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Chapter 233: Join the escort

The Qihe base is not far from the city of Ji. Here is the main traffic route. There are iron, high-speed and national roads. There are more than 5,000 people in the base. Humans rely on several buildings to build a separation zone to block the zombies. An army of more than five people who protects the survivors of the base day and night.

Evening darkness has not yet come, and there is a quarrel in the headquarters of Qihe Base. The base is led by a battalion commander named Qin Tianhe. Below are local leaders responsible for population management and food supply, and health and public security. Chi, Qin Tianhe patted the table and said, "Be quiet, the **** troops are about to cross the border, and the central government instructs us to do a good job of protection."

The director in charge of population management said: "Qin Ying, now we are diligent, let us send troops to escort, and require another human base with a garrison to withdraw, isn't it difficult for us? Why send people to Beijing and stay in Isn't the Jeshi base good? There are more than 5,000 garrisons there, isn't it enough to protect them? "

The director of Guan'an said: "I agree that our total strength is only five. Recently, loopholes have frequently appeared in the buildings with barriers on the left and right sides, but our cement is not enough. We will take another person to **** them. What if we let the zombies slip into the base, our months of hard work and 5,000 lives were totally destroyed. "

The director in charge of grain supply said: "It is bad for us to ignore the instructions of the Central Committee. Our grains are all transferred from Ji city. Every time people send troops to **** grains, they have no complaints."

Everyone was silent. The population of the Qihe base was quite large. The food they could find locally was limited. After contacting the central government, the food here was supplied by Jishi. I also thought about combining the two bases into one. First, it was not approved by the central government after consideration, because then the risk factor was high. Loss everything.

Qin Tianhe said: "Look at it this way, didn't you recently organize a team of two from the surname, put them into the protection base, and then draw one from the old soldiers to participate in the escort. In general, our The strength has not been reduced. "

Everyone said: "You are the top leader of the base. You have the final say on this matter."

Now it ’s the army that leads everything. Qin Tianhe just wants to see if anyone can come up with another method. Now there is no result of a quarrel, and he can only do so. However, Qin Tianhe's heart was faint. From the Qihe base to the north, the next large human base was originally dz, but just received a central briefing saying that dz has fallen, it is likely that it was not the zombies. In this way, their troops will **** Jishi to Beijing to the Cangzhou base. This is far away, and the dangers can be imagined.

Qin Tianhe stood up hesitantly and said, "Since this is the case, I ordered. A veteran was immediately organized to **** troops, and two new recruits were quickly added to each company platoon, and another recruit was immediately recruited from the old surname. Our The troops need to strengthen their combat effectiveness. "The gate of Qihe Base is welded out of steel plates up to five centimeters in thickness, and there are several large iron rods on the back. Even if there are thousands of zombies, the door will not easily fall, Besides, there are four heavy machine guns on both sides of the door. At that time, the t3 can't stand it.

"Open the door," Bang Bang. The iron door knocked a little crunchily, "We are humans, open the door."

The soldiers on the ground immediately contacted the battalion by radio. "Report. Report. A surviving human was found at the gate of the base. Two men and one woman. There is also a red horse. Please indicate whether to open the door."

The officer on duty immediately reported the news to Qin Tianhe. Qin Tianhe said: "Send someone to check if they have been bitten by zombies. If not, we will put them into the base. Now we lack combative soldiers. It is a good thing to increase the population. Right. Don't put them in . In case of mutation we cannot cope. "

It didn't take long for Chu Xiang, Song Jun, and Xiao Si to enter the Qihe base. Although Qihe base has a large population. But it looks like a refugee shelter. The base is built on a spacious ground right away. The ground buildings on both sides are connected with cement walls to form a separation zone. At first humans lived in the buildings on both sides. However, the building was blocked by cement and the doors and windows were frequently broken by zombies. No one dared to live in the building. Everyone is setting up tents in the open air. The scene is chaotic. Sanitation is also poor. Coupled with the hot weather. In case of a plague it would be dead. Xiaosi said disdainfully, "It is far worse than our Yutai base."

