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Chapter 227: Yin others put

The group of people from the Xiji base parked the car far away, and everyone walked a full kilometer to board the car. Chu Xiang learned from the other people's conversations with each other that there were several coal yards with coal around them. It is not a day or two to wait at the squatting point. It seems that all of this is planned by a person named Li Xihua. This person seems to have some unusual means. These people are awed when they mention him.

The sudden disappearance of Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie under the cover of Chu Xiang and others has not been discovered so far, but these two have just evolved invisible superpowers. How long they can hide is unknown and their vision has become blurred. This thing is really worrying.

Sure enough, the two of them appeared on the van and got on a van. Fortunately, the people in the base of Xiji did not monitor in the trunk. They just locked the car door from the outside, so the two disappeared. The sudden appearance did not cause an accident.

"I can finally see things clearly. The vague feeling is really uncomfortable." Wang Shaohui said his experience and Li Yingjie shared the same feeling. The two couldn't figure out how the ghost killer that Chu Xiang had encountered before was invisible. Without affecting vision, it seems that their strength needs to be further developed.

Chu Xiang comforted the two: "Well, since your stealth ability is still limited, don't worry, we will rest assured that they will enter the Xiji base. None of these people are evolutionaries.

Zhang Jingyao, Xiao Si, and others naturally did not look at those people, but the ten tow truck drivers were extremely worried, but Chu Xiang and Song Jun did not say how to escape by their ability, so everyone agreed A bump came into the base of Xiji. This is a small human base with many people. The identities of the survivors are mixed. Some local armed personnel belong to the militia and the armed forces. There are also a small number of soldiers in the army. There are more local surnames.

The Xiji base did not have a large line of defense, but used a large factory wall to resist zombies. Fortunately, they did not become the target of a large number of zombies, so the base persisted to this day. Only the lack of materials in the base. In the beginning, the forces fought against each other. Finally, after a local named Li Xihuadi unified their leadership, their sphere of influence expanded to a certain extent, gradually eradicating several nearby zombies. Some coal yards have control.

The Xiji base has a small number of weapons. Li Xihua gained leadership and quickly pulled up his loyal armed forces and held the gun firmly in his hand. He was a courageous and motivated person. After merging a few small bases, Xiji has the scale it has today. According to Li Xihua According to the local plan, the Xiji base must step out of Zao City, otherwise they would starve to death with a pile of coal. Moreover, some of these coals are used less. After some consideration, Li Xihua decided to set the goal of the next step as Yutai Grain Depot.

There is no radio station in Li Xihua's base, so he does not know the situation of Yutai Grain Depot, but he firmly believes that the Yutai Grain Depot will definitely not fall, because he is a local and once went to the grain depot to sell food, knowing the high walls there The courtyard is not easily broken by zombies.

Li Xihua also sent someone to observe the opposite bank by Dushan Lake. According to reports, the chimney of the grain depot was still smoking. Therefore, Li Xihua is more convinced that the grain depot is still in the hands of human beings. After the power interruption, it must be the normal operation of the grain depot to maintain the normal operation of the warehouse, and the time when the coal storage of the grain depot will be available sooner or later. Therefore, after inspecting several coal yards near Yutai Grain Depot, Li Xihua decided to set up an ambush in Xiazhuang Coal Mine, but he did not realize that he had succeeded.

"Hua brother, we are back," said Qian Jiahao, the leader of the Xiazhuang coal mine ambush. He now admires Li Xihua, who is less than ten years old. People said that someone would come to steal coal and surely someone would come to steal coal.

Li Xihua was pleased to see Qian Jiahao's heart: "But the man who stole the coal?"

Qian Jiahao said: "Hua Ge has a wonderful idea. We captured them all in one fell swoop. The other drove ten trailers. It is still parked over the coal yard. I will send someone to guard it. The captured land people have been brought back to the base. I asked them to call the grain depot. Let there be twenty carts of grain to redeem tomorrow morning. "

Li Xihua sneered. Although Qian Jiahao was loyal, his brain was not enough. Twenty carts of food? He hasn't seen this food yet. He wanted the whole Yutai grain depot. If you have the entire grain depot. Replenish foot weapons and ammunition. Then even if this plague lasts for a long time, you are not afraid.

