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Chapter 232: Ghost Force

Qine is a small village, but it is a high-speed official. There is a small human stronghold here. With a stone processing factory as a shelter, there are less than forty people living in it. They have received two zombies since the t virus riot. The attack, however, was fortunately repelled. It all depended on them to find more than a dozen rescue kits. If they did not get weapons from it, this stronghold might have been swallowed up by the zombies.

"Village chief, is there any news outside?" A villager named Eryi anxiously asked the village chief who had just returned from the outside. Since the number of zombies had decreased, they went out to inquire about the news and try to find a large human force. But every time I returned without success, the village chief shook his head in disappointment this time.

"But I found a box of ham sausage, but it's expired. See if you can cook it. Our food is running out, and the supply of each meal will be reduced." silly.

Militia platoon leader Zhao Zhu said: "Village chief, we are running out of ammunition. If we are found by zombies, we may not be able to keep here. We must find a human base as soon as possible."

The village chief sighed, "We do n’t have a car. I ’ve almost gone around here. We do n’t have a radio station to get in touch with our superiors. It ’s easier to find a human base. It will be difficult. "

There are four children in the Zine Human Base, seven women, ten elderly people, and more than twenty strong guys. However, when facing zombies, even a strong guy is useless, and it is best to fight with zombies. The end is all done together. To defeat them, you must have a gun and enough ammunition.

Now there are no shortages of guns in Zine's stronghold, and there are still a handful of May 4 styles, but all the bullets add up to less than one round, and these people are not familiar with shooting. In the unlikely event that fifty zombies find them, the fate of Zine's stronghold is almost foreseeable.

In addition, the food in Zine's base also has a crisis. The dozen or so rescue kits that were found before have been exhausted, and the village has everything they can eat. No matter how far away they dare not go, it can be said that the situation has reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted.

"Hold a village committee to study our future," the village chief turned back from anxiety, and several people sat in the saw room of the stone factory to discuss.

The villager Tian Dazhuang said, "Village chief, our nearest big city here is dz. Otherwise, let's retreat there. There must be survivors in a crowded place."

Another villager agreed: "Yes, the village chief, I agree. It's not a problem to stay here to die. Our food is just enough for the sky. Even if we save again, we can't hide here indefinitely. "

Zhao Zhudao: "The village chief. My suggestion is to retreat to Jiji City. Although it is far away. But that is our provincial capital. I believe the country will definitely set up shelter refugee camps there. I will be more confident when I go there."

Tian Dazhuang said: "Zhao Pai. It's not that we don't want to go. But the city of Ji is far away from us. It is dangerous to go there. I think it is better to go to dz."

Zhao Zhudao: "We can't just think about safety for a while. We need to have a long-term vision. Let's find a way to get a few cars. As long as two vans can pull all the survivors in the village, then go straight to the highway city."

Everyone talked. The village chief said: "Stop. Let me summarize. Now we have two opinions. One is to go to dz. The other is to go to Ji. Let's analyze the advantages and disadvantages again. The distance to dz is close. We walk the most without cars. It can also be reached in two days. But after all, it is only a prefecture-level administrative center. I do n’t say how clear the madness is this time. I ’m afraid it ’s hard to survive without a concentrated armed force. So the situation in dz Good to say; while going to Jeju, you can grasp it. After all, it is our provincial capital. The military force will be very strong. If there is no accident, there are human bases. But the disadvantage is the distance. If there is no car land, I am afraid we have to go five Six days to go. Now we raise our hands to vote. Agree to go to dz city, please raise your hands. "

Tian Dazhuang raised his hand first. Several others wanted to respond to him. But he thought about going to dz and possibly hesitating them again. With the strength of the survivors of Qi Nei Village. It is impossible for them to go to Dz City and then return to Ji City. Physical aspects and zombies do not promise not to say. Their food is not enough for so long.

The villager Lu Quandao said, "The village chief. If we can find a car, we agree to go to Jishi. It's also a two-day journey. Going to Jishi has a big grasp. We can't afford to lose. These more than forty people are the only hope for our village. .We can't take them out. "

The village chief nodded and said, "What about other people's opinions?"