Song Jun smiled but should not say anything. It can be said that even the Beijing base may not have good Yutai base conditions. And the construction of Yutai base has just begun. With the enhancement of hardware facilities. The Yutai base will become a small emerging city.

A receptionist sent a tent saying: "You will live here in the future. Two meals a day will be provided in a ration. You will find a way to find tableware. You can call the soldiers on duty when there is something."

Chu Xiang took the tent and set it aside. They didn't plan to live here anyway. Wang Bin found that the central government issued an order to Qihedi. The central government asked Qihe base to send an **** unit. The Beijing team from Jishi has been escorted to the next human base capable of taking over. Chu Xiang did not find any troops out of Jishi. Now he can only wait here. Maybe the city of Jishi hasn't set off yet. However, if they pass the Qihe side, they will inevitably take action. Just wait for the rabbit.

"Recruited, recruited again, go and see," someone noisily said, Xiaosi said strangely: "who recruited? Seeing them all very excited. \\\\"

Chu Xiang said: "Presumably, the Qihe base has insufficient strength. Now they have to send their troops to participate in the **** mission, so they have to expand their soldiers. Here near the city, the supply of weapons and ammunition should be no problem, so expansion is inevitable. The staff just said that ordinary people are provided with two meals a day. It may be better to live in a military place. Although it is dangerous, everyone is still enthusiastic. "

Song Jun's eyes turned and said: "We can mix in the **** team. It will be possible to find Haruki Inoue and then take him secretly to leave, so as not to conflict with the army."

Chu Xiang nodded and smiled: "This is a good way, let's go and see."

Battalion commander Qin Tianhe personally presided over the recruiting work, but in fact it was not used for any ideological mobilization, and it was certainly not a recruit to participate in the **** task. As long as you stay in the base, serving as a soldier is not as dangerous as serving as a soldier, but serving as a soldier can eat a day. What is more important for these survivors who have escaped the calamity than eating enough food?

Qin Tianhe stood on the stage and said loudly: "Comrades, we are short of troops now. Everyone enthusiastically sign up. As long as you pass the test, you can be a soldier and you can kill the zombies and serve the country!"

Most of the survivors are young men, and the registration office was crowded. Of course, it is not possible to receive weapons and military uniforms by registering. There are also several quizzes. This is a screening method that Qin Tianhe came up with to enhance the combat effectiveness of the army. Make sure, otherwise, a group of little white faces who are not bound by chickens will be called and what zombies will be hit. Seeing that the zombies' legs were soft.

The first test was to pinch the wrists. Dozens of specially selected earth warriors were lined up. Some people came up and took the test in order. As long as you don't fall the examiner, then I'm sorry, go back to your tent and go to the next level if you fall.

The second test is also very simple. It is nothing more than a few boxing ropes that are tied horizontally and vertically. The testee stands to the middle position. Some people pull the ropes. Those boxing cases that are overweight start to hit the subject. The tester, as long as the minute does not fall to the ground, even pass the quiz.

Guanguan is a small black room, and no one knows what's in it. The test subject enters from this end and exits from the other end. Usually people who can pass the two levels will get stuck at this level. It turns out that this small black room is a haunted house with a few fake zombies inside. When the subject passes through, the zombies will pop up suddenly. Subjects panicked even if eliminated.

This is the test of strength, sensitivity, and response. If you fail the test, you will die as a soldier and return food to the country. This method is very enlightening for Song Jun. After returning to the Yutai base, he also performed a few more complete test procedures. Many veterans who failed the test were transferred from the bottom line. They did not have a strong body, no flexible skills, and did not respond quickly to the battlefield with the zombies. It is likely that they will be swallowed by zombies.

Chu Xiang stood by and looked at all the quizzes. He told Song Jun: "Let's sign up too. The performance should be more prominent. Otherwise, they may be handled by them as recruits. Our goal is to be mixed into the **** team. "

Xiaosi said, "I will take the quiz too."

