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Chapter 225: Dushan Lake Monster

Dare to be the first warrior to eat crabs. These seven people took the initiative to live in the isolation room after eating fish and drinking fish soup, but in the afternoon Zhang Hongbing had something to do, so he went out of the isolation room first. From his appearance, there was no sign of corpse formation.

Until the dinner, Zhang Hongbing was still laughing and laughing with everyone, and he didn't take the fish and vegetables that were affected by the t virus into consideration. Chu Xiang was in a hurry to let go of this. The other six people had a diarrhea. There were no abnormalities outside. The diarrhea person probably ate too much and had little to do with the virus.

After dinner, Chu Xiang went to the vegetable garden to carry a King of Eggplant to call everyone to meet again. The big King of Eggs lay on the conference table like a calf, and the girls kept pointing around it. Chu Xiang said: "Comrade We, Jing Yijing, today is a day worthy of being recorded in the Yutai base. Comrade Zhang Hongbing, our great warrior, is trying his own dishes. From the current situation, ordinary people should be able to eat under the influence of t virus. Plants and animals, of course, require animals and plants without corpses, which will have an inestimable effect on creating new food sources for our base! "

Wow, everyone applauded, Zhang Hongbing stood up politely and thanked everyone, "Thank you, I'm trying to improve and trying to reduce the gap with you. Maybe I will wake up tomorrow morning and I will grow a pair Wings, whoever of you has not evolved, eat it quickly! "

Ma Xinghe, Wang Shaohui, Li Yingjie, Wu Zhenghang, Wei Qingchun, and Zheng Haoran are eager to try, even He Birou is a little excited. These days, her appraisal skills are not available. She can only help Lin to set up a household registration file for Yutai base every day. He Birou is even more The girl who wants to be motivated, of course, hopes that after evolution, she can help everyone resist the attack of zombies.

Chu Xiang appeased everyone: "Don't worry, everyone should do it a little bit. Don't go out and find something to eat by yourself! Otherwise, who would make myself out of the human ranks would hurt me.

Zhang Jingyao said: "We should do this. First set a sequence, starting from Zhang Hongbing, he eats for a week, we observe the changes before we determine the next person to eat, so that even if there is any accident, evolution one by one can Reduce losses. "

Chu Xiang said: "Just do this! Now that the t virus has spread all over our world, we should not be afraid of them anymore, but we must find ways to use them and transform them. In addition, I will arrange some recent work, and Brother Ma will guard tomorrow Base. Song Jun and I went to Zaoshi to pull coal. The day after tomorrow we set off for Jishi. Professor Bai and Fang needed a lot of advanced instruments for research. At the same time we went to Jishi to find a little Japanese ghost. "

The crowd broke out: "What? Looking for the Japanese? Go off his head to prevent him from becoming a zombie to endanger us Chinese?"

Chu Xiang waved and said, "Everyone is quiet. This ghost is called Inoue Haruki. Maybe many of you know that our crop trials were unsuccessful. Our side is interplanting corn, and it has just started to grow, but copper The spring planting corn in the city base has grown into a towering tree now. Do n’t laugh, Gao Qiang. Open the slide projector and show the photos. ”

Sun Gaoqiang turned on the slide projector, and saw a picture of a tree more than ten meters tall on the white wall. An adult man was standing under the tree. His body and the tree were used for reference. We can see that the tree was not shot with a special shooting method. , Chu Xiang said: "This is the corn tree at the copper city base. It only has long rods and not long ears. This is a very serious problem. The corn we planted will look like this, but the little ghost is in this area. Expert. So plan ahead and we need him! "

Xie Shanshan said: "In fact, we all don't care if that person is Korean or Japanese. White cats and black cats are good cats as long as they can catch mice. Our base is currently lacking talent. Wang Bin lacks technical staff. Wei Sister Wei lacks researchers. Song Jun lacks a large number of evolutionary leaders. So as long as you are willing to work hard for the base and human development, we should all welcome! "

Chu Xiang said: "Yes. Wang Bin. What happened to your radio station?"

Wang Bin said: "Ok. The trial broadcast has been successful today! But I'm afraid that Bingge will celebrate again. So I didn't say anything."