Tian Dazhuang said, "If I can find a car, I also agree to go to Jishi. Where can I find a car in the past? There are walking tractors in our village, but the loud noise and the slow speed make it necessary for Shangfei to attract a large number of zombies. "

The village chief said: "I have been paying attention when going out for the past two days. Most of the vehicles are running out of gas, so we can find a way as long as we find gasoline. Isn't there a gas station for Dongwuli when we leave our village, we go overnight Look over there, if you are lucky, you may start tomorrow! "

Several women who were in charge of cooking heard that they would be happy to go to Jeju City. After all, staying here was very anxious and lacking clothing and eating days was very sad. It would be much better to go to the human base and have the protection of the country.

"Village chief, come and see, someone is coming over there!" A villager in charge of the lookout whispered.

The village chief shouted, he stepped on the ladder and climbed to the wall. I saw a personal figure walking on the high-speed highway reflected in the setting sun. They were not tall and wore the buckets commonly used by rural people. From the factory.

"It doesn't seem to be a zombies," the village chief looked at with a telescope that he had bought back for a while. "They seem to be survivors too. The zombies walked a little dazed, and they walked calmly."

Zhao Zhu also climbed up the wall. He said: "Their direction is in dz city, which may bring good news. If there is a human base there, I suggest going to dz city."

The village chief said: "If they really come from dz city, then dz city will definitely not be able to go. Otherwise why did they live out and run out."

The head of the village said that Zhao Zhu also thought about it. If this dz had a human base, why would he still run out, so I can only infer that there were no survivors, but fortunately he did not agree to go there. Otherwise it would not be miserable.

The village chief said to the duo around him, "Keep everyone on guard."

Zhao Zhu was puzzled, "What else are you on guard for?"

The village chief said, "Whatever you do, you do it. Ask so many why, as the saying goes, it ’s hard to draw a dragon or a tiger when you know what to do. We should be careful if they have been bitten by a zombie. How to do."

Although people walked slowly, they still walked to the stone factory. The smoke from the screed may not be attractive to the zombies, but they obviously caught their attention. Besides, the gate of the stone factory was stepped on the ground, which is in sharp contrast to the surrounding grass.

Bang, someone knocked on the door. The village chief shouted behind the door, "Where did you come from?" Mobile access: wap ㄧ 6

A fluent Mandarin sounded, "We came from the dz base, where it was broken by zombies, and we have nowhere else to go. We kindly ask you to keep us."

The head of the village looked out of the crack of the door, and saw that the individual took the bucket off. The first person was a short man, long and white, and behind him was a gentle woman. There are still not many children. The village chief is relieved. In his opinion, as long as it is not a zombie, he should not be so nervous.

"Open the door," the village chief gave an order to Zhao Zhu, the door bolts were pulled down, the door of the stone factory opened, and the short man slid in and flashed in. Then the woman and the child also left and right. Keep the door open as if you were afraid that others would not let them in.

Everyone thought that this man scared the zombies. Tian Dazhuang comforted: "Don't be afraid, there are usually no zombies here. Come in, let's quickly close the door. Tell us about the outside situation. What's wrong, is it like the end of the world as stated in the book?"

The short male looked around: "How many people are you here? Are the armed forces strong? Oh, don't blame me for asking more, you know that zombies are very powerful. By the way. I don't know if there is any food to eat here."

The village chief said: "We have more than forty people and only a few pistols. There are not many bullets, so we are also considering retreating. As for the food, there is not much. If you retreat tomorrow, one province can stick to Jeju."

Seeing that the woman and the child kept blocking the door, Erji said: "Get out of the way, and let Jiji close the door, otherwise it will be very troublesome for the zombies to see. Those guys will bite when they see people. You ca n’t deal with them. . "

The woman murmured suddenly, everyone didn't know what she was saying, she was wondering, but she saw the white man and the baby girl draw a soft knife from their waist, hey, the two knives shone in the setting sun and stood on the ground The nearest is Erji and the village chief. They took the brunt, hesitated, two heads fell to the ground, the village chief's eyes still stared in such an unbelievable way, Erji was also an innocent expression of innocence of humans and animals, until their consciousness disappeared. I don't know what happened. How can I kill this person with good intentions?

