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Chapter 236: Night kill

"It's raining outside, it's so windy," Chu Xiang took off the canvas on his face, which was a part used to block the door of the car. Raindrops were already heard on the canvas roof.

Song Jundao: "They should start by looking at the weather forecast."

The squad leader Li Haipeng said: "I can really make a joke. At this time, I still have to think about forecasting the weather. Hey, how did the car stop? Don't act at will while you stay in the car. I'll go and see."

After a while, Li Haipeng hurried back and said, "Get off, everyone gets off, the wind is strong, we will rest here for one night, and continue to rush yesterday."

As soon as Chu Xiang was happy, he whispered to Song Jun as he got out of the car: "The opportunity is coming, and you will cover me to look at it in a moment."

I got off the train and I knew that the large fleet that had just rushed to the outside of the Yushi base had just arrived. If it was n’t for an accident at the Yushi base, you could go in and shelter from the wind and rain, but now there ’s nothing but dare. Go in to check the situation, only to rest at this high-speed public toll station.

There are only a few toll booths at the toll booth to protect them from the weather. Those important people hide inside. The remaining soldiers use the vehicle as a shelter to cover the surroundings. There are searchlights on the off-road vehicle. The lights scan the surroundings from time to time. There will be snipers shooting.

The **** unit of Ji City was a battalion commander. He discussed with the commander of Chen Feng, Qihe Base, and sent another ten people to climb to the top of the toll booth to be on alert. In case of flying zombies attacking from above, it must be prepared in advance. For defense, the bazooka and machine gun were re-armed, and the mobile sentry patrolled around the toll station every five minutes. The defense was impervious.

If Chu Xiang had walked through a car casually, what other people thought he was conveying the order, but the guards from Jishi outside the toll booths would not let him move forward, Chu Xiang would hold the gun to the side to charge The kiosks looked around, and each kiosk was least populated. There was an emergency light inside, as well as the hot water that had just boiled, and the rising heat in the wind and rain was softening.

Chu Xiang had seen photos of Haruki Inoue, and soon he locked his eyes in the second toll booth, where there were two old men and a middle-aged man. One of the old men had a long, thin face, and it was Haruhi Inoue who stunned him. Now that he had determined the location and determined the target, Chu Xiang would casually return to his class.

"The goal is confirmed," Chu Xiang told Song Jun, "he is in the second toll booth from the left."

Song Jundao: "But now the defense is tight. If we start, we will conflict with the army."

Chu Xiang said: "Wait a minute. It's ten o'clock. Let's wait until two o'clock in the morning. You'll get their attention outside. I'll grab the old ghost from Inoue and run. No matter if he is willing He refused to promise to help us. Bring people back first. "

Chu Xiang and Song Jun are in the middle of the night. So now you can go to bed and sleep with peace of mind. Although listening to the wind and heavy rain can not sleep peacefully. But always take a break to keep your feet up. Time goes by. It's been more than half a point. Suddenly, Chu Xiang was awakened from his sleep.

Song Jun also clenched his automatic rifle and got up from the carriage. The sound is very light and mixed, and it is hard to detect in the storm. But for Chu Xiang and Song Jun, the unexpected sound was so clear. puff. Again. Chu Xiang shouted suddenly and turned over and jumped onto the car roof. "Sneak attack!"

Wow. It's like throwing a drop of water into the oil pan. In addition to the noise of rain and wind, the noise of the pavilion was clearly noisy. Chen Feng company shouted and ran over. "Who said there was a sneak attack! Where!"

Chu Xiang had already climbed to the top of the truck to see the situation. Song Jun whispered: "We! Attack on it."

Chen Feng looked at his ears from side to side and listened carefully, "Where is there a sneak attack or misreporting of military information? Do you know what responsibility you should bear? Do you know how much turmoil it will cause?"

Song Jun ignored Chen Feng at all. He pressed the automatic rifle and then turned over on the roof of the car. Chen Feng shouted angrily: "Come down, come down, which class are you in, why don't you obey the command."

At this time, the battalion commander heard a sneak attack, and he came over and asked, "What's going on? There doesn't seem to be much movement outside. Everything is normal."

