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Chapter 226: Robbed of coal

Sum? Chu Xiang was stunned, does this term also exist in the zombie world? I used to want not to interfere with the mutated creatures in Dushan Lake, but after the appearance of the king of snake shrimp, the situation changed dramatically. Now it is grassed. Maybe I really want to live in peace.

Chu Xiang stowed the projectile suspended in mid-air. As his physical value increased, more iron elements could be melted at one time. Of course, the projectiles emitted were more powerful. It is no wonder that today, the giant snake shrimps are a little soft and not pulled. In fact, their leather armor is very thick, but the strength of Chu Xiang has not been greatly increased.

Song Jun took back the steel bow and stood on the bridge in the wind. The glittering steel arrow was chilling! The two brothers echoed one after the other, the snake shrimps were frightened and bowed down, compared with others, their strength is really inferior. If it is not for their huge size, they may not be able to persist for ten minutes, just So they have killed more than a dozen companions.

Xiao Si also stands on the bridge. She receives the thoughts transmitted by the king of snake shrimp. Xiao Si has a natural ability to sense abnormal creatures. She can communicate with them for a certain period of time. This has already been proven. However, communication with the evolutionist, Xiao Si has not yet shown this ability.

"Brother, as long as we don't kill its companions, they are willing to obey our command line."

Chu Xiang's wings also fell on the bridge rail, and retracted the bone knife and bone wing. Chu Xiang waved: "Tell it, as long as we can get along peacefully, I can let them go, but they must ensure that our team goes back and forth independently. The safety of the Shanhu Bridge must also ensure that it does not go beyond the lake to threaten the safety of our base. If they dare to go against it, they will surely cut off the grass! "

Xiaosi conveyed the meaning of Chu Xiang. The king of snake shrimp made a roar. The scarred body paid homage to Chu Xiang, and then sank into the water. Xiaosi said: "It promised, but we also want to make sure we don't find them. Trouble. We must not interfere with them, including when they are preying. "

Chu Xiang jumped off the bridge rail and said, "As long as the Dushan Lake Bridge is okay, this is enough. The wisdom of the mutants is getting higher and higher. They even know how to seek common ground while shelving differences. In fact, this is a good phenomenon. Let us thoroughly It's really difficult to wipe them out, but we can live together. "

The drivers of the ten trailers saw Chu Xiang for the first time. Before, they just listened to how others talked about how powerful Chu Xiang was. Now seeing Chu Xiang alone fighting a huge snake prawn monster can only be considered a person who can fly. Isn't that only possible with sup? And the body will shoot like a machine gun, which is really cool.

Song Jun ’s steel bow also impressed everyone, especially Wu Zhenghang ’s worship of Song Jun now, he can play the bow and arrow to such a degree, only Song Jun is in the world, which not only shows the power of Song Jun Superman . Its accuracy is probably not comparable to snipers. Among these evolutionaries, besides Chu Xiang, I am afraid that his strength should be considered second, and even if He Yaohui wants to let the previous "departure!" Chu Xiang wave the flame horse forward It's not far after the Dushan Lake Bridge in Zao City. You can return in the afternoon when you are full of cars. As for you do n’t have to worry about these monsters that are not snakes, shrimps, or shrimps. Chu Xiang feels that it is not important. The key is that they are not as powerful as they are. If they dare to regret, they can fight again. They are always hiding under the water.

Zaoshi is a city that has been designated as a resource-depleted city, but it was once a coal city. Even if the resource is depleted, the coal industry will not disappear overnight. The coal storage left on the surface by its previous output is sufficient for the Yutai base. Used for several years. It faces the Yutai base across the lake, but it is only a few kilometers away.