Zhao Zhu shouted, "Who are you!" He said he took out a May 4 type pistol from his waist, but he had no time to fire. Alas, another white light came over, and Zhao Zhu found that the triggering hand was unconscious. , Looking down at a calloused hand holding the May Fourth fall to the ground, the white light that cut off his hand suddenly turned into a straight prick, alas, the soft-looking sword blade turned Zhao Zhu from the abdomen penetrate!

"You ... you ... so vicious ..." Zhao Zhu fell backwards to the ground, killing him turned out to be the woman who looked peaceful and peaceful. This was a trick to provoke anyone, and the village chief was right. It is difficult to draw a dragon and a tiger without knowing what you know.

Tian Dazhuang and Lu Quan have never encountered this situation. Even zombies will not play this set of tricks with them. They don't understand why this person wants to kill everyone, even if they had any contradictions with the inner village before, This apocalyptic situation should also be confronted with the enemy.

"Yeah ..." An angry Lu Quan picked up the bolt of the bolt and rushed towards Bai Jingnan, Tian Dazhuang also came to his senses, took out a pistol and fired a shot at the child nearest him. And look at the position where the kid was standing just now!

Tian Dazhuang rubbed his eyes unbelievably. Suddenly there was a severe pain in his back heart, and a white light soft sword was inserted into his heart from behind, and it turned out that the child who had just stood in front of him did not know when he was behind him! Tian Dazhuang did not even have a chance to turn around, and he fell to the ground without a surprise.

call. Lu Quan's stick was smashed at Bai Jingnan. The man just broke the stick with a sword. Lu Quan held a half stick and slammed into Bai Jingnan's heart. Bai Jingnan smiled scornfully, hum, the soft sword suddenly It turned into a machete and slashed from Lu Quan's head. Lu Quan's shocked footsteps stopped immediately, his body cracked from the middle and thumped. Plopped and fell to the ground in two halves.

Bang, the villagers of Qine, who lived in the office of the stone factory, opened fire. But all the bullets they fired were blocked by a dwarf with a sword! The white virility was corrupted, but the woman sneered with a sneer, and a bunch of white smoke rose, everyone's shooting target was immediately lost, and the smoke dispersed quickly, but there was a quiet place in the courtyard. Ground shadow.

Hum, everyone in the office heard a buzz behind him. But do n’t wait for them to look back. A white light was wiped from their necks. The old people and children in the corner screamed. They could n’t believe what happened in front of them. A short appeared in the house out of thin air. Loved ones!

But it was an instant effort. The corpses were all over the house, and the villagers were killed with resistance. Two women cut off their necks with a sword because they took out a pistol. This short sword is fast, these villagers are not opponents at all, and no one dares to resist for a time.

The woman took out the walkie-talkie and mumbled a few incomprehensible words, and then she said to the elderly children and the remaining five women who were shrinking in the corner: "Take out your food and cook hot water for us."

The villagers did not dare to obey their lives. They crossed over the bodies of their loved ones and began to set fire to the water with tears. Bai Jingnan searched through several offices and found that the so-called food was not enough for them to eat! He scolded angrily. "The Chinese are terrible. They don't have a word of truth!"

The child said, "Jun Yamauchi, it ’s not enough for us to eat these foods based on your meals. But for them, they can eat it. Hurry up and help carry the corpse away, and the captain will come. It's cursing. "

Half an hour later, a small convoy came over from the high-speed bus. They parked the car in the stone factory. Twenty-five people drove down the car, all of them were wearing short buckets. Compared with the people who just appeared, they had more shoulders. With the gun, a long, dangling sword was carried around his waist, not a hidden soft sword.

The woman stepped forward and bowed to a fat-faced dwarf: "Captain Zetian, the armed forces here have been dismissed, please give instructions."