Li Haipeng is patrolling outside. He just found out that it was the soldiers in his class who had run into trouble and quickly stepped forward: "The company commander. They are Chu Xiang and Song Jun of our class."

Chen Fengqi shouted, "What's going on? Why did they call for a sneak attack, but everyone saw it, clearly there was nothing, didn't this disturb the army? How did you educate them, didn't you have any discipline? Shouting like this can lead to a major accident. "

Li Haipeng blushed, "I'm sorry for the company commander. I blame me for not emphasizing discipline with them. They just joined our class. The camp commander plugged us into the field in the evening conscription. They might be able to use it. "

Chen Feng and the camp leader from Jishi were very angry, because those important people were awakened by this shout, and most of them were noisy to listen to the report. Chen Feng told Li Haipeng: "Really? It will really make a joke for us. It is a child's play to dare to let them participate in such an action as soon as they are enlisted in the army. How can you see where they are climbing?

It turned out that Chu Xiang and Song Jun climbed up the roof of the car and then climbed up. They even climbed to the top of the toll booth. The wind was very urgent and the rain kept falling. However, the two were as flexible as monkeys. Go up next to the drainage pipe.

The battalion commander told Chen Feng with a face: "Let them come down and expel them from the army. We can't take such unorganized and undisciplined soldiers and let them follow us and kill us."

Chen Feng responded quickly: "Yes, please rest assured, I will arrest them immediately and let them return to Qihe base for punishment."

The battalion commander waved: "Okay, everyone is back to their posts, the alarm is lifted, but no one can relax their vigilance, don't let a zombie come in! Understand?"

"Understand!" Everyone answered loudly.

Chen Feng blushed and said to Li Haipeng: "If you don't hurry and pull me down and let them crawl on the roof, those big men will be angry!"

Li Haipeng also knows that the soldiers lying on it are for safety needs. Now the two of them know whether it is asleep and sleepwalking. They step on and down on the heads of big men. How can those big men let them. Besides, in the middle of the night, shouting a sneak attack in the wild surrounding the zombies is even more terrifying than spreading rumors of earthquakes.

"Hurry up and pull them down!" Li Haipeng said to the soldiers in his class.

The unattended soldiers started to climb the roof of the car, and then climbed down the drain pipe toward the top of the kiosk. Suddenly someone touched a hand, he pulled down and said: "You two, come down. This time, the joke was wide, It seems you are going back to Qihe base alone. "

"Ah!" The warrior who plunged himself fell from the drain pipe, and he pulled a vacant space, even pulling only one arm! Startled can no longer hold steady, but fortunately did not fall out of internal injuries.

Li Haipeng was startled. How could he suddenly come out with an arm? Chen Feng, who had just turned around, heard his voice and hesitated. When he saw the **** arm shouting, "Everyone be alert, those two have problems!"

This is after all a group of trained fighters. The perimeter was constantly patrolling, and the sniper did not turn the muzzle, but the internal guard immediately moved the muzzle here. The soldiers who had not been on duty immediately jumped around.

Flutter, flutter, two people jumped off the pavilion, Chen Feng ordered: "Shoot!"

Tapping, the sound of gunfire sounded, and the two searchlights shining here were also extinguished. Everyone only heard a crisp sound as if it was hitting a steel plate, and then there was no sound. Chen Feng yelled, "Searchlight "Two searchlights moved over immediately. Under the light, people thought that they were two bodies, but the two who jumped down were still standing still!

Chu Xiang said angrily: "Where do you fight? Fool, the enemy attacked the soldiers on the top of the kiosk, they all died. The opponent quickly turned, and they retreated in one shot.

Li Haipeng said to Chu Xiang: "What are you talking about? If there is a sneak attack on the soldiers on the top of the kiosk, the alarm will not be issued?"

Chu Xiang said: "The other party's speed is fast, they have no time to resist."

