just lack of food and no more food, I think we are going to starve to death. "

The two soldiers touched their belly. There was a look of help in their eyes, and Chu Xiang's face was red. The two soldiers probably regarded him as the owner of this tent, but he was still a guest. Of course, he didn't dare to take Li Meidi's things as gifts, So when you invited everyone to dinner, Chu Xiang didn't dare to say it. At this time, there was a lot of noise outside. He Shan said, "Our commander brought someone over. I will go out and see if there is a misunderstanding."

The company commander was Ding Yishan. Everyone was not difficult to get along with. Chu Xiang quickly became familiar with them. The soldiers had always been bold, and Chu Xiang did not speak kindly to them. Tell them directly that this tent is Wang Xiaoyang's house. He was only rescued through this place, so can you help everyone to wait for the host to speak.

The tent is actually very shabby, but foods like goat's milk and mutton are still available, and everyone keeps swallowing. Even the purpose of coming here is almost forgotten. Ding Yishan's political consciousness is very good. He told Chu Xiang: "We tracked an unknown object that crossed the border. I do n’t know if you have seen it. I guess its position should be Right here, it's so fast that we can't even see what it looks like. We only know it's red. "

Wang Xiaoyang jumped out in a hurry and said, "That's my little red horse. I don't allow you to hurt it!" Chu Xiang knew that trying to cover it would not be possible, and could only help explain: "You see the ground is not a UFO. But It is a fast running horse. I think it is a misunderstanding. You can see that the grass outside this tent is not fat. It probably went to the north to eat and eat during the day, so this misunderstanding was caused. "

Ding Yishan didn't believe it: "Little red horse? Well, this horse is indeed red, but how fast I came to the border station for so many days I have seen, so don't lie to me."

Wang Xiaoyang actually knows how fast a horse can run than Ding Yishan. At the beginning, he didn't believe what the speed of his rocket was, and the rocket could see clearly when he was flying, but his little red horse ran and you only saw one. The flame of the red group did not know what it was. Wang Xiaoyang had already witnessed it with his own eyes, so he said, "Do not believe I can let my uncle ride to you! It is really my little red horse."

Just now Chu Xiang wanted to ride a little red horse, but that horse was very human, only the king, and he was eager to try and stand.

Wang Xiaoyang hugged his little red horse and said, "Little red horse, little red horse, my uncle is a good man. Let him ride around, obediently. I will feed you grass in the evening."

Little Red Horse raised his head and howled, as if he had agreed to the request of the owner, so Chu Xiang jumped onto the horseback. This is Chu Xiang's first horseback ride. To be honest, he doesn't know what skills should be used for horseback riding, just use two Clamp the horse belly with your legs, hold the horse's neck with both hands, drive!

"Oh, saddle!" Wang Xiaoyang screamed at the back, but it was too late, and Little Red Horse stunned out, and everyone's eyes disappeared except for a red flame that disappeared into the sky.

Ding Yishan was terrified with other soldiers. Is such a horse still a horse? Are the aliens mistakenly throwing into the earth ’s aircraft, and it is estimated that their aircraft will also be at this speed. If they ride it, will the cape of the Tianshan Mountains in the north and south of the river be allowed to gallop? It ’s faster than flying, and you do n’t have to buy a ticket. It ’s fuel efficient. This kind of machine that uses grass as a fuel is practical in the doomsday world.

Alas, the flowers bloomed again in front of everyone, and the red flame turned back and stopped in front of everyone. The reason for inertia Chu Xiang fell out again. Without a saddle, he couldn't hold it tightly. Besides, he held it tight. He was afraid of hurting him. The red horse, but this time did not fall to the top of the tent, fluttered and fell to the ground. Although there was grass, the buttocks still hurt. This horse is no longer face-to-face. Wang Xiaoyang rode on it and stopped calmly, but changed himself. It seemed to be beaten a little disturbed by chicken blood.

Ding Yishan witnessed all this with his own eyes. He took the initiative to come forward and said, "We believe it. This is really a **** horse. God pen Ma Liang did not draw such a fetish. We are fortunate to witness this miracle. It is an honor. . "

Chu Xiang touched his **** and got up and laughed: "Ding Lianchang really loves to joke. The horse painted by Ma Liang is not red. You should compare it to the sweaty BMW of Heroes Guo."

The fighters responded loudly, and everyone started a discussion. And someone wants to come forward and touch the little red horse, and the little red horse hoof kicks the person aside, but fortunately it didn't hurt anyone. Otherwise, people who are afraid of kicking their stomachs are rotten. Everyone said that the **** beast really is a **** beast, how proud of it.

