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Chapter 211: War Magnetic King

Back to the place where the outpost was located, everyone was busy driving away. Zhamulan packed the house. He kept busy until the middle of the night and stopped. Ding Yishan had been patrolling the border with several soldiers. He did not return. It happened on the border in the morning. The blood case made him wary that the ghosts would not be willing to fail, so he must be prepared.

Chu Xiang was worried about the safety of Ding Yishan and others. After all, the ghosts were killed by him. There was a gunshot from the north at midnight. He couldn't fall asleep. He got up and awakened Wang Xiaoyang. Wang Xiaoyang knew that Chu Xiang was going to see Ding Yishan, etc. People's situation, he said nothing for Chu Xiang led the little red horse.

The flaming little red horse was entrusted by the master king lamb and came to Chu Xiang to fly to the border line. At this moment, the border line was overcast, and as expected by Ding Yishan, the predators came to take revenge, and they drove at dawn Ten tanks brazenly invaded the border.

Bang, Ding Yishan climbed out of the lurking ground and fired a shot, but the other side seemed to have not heard. Ten heavy tanks broke the boundary pillars like no one, and the artillery on the tank opened fire. Ding Yishan Waiting for someone to fight against them, they can only temporarily retreat backward, blocking the tank with human bodies, which is unwise.

"Company commander, what should we do? Our nearest tank battalion and attack aircraft are also kilometers away, and we can't get in touch with them. We can't stop the attack of the tank." Soldier Chen Chengang said.

The anti-tank rocket launcher was used up during the virus riots, and the supplies have been unable to come up, so the outpost is now poor, and the heavy tanks of the nemesis five and their subsequent series of ground attack aircraft are not connected. At present, it seems that the only method is to use a grenade to plug the tank.

Ding Yishan thighed his thighs and said, "There is no other way. I can't watch them go into our territory anyway, it also looks like we are weak. Even if I die, I will give them a headache."

A soldier reached out his grenade and said, "I'm going."

Bang, this soldier climbed over and was shot down by the sniper behind him. Ding Yishan felt a pain in his heart. These comrades were in distress. They watched people fall down and feel as if they were burning. Abominable invaders, awful viruses .

Ding Yishan was going to bomb the tank himself. Sun Chen just held him and said, "The company commander, you can't go, the outpost is indispensable for you. Besides, they have ten tanks, and we can't blow them all up. We must think of other ways. Only. "

Ding Yishan didn't know this, but if he had other methods, he wouldn't have to sacrifice a comrade in arms just now. despair. Noisy, noisy, the sound of horseshoe suddenly sounded behind him, Ding Yishan looked back. A bay horse appeared not far from the soldiers, everyone knew immediately.

"Chu Xiang. Why are you here. Go back. It's dangerous here," shouted Ding Yishan. He is a soldier. And Chu Xiang is a civilian. So he has a responsibility to protect civilians.

Chu Xiang approached the horse slowly and approached: "The company commander. Everyone is desperate. How can I stay in the post to sleep? Ding Yishan pulled down Chu Xiang:" Get off the horse. Watch out for snipers! "

Chu Xiang held a horse's belly and said, "Are they just like this?"

Ding Yishan said: "You guys. When is this. We can't deal with one of their tanks. Not to mention ten. And there are snipers behind. We have sacrificed a comrade."

Chu Xiang said: "Let me deal with them. I hate to grab people and think that they are rationally scum. Hehe. Next year will be a very special day for them."

boom. Chu Xiang has been riding on the horse, the goal is naturally obvious. The sniper hiding in the tank group fired again. But the bombing on Chu Xiang didn't work. Ding Yishan heard the gunfire clearly. But Chu Xiang sat on the horse without exception. He began to doubt Chu Xiangdi's identity.

Chu Xiang ran forward at a constant speed. He stopped in front of the tank and quacked. The tank didn't hit it directly, but stopped and opened the hatch. A slender guy leaned out of the cabin and shouted, "Small, do you want to use your body to block the track of the tank? It's funny, you Chinese When will you use your brain? "

Chu Xiang said coldly: "We Chinese have been using our brains all the time. I just don't understand why you didn't stay in your country for thousands of miles and ran here?"

"For what?" It ’s okay for the person to speak Chinese to communicate. "For better survival!"

Chu Xiang said: "Did you never think that you would lose your life here?"