Chen Feng couldn't figure out why the bullet didn't hurt the two. And how did the two searchlights go out for no reason, but at this time there was no time to think about these, he said to the soldiers around him: "Go up to the top of the pavilion, don't move, either, or I can't promise to fire again . "

Finally, a soldier climbed up, shouting tremblingly with a flashlight and a voice, and shouted, "The company commander, all of us have been sacrificed, so cruel, all of them have their heads removed. Their bodies are all gone. . "

The battalion commander turned back at this time. He made two rounds around Chu Xiang and Song Jun: "How do you know that something happened above? It won't be you doing it?"

Chu Xiang smiled bitterly: "Why do we attack our own people, and do you think we have that kind of ability? The reason why I know that something happened above is because I heard the other party's voice, but they shot quickly and did not have time to rescue I don't think the scene looks like zombies or mutants. It seems that we have met evolvers. They must be interested in the characters we are escorting. "

"Evolver?" It may be the first time the battalion commander heard the name, and he snapped and asked, "Who the **** are you? Why mix into the army, what are you trying to do? Say!"

Chu Xiang felt very funny. Why do people always question when doing good deeds? He said: "We are two survivors. We are just trying to get enough food when we join the army. I think you are the highest at this time. The commander should not ask these boring things. Since the other party has already shot, they will not stop there. We should be prepared. "

"Of course we need to be prepared, but don't bother to run away! Your identities are very suspicious, maybe they are the spies who broke into us!" The commander's words caused a response from the soldiers around them, and their muzzles pointed tightly. The two Chu Xiangs shouted a few words: "Say! Frankly resist leniently!"

Chu Xiang and Song Jun smiled bitterly. It was good for the battalion commander and the company commander Chen Feng to have such vigilance, but they are really not bad people. If they are bad people, do they have to wait until now? When they ran into a convoy outside Qihe base, they robbed people directly. Who could stop them?

Chu Xiang and Song Jun didn't speak, the battalion commander sent someone to the toll booth to re-arrange the alert, and at the same time carried the dead soldier's body down. The minds of the battalion commander and Chen Feng also kept thinking. From the time the alarm sounded to when the two came down, their time was short, and the soldiers on the toll booth did not respond when the alarm sounded. Distress had already been heard when the alarm sounded. If it were n’t for these two, who would it be? The whole toll booth is surrounded by layers. How did the other party climb up to the ground? Can they fly? From the corpse of the soldiers carried down, the fracture was neat. Not as if bitten by a zombie, but deadly with a sharp knife.

Huh, huh, huh, a grenade suddenly appeared in the rain curtain, but no object was found when the searchlight outside shot through a distance of more than ten meters! The grenade was rolling under the soldiers with smoke, and the battalion commander shouted, "Lying down and hiding!"

Chu Xiang said in his heart that the grenade was at his feet. He and Song Jun attacked left and right, grabbed the grenade that was rolling continuously on the ground, and threw it out. The explosions continued, and it was impossible for Chu Xiang and Song Jun to move all the ground grenades in a short time. Several trucks were blown into flames. The bombs on the ground caused explosions, blasts, and sky-high fire. You can see the surroundings without the searchlights. Many soldiers were killed or injured in the explosion. If not for the help of Chu Xiang and Song Jun, the casualties would be even greater. The battalion commander and Chen Feng could understand. The two in front of them are not really bad guys. If they are bad guys, they help to collect grenades at the risk of their lives, even those soldiers who have undergone strict training cannot do this job.

"Where is the target!" The battalion commander climbed up and called the officer on duty, but the searchlights shot wildly, and the fire shone into the sky, but there was no silhouette at all within the bombing distance!

"Hell!" Chen Feng patted the off-road vehicle next to him, now the other side is secretly in the dark, and this battle is aggrieved, and he is completely passive. I'm afraid that the fewer people fight, the less they can kill them.

Chu Xiang jumped onto the off-road vehicle. He grabbed the heavy machine gun on the truck. In addition to the continuous shouting of soldiers around, it was a storm. They chose this ghost weather to start.

Flip-flop, Chu Xiang fired a heavy machine gun, and a red band appeared in the rain curtain. Although Chu Xiang didn't see anyone there, he knew that there was danger by the instinct of a super-evolver. as expected. As he fired another row of grenades!

