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Chapter 228: Tricks

The Sisters of the Fang family did not have a satellite phone. Chu Xiang had to call Ma Xinghe and ask him to find the two girls. Although Ma Xinghe was unknown, he still greeted Fang Su and Fang Ya in advance. Chu Xiang is now a hostage. Well, you must not be exposed when talking.

"Manager Fang, this is Li Xihua of Xiji Base. The coal yard in Zaoshi City is under the protection of Xiji Base. He is willing to exchange a cart of coal for a cart of our grain. Tomorrow they will take people to the grain depot to trade. If you do n’t have any opinions, please be prepared. Our two people may not be able to complete the loading and unloading tasks. President Li will take him a lot of people to help, but you need to do a good job of hospitality. At least you have to manage your meal at noon. Let outsiders say that our grain depot is rude. "

Fang Ya watched Chu Xiang pretend to be stupid on the phone and almost couldn't help laughing. Fortunately, Fang Su glanced at her. Chu Xiang said this to the ghost, and he knew what hospitality meant. Whatever happened, Fang Su solemnly said: "I see. We will be ready. Although you can bring them with confidence, the more people the better."

Even if Li Xihua was clever, how did he know that Chu Xiang had spent all his energy on Yin from the beginning, and when he saw that the chief and deputy manager of Yutai Grain Depot was against his sisters, his mind was even more open, Zhang Jingyao in front of him Xiaosi has made him eager to try, and now there are two more beautiful women, Yutai Grain Depot is really a hidden dragon, even for these women, they must take it down! What's more, the food in it is important for your future plans. Li Xihua is definitely not a reckless stupid person. He changed his style to Song Jun, Zhang Hongbing, and Wu Zhenghang, but this early comprehend Chu Xiang's plan, and said it was all the same, Li Xihua finally no longer suspected that there was He told everyone: "Several people. It was a misunderstanding just now. My men are offensive to you. Let me have a banquet at noon today to clean up the wind for you. In the afternoon, you turn around at the Xiji base. We will do it overnight. Prepare, let's start tomorrow morning. "

Chu Xiang said: "Thank you, but I think the food at your base is difficult. Just pick up the wind and wash the dust. Let ’s eat at noon. We will turn around at Xiji base in the afternoon. Tomorrow we will drive a coal cart to the grain depot. , Everyone will be happy then. ^^^^ "

Li Xihua was not reluctant. "Okay, you are free. I arrange for someone to release your friends, but for security reasons, you should not go out of the Xiji base. In addition, the base in our base is militarized. Some people have quite a bit about this. In a word, the disasters of war, you do n’t have to repeat it, you all go out. ”

Watching Chu Xiang and others exit the office building, Li Xihua sneered. He rang the electric bell on the table, and a short eyebrow appeared. "Hua brother, what do you tell me?"

Li Xihua's voice returned to its former coldness. "Rat, how is your man prepared?"

The short one called the rat said, "Hua, are you going to attack Yutai Grain Depot? My rat team can leave at any time, or should we sneak into the Grain Depot to play forward."

Li Xihua said: "No. Don't look at the distance between our Xiji base and Yutai Grain Depot. But this is dangerous. I don't want to waste your troops on it. Tomorrow you will be mixed into the coal transportation team. As we enter the grain depot together, I will give you an hour to secretly seize the strategic place in the grain depot. At that time, when I heard a signal, I suddenly encountered a problem and took down the Yutai grain depot. I tried it just now, even if they did not tell the truth But it's impossible for us to be stronger than us. As the trump card for this operation, you must earn a breath, and don't lose to those two ladies. "

The rat hurriedly said: "Yes, Hua Ge is in control and everything is under control. After we obtain the Yutai Grain Depot, our base population can grow infinitely. With the population and no shortage of food and energy, Hua Ge will You can rule the king. "

Li Xihua's cold face showed a happy smile, "Oh, you will all be my heroes at that time, and I will certainly not forget the credit of everyone, go ahead and prepare, and help me call Jiahao to come in."

Qian Jiahao is drinking and having lunch with a group of people. After all, he has been squatting outside for a few days. Why ca n’t he shout when he comes back, but the boss has made him still fart. “Hua, you Find me?"

Li Xihua said: "The person you arrested let me let go ..."

Qian Jiahao was taken aback: "Brother Hua, why did you let them go, they are worth at least 20 carts of grain. = Li Xihua smiled scornfully:" Jiahao, you haven't followed me for a day or two. Your loyalty is absolutely fine, but your brain is not as good as a mouse. I think this is probably the reason why you cannot evolve. Twenty carts of food? Will I see Li Xihua? My goal is the entire Yutai Grain Depot! Besides, I just let them move freely in the base of Xiji, but didn't say to let them go back. These people will be the stepping stone when we open the Yutai Grain Depot, how can I easily send them away. "

Qian Jiahao whispered: "Hua Gexiong is only a little rough, isn't Yutai Grain Depot ready yet? We will follow you to eat delicious and spicy food."