The comer carefully looked at Chu Xiang. He didn't find that the wings were still not sure whether the person in front of him was the **** of heaven that Nikita said, but he didn't care what he was, let's talk about it first.

Boom, a cannonball came over, the soldiers were already anxious in the back, and now they even shouted: "Get down!"

Is Chu Xiang lying down? Alas, the bone knife provoked to meet the cannonball, humming, and several beeping sounds of steel, a large-caliber cannonball was cut into several pieces, and fell on the ground to make a crisp impact.

"What is it?" The man on the tank was startled, looking at his horse as if it were the monster, but he had a strange hand without his wings, "kill him!"

The heavy tank came tumbling, Chu Xiang jumped off the horse and stood still, Ding Yishan was going crazy, he stood up desperately to pull Chu Xiang down, and suddenly the sound of the tank engine in front of him disappeared, and I saw it. The tank actually flew up in the air and finally landed on the back of the tank. The two collided with a huge explosion.

Chu Xiang still stood still, but no tank dared to open it again. The remaining eight guns aimed at him unanimously. Chu Xiang suddenly leaped up and said, "You can go to death!" Almost at the same time, Chu Xiang picked up a cannon and severely inserted it through the hatch on the roof. The tank also exploded.

"You are really good," Suddenly, a man and a woman came out of the grass. Chu Xiang had a feeling. The two were not simple. He dropped the remaining tanks and ignored them, and turned to guard the men and women who had a vague sense of threat. .

"What's your name," the woman asked sweetly, and those who heard her tone wanted to sleep.

Chu Xiang said: "I ... my name is ... Chu Xiang."

"Are you very tired? You used so much earth power just now. You need to rest and sleep."

Chu Xiang said: "I'm not tired, I can throw those tanks again."

"No need, rest, sleep, there is nothing to worry about when you fall asleep."

Suddenly a strong tiredness rushed into Chu Xiang's heart. When he closed his eyes, he wanted to go to sleep, and when he fell asleep, he didn't have to worry about anything. He could dream beautifully and ignore all the troubles in the real world.

"Oh ..." Yanma suddenly hissed sharply. Chu Xiang is a spirit, right! This woman has a problem. How can there be a reason to sleep and sleep, she is hypnotizing herself!

Chu Xiang's mental strength has now passed a thousand. Ten times that of the strongest normal human. He would not be hypnotized easily at first, but he did not expect that the other party would use this hand at this time, and now he was vigilant. Naturally, she will not follow her authenticity. Not only is Chu Xiang so confident in counterattack, this evolutionary who is hypnotic to him is still less than two-half as much as Chu Xiang, but Chu Xiang would not have used this ability.

Chu Xiang condensed his mental strength. He looked at the hypnotist. The hypnotist seemed to sense something wrong, but she was too late to let go of her eyes. For a moment, her eyes, ears, nose and nose were bleeding, and her companions were surprised. "What's going on? What's wrong with you?"

It turned out that the hypnotist fell to the ground and encountered an opponent who was stronger than her own mental strength. Once she failed to hypnotize, she would be swallowed back. She has been standing on the Siberian plain for a long time. No one can be more spiritual than her. But now she can understand the truth, there are people outside the sky, this handsome young man will be a master of the hypnosis world, he can directly use his spiritual power to kill!

The male companion saw his female companion dies suddenly, and in addition to being surprised, he was more angry. He exclaimed, and he stood up and raised his hands: "Well, let me Master Magnet to try your skills!"

Several tanks scrapped around were decomposing quickly like animation, and iron **** were forming in the air. These iron **** spin up at high speed. Form a barrier around Wanciwang, Huh. The iron ball suddenly broke out of the orbit and flew to Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang had anticipated that there would be an evolver. The ghost killer could not have a companion, and now his companion appeared. This is a good time to kill him. As long as his companion is destroyed, he is not worried that he will not come out Fight yourself.

A bunch of iron **** fired at Chu Xiang faster than the bullet. Chu Xiang's bone wings had already been opened. The opponent's strength was really strong. Chu Xiang's bone wings hurt, but he wanted to take Chu Xiang's life. His The strength seems to be a lot worse.

Chu Xiang laughed and said, "What can you do besides pinching iron pills? I will show you iron pills!"

Chu Xiang walked down to a tank, and he picked up the broken cannon breech on the ground and inserted it into the tank again. This time, he did not insert the ammunition compartment, so the tank did not explode. The tank hurled towards Magneto.

