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Chapter 210: Show off immediately

With a sharp whistle, everyone was armed with a gun. They knew they had met the enemy, but where was the enemy? They didn't notice anything except a gust of wind! As soon as the five herdsmen who had been arrested had the opportunity, they immediately broke away from the shackles and scattered around.

Leonid yelled, "Stop! Otherwise I'll shoot!"

Alas, Leonid saw his back as soon as he finished speaking, and by the way, he saw a swipe of red passing by him, and his body was beaten by the wind for a few turns. Leonid was somewhat I do n’t understand, how can he see his back, but soon he figured it out, because he found that his head was no longer on his neck, and even the gun held in his hand was only half, let alone Going to shoot the nomads who fled, even bird strikes.

All these incoming predators were frightened. What is this? Could it be the ghost killer under Matvey? I am afraid that only he can have this speed, but why did Matvi attack General Vasily. Are they not allies? Vasily is very poor and has no food. It is not worth Matvi to deal with him.

The herdsmen ran a distance, and all the predators remained where they were aiming with their guns, but there was nothing to look at. They sweated coldly, knowing that today is inevitable, someone ’s legs began to tremble. , Even preparing to throw a gun to surrender, but no one could be found, and for a time I wondered whether surrender was feasible.

Wow, a whirlwind passed before me, and the predators closed their eyes. When they opened their eyes again, they saw an extra person and a horse on the opposite side. Although the horse was not large, it looked strong and mental. Its reddish-brown hair is like a flame, and people are very strange right away. He had a pair of large wings on his back, unlike the wings of a bird, which had no feathers on it. It's just spooky white bones, and his hands are very weird. A white six-blade knife is inserted into the seam of the phalanx, and there is a scar on his forehead, and one person and one horse just stare at the crowd like this.

"He is a Chinese. Shoot him. We can escape if he is killed!" Someone shouted boldly, and shot it out. At this time they realized that it was difficult for the other party to let themselves go. Although they didn't know who killed the companion and opened the car, it was obvious that this matter had a great relationship with him.

After Chu Xiang rode on the little red horse, he became more spiritual. He was not in a hurry to pursue. Instead, he ran around the grassland for a while. He had to adapt to the problem of vision during fast travel. In addition, he had to cooperate with his movements. He had to know that he could control his bone weapons before. But now that he has such a powerful means of transportation, his previous experience is obviously unusable under this fast speed. He must adapt to it and must make his shooting speed faster. Fortunately, he has just evolved and his physical fitness Should all advance to more than a thousand, which played a big role in his adaptation to the horse battle.

Chu Xiang ran for an hour, and he also carried out problems such as starting the brakes. So as not to dismount and land on the bottom next time. If it is okay to say in front of your own people, when facing the enemy. That would fuel their arrogance. Through this hour of running, Chu Xiang also became familiar with the characteristics of Little Red Horse. He found that he could still communicate with it. In any case, it is a little tacit understanding that he is also an evolutionary.

Chu Xiang believes that in the course of this hour, he should return to Beijing, then to Tongshi, and then to Changshan Island. One round trip should be fine. What is called speed? This is called speed. At this speed, zombies want to move forward. ? Whether they can see the figure by their eyesight is still a big problem.

In addition, Chu Xiang also wanted to know how long the little red horse ’s physical strength was, but he ran the horse for an hour, but the little red horse was still healthy, the horse's face didn't pant, it seemed like nothing was wrong, Chu Xiang Glad to change the name for Xiao Hongma, Lie Yan, it sounds overbearing.

Seeing that it was early, Chu Xiang turned his horse back, and soon found the Russian team on the border. At this moment, Chu Xiang had cooperated with the Flame Horse. He used lightning strikes to destroy the Russian leader and transportation in one fell swoop. For Chu Xiang, who has a bone knife, it is easy to do this, even using bone wings.

Do not want these people to die unclear, Chu Xiang stopped his flames in front of the predators with a horse's belly, he looked at these robbers coldly, because they took advantage of the regional temperature, these ghosts gasped slightly. The plunder began, and they deserve to die!

