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Chapter 238: Head-to-head

Holding on to the smoking laptop, Fu Pinglang almost got his head into the crotch, and Daisawa Sawada was also surprised: "How can this be?"

Fu Pinglang said: "I'm sorry for Captain Zetian. The opponent's strength is strong. I was in control of the computer for a while, and it is estimated that he was unwilling to destroy my system. He also increased the working voltage of my computer to burn it. That information can no longer be read. "

"Baga!" Sawada slaps Fu Pinglang and slaps his face. "Aren't you the most powerful hacker in the empire, how could you be so vulnerable!"

Fu Pinglang bowed and said, "Hey, I **** it," saying that Fu Pinglang took a slap in his face, and Daisawa Sawada calmed down. I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult for us to grab Professor Inoue Haruki. "

Yamaguchi suddenly hurriedly ran into the temporary command room: "It's bad for Captain Sawada, we have two ninjas killed. The two of them attacked one and the other was close. We couldn't get near Professor Haruki Inoue at all. "

Sawajima pulled out a long knife, "Nani? I'm going to deal with him myself! I'll see if these two evolutionaries in China have the first six arms!"

Fu Pinglang carefully reminded Sawata Daisuke, "Captain Sawada, the people we sent to the Qihe base have never heard of it, will they ...?"

Sawada Sasao: "No matter what they are, our current task is to fight hard and grab Professor Inoue Haruki! If they fail, deserve to die!"

The cooperation between Chu Xiang and Song Jun has been seamless. The two have experienced countless battles. It is not too much to say that they are invisible. Although these sneak attackers are good at stealth, they must show up when they attack. Although Chu Xiang cannot Everyone has taken care of it, but he knows that their goal is Haruki Inoue, so as long as he stays beside Haruki Inoue, those people will continue to attack, and Chu Xiang will entangle each other as soon as they show up. Song Jun took the opportunity to make a surprise attack with a steel bow. The other party died and was injured. Repeatedly, they finally stopped this suicide attack.

Ten minutes later, the enemy ’s attack was temporarily stopped. Wu Lin and Chen Feng had the opportunity to come and ask Chu Xiang for an understanding. Chu Xiang ’s performance just now has not surprised them. They believe that it has been replaced by anyone Can't catch each other's blow! Just now they were dumped by Song Jun's giant bow. Now Chu Xiang has become their new idol. The two defend one by one and attack one at a time, which is a wonderful match.

"You two are really amazing, thanks to you, otherwise we must not be able to keep it, can you tell us the true identity of the two?" Wu Lin and Chen Feng said eagerly.

Chu Xiang said: "Sorry for two. Don't ask. Just be an ordinary soldier. The enemy's target is Haruki Inoue. They certainly won't give up on this. I suggest shrinking the force to the center. Because once they change the way they fight. The defensive lineman is afraid we will lose out. "

Wu Lin thought it out again. The attackers just attacked the toll booth just now. The damage to ordinary soldiers is almost zero. If those people turn their goals to ordinary people. Chu Xiang and Song Jun couldn't take care of them. It will be really troublesome then. As for the true identity of the two men. Since the other party is unwilling to speak, he can only hold it like this.

Wu Lin said to Chen Feng: "Chen Lien. Please make arrangements for us. Let's move people closer to the toll booths. Remove all the outer defense lines. Because that power is a dummy for the attackers. Let me go and see Is there a problem. They must have been scared just now. "

Chu Xiang gestured to Song Jun on the top of the pavilion. Then he helped collect the steel arrows on the ground and throw them up. At this time, Wu Lin had a dispute with the toll booths. It turned out that most experts insisted on continuing to seek protection in the human base ahead. It is really scary to stay at this toll booth without a village or a store.

Chu Xiang stepped forward and said, "Did you guys. Don't you know yet? Go straight north along this highway. I'm afraid we can only find a human base in Tianjin. Unless we change lanes to Hengshui and then go from Shijiazhuang to Beijing. Then go to the ground There will be more human bases. "

Chu Xiang's words caught everyone's attention. But his face was not familiar. Just now everyone patronized and feared. I don't see what it looks like outside. A majestic old man looked at Chu Xiang a few times and said, "Who are you?"