Zhang Hongbing said: "Cut. A broken wireless radio station. What do I celebrate. You can run a TV station if you can."

Wang Bin said: "How difficult is this! Brother Gao Qiang is planning wireless video broadcasting. Soon our base will realize it first. It will be easy to run a TV show at that time."

Chu Xiang said: "Okay. You are making a broadcast message tonight. Our Yutai base has recruited a large number of people. At present, the treatment can only ensure that they have nothing to worry about. They are absolutely safe. We hope that talents will take the initiative to join us. Taiwan base. If you ca n’t come in person, please tell them where we are. We will pick you up and take you to your home! "

Wang Bin snapped his fingers and said, "No problem, Brother Chu! I believe the radio has been widely used throughout the country. Many people around our broadcast will receive it, and they will rush to our Yutai base crazy. We must know that there is no meal. Worrying about this is enough to attract them. When we run another video program and send it to the satellite, we will publicize the good situation of our base. I think that more people will make a satellite phone call to join the local community. "

Imagine that the talents are as cheap as Chinese cabbage. Everyone is excited. The development of the base and the prosperity of the population are very important. Otherwise, whoever farms and produces will be produced in the future. With the expansion of the base, the guard forces will also expand. The population will soon be inadequate, and now food is not a problem, so it is imperative to expand the base to recruit members!

Chu Xiang waved and said quietly: "Our first thing is to go to Xinxiang to look for weapons. Wang Bin, how is the information of Xinxiang Garrison checked?"

Wang Bindao: "I invaded the computer room of the Military Commission. From their data, Xinxiang's garrison seems to be scattered among the surrounding bases to protect the people. The province has a large population. The bases currently established are as many as wool. Anyang, Jincheng, Luoyang, Kaifeng, Zhengzhou and other bases, a little further, there are human bases in Menxia, ​​Nanyang, Luohe, Zhoukou, Zhumadian. They have already contacted the central government. Originally, there was a small base in Xinxiang, but with the garrison Scattered, this base has been divided into surrounding bases. Now it has become an empty city. "

Chu Xiang asked eagerly: "Have they ever carried weapons and ammunition? Without a garrison, they can avoid conflict with them, but if the weapons are no longer there, there will be some trouble."

Wang Bindao: "I found from the accounts of the General Logistics Department and the General Equipment Department that the weapons and equipment that have been invested in Xinxiang over the years have greatly differed from their consumption. Then comparing the military forces currently reported by the bases, I can be sure of the Xinxiang troops. There are definitely a large number of weapons not taken away at the station! Unless they have been destroyed, but this is unlikely, because everyone knows that zombies will not use weapons for the time being. It is unwise to destroy our weapons against them, human beings. Eventually, it will regain control of the planet. Those weapons are very effective. "

Chu Xiang said: "Since we are returning from Jishi, we will go to Xinxiang and have a meeting. We will leave for Zaoshi tomorrow morning!"

There was nothing to say overnight, when Chaoyang Gang had probed half a land, the eschatology team had rushed to the Dushan Lake bridge, the lake was dark. The timid person standing on the bridge did not dare to look down. Two family-oriented off-road vehicles were driving, followed by ten trailer trucks. This time, the base vehicle was not dispatched, because everyone was afraid that the bridge would be destroyed if it was suddenly broken. Got the base car. Besides, the round-trip is just one day, and there is no need to use a base car.

Song Jun on the first car whistled, and the following teams stopped. At this time, he had entered the area of ​​the lake. Song Jun moved forward cautiously, and Chu Xiang ran on the flame horse to the front. Song Juntan, the sound of a horse's hoof stepped on the bridge and slowly moved forward.

Song Jun's speed gradually accelerated, and eventually he caught up with Chu Xiang in the middle of the bridge: "It seems that the problem is not big, let the following teams continue?"

Chu Xiang nodded and said, "Go ahead. There must be mutants under Dushan Lake, but as long as you don't interfere with each other's living space, try to avoid conflicts, otherwise this one will have a great impact on our future. After all, Until new energy is found, coal in Zao City is important to us. "

On the second off-road vehicle was Zhang Jingyao. Chu Xiang originally didn't want their women to follow, but now he has fewer evolutionaries. Zhang Jingyao is not assured, and eventually he travels with Xiaosi. At the critical moment, they are both better than ordinary people!

