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Chapter 235: eye for eye

The wind is getting more and more urgent, passing the desolate building is even more bleak, the raindrops are falling like some people sprinkle beans on the roof, and the eyes of those who are hit by the turbulent air cannot be opened, and many old names have fled into the building. Dodge, some soldiers who can't stand the wind can only avoid the lights and corners to guard with guns. At this time, they can hardly help them. The probability of a shot being shot may be more severe. Higher.

The six ghosts will have those white smoke stealth techniques. Maybe white smoke is just a cover to facilitate their rapid action, but anyway, this is not something ordinary people can deal with, t3 and t2 have made them almost hacked. Xiaosi summoned again, and the zombies nearby were limited after all. Today it is not easy for her to control and control a batch of t3. Before, she could only control t2. It seems that fighting has a great catalytic effect on evolution. .

A little warrior watched in horror as the ghost launched a slaughter on his comrades. His hand trembled and shot at a ghost. The ghost responded quickly, the long knife was in front of him, and the bomb was blocked! "Eight cells!" The ghost was angry, angrily leaped and slashed at the little soldier.

Little Silk is about to collapse. Her brother asked her to stay here in the hope that she can help at critical moments, but now her ability is not enough to fight each other. Her current strength is her expertise in controlling zombies. But the zombies that could be summoned killed them all, and if they were allowed to continue to rag, the humans at the base of Qihe would perish!

The ghost has a short body and is more flexible in flying in the air. The searchlight shook the long knife in his hand even more coldly. The little warrior has the skill of an evolver. At this moment, he is too late to avoid it. Watching the ghost rush to his head.

"Don't!" Xiao Si flew down from the gate gate, but she was not like Song Jun or He Yaohui, she was too fast! Seeing that ghost's long knife was going to split the body of the little soldier.

Huh! A flash of lightning hit the ghost through the rain. Click, lightning broke the knife in the ghost! That lightning continued to split forward, although the ghost speed is fast, but it is far worse than lightning, boom. This is the legendary Wulei booming. People who do too many bad things will be condemned!

The ghost leaping to the little warrior made a terrible cry. He was struck by the lightning and stumbled a few meters back in mid-air. The body was still puffing with white smoke. This white smoke was not the cover item he used to get out, but he Scorching smoke from your body being hit by instant heat! After landing, the smell is much lighter when mixed with rain.

Xiaosi was suddenly supported in the mid-air body, and a strong man appeared in the rain curtain. He held Xiaosi on one hand and gently placed her on the ground, then his figure disappeared again and again. Not far away, a ghost was still killing the soldiers. Suddenly, his back hurt, and he didn't know who was able to attack him. A saber penetrated deeply into his back! This is how to use the other way to give back to others, and now let the ghosts taste the sneak attack.

"Eight cells!" The ghost yelled, "Someone is attacking us, everyone is careful!" The ghost had no time to remind his associates when he was stabbed, and then fell to the ground.

The evolvers are very powerful, but they have not been so strong that their hearts are broken. Moreover, these ghosts are only evolving fast, and then stealth by their white mist, so the lethality of the sneak attack is powerful, but the rain is getting stronger. Big. Their white fog is not good enough, and their combat effectiveness has dropped a lot, but their ground speed is still a strong point. Ordinary soldiers are not their opponents at all, and they are still hunted.

"Someone is there!" Said a ghost. He immediately noticed that the raindrops were blocked from falling. There are human figures lurking beside. So several long knives chopped together.

boom. There was a gunshot in the void. A ghost's head shook. The bullet broke through his brain and came out from the side. Plop him down in the mud. He didn't understand until he died. Where did the bullet come from? Listen to the sound of guns no more than one and a half meters away. He can't dodge too fast at such a short distance. But how can you hide your figure from such a close distance? They have evolved much better than themselves! People are really invisible. It is not a grade to dodge with Baifang with the help of white mist! And there seemed to be two invisible men covering each other. One can't prevent the other. His death is the best proof.

call. A silhouette fell from mid-air in the wind and rain. At this moment all the ghosts who came to the aid died. On the field became Yamauchi, Sakura, and Xiaoyuan Jiro. Yamauchi was stabbed to death by hiding in the rain. But the man who fell to the ground kicked him. Judging from the strength of the other side. If this foot is allowed to kick the other side of his own chest must be broken! So strong kick! There are many evolutionaries in China. And all of them are powerful. Which stupid b two five said that China has no evolutionary. Let them be killed this time.