Chu Xiang had not spoken yet Wu Lin rushed to introduce: "Long. This soldier is called Chu Xiang. He is a recruit at the Qihe base. Fortunately, he and another soldier were there. Otherwise, we would suffer a lot. The enemy is very powerful. "

When the old man heard that Chu Xiang was just a recruit, he stopped paying attention, but continued the topic just now: "I don't care, it's wind and rain, we have to move forward, are we stuck here for a generation? I ask To contact the central government, I asked the central government for support. We have made a contribution to the country. At this time, it is not wrong to ask for a sense of security. "

Wu Lin said with a frustrated face: "The first explosion just destroyed our communication car. Long, the weather outside is bad, and the enemy is in a dark place. We should not break out. It is safer to stay here."

The angry old man refused to let it go: "I said I don't care. You stay here and be beaten blindly, is this the way? Don't tell me you can't even deal with a few little hair thieves, you are many people, aren't you? The enemy is terrible.

Chu Xiang was angry, no matter where he was or when he was there, there were always some people like this. This was simply a matter of taking the soldier's life seriously. Chu Xiang shouted forward and lifted up the angry old man. The old man was Startled, just waiting to speak, Chu Xiang said fiercely: "Shut your mouth! Fight less about war! Believe me or not I throw you out and let them kill you right away!"

Wu Lin was anxious and stepped forward to open Chu Xiang: "Don't do this. Ning Chang is also anxious to return to Beijing and let go. You must not be rude to Chang."

Chu Xiang coldly threw the big man named Ning aside and said, "I don't care what he is, so many of us are born and die for their safety. They'd better be honest, or they would let They are going to deal with those attackers! "

Ning Changqi's fingers trembled: "You, you, what's your name? Which army soldier? I demand that you be punished!"

Instead of being angry, Chu Xiang said with a smile: "Long, don't be excited. My name is Chu Xiang. I just joined the army. If you want to get revenge, I'll say it after I get to Beijing safely. Otherwise, people will get their heads cut off. You still Punish a fart. "

Wu Lin hurried to pull Chu Xiang aside, and then let the two talk. They had to fight. Ning Changqi followed but said loudly: "What is he, how can he talk to me like this, the chairman saw me Be polite and reverse. It's the opposite. I want to react to the central government ... "

Chu Xiang shook his head. He is also an expert, but Song Qiao and Professor Liu Nan are very good at each other. They obey the command and obey the leaders. These people seem to have been enjoying high-standard treatment in Jishi. Suddenly they will die and live if they are in danger. Now they are outside. Even if there are no sneak attackers in the ghost weather, they should not be hurried. They are still forcing the soldiers to move forward. Isn't this to kill them?

Wu Lin comforted Ning Chang: "Chang don't get angry. Comrade Chu Xiang is straight. Just now you saw that our soldiers sacrificed a lot, and the outside was dark and slippery. There was also a strong wind, and it is safer than here. Although some people are constantly attacking us, as long as Comrade Chu Xiang is here, I believe they cannot break our defensive line. "

The Ning Chang actually understood that he had just lost his temper just now and really let him go. The black lights outside were violent and stormy, and occasionally someone would come out to hurt them. He didn't really dare to leave. Wu Lindi's words made him find the steps for a while and stood up aside to discuss with other experts.

Chu Xiang didn't take this Ning Chang to his heart, because he saw Haruki Inoue walking out of the toll booth. This time was the best time to approach him. Chu Xiang ignored the long curse behind him and went to Haruki Inoue. He said, "Are you Professor Haruki Inoue?"

The old man looked at Chu Xiang twice, and it seemed that he understood Chinese, and he would also say two sentences. "That's right, I'm Haruki Inoue. I don't know how expensive you are to find me. I just saw that your shot was not so simple as an ordinary soldier."

Chu Xiang secretly said in his heart that this old man was not simple. He didn't just know that he had entered the laboratory for research, as at least a nerd. At least it seemed to be more savvy than that surname. People were not just afraid of the two just now. Eyes dare not look outward, and should also know that some evolutionary said.

Chu Xiang said: "It seems you are also smart. Then we don't have to go around. I am an evolutionary."

Inoue Haruki nodded: "I can see that your body is not the same as ordinary people. Chu Xiang said:" Have you seen who the attacker was just now? " "

Haruki Inoue was a stunner first. Then he said, "Is this our country? I was wondering just now, it really is."