Bang and bang, Chu Xiang's bones and wings stretched out to block all the shots. The little flame red horse was a little anxious. When you saw the person who shot at it, its mood was easy to fluctuate, probably because it was hurt by people, but This time, due to the protection of Chu Xiang's bones and wings, the Flame Horse was not hit.

A group of predators couldn't believe the fact in front of them. The guy riding a red horse didn't even fear that they would play. In the eyes of many people, guns and bullets are considered to be the most powerful things. Taking lives is as easy as cutting grass. Now they don't work.

Chu Xiang glanced at the group of predators one by one, and then said, "I will only go back and report to you alone, and tell your people that if you dare to step into China half a step later, you will die one! Outside of you, the rest must pay for your life! "

These predators have been here for some time. Some of them understand Chinese, they ca n’t threaten each other. They are already playing drums in their hearts, and now they see Chu Xiang deliberately letting them go, so they can speak Chinese. By the way: "I am willing to be a messenger. I have not harmed a herder. I am innocent."

Chu Xiang's bones and wings suddenly spun from the group of predators, grunting, and two heads unknowingly fell off the original owner's neck. The neat incision is the fastest machete. Watching the blood spurting in the necks of the two corpses, smelling the thick smell, but no one on the field dared to speak a half sentence. They knew that in the eyes of the other person, these people were not even an ant. Will be killed. Chu Xiang said: "People who want to be the messenger will dig out one eye and leave immediately, the rest I can sentence them to death."

The predator who speaks Chinese is both happy and scared. The good thing is that he has a chance to survive. The fear is that the Chinese in front of him is so vicious that he asks himself to dispose of an eye! Is this retribution? The predator suddenly remembered that he had blinded the eyes of a Chinese herder a few days ago because of drinking. Now God has come to punish him.

Chu Xiang, who was still dripping with **** bones and wings, covered his head. The Chinese-speaking predator knew he couldn't hesitate. He pulled out a saber from his waist and drew it into his left eye. "Ah!" He yelled and threw away his saber and ran away. The rest didn't understand the Chinese well, and then he came to his senses, but it was too late. They didn't even regret that they didn't have time to do it. The heads landed almost simultaneously.

Chu Xiang sat down and said to the herders who were standing far away: "Everyone come back! Get your own sheep, don't be afraid of these guys in the future!"

The herdsmen knew that this man who descended from the sky like a monster was helping himself, and they rushed to the ground and kept yelling. Chu Xiang didn't know what they were talking about. Presumably, he said something of thanks. Chu Xiang pointed to the flock, and then he started to count Li Mei's sheep himself.

The herdsmen were also very honest, and took back their own flock and hurried into the border. Chu Xiang knew that he couldn't go after the ghost killer at this moment. He had to keep his promise to send Li Mei's flock back, and this was a really troublesome thing. Finally, Chu Xiang had to make a ruthless attempt. He held a sheep in his arms. A few trips back and forth before sending them back intact.

Li Mei was surprised. The first thing she was surprised was that Little Red Horse was different from before. Last night, she patronized Sun to escape. She did n’t know the speed of Little Red Horse. To know that Little Red Horse was mutating and disappeared. Later, she now knows that this little red horse Sun's favorite turned out to be lightning fast.

Li Mei was secondarily surprised at how Chu Xiang took the flock back from the group of people with guns, even if the little red horse was fast, but it was bound to conflict with the other side when grabbing the flock. That's a bad guy with a gun. How terrible the bombs are, even the strangely sick people can't stop them.

Li Mei this is not like Chu Xiang turned back. Otherwise, she will have a shock, but the flock is back now, and she has a lot of peace of mind. After that, her life with Sun will be settled. As for Chu Xiang and Xiao Hongma, these things that do not understand will not make her sleepless. .

"Uncle, you're so good at talking, thank you Lamb."

Chu Xiang hugged Wang Xiaoyang and said, "No thanks, the uncle just helped you save a few sheep, but you saved the life of the uncle. Then the uncle went to find the materials to build the tent and helped you and grandma build the tent in the afternoon . "

At noon at this moment, two people stumbled into the distance. It was He Shan and Yang Shaoyang who left in the morning. They ran and shouted, "There is an enemy invasion, there is an enemy invasion!"