The mountain rolled in place. Unfortunately, white fog does not work. Otherwise he would hide elsewhere immediately. But now he can only roam like a mouse in the rain. But that speed is by no means comparable to ordinary evolutionaries. At this time it was said that Yamauchi was like a mouse. Not just referring to his speed. Because his figure seemed to shrink in a moment. It is easy for him to pass through places that are not easy to pass. No wonder their shadows will disappear when the white mist flashes. Sometimes it's hard to detect the on-site camouflage with its thin body.

Yamauchi stunned and then felt a pain in his back. His body was picked up by the other volley. What a speed. Not even slower than him! Yamauchi now hated Sawada Daisuke. It was he who had instilled the wrong thought into this ghost force. What a sick man in East Asia. What China has no evolutionary. Rely on the other side to catch up to your speed. I'm afraid there is no hope for escape this time.

But Yamauchi would not let it be slaughtered. Alas. He turned back with a sword. If this knife makes him stabbed. The opponent must be disabled if he does not die. call. The other party also realized that Yamauchi would never easily follow suit. So he threw him out to avoid the sword. Alas. A fence was pulled away next to it. Only then did Yamauchi see his opponent clearly. Turned out to be a woman! She held an iron rod to fight against Yamauchi in a fighting pose.

The rain is still going on. If it were n’t for these people suddenly appearing in the mountains, they would be able to destroy the Qihe base. It was so pretty, the rain completely revealed her figure. Although the chest is not big, but with the small waist and small ass, it is a strong woman's domineering. If you hold a leather whip, Yamauchi starts to yy, this woman is suitable to play uniform temptation.

Huh, iron bars pulled back towards the mountain. Ask Lin Pingsheng what he hates most. She will definitely say that the queen of a certain country or the temptation of uniforms, she hates others to think of her as that kind of thing. Of course, when she likes to change, she will not scold herself, but in the face of this Japanese dwarf, look at him. The **** actress knew how Lin was not upset when thinking about that kind of thing, so he immediately launched an attack.

Cang, the iron rod collided with the soft sword, and Yamauchi was the first person to meet him who could use the iron rod as a weapon against him. He absolutely believed in the power of his soft sword, but this time he did not cut off the opponent's weapon, which is not to say that the subway stick in the opponent's hand is a treasure stick. It means that the strength of the other party is accurate!

The two's weapons were instantly touched. Huh, Lin didn't kick out before the iron rod retreated. She wasn't stupid. She wanted to use her strengths to compare weapons with each other. I am afraid that it would be impossible to defeat them in a short time. Yamauchi didn't expect the other side to kick again so quickly, he could only avoid it with a stun, but he didn't expect to hit the other side with his chest. Bang, Yamauchi took two steps backwards and fell down in the rain.

When Sakura saw the danger in the mountain, she rushed to the forest with a sword, banged, and a dull gunshot, Sakura could not even put down her arm, a bullet penetrated her raised wrist, and the sword fell to the ground. Who would shoot her in such a short time, Sakura didn't believe that Qihe base would have such a master. If they could shoot themselves, how could they wait until now, the one who shot them was the one in reinforcements.

Sakura was injured in one hand, and the other hand did not stop. When she stretched out, she found a small pistol from her waist, and slammed. This shot was not fired by her, and another bullet shot through the rain curtain. Sakura's other wrist was also injured. The small pistol fell to the ground with a pinch.

Bang, another shot shot through Sakura's left knee. Sakura was standing steadily, banging, and another bomb shattered her kneecap. Plopping Sakura completely fell to the ground. She has never encountered an opponent since her debut. After evolution, her strength and speed have greatly increased. It was thought that it would be okay to hit invincible Asians, but who knows that he would plant a foothold here, and the other side just made her unable to resist by just playing with a bullet.

Xiao Yuanjiro began to panic. The child's face was frightened. He desperately wanted to rush out of the gate of the base and release several smoke bombs one after another. In their plan, even if it rained, they depended on them. Qihe Base can be completely destroyed without the use of smoke bombs. This is the result of countless verifications in one go. But who knows that you will meet an evolutionary here, China is by no means so weak! It's a trick!

"Do you still want to go?" Xiaosi blocked the door, and even if Xiaoyuan Jilang jumped up and down, she would hold it. If Xiaoyuan Jilang rushes out of everything, he believes that Xiaosi will give him a shot behind him, which is equivalent to strength Those who fight against each other are most afraid of escaping, as soon as they evade, they will give each other a chance.