Because the distance is close. So Shang did not encounter a large number of zombies. Song Jun opened the navigator and quickly led the convoy to Xiazhuang Coal Mine. From the satellite image, there are more than a dozen coal mountains here. And it is located in the western suburbs without having to go deep into Zao City. This also avoids direct clashes with urban zombies. Although not necessarily afraid of them. But one thing is worse than one thing. It is not good to take the initiative to mess with them.

boom. The gate of Xiazhuang Coal Mine's coal storage area is closed. Song Jun hit the car directly. Ten trailers rushed in. Finally stopped in front of the largest coal mountain. Chu Xiang let go of the flame horse and let it eat grass. Leaning over the coal pile and looking around. Not many zombies. Occasional loitering is not to be feared. Wang Shaohui, Li Yingjie and others can be reassured.

"There is a forklift over there!" Chu Xiang pointed to behind Coal Mountain. It's a small parking lot. Song Jun and Zhang Hongbing ran to check the situation of the forklift. Fortunately, it was just running out of oil. Because it is close. The oil in the tank of the trailer cannot be used at all. Just put out two buckets. Four forklifts work together. In ten hours, all ten trailers should be fully filled.

Watching the forklift slamming into operation loaded a pile of coal into the car. Zhang Jingyao went to Chu Xiang and said, "Zaoshi has a human base in Xiji. Would we like to take a look. Maybe they can be merged into our Yutai base."

Chu Xiang thought for a while and thought: "This plan is good. But our Yutai base is not currently in the name of the central government. If we take the liberty to merge their bases, we will only cause misunderstanding.

Zhang Jingyao said: "Yeah. Fang Su also raised questions about this matter. The central government has also repeatedly issued requests for contact. Do we accept the leadership of the central government. The central government is concerned about the grain in the grain depot."

Chu Xiang watched another tow truck being filled to the side and said, "For the time being, we should come down first. The central government cannot currently lead the bases directly. They will not affect the affairs of our base, so we are not afraid that there will be Gao Yu. Of people appear, or let them give us a random command of our early work and have to sacrifice. Published on ㄧ 6k "

Zhang Jingyao nodded, Zhang Hongbing suddenly shouted on the workplace: "Chu team, one of the forklifts broke down, and no jack was found. Come here to help, we need to work here with one less forklift. Stay for tens of minutes. "

Chu Xiang is naturally not afraid of working hard, so he and Song Jun are on their side, while Zhang Hongbing is hurrying to repair the car. Next to him is another forklift working in a rumbling work, and his loud ears are almost deaf, plus The trailer came in and out of the coal mountain, and Xiazhuang Coal Mine, which had not seen much movement for a long time, turned out to be full of vitality.

"Okay!" Zhang Hongbing got out of the car. Chu Xiang and Song Jun lowered the forklift. Fortunately, they were carried together and repaired for half an hour. If you keep a posture for a long time, even Juli will be tired, Zhang Hongbing shouted without raising his head: "Li, Li, hurry up and watch it, it should be fine, work hard, there are four empty cars left Car. Fight for an hour. "

No one answered, and Chu Xiang and Song Jun were also surprised. The two looked startled and looked frightened. I do n’t know when there were dozens of gunmen standing outside the coal mountain. In addition to a few people busy here, Wang Shaohui, Li Yingjie, Zhang Jingyao, Xiaosi and four others The trailer drivers were all controlled with guns!

"Stop!" Chu Xiang shouted at the driver of the trailer, who was still shoveling coal. He leaned out and said, "Chu team, why stop, go back to the base after finishing the work early, and stay out of this heart is always unreliable ... I rely, what's going on!"

The forklift went out. The trailer also shut down the diesel engine. In the coal storage area, people's ears were itchy for a while. Chu Xiang and Song Jun stepped forward. The humans with guns looked very young, and some even 17 or 18 young people. When they saw Chu Xiang and Song Jun coming over, they immediately compared their guns to everyone.


Chu Xiang and Song Jun could only stop. Chu Xiang looked at Song Jun. The two cooperated with each other. Song Jun understood that Chu Xiang was asking how many he could handle. Looking at the situation on the field, Song Jun shook his head, and the other party was scattered. Wang Shaohui, Li Yingjie, Zhang Jingyao, and Xiaosidi could protect themselves, but the four drivers were ordinary and terrible. It is estimated that this is also Zhang Jingyao and others. The reason was arrested, if the rebellion might kill the four drivers.