Chu Xiang said: "No, there are no female soldiers. You stay at the Qihe base and wait for the convoy." Chu Xiang and Song Jun came forward to register. It's over the excitement just now. The scene was not so crowded, and approached the two soldiers' hands. Chu Xiang ’s Song Jun was put down just by gently pressing the two soldiers. This is the first time in today ’s quiz. There are many powerful people in the last name registered, but let them take these It is impossible for the soldiers to come down and come down. It only takes a while to get results. After all, the strength of these soldiers who can be elected as examiners is not blown.

The relaxed smiles on the faces of Chu Xiang and Song Jun could not stand the few powerful soldiers. "Let's try your strength again!" Some people couldn't help but speak out, Chu Xiang couldn't wait for someone to challenge themselves, otherwise How did the battalion chief pay attention to the two.

"Okay, just a few of you, don't delay the comrade test later." Chu Xiang said easily.

The soldiers seemed to be ridiculed: "What? You two are going to pick us together?"

Song Jun stretched out his arms and set on the table: "Come on, you can put a few hands and count a few."

This was a naked provocation. A tall and strong fighter grasped Song Jun's hand and shouted that the soldier who sent Song Jun was overturned to the ground. The soldier next to him couldn't believe it. Now, two fighters came up immediately, but the two of them had no effort to stir up Song Jun with four hands to feed, but instead let Song Jun throw them out with a wave.

The excitement here finally attracted Qin Tianhe. He came over and said, "What's going on, what's the noise? If you don't hurry to take the test, it will be dark, and we have other things to do."

The fighter in charge explained the situation to Qin Tianhe. Qin Tianhe looked at Chu Xiang and Song Jun from left to right. "You just came today?"

The two nodded and Qin Tianhe said, "Go to the next quiz."

This level was not difficult for Chu Xiang and Song Jun, that is, Zhang Hongbing could easily pass the level, dozens of boxing gloves flew up and down, but none of them fell on the two. Qin Tianhe called and stopped while the two looked at each other. One punch at the same time. Bang, shatter the two boxers!

"A lot of strength!" Qin Tianhe praised. "Go to the next level and try again. Be careful not to damage the public property. There will be other people under the test."

Sure enough, Chu Xiang and Song Jun did not destroy the public property. For their guts now, they will not be afraid even if they are in thousands of dead bodies, let alone a humble haunted house. The two did not scream like the subjects in other places, and dodged the fake fakes that came out flatly. Zombie, but out of the haunted house in a few seconds.

Qin Tianhe threw his work to other soldiers, and he patted Chu Xiang shoulder to shoulder: "Where are you from?"

Chu Xiang casually said: "Changshan Island."

Qin Tianhe said: "Oh, isn't there just a human base established?"

Chu Xiang said: "We left earlier and took a turn so we didn't know what was going on there."

Qin Tianhe no longer questioned the matter. "Have you been a soldier?"

Chu Xiang nodded and said, "Well."

Qin Tianhe said with a smile on his face: "That's all right, what I lack now is experienced veterans. You don't need to participate in recruit training. You can see that your combat effectiveness is very good, even higher than the average veterans. An important task was given to our Qihe base. I hope you can be one of them. Comrade, it's time to serve the motherland. Don't let the party and the country trust you. "

Chu Xiang innocently asked, "Is it rice?"

Qin Tianhe froze, but then relieved: "Ha ha, tube, of course tube. One day full meal."

Chu Xiang said, "Let's go then."

Even if Qin Tianhe had some doubts just now, he is completely gone. What is the only wish of human beings now? That is to eat! The simplicity of these two people is the normal psychology of ordinary people.

Qin Tianhe rummaged over the registration information of the two, and asked, "Chu Xiang, Song Jun, have you killed a zombie before?"

Chu Xiang said: "Killed."

"How many have you killed?"

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "I don't remember. Anyway, I see and kill."