"You worked hard. Let's take a rest. I'll take care of this." Li Xihua waved. Qian Jiahao exited without a word. Li Xihua has a strange ability. He would kill somehow. Fighting for leadership of this small base. He once let the body emit yellow smoke and poisoned the other two factions to Qiqiao bleeding. There was also a person inside the base who said he wanted to kill Li Xihua. The result was after Li Xihua poked a finger. The man vomited blood that night and died. So the people at Xiji Base are now scared to see him. And this is exactly what Li Xihua wants.

After thinking about it, Li Xihua decided to personally interrogate those who stole coal. Information is now very backward. It can even be said that things over 50 kilometers are unpleasant. What is happening in the Yutai grain depot across Dushan Lake. How many troops are guarding. What about weapon configuration. Whether there are more or less zombies around Li Xihua must understand. Because it is very important for him to send troops to Yutai grain depot.

After being brought into the Xiji base, Chu Xiang and others were locked in a factory building. Because there are many mosquito flies in summer. I didn't know what stuff had been piled up in this plant before. There were groups of black mosquitoes inside. Dare to come out and **** blood in the daytime.

Zhang Hongbing killed a mosquito. "I was scared to see these insects. You said that there were no mutations in the mosquito. In case they sucked the blood of the zombies and came to bite us, wasn't this an indirect infection?"

Zhang Jingyao said: "This situation generally doesn't happen. We walked across several provinces and met a lot of mutant organisms, but the mutant ground mosquitoes and flies have not been seen for the time being. The mice did not seem to have encountered them. In addition, the ants only But once in a tornado, I think there must be something more mysterious in the biological world that we don't understand. "

Chu Xiang explained further: "Bai Xiaowei and Professor Fang have conducted research on the above-mentioned organisms, but their research has entered a bottleneck due to experimental conditions. They found a strange phenomenon that artificially added the virus to some On the organisms, as a result of testing these organisms, t-virus was not found in their bodies, which means that there is something in their body that killed the t-virus. This is the same as when I evolved to a class a university and will not be affected by t-virus anymore. The infection is different. I'm just not affected by the outside t virus, but there is t virus in my body ... Well, when it comes to scientific research, I am a layman. We will have good news soon after the laboratory equipment is updated. "

Zhang Hongbing said: "Yes, Professor Fang and Bai Xiaowei are the top talents in our country. If they are unsure of the anti-t virus solution, how can foreigners study it, then we can sell the anti-t virus solution to countries around the world. I think being a billionaire should be more than enough. "

Wang Shaohui said: "Let's stop discussing these esoteric issues. I want to go and see the situation with Li Yingzhuo."

Chu Xiang said: "There are still many unfamiliar places in the evolution of your two at the beginning. Let me and Song Jun go out to see it." Li Yingjie said: "It is because we are not familiar yet that we have to experience it. Rest assured Chu team, I think the Xiji base is just a large factory. Even if Shaohui and I are not invisible, they will not catch us. "

As soon as Chu Xiang wanted to rely on Wang Shaohui ’s hunter skills, ordinary people did n’t find it easy to catch him, so he cut through the welding window and said, “Hurry up and come back quickly to find out their population, weapons, and leaders. Let's see if they have acquired their value. "

Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie drilled out of the window, their bodies quickly faded and eventually disappeared from everyone's sight. The two of them were thinking about how to adapt to the problem of invisible sight. This time they took the opportunity to do some tests, and the other two also It was found that the clothes on the body can enter the invisible state together. This is of great significance to study the cause of their invisibility. The fact that there is no cell in the clothing can prove that the invisibility of these two people is not as simple as the cell transparency.

The ten drivers shrank at the corner and did not participate in the actions of Chu Xiang and others. When entering the Xiji base, a dozen fierce men with guns checked them. Those people scared the drivers. As a result, Chu Xiang's first impression of the Xiji base was very bad. As the saying goes There will be what kind of soldiers in any kind. It is said that they must not start with the Xiji base. It will become the first base to be merged in the history of Yutai base development.

Zhang Hongbing heard a radio sound outside: "They also have electricity here? I don't know if it is nuclear power or coal power? If it is nuclear power, it will be fine. We can lead the line back to the Yutai base."