Fat-faced Zetian looked around the hospital and said, "Miss Sakura has worked hard, but you still have to continue to play forward for us. As long as we can really find Professor Chunshu in Jishi, you have done a great job. "

The girl said hi, "It's my pleasure to serve the empire. I'll take Xiaoyuan and the two of them together. We'll see you at the next human stronghold."

The woman, Bai Jingnan, and the children went up again. They walked south along the Jingtai Expressway, and the next human stronghold was repeating the tragedy.

The dinner was finally done. Twenty-five people had a full meal in an orderly manner. Those old people and children in the surviving places did not even have hot water in their mouths. They were locked in a vacant room. No one knows his fate, but these people are very disciplined. Two of the women are handsome, but they don't even look at them.

Under the emergency lights of the stone factory office, Zetian is studying the map. A young woman who is younger than Sakura has a cup of hot water. "Zetian Jun, drink a cup of hot water. You should rest."

Zetian raised his cup and stared at the map. "Thank you, Miss Hui. I thought it was a sure thing that our ghost army came to pick up Professor Chunshu this time. But who knows that information will go wrong, he is not in Shenyang at all. We hurried around the Bohai Sea, hoping that his news in Ji will not be wrong. "

Huidao: "Just rest assured, this is the information gathered by Fu Pingjun's invasion of the computer system of their country's army. There must be nothing wrong with it, but what do we do after we receive Professor Chunshu in Jishi. Old North and South Korea? As a result, we have used up all the food around us. I'm afraid it will be difficult to walk back. "

Zetian took a sip of the waterway: "I just received the news that our empire has researched a method for dispersing mutant organisms under the sea from a sonic evolutionist. Those mutant marine creatures want to trap our empire on an island, hehe, That ’s impossible! On the other hand, they ’re Chinese, they ’re scattered. We do n’t even pick a dozen of them, but they do n’t even know who they are. We found Professor Chunshu and went along the Qinglan Highway to the beach. The Imperial Fleet would send submarines. Answer us, hehe, the Chinese fleet's combat effectiveness is now equivalent to zero, and we may not be able to detect them even under their eyes. "

Hui was surprised and said: "Sawada Jundi means that our imperial forces will sweep Southeast Asia again?"

Zetian said: "Childish, the t virus has a huge impact on our empire people. We were originally underpopulated. Now we have no ability to invade eastward. The reason why we have gone to great lengths to find Professor Chunshu is to hope that he can restore the imperial agriculture. Find a shortcut. With food, we can develop the population at a high speed, and with the population, we can launch attacks on the countries in Southeast Asia while they are still trapped by the zombie problem. In this way, our empire can be realized. Life, this is a classic sentence. "

Hui straightened her legs: "Hui is willing to obey the imperial condemnation!"

Zetian laughed. He pointed at the corner of the courtyard and piled up corpses: "The Chinese are wastes that only know how to eat and drink. We used to call them East Asian sick men at the same time. Since they are unable to reverse the current situation, they will Not worth living in this world. Let us fulfill the missions of the predecessors. "

Dawn, Fang human stronghold, a woman carrying an injured man dragging a child and knocking on the closed door, ten minutes later, the corpse ran across the wild; in the afternoon of high sunlight, Linyuan human stronghold, a survivor pursued by zombies Rescued, they burst into the ground half an hour after entering the stronghold, and everything vanished within a few hours. In the evening at Yu City Base, fighters who were fighting fiercely with the zombies discovered that a human suddenly appeared to kill the zombies. Everyone took the opportunity to counterattack and defeated the attack on the zombies. In order to express their gratitude to the soldiers for welcoming the famous humans into the base, at the night the screams continued; the Qihe Human Base ...

The eschatology team is traveling on a stable high-speed bus. Two armed off-road vehicles are still driving. The base vehicle is followed by ten container vehicles. The number of scientific research equipment may not be less than that of medical equipment. Therefore, the number of vehicles cannot be reduced. Even if you are dissatisfied with the city, it is the provincial capital. Will there be less supplies there? Just a few cars back.