The king of magnetism was shocked by Chu Xiang ’s great strength, but he had a way to deal with it. The tank was nothing but a pile of iron. Since he can control the iron naturally, only this time it seems that he needs some blood. Times control.

Huh, the half-flying tank stopped in a volley, and Wanciwang felt a shock, and blood oozed from the corner of his mouth, but he quickly dismantled the tank, then turned it into a large pile of iron pills and iron knives and threw it at Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang could not hurt his body by blocking the pile of things with his bones and wings. Chu Xiang asked: "Can you only do this trick? If you don't have enough skills, I can end you."

Wan Magnetic King laughed, "You are dead!"

It didn't seem to scare people. Chu Xiang quickly checked his body in a shock. At this time, he realized that the iron pills that had just been blocked by the bone fins were still hanging on his body. Chu Xiang played the bombs and found that they were melting, just like his own. The body grows into a piece, they melt into the body at a speed that is visible to the naked eye!

Magneto shouted, "I want you to die from iron poisoning! I don't know, my magnetic control ability has reached the control of the content of subway elements in human cells. Imagine that these iron pills have been swallowed into your body, you can do well. Lie down and sleep. "

Chu Xiangjue's body is getting heavier and heavier. It really is a mountain and a mountain high. Someone has such ability!

"Go to death!" Wanci Wang gathered a bunch of iron pills again to attack Chu Xiang, Chu Xiangjue's breathing became more and more difficult, and his heart seemed to stop beating. He had some regrets for the care he had just made. He should directly attack the King of Magnetism and fight with him. Now that the iron content in the blood is getting higher and higher, will he really kill himself?

Alas, Chu Xiang was hit by a pile of iron pills. He fell backwards and fell to the ground. His hands and feet were unable to move, and his body was swollen. This may be inappropriate for the sharp increase of iron elements. Ding Yishan, etc. Seeing that Chu Xiang fell to the ground and jumped in spite of danger.

"Chu Xiang. It turns out that you are the one who kills the invading ghosts! How are you? It doesn't matter?"

Chu Xiang said: "You, you go quickly, he is very strong."

Ding Yishan said: "You and the soldiers haven't left. How can we leave our posts? Today, if we die, everyone will die together. It can be considered as the country's loyalty."

Chu Xiang also wanted to persuade Ding Yishan, "Don't sacrifice your life ..."

Magneto shouted again: "Let me take you away!"

In fact, Chu Xiang didn't understand what Wanci Wang was calling. Hypnotists could speak Chinese, but Wanci Wang couldn't. However, at this time, he wanted to know what he was going to do with his buttocks. Chu Xiang saw that another soldier had to be sacrificed in front of himself. The scenes of Sun Wei, Lu Gang, Wang Xiangzhi, Fang Zhenghe, and battle death appeared in his mind again.

"No!" Chu Xiang stood up with a roar, and he delivered all his power to resist the invasion of the iron elements. The king of magnetism noticed that Chu Xiang suddenly struck back. He didn't dare to be distracted to kill others, and mobilized all Strength to deal with Chu Xiang, as long as you insist for a while this person will surely die because of blood coagulation.

Chu Xiang's eyes have begun to be confused. His vision was declining sharply, and the toxicity caused by iron was getting heavier and he couldn't see the immediate situation, but it made the scene of the four heroic return of his comrades in his mind clearer, killing the ghost killer! Be sure to kill the ghost killer! Never defeat this Magneto King!

"Oh!" Chu Xiang suddenly spit out a sticky blood. He struck the heart with a final blow to force the subway elements into the body, and the bone wings fanned these iron elements to re-condensate into iron pills to shoot back!

Wanci Wang didn't know how Chu Xiang did this. Facing the madness of Tiemaru, he didn't dare to fix it any more. One of them rolled away and avoided it. Chu Xiang didn't talk nonsense, and jumped on the flame horse to catch up.

How can the speed of the Magneto King be compared with the flame horse? After his failure to invade Chu Xiang's body with iron, his physical strength is also severely depleted. At this time, it is impossible to control the large iron pellet attack, and once he decides to escape, , Fighting spirit will be gone.

Wow, Chu Xiang has already chased Wanci Wang. His bone wings twitched relentlessly. The sharp row of bones at the end cut off Wanciwang ’s head, and Wanciwang just controlled the magnetism. His strength was very weak in melee. The soldiers protecting him and the hypnotist were scared away by the magic power of Chu Xiang, and those soldiers were afraid to move forward after the defeat of the king of magnetics.