Song Jun yelled, "Give you back!" He twitched his arms and shot in a row of cold light. Those grenades were flung backwards by the cold light as if they had eyes. They blasted out from the rain, and Chu Xiang's heavy machine gun fired even more. The bright red blood continued to flow down. It seemed that the other side Injured.

The battalion commander from Jishi is not inferior to Chen Feng. He knows that it is difficult to deal with these secret enemies with his ability and his subordinates, but Song Jun and Chu Xiang have shown them the way, and the battalion commander also grasped A machine gun shouted, "Everyone listens to the command of the two of them. We will fight wherever he fights!"

Originally, the soldiers who had gunpointed at Chu Xiang immediately turned their fingers. Regardless of whether the identity of these two people is doubtful, they will have the hope of survival at the same time when they are in crisis.

Click, Chu Xiang ’s bullets are gone. He did n’t play any more, but he listened quietly, the other party has been hidden from sending. At this time, it is useless to hit again. The enemy ’s second wave of grenade lost the opportunity to be attacked. Song Jun's steel arrow hit back, they would not be stupid enough to throw a grenade and hurt themselves, but the cat already smelled fishy, ​​and they would not stop there.

The battalion commander came to Chu Xiang's car, and he stretched out his hand and said, "How do you call it? My name is Wu and my name is Wu Lin."

Chu Xiang also got out of the car. He gently shook the battalion's hand and said, "Chu Xiang, Song

The battalion commander said: "I just misunderstood you just now, but the situation is urgent, you can't be surprised."

Chen Feng also came forward awkwardly and said, "Sorry, I almost failed the commander of Qin Ying. He said that you have the real skills, but I haven't seen them. My courage and speed to pick up a grenade just didn't come to me for a lifetime. . "

Chu Xiang said: "It's nothing. When people reach the threshold of life and death, you thought you would be able to do things. This group of enemies are very powerful. Let's be careful."

The battalion commander and Chen Feng also wanted to say something, and let Chu Xiang remind him to return to his post immediately. Chen Feng went to the periphery to organize a defensive force. Wu Lin went to the inner circle to appease those big men. Some people couldn't wait. Ran outside the toll booth to yell for protection.

Chu Xiang took out the m500 in his arms and hung it to his right leg. At this time, there is no need to hide this commonly used weapon. It is better to put it in his arms than to use it on his leg. Song Jun also dragged out the big bow hidden under the cart, and the two turned over and jumped to the top of the toll booth. The soldiers hiding above were startled by the two. However, it is clear that they are directing everyone to attack the enemy two below. They paid attention, especially Song Jun. He showed amazing strength, and those hidden weapons shot dozens of grenades at the same time. This magic skill is only available in martial arts.

Song Jun hung the arrow pot on his shoulder. He stood with the bow against the wind. The wind was very urgent, but he couldn't shake the figure of the two. Song Jun watched around vigilantly, and he asked Chu Xiang in a low voice: Will it be the group that killed our human base? "

Chu Xiang nodded his head. "They should be coming towards Inoue Haruki, sacrificing so many people for such an old man, these people **** it!"

Chu Xiang smashed the big sign on the top of the toll booth. Several iron bars were rubbed in his hands and disappeared. Although the other party did not show up, the situation was not far from ten. This group of people entered from North Korea. They flew in Shenyang and flew straight to Jiji, perhaps to supplement weapons and supplies, to hide their whereabouts, or to satisfy their abnormal psychology. In short, they committed monstrous acts. Crime, destroy the human base wherever they go, ghosts will always have a light policy, one day let them taste the taste of light!

Chu Xiang opened the communicator. Fortunately, this distance range can still be contacted, otherwise, the space ring will be opened to take the satellite phone. "What's the situation on your side, we have encountered an attack here."

Zhang Jingyao's voice was mixed with the sound of wind and rain. "The Qihe base was attacked. The opponent is an evolutionary with a certain strength. We are rushing to reinforce!"

Chu Xiangxin cursed heartily, and his poisonous plan made Qihe Base unable to come forward to reinforce him. "Can you handle it? If not, I will let Song Jun go back."