To ensure that this task can be successfully completed. Chu Xiang almost brought together the personnel of the eschatology team, and even Song Jun and Xu Huai, who were transferred to the base of Xiji, also called back. It was easier to find the equipment for Wu Zhenghang, because it was easier to find the equipment. After all, the equipment was dead, but it was necessary to find a Japanese, but that person was alive. Who knows if there would be an accident.

Fang Yuxuan is also a computer master, but it is far worse than Wang Bin, but the system on the base car is like flying, and she even actively locked a t4 that attempted a sneak attack. A red arrow anti-tank missile sent it back to the west. . After the convoy replenished ammunition at a municipal-level armed department warehouse, they turned to the Beijing-Taiwan Expressway and destroyed several zombies, and then rushed straight to Jishi.

"Xiaoxiao Zhupai reaches the middle of the river and walks on both sides of the towering green hills ..." Chu Xiang was very comfortable listening to music in bed. The flame horse followed behind the base car, because the sun outside was poisonous, and the lack of air conditioning made it unbearable .

The computer screen of the base car changed, and Wang Bin appeared on the top and said, "Hey guys, you will arrive in Jeshi at eight o'clock this evening at your current speed. Below I have two good news and two bad news. What do you want to hear first? "

Hearing that Wang Bin appeared Chu Xiang came out of the bedroom and sat on the office chair of the base car, listening to Wang Bindi's message while drinking an iced drink, Fang Yuxuan said: "Listen to the bad first, leave the good news and finally feel the depression."

Wang Bin said: "Well, I checked the army's computer system half an hour ago and found that someone had invaded their host computer ..." Fang Yuxuan interrupted Wang Bin and said, "Even if their computer is stolen, they will also contact us. It's okay, so you can tell the next bad news. "

Wang Bin said: "Don't worry, after listening to me, the intruder is very clever. If I hadn't accidentally found a flaw, I wouldn't know he had invaded it. This is the first time I have seen such a powerful hacker ... "

Chu Xiang had already guessed something. He put down the drink and asked, "What is that hacker looking for?"

Wang Bin said: "I tracked down the system and found his name in the database." Zhang Jingyao, Xie Shanshan, and Lin were taken aback by saying that Wang Bin enlarged the four characters to the entire screen: "Haruki Inoue!"

Wang Bin said: "Yes, it is our target person this time."

Fang Yuxuan said nervously, "So someone is looking for him?"

Wang Bin said: "It may be a land, but so far I have not been able to track down the information of that expert. Therefore, I am not sure of his identity, but the other party ’s invasion of the host of the dangerous unit was not for fun. The purpose is obvious. They are also looking for Haruki Inoue. "

Chu Xiang rubbed his nose. It seemed that tracing this time would not be easy. He looked up and asked Wang Bin: "What about the other bad news?"

Wang Bin replaced the screen with a map and said, "We have had more than a dozen bases in China that have been slaughtered by unknown people in recent days."

This news was more shocking than the previous one, and almost all asked in unison: "Who did it?"

Wang Bin said: "Oh, I said it was an unknown character. Without a live mouth, they may not be able to contact the army even with a live mouth, so the information of that group is zero."

Chu Xiang asked: "How did you get this information?"

Wang Bin said: "I'm fine. I like to go to the National Information Database. Let's take a look at the distribution map of these attacked human bases. They are almost from the first row in Shenyang to Ji City. The red dots indicate that I am from the central data. Ku confirmed the attacked base. The blue dots are the bases I guessed from the satellite map. They entered the province of Shenyang along the highway from Shenyang, and then you see this news again. This is a virus. News released by the former media. "

Everyone at first glance was related to Haruki Inoue. The media introduced that he would teach a public course on the evolution of biological genes in Shenyang, and even the time and place were determined. Chu Xiang said with a puzzled expression: "Inoue Haruki is now in Ji City. But the media reported that he was going to speak in Shenyang. What's going on?"

Wang Bin said: "It doesn't matter what I think. The key is that many people know this news, but not many people know that the Japanese ghost later appeared in Jeju somehow."

Chu Xiang suddenly realized: "I see. What you mean is that the group who attacked the human base was because they did not find Haruki Inoue in Shenyang, so they turned to Jishi after the slaughter."