Chu Xiang caught the head flying in the volley. He shouted from the sky, his bones kept waving to vent his anger. Magneto, hypnotist, one to kill one, two to kill one, ghost killer. , I will cut you under the horse!

The defeat fell like a mountain, Vassili's troops dispersed like birds and beasts, Chu Xiang checked his body again, and he found that it was inappropriate, and the body had a heavy feeling, as if many iron elements had not been forced out and remained in the body. But how to do it is good. It is not a good thing to know that so many trace elements are left in the body. We must find a way to get it out.

Chu Xiang tried to persecute the heavy substance outside using the method just described, but tried many positions. In the end, only the end of the bone wing was the easiest to break through. Chu Xiang watched as a drop of iron hydrated into a pellet and hung on it. On the bone knife at the end of the bone wing, he waved his wings and fanned it, and the iron pellets actually shot into the soil under the driving of the wings, and even more, one flew out and escaped one out of the rice field. The ghost fell to the ground after shooting.

Madam, it turned out to be so useful. Chu Xiang was overjoyed. He ran the horse wildly. With the momentum of the flame horse, he turned more subway elements into molten iron and condensed into pellets. Then he fought hard to push his wings forward. Alas, the iron pellets ejected like a ejected ejection. The furthest is not weaker than a sniper step. Many running ghosts were hit and fell to the ground. This is a human machine gun. As long as you practice to improve accuracy later, then Do n’t you even need to bring a rifle? I just don't know how many times the iron element is used in the body. Maybe I can control the iron element like Wanwang.

Chu Xiang haha ​​laughed and killed all the fugitives who came in. Even the fastest one did not escape, but this time, the iron elements left in the body just now have been exhausted, and Chu Xiang rolled from the ground. Picking up an iron plate on a tank, he tried to use the feeling of Wan Magnetic King to deal with himself, but did not expect it to succeed! The iron plate supported by the bone fins slowly disappeared, and finally the body felt heavy again. However, the iron content in the body was not very high this time, so it had a weak effect on Chu Xiang's body. He could do it. adapt.

Chu Xiang really wanted to find someone to share the current feelings, but Ding Yishan and others are not their own kind, and there is no joy to speak out. Chu Xiang would like to thank Wanci Wang for helping him develop this potential, which will kill him on a large scale in the future. The enemy plays an important role.

"Hmm ..." Xiao Hongma screamed to stop her body, Chu Xiang jumped off the horse, Ding Yishan and others gathered around, "Aren't we dreaming, is the thing just now true? You were defeated by yourself Invading enemies? "

Chu Xiang said apologetically, "Sorry, I concealed my affairs."

Ding Yishan said: "Nothing, if it is me, I will do the same. After all, there are a pair of wings on my back that are conspicuous. No one wants to speak out to make everyone afraid. We just don't understand. What is going on?"

Chu Xiang said: "In fact, nothing happens. Humans have evolved naturally in the face of the t-virus threat. As long as their physique is high enough, and given certain opportunities, everyone has the possibility of evolution."

All the soldiers were excited: "Yes, that's all right, the guy who controlled the iron just now is very good, if I can do that, that's great."

Someone said: "Cut ~ ~ There is a fart for controlling iron, and we don't plan to break it down. The iron-controlling guy is not as good as letting Chu Xiang kill it. To evolve, I choose Chu Xiang. evolution."

Chu Xiang said: "Everyone's evolution is different. I think this may be a natural choice based on your physical characteristics before evolution. Sometimes, it may not be everyone's choice ..."

"An enemy is coming again!" Ding Yishan interrupted Chu Xiang's explanation in a hurry, and everyone looked away, didn't he? This time, it seemed to be serious. The wings were dozens of tanks and a group of hairy zombies, and In the middle is a large number of infantry.

Chu Xiang asked Ding Yishan: "Ling Ding, are you familiar with the situation on the opposite side?"

Ding Yishan shook his head and said, "We are now fighting alone, and the changes that have taken place in the opposite period have changed a lot, so I do n’t understand them well, but they should be divided into several forces. The share just didn't seem to be very strong. This seems to be the main force. "

Chu Xiang sneered: "I was still trying to find them. I didn't expect them to come to the door. Let us fight this grassland today!"


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