Chu Xiang said: "Accurately, they should be the evolutionaries of your country. You must have seen them with their vicious shots. And I'm afraid you don't know. They came from Shenyang along the highway and destroyed us. A few human bases, this account has no idea what you think. "

Haruki Inoue was a stunner again: "Listen to your tone, as if they came for me?"

Chu Xiang said: "What do you think?"

Inoue Haruki turned his hands and thought twice, then said to Chu Xiang: "They really shouldn't do this. If they want to pick me up and return home, just send an international announcement. Let's say, what do you think, I know you don't Will come to my rescue for no reason. "

Chu Xiang said: "Follow me, my base needs you."

Haruki Inoue wasn't surprised, but just said, "Explain the reason more, otherwise I'm not a puppet.

Chu Xiang said: "We have established a base, where the environment is very good, we are also trying to plant new agricultural land, but due to the t virus, many plants have mutated, and you are an expert in this area I think you can help us solve this problem. "

Inoue Haruki said: "My country needs me more." Chu Xiang said: "You are a person without borders."

Inoue Haruki said: "This is not the reason."

Chu Xiang solemnly replied, "You should stay in China to atone for your fellow citizens. The life of one of our compatriots will be replaced by you for one year. You should be able to redeem it for several years."

Haruki Inoue glanced at the pile of corpses lying on the ground. They were all just sacrificed soldiers. Some of them were still young. Unfortunately, they did not escape the t virus but did not escape the similar phase. Haruki Inoue sighed, and then turned back to the toll booth and stopped coming out.

Chu Xiang didn't know what idea the old ghost had in mind. Now all he had to do was to destroy the foreign enemy, and then ask him if he agreed or disagreed with him, and agreed to discuss everything. If you do n’t agree, then you ca n’t help him. As I said just now, letting him go to atone for his own race, I am afraid that his ten lives are not enough to pay the penalty.

Wu Lin soothed the big men and ran to Chu Xiang and said, "What should we do next? It's still early in the morning, and they shouldn't retreat because of the big loss tonight."

Chu Xiang said: "Be careful, who is that old guy just now. It's awesome."

Wu Lin smiled awkwardly: "One man in the middle of the land, you don't have to see him in general. The world is changing fast, and they can't adapt to it."

Chu Xiang laughed: "I thought it was the old man who researched to be pedantic." Wu Lin smiled and stopped talking about it. Chu Xiang also crouched on the ground to listen to the movement in the wind and rain, although it was June days. However, it was rainy and windy, and the clothes were soaked just now, and it felt cold when I stopped. Chu Xiang habitually touched the cigarette, and pulled out only half a pack of sooty smoke.

"Here," Li Haipeng didn't know when to crouch beside Chu Xiang with a gun. Seeing Chu Xiang burst into a pile of cigarettes, he took out his own cigarette. Chu Xiang took the cigarette and looked at it, "Oh, the squad leader smokes well, it's still five."

Li Haipeng raised his hand and lighted the lighter. "It wasn't what I bought. I found it during the mission at the base of Jishi. You don't want to smoke if you don't wrap the tarpaulin in this kind of ghost weather. Your little real person is unremarkable. I was so good at playing just now, it used to be martial arts. "

Chu Xiang took a deep breath, and as soon as the smoke ring floated out, the wind was blown away. In addition to the surrounding scenes, everything seemed so bleak, Chu Xiang said, "Well, squad leader, where is your hometown?" "

Li Haipeng also lighted a branch and closed his eyes while smoking. It makes him feel intoxicated. "It is this province that was going to retire. Who knows what happened again, now even if we have the heart, we can't retire. If we are going to step back at this time, the old name is even more impossible. Alive. "

Chu Xiang smiled, "Yeah, sometimes it's not that we want to be heroes. It just pushes us up. When it comes to flat land, let's take a step back and endure it. But now taking a step back is death, Only keep going. "

Li Haipeng said: "Brothers, these words make sense. It is also the province to listen to your accent."

Chu Xiang said: "My city, how about you?"

Li Haipeng said: "I'm the city of W. It's not far from us, this is a standard fellow."

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, two tears, you are the monitor, you have to take more care of me."

Li Haipeng gave Chu Xiang a fist and said, "You pull it down, it's pretty much taking care of me with your efforts."