Wang Bin said: "Brother Chu, this is not what I said, but I infer."

Fang Yuxuan said: "What are you showing off? The bad news is over. It's time to tell the good news."

Wang Bin said: "The first good news is that you probably don't need to enter Jiji City for the time being."

Fang Yuxuan said for a moment: "What do you mean?"

Wang Bin said: "This is a briefing issued by the Ji base to the central government early in the morning. It said that zombies have frequently attacked the human base in Je Shi recently. Therefore, they escorted an important person to Beijing tonight, and Haruki Inoue was on the list. This old ghost. "

Fang Yuxuan calculated: "We will be able to arrive after eight in the evening, even if it is too late to stop, you hacked into the central computer and sent a fake message to let them undo the action."

Wang Bin said: "This is impossible. Jishi will definitely ask for confirmation again when it receives the news from the Military Commission, so it will soon be exposed."

Fang Yuxuan said: "Then tell them the truth. Let Inoue Haruki stay and wait for us."

Wang Bin said: "Miss. Don't be naive, you think we are big cadres. Let's make up our minds this time and let them take the initiative to stay? Don't dream."

Fang Yuxuan muttered: "What good news are you doing? It is clearly bad news, and it is worse than the two bad news just now."

Chu Xiang said: "I can ride the flame horse first."

Wang Bin said: "This is also the second good news I want to say. According to my speculation, the next target of the group is Qihe Base. According to their previous action time, it is likely to be tonight, and At that time, maybe Inoue Haruki and others just happened to pass there because the Beijing-Taiwan Expressway was the best route to Beijing. "

Chu Xiang looked at the sky with a probe and said, "It would be even more waitable. Song Jun and I rushed to the base of Qihe first. We were there waiting for the old ghost, Haruki Inoue. Then you arrived, and we will go to the old ghost. Find equipment. "

Fang Yuxuan exclaimed, "Wang Bin, you can die, what two bad news and two good news, clearly two are bad news."

Wang Bin laughed: "Don't worry, there is really good news, but it's just a little farther from us."

Fang Yuxuan said: "A little further away? Is it good news that will come in a few days?"

Wang Bin said: "It doesn't mean that, you see, this is a briefing of the countries I found from the Central. Moscow, New York, Washington, Ottawa, Tokyo, New Delhi, and Sydney have all been violently attacked by zombies recently. New York has fallen and Washington is in a hurry. In Tokyo, it is said that even the Yasukuni toilets were occupied by zombies. Those zombies were lying on the wall of the toilet. One hundred thousand people in Manila in the Philippines were dumped by zombies. Their president is calling on the world to watch their corpses. Work, but nobody cares. "

Chu Xiang looked at the information carefully, and he looked at Xiaosi with an inquiring look, and Xiaoxi shook his head: "I'm sorry, brother, I don't understand, unless it is to find the zombies of those countries."

Chu Xiang asked: "What's the situation in Beijing recently?"

Wang Bin said: "Since our old pervert in the **** battle, the Beijing base is now surprisingly quiet ~ ~ Leaders from all countries in the world intend to come to Beijing to learn corpse experience at all costs."

Zhang Hongbing scolded: "What kind of experience in corpse management, let them all go to eat shit! Beijing has today's peace, that is, we exchange life and blood back to the land, mother b, I watched each soldier They fell, but they did not give in, and they took back their lost territory again and again. This courage, he has the ghost. "

Wang Bin said: "Yes, I agree with the words of the soldiers. Those ghosts should put them in the corpse and make a circle. If they are not allowed, they will evolve into personal dogs. By that time, we will make a dog chain. Get up and look at the zombies in front of the house. "

Zhang Hongbing said: "It's so boring, you should put them in the toilet and lick your **** ..."

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, everyone don't play anymore, Song Jun and I set off for Qihe, and you follow up."

Maybe it can help you. "

Zhang Jingyao also thought of getting up, Chu Xiang said: "Okay, take yourself, please don't ask about something with the zombies, let's go."


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