Li Xihua said: "Things are not as simple as you think. I think the people you bring back are not panic if you ask and answer. I am afraid they will have two. You send me to keep an eye on them and see What are they doing at our base? If they have a problem, kill me right away! At this time we can't let them affect our military heart, because tomorrow I still need these people to give me my life to attack the Yutai grain depot! "

Qian Jiahao patted his chest and said, "Hua Brother, rest assured, I will stare at them immediately."

Li Xihua said: "Send others because you have other things to do."

Qian Jiahao immediately changed his mind and said, "Yes, what else does Brother Hua want me to do?"

Li Xihua said: "Prepare the vehicles and manpower, bring all of our weapons, and take the ten carts of coal into Yutai Grain Depot to pretend to trade tomorrow. When the time comes, we will take them down in one fell swoop. Don't let me down. "

With Li Xihua's authorization, Chu Xiang and others did not even return to the factory where they were detained, but instead walked around the Xiji base. Wu Zhenghang went back to inform the ten drivers that they could come out and move freely, and told them what to say. It is also forbidden to tell people at the Xiji base, if anyone asks things, they are not clear. do not know.

Walk around to a small garden in the factory. Li Yingjie and Wang Shaohui also appeared, and they brought back some news that Chu Xiang hadn't seen, "The Chu team, the leader of the Xiji base is called Li Xihua. It turned out that a poisonous smoke would be produced inside his land, killing the invisible and very sinister. He There is also a combatant named Mouse who is very close to the ground. There are more than four people and more than one gun in their base. They have annexed the surrounding small bases and used all mean methods. Now they control the two. Many innocent surnames are trying to satisfy their selfish desires. "

Wu Zhenghang said indignantly: "They are just so arrogant with only two small evolvers. Now that we have figured out their situation, do we have to wait any longer? It would be better to kill them now and control the Xiji base In our hands, the coal yard in the western suburbs of Zaoshi is now under our control. "

Zhang Hongbing said more excitedly: "This is the first step for us to control the coal in Zaoshi. As far as I know, there are coal fields around Dushan Lake, like Luzhou, Zoucheng and Jiaxiang. We control them one by one in Yutai base. At that time, holding grain in one hand and coal in one hand, I'm still afraid of it. "

I have to say that Dushan Lake is indeed a treasure of feng shui, where there is a large national grain depot. There was plenty of energy around, so it was suitable to use as a base. At that time, Bai Xiaowei's consideration was also very thorough.

Wang Shaohui said: "We also heard the news that there is a group of technicians in the Xiji base, which may help us. They understand radio and computers, but the specific situation is unknown for the time being."

Chu Xiang took two steps back and forth, and now it seems suitable for hands-on, Li Xihua and the mouse can be killed by himself and Song Jun. But will the men below him kill people indiscriminately for revenge. Right now the Yutai base lacks talents. If there are really technicians who understand radio and computers here. Then make a good plan of action.

"Zhang Jingyao and I went to the dormitory area to investigate. Whether or not we have any news, we will go to Yutai Grain Depot tomorrow morning. Shao Hui and Ying Jie will immediately go to Yutai in stealth and let Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming organize a group. The team will attack the Xiji base tomorrow morning. At that time, most of their troops will attack the grain depot with the coal truck. The Xiji base must be empty. We will wipe them out in one fell swoop! "

Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie led the way. The two gradually found some doorways in practice and slowly adapted to the invisibility status. They can currently use concealment as a cover and let the body enter a semi-stealth state from time to time. Moving forward in stealth, although a little trouble, but finally can solve the problem temporarily. Chu Xiang took Zhang Jingyao and Xiaosi to shake into the dormitory area of ​​Xiji Base. A tall factory building was Datongpu, where more than one person lived, and another one also lived in more than one person, because It smells bad in hot weather.

"It's open, it's open," someone shouted as he pushed the stainless steel barrel to the door of the workshop.

The men and women in the dormitory each took a rice bowl to pick up the meal. How confusing the population management of the Xiji base was, it could be seen only from the same men and women. No wonder the guns on the sentry were mostly inward.

"Well, it's gruel again, this day can't be over," a lean young man squatted helplessly knocking on the rice bowl. When these people were growing their bodies, how could they bear the gruel every day.

There is a man with long hair next to him: "Don't sigh, I heard that we will soon have buns to eat, and the Yutai Grain Depot on the other side of the lake will use grain for coal. We ca n’t use much coal here. Later Good days pass. "

An old man nearly 50 years old said: "Don't be naive, even if there is such a good thing, gimmicks won't turn us on. They just use us as slaves, as long as we don't starve to death, let's have a full meal. Are they against their tyranny, they are not stupid. "

Ga Ga's name is Sun Ge, the old man's name is Hao Jianshu, and the long-haired man is Ma Ming. Sun Ge frowned after taking a bite of porridge. : "Old horse, what's your radio radio doing? ..."

Ma Ming covered Sun Gedi's mouth with a hand: "My ancestors, can you be quiet, in case someone else hears me, I don't have to live, do you know that Li Xihua hates the following people to trouble them?"

Sun Ge said: "But I really want to know what's going on outside. We can't stay here to die. Li Xihua is so overcast and poisonous. The people below have no feelings. We can't sell one for his own desires. Is it life? I heard two soldiers say a few days ago that there is a Yutai grain depot on the other side of Dushan Lake, and there are human survivors there. If there is news of them, we can find a way to go. they."