Song Jundao: "Coal is everywhere here, so most of it is coal power. Nuclear power plants require a lot of professionals to maintain. Except for large bases like Beijing, it is difficult for survivors outside to maintain the operation of nuclear power plants. It ’s nothing more than adding coal and water, and then finding a few electrician maintenance lines. The technical content is not high. "

Zhang Jingyao nodded: "Yeah. Although Zaoshi is listed as a resource-depleted city. But the thin dead camel is larger than horses, and it has more energy than Yutai grain depot across a lake. Even if it ca n’t be found in s province The nuclear energy that we can use, but as long as we can maintain the safety of Dushan Lake Bridge and have both food and energy, we don't have to worry about electricity for a long time to come. "

The door was opened, and a soldier wearing a worn helmet came in: "You who are the leaders, come with me, our base leaders have invited me."

Chu Xiang stood up, Song Jun also stood up, thinking about Zhang Jingyao and Xiao Si also standing up, Zhang Hongbing said: "What's the matter? We have always made progress together."

The soldier was not annoyed, and said, "May you all come with you, as if it is a good thing."

Except for the ten tow truck drivers, Song Jun, Wu Zhenghang, Zhang Hongbing, Zhang Jingyao, and Xiao Si, who are members of the eschatology team, came out of the factory behind Chu Xiang. Look, they haven't exposed the target yet. This factory should be used to produce agricultural machinery. It seems to be a seeder, harvester, etc. After several months of transformation, Li Xihua and others are now beyond recognition. The reinforced fence is also pulled by the power grid. An iron sentry post is welded on the fence, and an iron ladder can be used to climb up and down. A gunman stands on the alert, but most of these people seem to be facing the muzzle inside the fence. It is estimated that they have not encountered high-level zombies. Otherwise it would not do so.

Chu Xiang made a rough estimate of the opponent's weapon status as he walked. It was very old. The new automatic rifle was no more than fifty, and there were even eight people carrying eight covers. I really do n’t know from which armed department the antiques were tumbling out. As for the light and heavy machine guns, Chu Xiang only saw five, and two had no magazines at all! These five machine guns are distributed around the factory office building. It looks like it is not to prevent outside zombies. Is it ruled by fascism?

Being threatened at the Xiazhuang coal yard, Chu Xiang had no good impression of the Xiji base. It is now determined that the leadership here is not a good bird. As for the level of the Xiji Base in other aspects, from the perspective of the members' clothing and dishes, it is estimated that even one-tenth of the Yutai base cannot reach, let alone When it comes to scientific research and the development of the information industry, they may not even be able to determine the electricity sentry. Whether or not they use computers is still a problem.

The electric sentry post sounds a bit mysterious. In fact, it is nothing more than a set of identification software combined with a night vision probe and a machine gun plus a small computer-controlled steering motor. The steering motor is not only responsible for aiming but also pulling the gun trigger. shooting. The Yutai base was made by Wang Bin and Sun Gaoqiang himself. As for the required materials, Chu Xiang ran to the city of Xz, a kilometer away, to find it.

There are not many people in the courtyard, either cleaning or repairing defense facilities. Chu Xiang found that more people were in the two large factory buildings behind the office building, maybe there was the dormitory of the base. When entering the office building, Chu Xiang found that the people faced were much richer. Official and local food is not bad, with obvious class division.

The soldier knocked on the door of the manager's office, and Chu Xiang took the lead in. I knew that the old conference here would not have to let Wang Shaohui go out and go around blindly. Fortunately, there are ten drivers counting, otherwise two of them must be seen.

"How many, how do you call them?" The person sitting behind the desk was not old, but his eyes were very cold, and Xiao Si saw that he could not help shrinking back to Zhang Jingyao. Her movement attracted the attention of the man. Zhang Jingyao examined the body twice, and strengthened the chest twice in key areas. Finally fixed on Xiaosi. Little silk is as slim as a ten-year-old girl, and it is not unusual to attract men's attention.

"Under Chuxiang." Chuxiang did not hide his identity. He noticed that there was a cold air on the person opposite him, which seemed not an ordinary person, but Chuxiang was not afraid of him. Now Chuxiang can infer that most of this person It was Li Xihua who escorted them.