Naturally, Chu Xiang had already estimated the situation on the field. Song Jun was not sure. He himself was not sure that he would be able to solve all the scattered gunmen in a short time. Besides, the four tow drivers who did not have the ability to resist were still the farthest and most scattered. It is really difficult to rescue them at the same time, maybe it may be a misunderstanding. Always ask before you plan.

"We are human." Chu Xiang used this common opening remark, reminding the other party not to point the muzzle at the same kind.

The other party laughed: "We are not without eyes. What this is saying is really thunderous. Where did you come from? Hey, timid, dare you come to our city to steal coal? Do n’t you know this is our west? Is it a site and property? "

Seeing that the other party ’s muzzle had not been relaxed, Chu Xiang did n’t dare to say anything for a while, “We are from Yutai Grain Depot. We just want to pull back a few tons of coal. Since we are all human beings, please let me know Accommodate. "

Leading humanity: "Fluent and harmonious? Your Yutai grain depot keeps countless grains. Have you ever thought about how many days we live, these coals will not let you pull away!"

Someone immediately agreed: "Yes, you must not let them pull away, detain people and cars, and if you want to redeem, pull another ten carts of food in exchange!"

Chu Xiang frowned. The food in Yutai's grain depot was sufficient. Even if no new food could be produced in ten or eight years, they would eat enough. Chu Xiang is not a stingy person. If these people discuss it with kindness, Sending them ten cars and eight cars has no problem at all, but now things seem to have become Le, since Chu Xiang has evolved, there are really no people who dare to Le.

Chu Xiang couldn't hold back the fire. Song Jun pointed behind him. It turned out that while the other side was holding the corner, Zhang Hongbing and other people had also been supervised. The muzzle of the black hole was not a fake, in case there was a miss. There will be casualties on his own side, and Chu Xiang put up with it, "Cheng, let's call back and let the people over there send ten carts of food to you."

The leader obviously didn't expect that things would go so smoothly, and his appetite became bigger with surprise. "No, we have lost 10 trucks for 10 trucks of coal. We need at least 20 trucks."

Chu Xiang never thought of giving the food to them, so he didn't hesitate to say, "No problem, but we need so many cars at once, we don't have such a large transportation capacity, I'm afraid you have to wait."

The leader said: "Just hurry up and contact us. We will let you go when the food is delivered. As long as your companions are not in a hurry, we are not in a hurry."

Zhang Hongbing muttered: "Brother, it's best to let the tricks shine, don't provoke people who shouldn't provoke, or you will regret it."

The leader laughed: "Haha, you are the first person to dare to speak to me like this, but today I am always happy, when you get back to the base before packing you up, call quickly. Otherwise don't blame me for being rude." Said The leading man raised his muzzle like Yao Wuyangwei, in Chu Xiang's eyes it was just a pile of scrap iron.

Chu Xiang took the satellite phones from the car and called them back. These satellite phone signals were indeed good, and they also brought video, which was absolutely value. Ma Xinghe was on duty and suddenly saw Chu Xiang surrounded by a gun. He was a little dazed: "Chu team, what does this mean?" Ma Xinghe has seen this scene for the first time since he met Chu Xiang. In his mind, Chu Xiang is an omnipotent god, and now dozens of humans have been hijacked. This is really funny.

Chu Xiang said: "I'm on the road, these people suddenly came out and we weren't prepared for it, and quickly found a way to send 20 carts of food to redeem people. I know that the base has no carts to transport food. But you have to find a solution yourself. It can't be solved now but it's okay later. "

Even if Ma Xinghe couldn't see Chu Xiang winking at him, but only obediently understood that Chu Xiang let him deal with it first. When these people are negligent in defense, Chu Xiang will naturally regain the opportunity. It was not choppy to deal with them at that time. Cutting melon is easy. Ma Xinghe deliberately frowned and said, "Twenty carts of grain? There are more. We only have two carts now, unless you pull the coal back and transport the grain away."