Xiao Yuanjiro wiped away the rain on his face, and he asked eeriely: "Now you can tell me who you are, let us die."

"We are Chinese!" A sound rang out from behind, Xiao Yuanjiro turned his head in horror to see, the four women and the four men came out of the rain curtain. The girl was very beautiful, one chest was the most eye-catching, the other two temperament Different. The four men had two sniper rifles of unknown type, and the other two were in black. Short knives and short rifles seemed suitable for melee combat.

Xiao Yuanjiro understands that this time has caused public anger. He has sensed that the seven people behind him are all evolutionaries, and the energy emitted from them is by no means comparable to him, and the evolution of the opponent is deeper than him. Miscalculation. This is a serious miscalculation. The other party has been invisible. It was originally intended to lead them all out, but what about their strength. If they did not receive the information temporarily, it was Dazu Sawa who led the army to chase people. They will never succeed!

"Haha ..." Xiao Yuanjiro laughed at the sky, which made the child look a little embarrassed. "You better let me go. It's not your Chinese style to bully and bully."

Bang, Li Xiaoming fired, the bullet knocked Xiao Yuanjiro to the ground, and one of his knee bones shattered. Xiao Yuanjiro did not even have the chance to dodge. The opponent's shooting speed and accuracy were never seen by him. He also had sharpshooters in his team, but he would never have such power.

"If you dare to kill my army escorted to Beijing, it will be all over!" Xiao Yuanjiro was actually scared. He was using Zetian's plan to threaten everyone.

The shadow of Wang Shaohui disappeared. Reappeared but was behind Xiaoyuan Jilang, and his dagger was there. How many people are there? "

As soon as Xiao Yuanjiro closed his eyes, the child's face looked a bit innocent, but it was to an unreasonable person, that is, this child's face didn't know how many deceived base guards, and how many innocent surnames had been killed. Alas. Xiao Yuanjiro yelled, one of his arms was cut off by Wang Shaohui with a dagger, and Wang Shaohui dismembered pigs and cattle. Although the dismembered man was doing it for the first time, he was familiar with it, and he also cut off Xiao Yuanjiro's ears.

Also injured were Yamauchi and Sakura. Wang Shaohui threw Xiao Yuanjiro's arm over them. The two looked pale and scared. They thought they were cruel and hot, but in the face of this hunter, they thought it was just a wild boar. . Wild boars can look down on them, but they are just wild dogs. It is cheaper to kill them with one stroke. You must torture them slowly to relieve their hatred.

Angry fighters and old names have surrounded this group. Although I do n’t know who is sacred in time, they are definitely their own people. These people are not mixed with water, unlike this dwarf who pretends to be Ghost, they are real Chinese!

Everyone shouted: "Kill these dogs, earth and ghosts. Kill them to take revenge on the dead!"

Wang Shaohui waved, "Everyone is quiet! They are cheaper with a single shot, and I won't be the king without stabbing each of them!"

Everyone screamed and kept clapping their teeth. Although the living conditions at Qihe Base were terrible, at least everyone still had a place to live, but this man had a sinister mentality that destroyed everything. He used the goodness of everyone to cheat into the base and then started. Relentless killings, if not someone arrived in time for assistance. Warriors in war have no chance of escape here.

The deputy battalion came forward and said, "Comrades. Although I don't know how to call you, I believe you are our true friends. What do these people do to listen to you?"

Wang Shaohui turned the knife and forced it again. "

Xiao Yuanjiro was still firm. He closed his mouth and prepared to be a hero. Who knew that the posture had not yet pulled out the other arm, and then there was a severe pain. The other side even cut his left arm mercilessly! Xiao Yuanjiro is painful and afraid, he is not human, he is even more vicious than himself! It was eight generations of fungus to meet such a person.

"You are so cruel!" Xiao Yuanjiro spit out the word from the blood-sprayed mouth. He is no longer like a ghost or a ghost.

Wang Shaohui pierced the knife into Xiao Yuanjiro's thigh. "This is what you forced us to do! Think about how you treat the innocent old surnames in our dozen bases! It's a way of life for today!"

Talking about Wang Shaohui picking up his sword and dropping one leg, Xiao Yuanjiro's thigh was unloaded, and many onlookers couldn't stand it. Xiao Yuanjiro had already started crying. If it wasn't for the evolutionist's physical strength, he would faint now. Wang Shaohui was angry, and the destroyed bases were obviously their poisonous hands. They couldn't be easily killed like this. It was necessary to let them taste the pain to make up for some of their sins.