Li Mei, a grazing land not far away, rushed back here. Li Mei is a soldier who will not be afraid of border guards. She greeted everyone into the tent. Ding Yishan walked to Li Mei at the end and said to Li Mei: It ’s the case. We patrolled the prairie for a long time after those germs. We ran out of food. I would like to ask for your help. Of course, we will compensate you with equivalent currency. Nearby In this part, we have never been here, and no one else has the ability to do so elsewhere. We ca n’t ask for help. "

Li Mei said: "Ling Ding. The soldiers at the border station, we herders know, you can rest assured, as long as I have a bite, I will not make you hungry."

Ding Yishan said gratefully: "Thank you Li Li, thank you. Rest assured, even if we can't compensate you with money, we are not far from here, but it is more than an hour, I will send soldiers to help you graze sheep every day Grass, we all work together to get through the difficulties. "

In fact, there is really no food in Li Mei's home. Sheep cannot be killed every day. In that case, they will become extinct within a month. But goat milk can be squeezed every day. Ding Yishan meant to get some grass-roots bark and boil goat's milk, but he was not hungry, but how Li Mei was willing to treat everyone badly. That night, a sheep was killed to entertain everyone.

Smelling the scent of boiled mutton in the cauldron, He Shan quietly asked Ding Yishan, "Lianchang, do you say that we will not mutate when we eat these muttons?"

Ding Yishan whispered, "You dare to eat mouse meat. What are you afraid of?"

He Shandao: "Stop talking, but I still have a good question."

Chu Xiang listened clearly next to him, and he laughed: "Everyone can rest assured, I have checked the sheep of Li Zhiyang. His eyes are normal and there must be no mutation, but more or less their bodies will be affected by the t virus Impact, but it should not let us corpse change after eating, it may also enhance our physique, ha ha. "

"T virus?" It is obvious that the fighters lost contact with the large army and the fighters did not know the outside story.

Chu Xiang briefly explained to everyone that everyone knew what was happening in the outside world. The excitement originally caused by cooking mutton was reduced a lot, and some soldiers even cried. After all, everyone was raised by father and mother. Know how your family is doing and how you can feel uncomfortable.

Li Mei explored the spoon into the pot: "Everyone eat mutton and drink soup, don't think about those far-away things, relax your mind and everything will be fine."

The simple language really made everyone look good, yeah, it ’s useless to think too much. It ’s impossible for them to cross the zombies, let alone they are soldiers and guard the frontier. It is their duty.

With hot soup and lamb to eat, the atmosphere immediately became active, and the ground soldiers jumped up to dance on the grassland. Of course, the image was not as good as Wang Xiaoyang's jump to the ground. Everyone did not overeating. Many wild vegetables were cooked in the lamb soup. Each person could eat a few pieces of lamb and drink two bowls of vegetable soup belly to deal with it for one night.

Before leaving, Ding Yishan repeatedly promised Li Mei: "Li Ye, we will split two people from tomorrow to help you raise the sheep. They will arrive early tomorrow morning and return to the border station in the evening."

Li Mei could not refuse but could only agree. Besides, someone still needs to come and fetch goat's milk every day. Otherwise, how do other soldiers live? There are so many things to tell us all. "

Chu Xiang also knew that there was no extra sleeping place in Wang Xiaoyang's house. He had been sleeping on the floor for the past few days, so Chu Xiang had been invited by Ding Yishan. He wanted to come to Wang Xiaoyang tomorrow morning to borrow a little red horse. , People have just reunited with Little Red Horse, so let's stay warm for one night.

Everyone walked for more than an hour before returning to the border station. Some people even found that their belly was empty. They were really fat and walked thin. If they could ride a little red horse every day, it would be much simpler.

This border defense station is so simple that it can no longer be simple, but it is a row of wooden houses plus a water well. It turned out that there were two squadrons of soldiers stationed here, but only ten were left due to the t virus.

At night, Chu Xiang slept with the soldiers. He talked about many domestic matters, and everyone listened very carefully. They are worried not only for the different monsters that Chu Xiang encounters, but also happy for him to escape from the opportunity. Of course, Chu Xiang cannot say that he is also a monster. He just described the way of killing monsters as his chance.

The soldiers got up and started working all day long at noon in the morning. Of course there was no breakfast before. A large cup of hot water for each person. But last night I took some plum cheese and mutton back. Everyone cooked a pot of soup. Set off after drinking.

Today Ding Yishan and seven soldiers patrolled for observation, and He Shan and Yang Shaoyang were first dispatched to Li Mei to help the sheep. Chu Xiang wanted to go with Wang Xiaoyang to borrow the little red horse and walked with them.

