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Chapter 224: New food sources

The night was absurd and let Chu Xiang sleep until ten in the morning, but when he woke up, there was no one around him. He smelled the smell of the bed, but he could n’t tell who it was. He washed it and ate something in a hurry. Chu Xiang then ran to the crop field, and Zhang Hongbing was sighing and sighing.

"What happened to the Red Soldier?" Chu Xiang asked, squatting down.

Zhang Hongbing looked up at Chu Xiang's eyes and said, "Chu team, you look vain, it looks like a lot of loss last night, I will let the guy get you two bullwhips."

Chu Xiang kicked Zhang Hongbing's **** and said, "What nonsense? I didn't do much last night."

Zhang Hongbing said: "I guess you didn't do too much. I saw it clearly this morning. Three women sneaked out from your room. Good guy, your appetite is getting bigger and bigger now, you can Thanks to me, it ’s not my senior adult movies, I ’m afraid you ca n’t do good

Chu Xiang's impression of last night is not so clear. He only knows that he is very comfortable. Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan have learned a lot now. No matter what part he can use to make Chu Xiang happy, as for others? After Chu Xiang Jiu Jin came up, he didn't have much impression.

"Is it your adult movie? How many more? I have confiscated."

Zhang Hongbing prayed: "Chu team, please forgive me, and see if I can return those few pieces to me for my work, I dare not ask Fang Yuxuan for it, otherwise she can smell my reputation Go out of the base, and I despise even those zombies. "

Chu Xiang laughed: "Okay, I'll let Shanshan copy it to my computer and give it back to you."

Zhang Hongbing said enviously: "Chu team you are really happy. If there are so many girls like me, I will be willing to do their best to die."

Chu Xiang said: "Let ’s stop talking about these inferior topics, how are your local dishes? What is the situation of the transportation team?"

"The team is okay. I can get ten trailers in the evening. It's okay if I overload it by five to six hundred tons of coal." Zhang Hongbing raised his mouth again and said, "Chu team. You say that's how to cook. Let's Dare to eat. Are they eating us. Or are we eating it? "

Zhang Hongbing and Sun Gaoqiang opened a small vegetable garden. Inside are tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants. I don't know if it's too much fertilizer or sunny. In a short period of time, these vegetable seedlings have grown into a highland vegetable tree. That big tomato is about the same as a pumpkin. Cucumbers are also as thick as buckets. Eggplant is even more domineering. An eggplant king is even bigger than an adult. In front of these weird things. Zhang Hongbing was sad. Is this a dish? Can you eat it?

Chu Xiang said: "Let's just pick one and take it to the laboratory for Professor Fang to test."

Zhang Hongbing said: "I think so. If you can eat the ground, these dishes can solve the green food crisis for the base. In case you can't eat, we must think of other ways."

There is no shortage of food at the Yutai base. But green vegetables are absent. At present, it is mainly solved by cans transported from the outside. Chu Xiang said: "Yes. You are very considerate in this matter. Go. I carry eggplant and cucumber. You pick a tomato and hold it."

Fang Qian and his wife worked at the Yutai base together with their eschatology team after their daughter worked on the job. Recently, they have a close relationship with Bai Xiaowei, who lives in a PDA. The three hid in the laboratory and kept working on anti-T virus fluid research. Not even the solemn celebration party last night. It's just that the experimental instruments that can be found around are very simple. Research is in trouble. Chu Xiang has been worried about this for several days.

"Chu Xiang. Our equipment needs to be increased. Here is the list. You can see that time is urgent and we can't wait any longer. In addition, we have run out of your blood samples. You can take some more when you have time." Fang Qian saw Chu Xiang Walked in, and immediately raised the difficulties.

Chu Xiang did n’t want to save the world when he researched the anti-T virus solution. He just wanted to rescue Bai Xiaowei ’s body. He took the list entry. Chu Xiang ’s head was cyanotic. I left for two days to find the necessary laboratory equipment. This is the vegetables we grow, and you can test to see if you can eat them. "

Du Qinglei said in surprise: "Oh my God, is this a vegetable, we haven't gone out one day, have so many changes happened outside?"