Zhang Jingyao said: "Relax. The opponent's strength is equal to her. We have eight evolvers here to rush to reinforcements. If even this trivial matter is not fair, it will humiliate the eschatological team."

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, be careful, we haven't seen the other side here. I turned off the communicator."

After a few minutes of silence, some people finally couldn't stand it. The other party appeared after confirming that the grenade attack would not take effect. The white shadow flashed in the rain and the figure flew to Chu Xiang. The other party is not blind. They can see that the most powerful person in fact is Chu Xiang. Two others ran towards Song Jun.

The other side appeared suddenly, just like the ghost killer suddenly appeared in mid-air, but they still underestimated the strength of Chu Xiang. After experiencing the hermit of the British and French bandits and the ghost killer of Russia, Chu Xiang was dealing with such people. There is quite a high level of experience, he can close his eyes and defend with intuition!

Bang, Magnum's high-powered pistol hit a white shadow's head. The man could even turn over in midair, and the bullet just shot his left calf rotten. His figure fell down and disappeared into the rain. . While Chu Xiang opened fire, the other two figures were attacking left and right. They thought that Chu Xiang could be erected here, and Chu Xiang was firing at this time. Even if he returned, he could not fire on both sides at the same time.

"Hey ..." The two attacking figures couldn't help but laugh strangely, "... Hey ... Ah ..." Well, two headless bodies fell straight on the pavilion's concrete board, but the two heads were Flying down, banging, banging, and falling to the ground with a splash of plasma.

When they left their necks, they did not know what attacked them. Chu Xiang's bones and wings shrank. Even the soldiers who had been staring at this side did not see clearly. Such a ghostly bone weapon was overbearing. This is even more scary than stealth. Simple stealth can also make people wary, but you clearly see that he has no weapons to attack, and suddenly you are stared at by others' wings. The end of the bone wing is a row of high-speed The sharp edge of the saw, even if you put a diamond guard on the neck cover, it may not save your life.

The two figures who attacked Song Jun seemed to know that Song Jun grew up by a hidden weapon, so they actually blocked a dim shield in front of them, the light of the long knife behind the shield flashed, and two pairs of thief-like eyes. Full of joy of victory, the two masters used the shield to surprise attack, and one left and one right, the other party must die!

Song Jun suddenly moved, hum, that steel steel bow squeaked loudly, and a big sign with the word "received" at his feet was taken away by a whirlwind. The sharp sound of the air made people involuntarily go. Covering his ears, hesitated, as if a sharp blade pierced a piece of waste paper, a scream rang from behind the shield, a dark figure fell straight down the toll booth, and a bright steel arrow stuck in his chest, but the shield in his hand became Window paper, a big fist hole appeared on it.

"Here!" Another figure who attacked Song Jun proudly shouted for himself. He slashed on Song Jun's shoulder, and Song Jun was still holding a bow at this time. , Can directly cut off Song Jun ’s head ~ ~ but saw Song Jun moved his body in a hurry, the attacker ’s long knife was not biased, not sooner or later, and slashed in the arrow pot The arrow pot was also made of stainless steel, and it contained dozens of thick steel arrows. It was impossible for him to cut the arrow pot with the steel arrow. If the spark flashed, the person knew that the surprise attack had failed. .

Song Jun smiled and turned his head to pull the bow again. The man had seen his companion's end. He knew that if Song Jun's arrow was fired, the shield in his hand would be as stiff as paper paste, so he was determined to escape. The idea is to be invisible with both feet of the cement board. There was a loud noise in the ear of the attacker, then his head exploded, and the Magnum pistol that the elephant had shot dead. Even the evolutionary must have a certain strength to pick it up, and it cannot be used. Head connected! But this one seemed to have made a mistake. He took a try with his head, but his head was gone.

The people on and below the kiosk witnessed this scene all shouting loudly. It may be that the failure stimulated the other party. The rain curtain around them flashed. At the same time, more than a dozen short men appeared. They rushed into the defensive circle to kill the soldiers. Fang's casualties increased sharply.

Chu Xiang jumped down to the pavilion: "I go down to deal with them, you stay on top and wait for the opportunity to shoot!"


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