The leader snatched the satellite phone in the hands of Chu Xiang and said, "I don't care what difficulties you have! I will give you one night to prepare. You will not see twenty carts of food from the ground outside Xiji base tomorrow morning. All these people will feed the zombies! "

After speaking, the leader confiscated the satellite phone, and his opponent shouted, "Leave a few people here for surveillance. If you dare to steal a car from Yutai Grain Depot, kill them. Take these people back to the base to take care of them. Get up and don't see the food! "

At this time, they can no longer be scattered in custody. Everyone was shoved and came together. As long as the bones and wings were displayed, Chu Xiang could protect the ten drivers of the trailer, and those humans were totally vulnerable! Song Jun secretly made a hands-on gesture to Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang shook his head, Zhang Hongbing couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Let them conspiracy succeed?"

Chu Xiang said: "No, they don't want to take a grain of food from us. Since this group of people are doing this kind of business, I think we should go to the Xiji base to see if we can really collect them."

Zhang Jingyao also whispered: "Yes. We will have a large demand for coal land in the future. It is really not a way to let them do destruction on the Zao market side, or they will be eliminated. Or they will be assigned to the Yutai base, which requires Only when they have seen their personnel inside Xiji Base can they decide. "

Zhang Hongbing sighed, "It's a pity that we were famous forever, and today we have been hijacked."

Chu Xiang smiled insidiously: "Yes, it is unknown who hijacked, they will regret the wolf into the room ..."

A driver walked to Chu Xiang and whispered, "Chu team, you should be able to defeat them so badly. We are very scared. Will it be OK to go back with them? You want to protect us, and I have a wife Wait for me to go home at the base of Yutai. "

After all, they are ordinary people, and their performance in this matter is not satisfactory. Zhang Hongbing said to the driver of the trailer: "You can rest assured that the Chu team naturally has a plan, and we have not looked at them as such people. But they wanted to find a chance to mix them into the Xiji base and solve them all, otherwise they would always trouble us how to pull coal in the future. "

Chu Xiang nodded. The driver was at ease. Chu Xiang whispered to Zhang Jingyao and said, "Did you see Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie?"

Zhang Jingyao walked and looked at the people around her, her voice was low: "Well, just now they were still by my side. Why did you not see anyone for a while, did you lurk and prepare to start?"

"Chu team," a sudden low voice came from the void, "I'm Wang Shaohui, don't you see me and Li Yingjie?"

Chu Xiang was startled. He looked around. The people in the Xiji base stood far away. Seeing them whispering, they could not stop them. They thought that Chu Xiang and others were afraid to encourage each other ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ Chu Xiang whispered: "Yes, what's the matter with you two?"

Li Yingjie cried out loudly: "I just blame me and Shao Hui for their care. They were hiding in the coal pile, as if we were waiting for us to hook up, and suddenly they stopped the four drivers. We and Shao Hui were afraid I did n’t dare to do anything when I hurt myself, but I found that I was invisible when I was in a hurry, but my vision has become very blurred. Fortunately, you and I have been talking to Shao Hui so as not to lose.

Chu Xiangle was happy, saying: "I didn't expect that Le's urged the evolution of both of you. I thought that only foreign talents would be invisible. Now we are not afraid of foreign ghosts coming back to challenge. At that time, the hermits are afraid of the hermits. Hair. "

Wang Shaohui said: "It's just that our two eyesight has dropped greatly, and everything we see is blurred."

Zhang Jingyao said: "This is probably related to the inability of the human body's transparent rear vision membrane network to reflect light. If it is long enough, you can communicate with her thinking and she will guide you in activities."

Chu Xiang said: "Don't take any shots for now, we will act after we adjust our eyesight and understand the situation of Xiji Base."


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