Bai Xiaowei said: "The impact of the T virus on plants also exists. When Chu Xiang went to rescue Professor Song and others, he had encountered grasslands like sword arrays, and strange trees bearing fruit, so these were contaminated. It's not unusual to see such vegetables growing in the land. "

Chu Xiang said: "I received the news from the copper city base, saying that their corn and peanuts are also very strange, and the flowers are growing very well, but the flowers are blooming but they ca n’t hold the fruit. The peanut fruit is thicker than the thumb. It ’s doubled, but it ’s full of water, and corn is even more powerful. I ’ve seen photos that are taller than ordinary small trees, but they do n’t have long spikes. They said there was only chopped down firewood. ”

Fang Qian pondered: "This is a very serious problem. The T virus brings a series of changes to the earth. If we can't adapt quickly, we are afraid that there will be a more serious food crisis in the future."

Du Qinglei said: "But we don't specialize in this area. In addition, the anti-T virus solution also needs to increase manpower to speed up the progress. Only three of us are not enough to deal with it."

Bai Xiaowei said: "I know an expert in botany. He is best at research on plant variation."

Chu Xiang said: "Oh, where is he now, as long as he is alive, I can find him to help."

Bai Xiaowei said: "He is a Japanese."

Chu Xiang Yiyi: "Japanese?"

Fang Qian said: "Professor Bai is talking about Mr. Haruki Inoue?"

Xiaowei Bai nodded his head and said, "It is him. He is quite famous in the botanical world. No one in the world of mutation studies can match it."

Chu Xiang sighed, "It's a pity that he is Japanese."

Bai Xiaowei said, "Academies know no borders. In particular, Haruki Inoue regards himself as a person without borders. He advocates being a global garden. He calls on mankind to take an active role in protecting the environment. I have a high status in my heart. "

Chu Xiang said: "Even if the Japanese devil is a good bird, I can't cross the sea to find him now. I can fly now, but it is too long to achieve."

Bai Xiaowei said: "I wouldn't mention it if someone else was in Japan. But he was invited to speak at SUSTC before the virus outbreak ..."

Chu Xiang said: "So you intend to let me take the opportunity to find him in Jishi to find experimental instruments? Then ask him to assist us in agricultural research?"

Bai Xiaowei said: "Yes, just the way. Finding someone is a trivial matter to you. At that time, we will understand Mr. Inoue Haruki, and he will stay at our base to help."

Chu Xiang said: "Finding an ordinary person is naturally a trivial matter, but if it was like the last time I went to look for Professor Song and others, who knows if there will be trouble, but since he is very important to our cause, it ca n’t be said Must go to him, I think about the schedule first, go to Zaoshi to pull coal. Go to Xinxiang to look for weapons. Go to Jeshi to look for experimental instruments and Haruki Inoue. Fortunately, there are not many things. Go tomorrow Pull coal, set off for Jishi the day after tomorrow, and then go back to Xinxiang, Hongbing, you can help me arrange. "

Zhang Hongbing said: "Okay, no problem. The team promised to complete the task. Fang Qian and Du Qinglei started the test. Chu Xiang sat in the lounge and waited for the results to consider things. There must be a lot of trouble at the beginning of the construction of the base, but After getting on the right track, it can be easier. After a while, the base can get back the production equipment and raw materials and can produce it by itself. This way, you don't have to worry about the source of life after the supplies are searched out. In short, you must make long-term plans. .

"Chu team, let's go out and go, there is a smell of disinfecting water in it." Zhang Hongbing said, covering his nose.

Chu Xiang saw that the test could not come out for a while. Then he got up and said, "Okay, let's go to the room to take a look. There has been no vegetables to eat. I guess you have a lot of complaints, so you can calm down everyone's mood."

Zhang Hongbing said as he walked, "Who dares to complain? If you eat buns, you will be happy in heaven. Think about how we couldn't even eat buns at first, and they can't just lift their tails after two days."

Chu Xiang smiled. Zhang Hongbing said that the ground was not unreasonable. There are still many bases that cannot solve the problem of food and clothing. It is also a happiness for them to live in the Yutai base. They don't have to worry about starvation. There is no need to have a zombie to break through the base, unless he hangs up.

The large room at the Yutai base is located in a large courtyard behind the living area. How can a thousand people eat here with a small dining area, but it is not tiring to work here. Every day, I use a bun machine to make buns and steamed buns. As for the machinery, there is no cooked food at all, only pickles. Occasionally it will improve the food. One person can send a box of canned food. There is no way. Under this condition, the search for canned food cannot be eaten every day.

A group of people noisy around the door of the room, Zhang Hongbing came forward and said, "What are you all doing here? Don't you need to work?"