Li Xihua looked at the six people in the room from beginning to end. With an evolutionary instinct, he said: "You do n’t seem to be easy. I admire the courage to drive across the Dushan Lake Bridge, and talk about Yutai. The situation in the grain depot, are you running out of energy? "

The crowd didn't know whether to tell the truth or the truth, so they all cast their eyes on Chu Xiang. There was a sneer in the corner of Li Xihua's mouth. He had already determined that Chu Xiang was the brain of these people, so long as he held his plan first Half successful.

Chu Xiang said without hesitation: "Yeah, our coal can not last for two days, otherwise who would risk their lives to pull coal at the Xiazhuang Coal Yard. The lack of electricity in the grain warehouse will not save the food. Since The coal yard is under the control of your base, can you make it a little bit better, of course, we won't pull the coal, so how about we change from one car to another? "

Li Xihua sneered, changing from car to car? In terms of value, he really took a lot of advantage, but the family bird knows Hongzhi's ambition. He has the food in the Yutai grain depot as a backing. In addition to the large amount of coal existing in Zao City, he has the confidence to develop an s The largest base in the province, as long as you have people, you can send them out to find all kinds of living supplies. Will it not be the life of an emperor?

Viruses sometimes bring not only disaster, but also change a person's life. Since he was a child, he has dreamed of becoming an emperor one day, living a life of seventy-two concubines in the Sixth House of the Palace, 65 days a year. Without heavy samples, a few dishes for a meal ca n’t be dumped and fed to the dog, then it ’s called enjoyment.

While yy Li Xihua was banging on the luxury boss table with his forefinger, "Are you the biggest leader of Yutai Grain Depot at the moment, Li Xihua has the final say on the Xiji base. I don't mind if you are not the person You call back. "

On the table was the satellite video phone brought by Chu Xiang. Qian Jiahao was tribute to Li Xihua. Li Xihua was not interested in these things. He didn't even want to let the outside world know that Xiji bases existed. He just wanted to Create a Taoyuan in troubled times, and he will be the master of Taoyuan, and he lives like a fairy on the ground.

Chu Xiang simply said, "There are two managers in the grain depot, I'm just a little director. If you want to meet them, I can contact you."

Li Xihua nodded and changed his vice-face. "Okay, I'm very interested in this business, but don't worry, everyone, please sit down. What do you think of the ratio of Xiji Base to Yutai Grain Depot?"

Chu Xiang looked out the window and said, "The courtyard wall is not as high as ours. It seems that the people here are deficient in nutrition. After we have exchanged our unique materials, you can have a full meal."

Li Xihua said nothing about the exchange, but asked: "Are there many zombies on your side? There are water monsters in Dushan Lake. My people have found them before and I don't know if they will affect the traffic on both sides of the strait. Today's world is uneven. In order for us to continue to exchange resources in the future, I have to think carefully. "

Chu Xiang said: "Is it a zombie? We can hardly see it there. The situation is very good, otherwise we can't cope with our weapons. I don't know if there is a water monster in Dushan Lake ~ ~ But we are now Standing here unharmed proves that it can be opened safely. "

Li Xihua couldn't hold back the surprise in his heart, and he continued to ask, "Listen to what you said, don't you have many weapons? What to do in case of a powerful zombie?"

Chu Xiang shrugged and said, "Yeah, we are a grain depot and not a weapon depot. There are only two or more people, and no one is using too many weapons. Isn't it? As for the powerful zombies, we have never encountered them. Has a good living environment, and I really want to take you there to see it. "

Li Xihua almost jumped up, "Yes, I'm curious if you say that. Otherwise, we will drive coal to your grain depot in the early morning tomorrow. I know that most of your cars will stay at Xiazhuang Coal Yard. It's very difficult for you to bring food over. "

Chu Xiang said: "You are really a good person. It is very thoughtful. I will call the manager Fang and let them prepare early."

Li Xihua pushed the satellite phone to Chu Xiang. "Okay, you have to ask the leaders to fix this matter, and we are ready to prepare. After all, you have a small population. I will bring more people to help move the food."


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