Chu Xiang called the intercom and said, "Slowly and slowly. Try not to cause a large vibration of the bridge body, and don't be afraid to see you at the bridgehead. I will be there as soon as there is a problem."

Song Jundi's first off-road vehicle was the first to reach the Dabian shore, followed by Zhang Jingyao, but the trailer truck behind had no such good luck, and the quiet deep lake water rising under the rising sun suddenly burst like a * porridge pot. As if fighting a stream, a huge body of fish emerged, and their impact was very strong, and they could fly up to ten meters in the air! The world before Feiyu was not without, but it was the first time to see such a big flying fish.

At first, these flying fish only appeared on the left side of the bridge, but soon their area range fluctuated to the right side of the bridge. This phenomenon even appeared on the lake surface far away. At the center of the bridge, the drivers of the ten trailers were all ordinary humans, and they did not experience large scenes like Wu Zhenghang and others, so it was a little panic at this moment.

Chu Xiang shouted: "Don't be afraid! No. 1 continues to move forward, don't be in a hurry, go slowly! I will protect you in the back!"

Car No. 1 started, Chu Xiang rode fiercely on both sides of the bridge. The fish were flying high but not yet on the bridge. After all, the bridge pier is also very high, because the previous world was below Navigable.

It seemed that the fish were a little flustered, flying up and down like escape, Chu Xiang was a little puzzled, and at this time Xiao Si had already run back, she jumped on the flame of Chu Xiang and hugged Chu Xiang from her waist, "Brother, I Feeling the fear of these fish, they are escaping. "

Chu Xiang said: "Yeah, I don't think it's right. It seems that there are living creatures under the lake that threaten their survival."

The two were talking, and suddenly a strong bubbling bubble emerged from the surface of the lake, and then burst into a water column of ten meters high like a fountain. Huo, the water column fell out of a turtle-head-shaped monster, and its neck seemed very long. Because it keeps rising upwards but never sees the body below, saying that it is a snake but its head is still different.

"What a big monster!" Xiao Si exclaimed, holding Chu Xiang's hand tight and tight, the girl's psychology was strange. Sometimes they are not afraid to pretend, who knows if Zhang Jingyao and others have affected Xiao Si's words and deeds.

"There is still there!" Chu Xiang pointed to the other side of the bridge, but not the other side. Wherever flying fish jumped up, almost this strange turtle head appeared, and the water jets on the lake sprang up in Chaoyang. Under the illumination, rainbows formed, and the scene was spectacular. If you haven't seen the Loch Ness monster, you can have a good look at this time.

Song Jun, Wang Shaohui, Li Yingjie, Wu Zhenghang and others all came over, and everyone was nervous with guns. Wu Zhenghang even had a bazooka. "Play the Chu team. It seems that there are a lot of monsters. If you don't hit, you will lose the opportunity."

Chu Xiang said: "Don't hurry! Let the team move on, these monsters are hunting flying fish, we don't want to mess with them!"

Everyone's careful observation was really good. Those monsters shook their little heads left and right, as soon as any flying fish passed by them, they would be quickly bitten and swallowed, so the team started again carefully, and half of the trailer had already set foot on the other side of the land. Everyone began to relax.

call! A strong water column sprayed from under his feet. The bridge surface shook a bit when he couldn't stand it. Chu Xiang exclaimed and stretched out his bones. He flew up to the bridge and saw that it was bigger than the monster just appeared. The strange snake rose up several times. When its entire body surfaced, Chu Xiang knew that it was not a snake. If it was a shrimp, it was almost the same, because it had a shrimp-like covering except for its long neck. Hard armor. There are many feet on its abdomen. If the old man invented the idiom to add snakes, he would faint.

Chu Xiang waved the bone wings and made a circle around the snake shrimp. The big size of the snake shrimp, Chu Xiang's open bone wings, is just one foot in size. The shrimp and shrimp grandchildren probably saw the boss come out, and they all gathered around. There was a huge flying fish in his mouth, and Chu Xiang realized it at this time. The King of Snake Shrimp was the only monster that had a foot in it. The others only had long beards under the hard armored ground. This is really very clear. It's like the only evolutionary who has wings.