Ma Ming looked to the left and right, everyone was drinking porridge. No one paid attention to them, he quietly took a small box out of his arms and put it into Sun Ge's arms, and then hung the earplug around the collar and hang on Sun Ge's ear. "Listen carefully, I also just found the battery . The signal should be pretty good. "

Sun Ge shrinks happily into the corner, while pretending to tune the channel, he pretends to be a concealer. Suddenly, a clear voice came from the earbuds, "Dear friends, here is the external radio channel of Yutai Base. This channel will guide you to a happy life. Our Yutai Base relies on the national large grain depot and food resources. Rich, now calling on survivors from all walks of life, as long as you are talented and powerful, we welcome your arrival, and talented ones we will measure and use. Talented people we can open up wasteland and farm, and old and young people can also join our logistics department to do What you can do.

You do n’t have to worry about the threat of zombies. You do n’t have to worry about being oppressed and exploited. Here you can eat and eat every day. Here you can enjoy many benefits. If you are worried about danger, you can call We join the hotline, we will send someone to pick you up, but to save our resources. At present, shuttles are only available for expert talents. Friends from the rest of the world, I suggest you go to Yutai Base.

The Yutai base is the hope of our humanity, and the Yutai base is the leader of our human base. Joining us is your wisest choice. Let me announce the current shortage of talents in Yutai base, computer room administrators, programmers, biological research assistants, doctors, nurses, tailors, mechanical maintenance workers, agricultural experts ... If you are the above Professionals, please call our affiliate hotline ... Those without satellite phones can contact us via wireless shortwave. Our channel is ...; if you can access the Internet, you can also leave a message to this mailbox ... "

Alas, Sun Ge's porridge bowl fell to the ground. Fortunately, it was not a porcelain floor, otherwise it would be broken. Ma Ming quickly helped Sun Ge pick up the porridge bowl. He whispered, "Ga, you want to kill me, I'm afraid others won't pay attention to this. "

Sun Gemin read: "Don't I hear the wrong ear, is it April Fool's Day? Or whoever is okay to entertain us."

Ma Ming was puzzled, "What do you mean, you nerves."

Sun Ge stuffed his earplugs into Ma Ming's ears and said, "You listen, this news keeps repeating, and you say that you are the director of the Investment Promotion Office of Yutai Base. How I listen is similar to the small advertisement of the labor service abroad at the railway station."

Ma Ming heard it quickly, and he couldn't help it. "Fuck, it's true. Can I be reused as a programmer when I go there? You are a repairman, Hao is always a doctor, are we? I should go to them, it sounds like the conditions are very good, and people have to be tempted. "

Hao Jianshu also listened to the earplugs. Was there someone who spoofed the broadcast? At least it can be heard from the broadcast. The opposite Yutai base attaches great importance to talents, unlike the Xiji base. The official just wanted to eat and drink every day, and he didn't care about the future of the base and the future of the survivors!

Pop, slap, first a slapping sound, then the sound of a rice bowl falling to the ground and rolling, and then a little girl cried wow, and the 40-year-old mother-in-law yelled at the porridge: "There is no mother to teach. The dead child, every time I want to lie to two porridges, thinking that this is an orphanage charity hall, get out of me! "

As soon as the porridge pot rolled to Chu Xiang's feet, it stopped. Chu Xiang bent over and picked it up, but Sun Ge and Ma Ming rushed out. "Dead mother, you hit someone again! Don't think it's great to divide the porridge yourself!"

Muyasha stood with a pair of compasses in his hands and said, "It's you two turtles that are still stinking. My old lady is just hitting someone. Yes, I'm good at congee. Look down on me? Okay, starting this evening, you two don't even need to drink porridge. ! "

Zhang Jingyao frowned: "How can there be such a person, the porridge itself is not drinkable, she is still so, there is no surplus in the porridge bucket, what about giving the child an extra bowl?"

Chu Xiang glanced at the compass and said: "Knowing people knowing their faces but not knowing them, if UU reads, if we do n’t take a look first, such people may also flow into our base. Is n’t it a scourge to Yutai? Base. "

Zhang Jingyao said: "Yes, now she doesn't want to step into our base half a step."

Xiao Si stepped forward and picked up the little girl. She stared fiercely at Mashasha, who had never seen such a scary look. She pushed the porridge bucket and ran away. Xiaosha was going to chase, Zhang Jingyao grabbed it. She shook her head, and Xiaosi realized that in order to smoothly implement tomorrow's plan, she couldn't make troubles now.

Chu Xiang returned the bowl to the little girl and said, "Don't be afraid, everything will be fine tomorrow."

The little girl apparently couldn't understand the meaning of Chu Xiang's pun. She took the porridge and greedily put out her little tongue and licked it. Ma Ming poured the rest of her porridge into the little girl's basin, saying: "Take it and drink and don't mess with that **** again."

The little girl saw Chu Xiang keep staring at her. She thought about holding up the thin half-pot porridge and said, "Uncle, you can drink too."


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