Qin Tianhe said: "It's kind of confident, today's time is hasty, otherwise you have to compare it with my soldiers and leave. I'll take you to familiarize yourself with the troops first, and there will be a team going to Beijing for a while. You have to **** them to the Cangzhou base. Right, how are your marksmanship? "

Chu Xiang said: "Just make up, it should be no worse than others."

Qin Tianhe said: "Okay, I believe you, this is not suitable for test guns, so I will not test you, as long as you have killed zombies, it is better than some veterans."

In this way, Chu Xiang and Song Jun were easily mixed into the **** troops. Leading the army was a company commander named Chen Feng. Weapons and equipment are also good, all automatic rifles. One person also issued four grenades, enough to hold the bomb tube, equipped with a machine gun squad, and also brought ten rocket launchers, four large trucks and four off-roads, and now the team entering Beijing is here.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Zhang Hongbing and others were already waiting outside the Qihe base. They contacted Chu Xiang for instructions on whether to enter the base. Chu Xiang rejected it. "No, you are waiting outside. Such a large convoy is very likely to cause suspicion. Wang Bin guessed that there would be someone attacking the Qihe base tonight, and you would respond outside. Song Jun and I have been mixed into the Qihe base and escorted into the Beijing army. Once we find the ghost of Chunshu, we will return to Jishi to look for scientific research equipment. . "

Zhang Jingyao said, "Well, is there enough power on your side, or should Shanshan and me pass by."

Chu Xiang said: "No, I'm afraid it will cause suspicion. You asked Wang Bin to find out why the team entering Beijing has not arrived yet. Is there any accidental change? If not, let's take a look."

It didn't take long for the news to come, Zhang Jingyao said: "Jiji was attacked by zombies again. In the evening, two t4s ran into the base. The team affected by them had just set off for Beijing. You may have to wait another two hours. . "

"Well, let's keep in touch at any time. The flame horse is now outside. I will send it to you when necessary." Said Chu Chuxiang turned off the intercom, thought about him and contacted Xiaosi: "I don't know if it will There are really sneak attackers. You should stay in the base and be careful yourself. If you don't want to stay here, go out to find Fang Yuxuan. They have already reached the base of the base. "

Xiaosi said, "Well, I'll wait until you leave. Now leaving is easy for others to doubt, in case we as a sneak attacker can be troublesome."

Chu Xiang and Song Jun were assigned to the same class. The squad leader was called Li Haipeng. He did not have additional ideas because Chu Xiang and Song Jun were newcomers, and repeatedly asked everyone to pay attention to the issues while waiting for the departure. For example, do n’t panic when you see zombies, hit their heads, and pay attention to teamwork when encountering zombies above t3. The strength of a person cannot kill those guys. It can be seen that with the construction and development of human bases, it is The experience in the struggle is getting richer.

Chu Xiang listened and listened to it, but he didn't know who pulled him: "Get up and go."

Just listening to the constant noise in the base, at this time it was dark and no one could see his fingers. It was gloomy as if it was going to rain. "Let's go! Let's go!" Company commander Chen Feng gave a loud command, and the platoon commanders quickly assembled their team out of the gate of the base and climbed into the truck.

Chu Xiang secretly sent a signal to Xiao Si and Zhang Jingyao. Then as the soldiers of his class also boarded the car, I saw that the base outside the base was * bright *, and a convoy of more than 20 cars was waiting in the public. Here, four trucks and four off-roads mixed into the team, and a horn rang. .

Chu Xiang and Song Jun were assigned to a truck, each holding an automatic rifle. This truck is a broken ground vehicle. Chu Xiang is very depressed because it is not convenient to go to the front convoy to find Haruki Inoue. Sitting in the truck. Then you have to walk to Beijing to see Haruki Inoue.

After walking five kilometers, Chu Xiang whispered to Song Jun: "If only chaos can be created, otherwise we can't get away."

Song Jundao: "Zombies here are sparse, and the ground-opening troops in the front can handle it completely. It would be nice if she took a little wire and called a thousand, or came out a few t3, t4."