Chu Xiang clenched his fists. In fact, he did not want to ignore the disputes between the countries, but those ghosts who came to **** him must not sit beside him! In truth, land resources are now of no value. Everyone's contention is nothing more than food. There is enough food, and then it is used for other daily life and spiritual consumption.

"An enemy invaded ..." He Shan threw himself on the grass tiredly, "... but all had been killed. The death was terrible. The car was cut in half. Most dead bodies had their heads and their bodies separated. Family……"

Li Mei looked at Chu Xiang in puzzlement. Chu Xiang smiled and didn't explain, Li Mei didn't say anything, but she had already guessed that those people's death was related to Chu Xiang.

"The people who killed them are really amazing. We met several herdsmen who escaped. They said that the man was riding a red horse with strange large wings on his back, and those big wings were gone with a wave of everyone's head. Hey, don't say, stand by the horse and take a look. "

He Shan and Yang Shaoyang pulled Chu Xiang to the little red horse, and the two looked at it: "Except you do n’t have wings, you and the heavenly gods are astonishing."

Chu Xiang chuckled and said, "What a joke, God doesn't need to eat, but I'm hungry."

Li Mei said: "Today we will kill another sheep. The previous food was taken away by those people. I want to invite everyone to have another meal."

He Shan waved his hand: "No, no, we found some food in their car. Now that Li Zhi's tent is burned out, we want to invite you and the lamb to live at the border station. The grass there is OK. One sheep is enough for them. "

Chu Xiang also persuaded Li Mei: "Yes, Li Yan, in case there is something, everyone can take care of it."

Li Mei glanced at Wang Xiaoyang. She thought it made sense. Even if she didn't think for herself, Xiao Sun must not be surprised. "Well, we won't build a tent here. We'll go to you. It's just that I'm going to trouble you later."

He Shan said happily: "No trouble, no trouble, we will do the sheep stuffing in the future. I just asked Li Ye to give us a cup of goat milk every day to save my life. Yesterday, I drank goat milk and ate lamb. This is not the day I ran up More powerful. "

The crowd hurried off to set off, and Chu Xiang quietly discussed Wang Xiaoyang lent him the little red horse for another two days, because Chu Xiang found that as long as he saw Wang Xiaoyang. If Wang Xiaoyang does not say hello to the little red horse, the guy on horseback will not listen to his command. It seems that his relationship with the little red horse needs to be further cultivated.

The king was two days, as long as Chu Xiang wanted to use it. Just twenty days. The child's feelings are very pure. He thinks that Chu Xiang helps his grandmother to retrieve the flock. This is a gracious kindness, but he doesn't think that feeding Chu Xiang to drink goat milk is a matter of life. Now Chu Xiang is looking for him to work. He naturally responded with joy.

The base of Vasily was in chaos, because Nikita ran back with a blind eye, and he brought back bad news. God was angry. He lowered a monster with wings and turned Igor into a car. In the two halves, the only person in the whole team came back because he knew Chinese, and he returned to the word of God, saying that in the future, who would dare to step into China. Just die!

Vasily swept down the table. "Let everyone quiet me! There is no **** in this world, whoever dares to spread rumors will be shot!"

The order was executed quickly. The base quickly calmed down, and Vasily's opponents said humanely: "Look for the Magnetic King and the hypnotist, we can't be scared like this. If we don't go to grab food in China, will we starve to death?"

The hypnotist is a woman. She and the Magnet King are powerful men recruited by Vasily. Vasily is annoyed in this matter because he knows that Mateve has more evolvers than him. The reason for this is because of Ma. Teve has the strength, he was fortunate to occupy the base x12 first, but he could only build it in the wilderness. Those who had the money and the food were naturally willing to die for Matve.

"Have you heard what happened in the morning?" Vasily asked the Magnetic King and the hypnotist.

The two nodded, and the magnetic king said: "The general should fight back, otherwise Matteve will let him know if he knows how to do it again. Our manpower would have been insufficient. If another soldier defected to them, Then our strength will be damaged. "

Vasily nodded: "You are very considerate for me, and I am very grateful to find you two to assist you, rest assured that I will have half of everything I have in the future."