Everyone recognized Zhang Hongbing and immediately said hello: "Director Zhang, the wastelander sent a fish and said that we would make it for them at noon, but our house has a sanitary management system. How can food of unknown origin be processed? Noisy. "

Chu Xiang separated from everyone and said, "What fish? Let me see?"

Then everyone noticed that the boss of the original base came, "Good Captain Chu, good Captain Chu ..."

Chu Xiang nodded, and everyone took the initiative to make way. I saw a small card parked in front of the house, and a big fish that was thicker than the human being pulled on the back bucket. Some people actively explained to Chu Xiang: "Captain Chu This is what we found in a small lake in the wasteland. The lake has dried half without rain these days, and the fish emerged from the water. Everyone went to battle and dragged it up. You can see how delicious the fish is. Why ca n’t we eat it? We have n’t eaten vegetables for half a year.

That lake Chuxiang was clear. When he enclosed it, he took into account the use of lake water for irrigation. The lake was small and he carefully checked it, so he circled it inside. However, there was still a fish that leaked the net. Chu Xiang observed The big fish said, "The tooth festival cannot be played casually, there must be a problem with this fish growing so big."

Someone said: "It shouldn't be, look at its fish is normal. If it has been corpse changed, it should not be like this."

Zhang Hongbing kept messing with the big fish head, he said to Chu Xiang: "Chu team, I think this is a catfish. If this fish head is cooked out of soup, it will be more delicious than the pig's head. Otherwise, let's try It's a pity to throw it away. "

Chu Xiang looked at the fish carefully. He stabbed the internal organs with a dagger and found no signs of black blood, but the catfish in such a large place must not grow naturally. Mostly it is related to the impact of the T virus. If you let yourself eat this fish, it is probably okay, but it will not change if ordinary people eat it.

Chu Xiang said: "Let ’s go to the outside and set up a simple stove, cut some parts of the fish and cook them in a pot, and then we will find a few non-mutated animals to feed them. If they eat, nothing will happen. Let Professor Fang pass the test before everyone can eat. "

The crowd was glad to answer. Who doesn't cherish their own lives, if this fish is really a problem, they won't eat it if killed, but with a little hope, everyone quickly set up a pan and cut a portion of the fish into the pan and cook it. It was very prosperous, but the water boiled in just ten minutes, and the fish flew in the pan, and Zhang Hongbing's saliva floated down, judging by the color and taste of the fish. Not something like a corpse.

It took a long time for Chu Xiang to search the base to find an unmutated cat and a dog. This was not easy. They were originally raised by the family members of the grain depot and were expelled from the base after Chu Xiang arrived. However, Chu Xiang found through observation In order to avoid creatures in the early stage of infection, in the later stage, as long as they are not directly contacted by zombies, corpses will not occur. The nearby zombies have swallowed up the five-color liquid for a month. These two animals have not been found for a long time. Food hungry skinny.

Someone brought a bowl of fish with soup. The two cats and dogs ate quickly. Everyone stared at them for half an hour, and the cat slept lazily. After getting up a hundred times, Chu Xiang said: "Send some more to Professor Fang for testing. I warn everyone, whoever steals the fish or drank the soup before the results come out, don't blame me for driving him out of the base."

Zhang Hongbing personally carried Chu Xiang to the laboratory with fish and soup. At this time, the test results of the three types of vegetables came out. The data is obvious. The three types of vegetables contain traces of T virus. Bai Xiaowei said: "This content It should have no effect on the evolutionist, but it is difficult for ordinary people to say. "

Chu Xiang said disappointedly: "Do you mean that these vegetables are inedible? At least not for ordinary people? I guess this bowl of fish soup is the same."

Zhang Hongbing shook his head while holding the fish soup. He kept smelling it and sighed from time to time. Naturally, he did not dare to eat his body before it evolved.

Bai Xiaowei said: "No, I am not saying that ordinary people are not edible. Listen to me from the beginning. According to our evolutionary data, the T virus has played an important role in the evolution process. It can be said that there is no possibility for humans to evolve without the T virus. Sex is minimal, and the probability may not even reach one in a billion. "

Chu Xiang said: "Is the potential of the T virus to excite the human body and magnify it by dozens or even hundreds of times?"

Bai Xiaowei nodded: "Yes, the T virus is the fundamental cause of the chaos and evolution in this world. Its wide range of influence cannot be avoided by humans. In fact, even a small amount of T virus cannot be ruled out even in heat-disinfected water. I think it is blind. Avoiding and fearing it is not a solution, nor does it conform to the rules of natural evolution. "

Chu Xiang was puzzled: "What do you mean, to be clear, should we take the initiative to challenge the T virus?"