Chu Xiang almost laughed out loud: "If others let us know that our two minds can step them flat, I don't believe that these people don't need to eat and drink Lazar and sleep. In short, I must confirm the old ghost of Haruki Inoue tonight . "

Qihe base sent the transit team Qin Tianhe relieved, closed the door and ordered everyone to be on guard to dare to go back to rest, but the officers on duty did not take off their shoes to come to him. "Campmaster, there are survivors outside. It's getting dark. We don't know if we should let them in."

Qin Tianhe's nerves have been strained during the successive attacks on several bases during this time. No one knows what the land is. During the day, a survivor asked to enter the base. At that time, the sight was good, and they could clearly see their weapons Equipped, so you can rest assured that they come in. But now I can't see my five fingers. Who knows what they do, will there be zombies following.

"Let's go and see." Qin Tianhe put on his clothes and went to the gate post. I saw someone at the door under the searchlight. A woman was crying beside a man who seemed to be injured or sick while lying on the ground, and a child was next to him.

"Save my dad, he's hungry, you can do it," the child cried at the door.

Qin Tianhe cried out, "Where did you come from?"

The child said: "We came from the base of Yu City, where we were attacked by t4, and everyone else died. Just escape from our family, uncle, save us."

Was the Yu City base under t4 attack? Qin Tianhe didn't understand it, because they rushed to send out a warning message, and several guard soldiers were slaughtered in this way. It was dark outside. At this time, the door could not be opened. In case t4 rushed into the Qihe base, the consequences would be disastrous.

Qin Tianhe shouted to the bottom: "We put you in a hanging basket to pull you up. Soon, don't worry."

Wow, there is a strong wind, and there is heavy humidity in the air. It looks like there will be a storm tonight, and the gondola will sway from side to side in the wind, but eventually it will be safe to bring people into the base. The woman just knew that she was crying. Suffering from serious fright, he was sober.

"Thank you Uncle, can you help my dad get something to eat, he hasn't eaten for several days, and he will starve to death if he doesn't stutter him again."

Everyone couldn't help secretly saying in their hearts that he was such a good man that he almost starved to death for his wife and children.

When I saw someone going to feed them, I persuaded the crying mother to talk to the soldiers next to him, "Is there a lot of people in your base and how are the weapons and equipment? I scared those zombies. If you lack weapons, you will not be able to fight them. . "

Qin Tianhe touched the head of the child and said, "Relax, little guy. We are close to Jishi here, and there is no shortage of weapons and equipment. You can rest assured."

The child innocently said, "But I have to find a way to report to my superior. The Yushi base escaped from us. I want to tell the situation there to my superior. I must say it myself, otherwise no one believes what we encountered.

Qin Tianhe said: "Oh, the situation is still so serious. Let ’s have your mother feed your father. Let ’s go to the communication room. Tell me what happened there for a long time, so that They came up with ways to find those who attacked so that they would no longer harm human bases. "

He nodded heavily, "Hmm!"

How did Qin Tianhe know what this family was thinking ~ ~ The other party did not carry weapons and showed no signs of strength. It seems that the child-naive woman is also handsome and handsome. This is an enviable home. As for how they escaped from the corpse, sometimes it was entirely lucky, because the survivors who came to the base of Qihe were not strong, and some old men escaped from the initial infection period and came over several miles. Ca n’t Not to mention that life is sometimes a miracle.

Arranging the soldiers to take care of the woman and her husband, Qin Tianhe took the child to the communication room. As the child looked curiously, he kept inquiring about the base. Qin Tianhe felt that they would be here anyway. Now, these things are not secret at all, so they all told him.

"You see, the tent over there is where you will live in the future. I will arrange for someone to send you a new tent. It is going to rain. You and your parents should settle down early."

The child thanked Qin Tianhe gratefully, "Thank you uncle, oh, that sister is so strange."

Qin Tianhe looked at the child's fingers, and under a dimly lit light, a girl stood outside the tent. She looked indifferently at everything around it, as if the sky fell down and had nothing to do with her. There was a shock of detachment and vulgarity that didn't eat human fireworks.


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