After walking for another hour, I came to Li Mei's place and saw Yu Yanyu in the distance. He Shan joked: "Li Zhi is really enthusiastic, afraid that we are hungry and cooking milk tea for us."

Chu Xiang flung out in a leap: "No, the tent is on fire!"

He Shan and Yang Shaoyang were taken aback. They pulled the gun and immediately followed, and they hurried to the front of the account book. I saw that the tent was fine when we left last night and now turned into a pile of ashes. The scars on Li's face were squatting beside, and Wang Xiaoyang was holding the little red horse and crying.

"What's wrong?" Chu Xiang asked anxiously.

Li Yan said: "A group of foreign soldiers arrived shortly after you left last night. They snatched the sheep and burned the tent."

Chu Xiang thought that there would be no problem here from the border, but who knows that it is just one night. He was regretful, knowing that he had left nothing last night.

He Shan raised his gun and said, "Go, chase them."

Yang Shaoyang followed firmly, and Li Meila held the two together: "Don't go, they are very good, you guys are not their opponents at all."

He Shan told Chu Xiang: "It's all because our strength is weak, so we can only do patrol latency during the day, and we can't add posts at night now. I didn't expect that something really happened at night. We must rush back to the company commander. Report the situation. Last night an enemy sneaked into the border. This is a big event. "

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, you go, I will help everyone in this matter."

He Shan and Yang Shaoyang didn't care. They didn't know the strength of Chu Xiangdi. They thought that Chu Xiang really was like what he said last night, but he was a good luck adventurer, but now he is not fighting monsters. It's a group of poor and vicious gangsters. This is not a matter of good luck.

He Shan and Yang Shaoyang left in a hurry, Chu Xiang hugged Wang Xiaoyang, and Wang Xiaoyang cried: "Uncle, I'm so scared, it's all my fault. I saw the bad guys with guns and climbed up on the little red horse. I should Stay and help. "

Li Mei said: "Stupid boy, if you do n’t run, they may even take you and the little red horse away. Those bad guys are demons that eat people and do n’t spit their bones. I do n’t eat when I grow old. As long as you are safe, grandma is dead and relieved Now. "

Obviously there is an extremely powerful little red horse beside Wang Xiaoyang, but Wang Xiaoyang will not take advantage of it, so it is only used as an escape tool. Otherwise, those who cross the border last night would not say they stole the flock, they will leave their lives here. .

Chu Xiang said: "Lamb, my uncle went and snatched the sheep they took away, and the uncle asked them to compensate your grandma ten times for the loss. Our tent even asked them to build a bigger and more beautiful one. "

Wang Xiaoyang didn't believe it: "Really? Uncle? Will they be so good?"

Chu Xiang said: "They dare not be so good, or your uncle will kill them to take revenge on you and grandma."

Wang Xiaoyang jumped out of the embrace of Chu Xiang, and he pulled over the little red horse: "Uncle, you ride on my little red horse, you must catch all the bad guys and take our flock back! We wait for you. "

Li Mei gave Wang Xiaoyang a slap: "You child, why don't you be sensible? Those bad guys have guns. You asked your uncle to look for them. Is n’t that our flock can be found again, the tent is broken It can be rebuilt, but when there is no one, there is nothing. "

Chu Xiang blocked Li Mei and continued to fight Wang Xiaoyang, "Well, believe me, those people I haven't seen yet, but I am really worried about being a ghost killer. He is fast and can even hide. I came to the prairie all the time because of chasing him, because he killed my four friends, and I vowed not to cut off his head and never return it! "

"It turned out to be this kind of thing," Li Mei couldn't believe, "hidden? Isn't this something that can only be done in mythology?"

Chu Xiang said: "Theoretically speaking, it is possible to be invisible. The family believes that space is multifaceted. When a person enters the other side from one side of space, it can be regarded as his invisibility. This is one aspect. In addition, people can see things because the light enters the eyes of the person and projects images on the retina to stimulate the visual nerves, so that the brain can see things, but if all the tissues, including the retina of the eye, can let the light Pass through. That light can't cast images on the retina, so stealth is not magical. "

Chu Xiang can know that these are all white. He also has a space ring. With this knowledge, he naturally understands more than others. The second case that Chu Xiang just talked about has theoretical limitations, because people do n’t even reflect light in the retina. I can't see anyone else. After his invisibility, his own vision will disappear.

Chu Xiang is not a family. So he didn't study this. He said that it was nothing more than to convince Li Mei and Wang Xiaoyang that there are no ghosts and gods in this world, and everything has the truth of their existence. It ’s just that we do n’t understand anything yet.