Bai Xiaowei said: "From my research, some of the organisms infected by the T virus for two, three, or even four or five times are not corpse, they should have adapted to the living environment of the new land and become a new land species on the earth. It can also be said to be the enhancement of the original species. These species will inevitably develop with humans in the future. Humans cannot be separated from them. A new food chain will be formed between new species. We cannot break this natural law, so we must try Only by eating these new food sources can a new survival system be established. "

Chu Xiang was worried about the tunnel: "What if ordinary people corpse after eating?"

Bai Xiaowei said: "The surviving humans who can survive the early airborne infection of the T virus are not low in immunity. If they can't stand the interference and mutation of this small amount of T virus, then there is no way to eliminate them. This is the law of nature. Or wait until the food left over from the world is gone, what shall we eat? "

Chu Xiang said: "How many people will die without saying this, I think the evolutionaries will spring up like bamboo shoots."

Bai Xiaowei said, "Yes, I think that more foreign evolvers than we may have something to do with their wildness. They dare to eat foods that have been contaminated by the T virus but haven't become corpse, so they have more evolvers than us. We If this fear is not broken, the development of our country will lag behind them. "

The Kung Fu couple who talked about the two took out the test results of fish and soup. Like vegetables, they contained traces of T virus. Chu Xiang said: "It seems that the global environment has been completely contaminated by T virus. I suddenly remembered Drinking goat's milk with fighters on the prairie to eat mutton, presumably those foods also contain traces of T virus. At that time, many fighters had eaten them, but they did not have corpses. It seems that your theory works, let me tell everyone To announce this, recruit volunteers first, and let them eat some experimentally. If it is sure that there is no problem, promote these foods on a large scale. "

Chu Xiang and Zhang Hongbing returned to the house with three kinds of vegetables. Chu Xiang gathered the crowd and said, "Comrades, I have to tell you that there is a trace of T virus in these fish soups and vegetables. However, our professor Fang said that these T viruses may be harmless to the human body and also stimulate the evolution of human potential. However, it is not ruled out that some people have low immunity and will corpse, so whether to eat these foods is up to everyone. Decided that those who have volunteered to try can take a step forward. "

Many people not only took a few steps forward, but also left a few people and ran away. T virus, what a horrible thing, the farther away the better, the more precious life, what to try? Trying to kill yourself?

Zhang Hongbing chopped the thick cucumber in the bucket with a kitchen knife and threw it into the pot. The fresh scent of fish mixed with vegetable scent made him couldn't help but sniffed and waved the kitchen knife in his hand. "Comrades, there is no sacrifice. I ’m the first one to sign up and try! Sacrifice does n’t matter, as long as the truth is true, I ’m the one who eats it, and there are others! ”

Chu Xiang wanted to stop Zhang Hongbing. To be honest, he was very worried. Although Zhang Hongbing was not usually able to speak, he was a real mechanic. The maintenance of the size of the fleet did not work without him. In case he had an accident, That ’s not miserable, but Zhang Hongbing guessed that Chu Xiang would stop him and rushed and said, "Chu team, do n’t stop me, I am a good young man who asks for progress, you all have evolved ~ ~ Only I do n’t see movement. Since it ’s because of the lack of T virus in my body, I will bravely add it. If I wake up, I can evolve a little superpower. ”

Chu Xiang advised Zhang Hongbing: "Your maintenance technology is already a superpower. It doesn't matter if you can't evolve it. We have been together for so long. I really don't want to watch you take risks and think about it."

Zhang Hongbing scooped out a spoonful of soup, and he boldly tasted it: "I think about it, um, it tastes really good, and quickly get me a big pot. I want to eat soup and meat with his mother."

Someone took the lead, and there were naturally followers. Soon, seven people ate it. Since everyone was willing, Chu Xiang could not say anything, but he called to ask Song Jun to come over. Those who have eaten fish It is necessary to observe in the advanced isolation room for a period of time, and then move freely if there is no change.

As for how many evolutionaries can be generated among these seven people, Chu Xiang has no hope. It is not to say that if you dare to eat food containing T virus, you will have 100% evolution. This is at least a thousand or even a million ratio. If evolution The emergence of such a person is so easy, foreigners are now all evolutionaries.

(1,100 words are free today, so although it was a bit boring at the beginning of the new volume, I can still pull out the cat's face to ask for a monthly pass ^^)

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