Alas, one foot was cut off, then the calf, then the thigh. Xiao Yuanjiro was so anxious that he was so strong that he couldn't die for a while. He wanted to bite his tongue and commit suicide. Who knew that his jaw was numb and his tongue was taken Pull it out and cut it off!

Sakura shouted in horror: "Don't torture him! I said, Dasawa Sawada took 22 ghost masters to arrest your **** team. As long as you don't kill us, we can help you plead ... ... "

Alas, a dagger stabbed into Sakura's abdomen: "Shut up! You ca n’t even guarantee your pleading? Are the twenty-two ghost masters? In our eyes, that's twenty-two straw bales! You have always been proud. I am arrogant, thinking that you are really the place where the sun rises. I tell you, offending our eschatology team, do n’t even try to escape! ”

Yamauchi said fiercely: "Don't be arrogant, we are the least capable of the ghost army, hehe, even if you rush past now. Depending on your ability, we are not our opponents of Sawada Daisuke. Maybe the battle has ended there, you The people must be gone, haha ​​... "

Alas, Li Yingjie suddenly appeared and slapped Yamauchi. Yamauchi coughed and spit out a few teeth, Xu Huainu sang, "Tie them up and let everyone decide their underground."

People were tied to light poles, and the rain was getting harder and harder, but the wind was much weaker. Lying on the ground was a corpse with soldiers and surnames. They were surrounded by ghosts like this, and dozens of pairs were dead. Staring at the man.

Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan hid a long time ago, although they hated these ghosts. But as women, they couldn't see the **** scenes. If this so-called ghost army only came to find someone, they would act brightly. They even asked the Chinese government to take away Inoue Haruki, but they should never take the lives of Chinese survivors seriously. They thought that they were powerful evolutionaries and that the world was invincible. After their lives, Chu Xiang is the most unaccustomed to these people. Even if Dasawa Zetian is more powerful, but he can foresee his end!

Wang Shaohui is a hunter. He is more capable than the others. Tied up the man and shouted at the corpse on the ground: "Dear folks, are there your loved ones lying here?"

The sorrow sounded: "Yes!"

Wang Shaohui pointed at the humane on the light pole: "It's up to you to take revenge! Remember, don't hurry up, let them toss slowly and let them know what the pain is."

Boom, everyone gathered around. This is not a joke, this is the only way to vent the hatred in everyone's heart! Cruel? This is nothing compared to the dozen or so destroyed bases and strongholds! How many ghosts stand in front of this moment can't stop the crowd of angry people, ghosts are ghosts. In peace, everyone can be friends, but once the war breaks out, the arrogance and unrest in their hearts will expose their nature. They feel that they are noble and superior. They look down on developing countries and think that The lives of those places are worthless, and they are afraid of developed countries. They think that it is normal for the soldiers in those places to play with some women on their land. They are born to be slaves. They won't remember if they don't hurt them thoroughly.

The rain continued. Although the sound of the wind was weaker, the people still couldn't open their eyes, and the storm couldn't hold the flames of anger. Thousands of people gathered around, and all the light poles were pushed down. It didn't take long for the results to come out. The innocuous man who looked harmless to humans and animals could not lie to anyone this time, except for a pile of **** bones.

The deputy battalion commander was surprised by this approach, but his soldiers killed and wounded nearly 50 people. The painful price made him anxious to go up and stab a few knives. He found Wang Shaohui and asked, "Comrade, which part are you? It ’s Jegi who sends you to help ~ ~ Thank you. "

Wang Shaohui waved his hand: "We are not from Jishi, this Miss Zhang Jingyao is our temporary captain, you have something to tell her."

Zhang Jingyao did not give the deputy battalion the opportunity to speak. She told the crowd: "We must leave. There are more than 20 good soldiers in the ghost army. I am afraid that Chu Xiang and Song Jun will be in danger. We must catch up to help."

Xie Shanshan said: "Let the team enter the base, we will move forward lightly."

Zhang Jingyao then said to the deputy battalion commander: "Comrade battalion commander, please forgive us for not explaining more to you, but we are not malicious, we have ten container trucks that need to be temporarily parked at the base, can you please arrange it?"

The deputy battalion commander said: "No problem, how can we say that we are also our own, our human base can make the ghosts just suffer, thank you for destroying them."

Zhang Jingyao said: "Nothing, every Chinese with conscience will do it. The world is the end, but we must not forget this while we are living. We leave, and the team will come over in a while."


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