"Thank you, General, and we will definitely work for you."

Vasily said: "Now I have a task for you, Nikita must have been frightened by them. I want you to take revenge for Lieutenant Igor, and take me back to the so-called **** of heaven and let the people on the base See if there is a so-called earth **** in this world. I can transfer ten tanks to you. With your superpowers, I think this matter should not be difficult. "

Magnetic King Dabao said, "Please rest assured that we will return triumphantly."

Vasily said: "Okay, I'll prepare a banquet for you to celebrate, go, if any Chinese soldier dares to stop you ..."

Magnetic Wang Yin said ruthlessly: "Encounter God to kill God and Buddha to kill Buddha!"

Vasily stroked his chin and said, "I have a future, and I like your character."

The magnetic king and the hypnotist went out to prepare. In her opinion, the herders in the south were not **** at all, not even the need for their shot. Take ten tanks and hit a cannon first. Who can stop it? As for the border guards in China, he and the hypnotist are there, how are ordinary soldiers adversaries.

Not long after, Mattevely's office.

Matve's face has always been gloomy, because he likes to run away with the heavy red horse, broke through the base he re-defended and ran away, and the base that was hit by it would take at least days to repair. This is a real thing It was Matve's face that was so disappointed that Sergei, who had wanted to fly to Huang Tengda, was also affected. At this moment, he was still looking for little red horses.

"General, Sergei is here to ask for work."

Matvi told the guard: "Let him in. If it wasn't for the news of the little red horse, I think he could die."

What Sergei said was not good for him, so he rushed and said, "Great General Matvi, I brought the news of the little red horse."

Mattvier's face eased slightly, he said, "Speak, did you catch it?"

Sergei said, "General, according to the eyeliner we installed in the Vassili troops, we said that the team that Vasily sent to grab food in China last night was destroyed, and only one blindly sent a letter and escaped. In the middle, the person who killed Vasily's food grabbing unit should be riding a little red horse! "

Matvi was angry again. "What? Vasily's shamelessly broke into our original agreement to enter China first?"

Sergei said, "General, I can't really complain about Vasily. I heard that the hungry meal on his side cannot be guaranteed, so he slipped into China at night to grab the food, but he was hit by China's ambush. Going south provides some lessons for reference. "

Matvi said: "Vasily, this old slipper, wants to take advantage everywhere, and now he will not lose it if he loses."

Sergei said: "I think so too, General. There is an old saying in China that the praying mantis catches the cicada and the yellow bird is behind, and let the Vasilys fight with each other. Then we take the opportunity to grab the little red horse in the back. It ’s good. "

Mattvi said: "Are you sure the plan will succeed?"

Sergei patted his chest and said, "I'm sure, I assure the general that there will be no accident this time. We dispatch all the evolvers and alienated zombies, and then send fifty tanks and five long-haired zombies to cooperate on the flanks. Isn't it time to catch the little red horse? "

Matve said: "The Chinese are not so bullying. Do n’t rush to take a shot and see what Vasily has. It is best to let him lose his soldiers, and then we will take another shot. Can weaken his strength. "

Sergei said with a thumbs up: "High, the wisdom of the general is beyond anyone's reach. This is an arrow sculpture that saves people, weakens Vasily's strength, and snatches the little red horse ~ ~ If the general does not have Any other instructions, then I will go down and prepare. "

Matvi waved his hand, Sergey went out, and Chief of Staff Andre knocked on the door and said, "General, do you really decide to let the evolutionary do everything to catch the little red horse?"

Matvi said: "Yeah, Little Red Horse's ability is really strong, and I'm afraid I can't subdue it after countless moves."

Andre said, "But in case of an accident, we lose all abilities, so who will control the 20,000 zombie army?"

Mattwei said: "Andre, don't you always think about things in a bad direction, who can kill the elites under me, and we still have fifty tanks and five alienated zombies. Impossible, this No such person exists in the world. "

Andre still said uneasily: "At least let Jakov stay, so that he can control the brain of alienated zombies."

Matve said arbitrarily: "No, if there is someone who can kill our evolutionaries, then it is useless to leave Yakov, you just wait to hear the good news."


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