The King of Snake Shrimp swallowed the flying fish that had been honoured. He took a look at the bridge of Dushan Lake and lowered his head and took a sip from the lake. Alas, he rushed to Chu Xiang at the moment. Although Chu Xiang was on guard, he was flying at a speed comparable to the water spray area of ​​this giant snake shrimp. He was then poured into a cool heart. Fortunately, Chu Xiang did not fly by feathers. Otherwise it will fall into the lake.

"Oh ..." The king of snake shrimp could even make a sound, it roared at Chu Xiang, and seemed to warn that Chu Xiang had violated its territory. Xiaosi shouted on the bridge: "Brother, be careful, it will be against you ! "

Sure enough, the grandchildren of the snake shrimp extended their long necks and bite at Chu Xiang. This human who could fly in the air threatened their territory, so they launched an attack. Chu Xiang was already on guard, and the bone knife waved and chopped those. Chu Xiang was surprised that the snakeskins were not very hard, or that Chu Xiang's bone knives had increased greatly, and they were injured.

The dark red blood stained the lake water, and the king of snake shrimp was furious. It attacked Chu Xiang by the buoyant snake feet of water. The wings of the king of snake shrimp were cut off by Chu Xiang's bone wings and fell into the water. Resounding through the sky, many shrimps rushed to the rescue. Many of them stirred a pot of lake water like porridge, and Chu Xiang was squeezed in and swept away. Finally, the bones and fins fell into the snake shrimp group before they could move.

Everyone sees the truth on the bridge. Although Chu Xiang is not defeated, the other party has an advantage due to its huge size and quantity. However, Zhang Jingyao's high-voltage current cannot attack such a long distance. Although he has a gun and a rocket launcher, However, Li Yingjie and others are experienced fighters. They already know through the battle between Chu Xiang and Snake shrimp that ordinary weapons are not effective against monsters of this size. There is only one rocket launcher. Once they are irritated, I am afraid that even bridges can be lifted. In order to ensure the smooth flow of coal transportation lines, this approach is not desirable.

Song Jun rushed back to his off-road vehicle. He pulled out a steel bow from the trunk. This steel bow was built by him for a month. No human like Ma Xinghe can pull half a minute. Through practice comparison, this Zhang Ganggong's range is far beyond the 88-type sniper step. Song Jun has always been trying to improve himself for only short- and medium-range attacks. He is used to bows and arrows who do not like to use guns. When he thinks about it, he thinks of using modern alloy technology to create a superb bow. Now that he has done it, it is time to verify the lethality of this bow and arrow.

A good bow naturally needs a good arrow. A pot of bows and arrows created by Song Jun cannot be lifted by ordinary humans. He quickly ran back to the center of the bridge. Chu Xiang was killing the huge snakes and shrimps at the moment. Take advantage, but whether Chu Xiang's strength can hurt them, in general, the price paid by the other party is greater ~ ~ Squeaky, harsh bowstrings sound, hum, a sharp cracking sound, A steel arrow with a thick thumb shot out quickly, and the person standing next to Song Jun obviously felt a pulling force, which was the air vibration caused by the steel arrow leaving the string!

Alas, the steel arrow was submerged into the head of a snake shrimp at a rate of fire faster than the muzzle velocity. The huge body of the snake shrimp was poured into the lake. Alas, another steel arrow shot over and another snake shrimp. Killed and sunk into the water! Chu Xiang took the opportunity to emerge from the group of snake shrimp. He vibrated his wings to rise into the air, and was fully prepared. The end of the bone wing quickly formed a fist-sized projectile. The response speed of Snake King is not slow. It hides its head under the body. Alas, those projectiles penetrated its body, but it did not affect its life.

Chu Xiang made a ruthless battle. Today, he will not go after he has not cleaned up Dushan Lake, so he concentrated his fire on the Snake King, and must set it flat while it sinks into the water. Song Jun on the bridge It is also more and more brave, more often a bow and arrow! A large number of snake shrimp grandchildren who came around to rescue them were sunk!

Woo! The Snake King cried out suddenly, and Xiaosi shouted, "Brother, it is asking for peace! Don't fight it! It is afraid of us asking for peace!"


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