Wang Xiaoyang wiped his tears and said, "Uncle, your enemy is running fast. Can he have my little red horse fast?"

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "No, your little red horse is the fastest that your uncle has ever seen."

Wang Xiaoyang took the little red horse into the hands of Chu Xiang, "Uncle, I lent you the little red horse, you killed the enemy!"

Chu Xiang said: "Thank you Lamb, I will go after those people without delay."

Li Mei said: "Wait. Put on a saddle. It's hard to ride like this."

The saddle and other things made Li Mei rescued from the tent that was on fire. Chu Xiang sat neatly and tried it. It ’s really cool, at least his two hands are freed, and the saddle is fastened to the little red horse's belly. There will be no more wrestling.

Chu Xiang didn't talk nonsense, it was important to chase people. He drove out the little red horse and screamed out. It was as fast as wind and electricity, which made people feel confident.

A team of 20 people is slowly moving forward. The leading commander is a lieutenant named Igor. He drove the tired team in an off-road vehicle. Last night they entered China under the night, and then Grabbed herds in succession, and also caught five Chinese herdsmen. This time, they can finally make a difference.

Igor belongs to General Vasily. Recently, a food crisis occurred in Vassili's troops, so he assigned food search tasks to each team. Igor has not completed the task for two weeks, and now he Finally he was able to go back for business, but he was worried. He knew that the Chinese border guards had not disappeared. He was afraid that the soldiers would suddenly emerge from the ground. It would be troublesome for him to suffer a big loss.

The following Ennid said: "Lieutenant, don't worry, let's stop and take a rest. Everyone is tired. These flocks are disobedient and it's really hard to drive them."

Igor frowned. He looked at the Yang Road that had been hanging in the air. "Hurry up, now it is still in China. We will rest after returning to the base, just in case."

Leonid said: "Lieutenant, as far as we know, there are not many troops in China at the moment, because they are far more affected by the virus than us. Our great God God blesses his people in the sky and expels us in winter. Most of the viruses have allowed us to survive. Now everyone's tired throats are smoking, let's take a break. "

Igor saw that the crowd was really powerless to go, so he stopped the car, and his subordinates were drinking water together. They all cursed Igor secretly. The guy only knew that he was in the car and let these people drive the sheep. The group and the prisoner, if he was allowed to come down for a night, he would know what it was like.

"Come on!" Igor saw five herdsmen turning their eyes, knowing that they were trying to escape, and besides, the grass was stepped on the ground to form a small one. Obviously, Chinese border guards often patrol here, so it is better to leave .

More than a dozen subordinates dragged their guns helplessly, sipping the flock of sheep and whipped the five prisoners across the border with a sheep whip. Igor was relieved when he stepped over the boundary monument, no matter what it is now On your own site, you have a stronger psychological sense of security.

"Everyone hurry up. When you enter the base, you will have food, drink, and women to play with. The more Chinese prisoners we catch, the more we can enjoy without work, and the more sheep we catch, the more we will have mutton in the future. Eat, if you want to be a better man, try harder! "Igor stood on the awning off-road vehicle and encouraged everyone.

A buzz, Igor felt a pain in his neck. He thought that a bug had stung him and reached out and grabbed it. He felt his head on his neck crooked without hitting the mosquito. , That head fell off his neck completely.

Walking next to the off-road vehicle was a soldier named Maxim. He felt red before his eyes, and then a round object fell to him. He instinctively reached for it, and there were two round eyes on the object. Staring at him, it seems to be saying to him: "Maxim, you desperately rush, you can enjoy mutton and women when you return to the base. UU 看书"

"Ah!" Maxim screamed, probably because he was working hard, and his chest suddenly burst into a shed blood mist like a dyke. The blood mist completely stunned the two eyes on his head, and Maxi Mu himself crooked under his feet, and his body was broken from his chest into two parts.

The driver whistled. This job was really easy for him. There was wind on the grassland and the sky looked a little grey, but it does n’t matter. Even a sand storm will not affect them because they will soon Back at the base, where there is warm bath water and scented bread.

The driving speed was a little slow. The driver instinctively stepped on the accelerator, but he suddenly realized that he could not touch the accelerator. The driver looked down strangely, and saw that half of the car fell out, and his right foot and the accelerator Stayed in that car together, what's going on!

The driver screamed, and his sheep were paralyzed by the scared sheep. They also attracted the companion's eyes. Everyone was stunned. The abominable Igor did not know when he lost his head. He was still publishing. With meaningless words of encouragement, Igor, who had lost his head, fell to the ground with half of the off-road vehicle, and crushed only half of Maxim's body walking next to him!


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