"Shh!" Chu Xiang made a silence gesture, then he threw out his cigarette **** and drew out the m500 runner. "Alert! The enemy is here!"

boom! Chu Xiang's m500 large wheel opened fire, struck through the rain curtain, buzzed, and made a crisp sound on the metal. A group of dwarves appeared in a flash of sparks.

Chu Xiang waved his hand to block the shooting of the soldiers behind him. The other side did not sneak attack this time, but turned out to be bright.

Wu Lin asked in a loud voice: "Who the **** are you! This is our place in China, and you better retreat immediately!"

"Hey ..." With a sneer, the leader said shortly: "I care who this is! The strong survive and the weak die! Give up Inoue Haruki, or kill your chickens and dogs!"

"Good breath!" Song Jun yelled on the top of the toll booth: "Take me a shot!"

Hum, the steel arrow was launched by the giant bow. Even the steel plate of five centimeters may not be blocked. Song Jun shouted that he did not want to attack behind them. This arrow was not intended to kill the other person, but a temptation. The other party appeared more than a dozen people at the same time, and the Magnum bombs fired by Chu Xiang were also blocked by them. They didn't know what they were going to do and would suffer.

The leading dwarf suddenly turned back and drank, everyone only felt that the ears were like acupuncture, a wave of violent shocks rushed towards Song Jun, the high-speed steel arrow broke down in a half bang, and the toll booth top exploded outward. Song Jun escaped from the ground.

"Ultrasonic?" Chu Xiang was startled. It was unexpected that someone outside Zhou Muqing had evolved this kind of super power.

A short back smiled and said, "My name is Daisawa Sawata. What's your name?"

Chu Xiang said: "You little devil doesn't deserve to know my name."

Sawada Daisuke sneered: "Is it true, I don't know who is present who can receive my ultrasound, you can pick up a life and hand it back to Haruki Inoue, otherwise I will kill you immediately!"

"Stop!" Haruki Inoue suddenly ran out on his own, and Hula's face was full of indignation. "Don't fight! It's not worth sacrificing so many people for me!"

Sawada Daisuke saw Haruki Inoue saluting respectfully: "Sir, I am here to take you back to the Kingdom."

Inoue Haruki looked displeased: "Did you do too much, but you destroyed the land from the human base along Shenyang?"

Daisawa Sawada doesn't care about the authenticity: "Yes, for our survival, I have to destroy them. Your Excellency as a member of our empire, you should have this realization that low-level creatures are not worth living in this world."

"Nonsense!" Haruki Inoue was angry. "All lives are equal. There is no nobleness and inferiority in this world. Your arbitrary approach will ruin our empire!"

Sawada Daisuke scornfully glanced at Wu Lin and others: "Sir, do you think they have this strength?"

Chu Xiang's teeth were bitten. The thief first captured the king, and first he wanted to win this Sawada Daisuke, but Wu Lin grabbed him: "Calm, these people's goal is Haruki Inoue, let's not lose ourselves by small things."

Chu Xiang glanced at the people behind him. If he started with them, he would be afraid that these ordinary people would not be able to escape the disaster. With the ultrasound of Suda Tian, ​​he just dragged himself with five evolvers. Then you can radiate the ultrasonic wave to end the pot.

Inoue Haruki sighed and said, "Why do you always have to be so conceited, have n’t you lost a lot before? China is a sleeping lion. Do n’t always treat him as a fat pig. It really annoys him that none of you will end well. "

Sawada Daisuke still disdainfully said, "Okay, I'm waiting for this fat pig to come to the door."

Haruki Inoue glanced at the two sides and said, "This incident is caused by me, and I hope that it will stop because of me. I apologize for the loss to you."

After speaking Inoue Haruki bowed deeply. Some soldiers refused, "Fuck, killing so many of us, I ’m sorry, I ’m going to kill your parents and say no more, I ’m sorry! It turns out your kid is a ghost, and I knew it was in Jishi. Destroy you humanely! "

Sawada Daisuke's face changed, Haruki Inoue said to him: "Go! If you still want me to return to the empire alive, then leave here now! Otherwise I would rather die!"

Sawada Daisuke bowed and said, "Hi!" Then Sawada said humanely behind him, "Let's go!"

Song Jun had risen from the ground because he was only slightly injured because of the cover of cement boards. He whispered to Chu Xiang: "Do you really let them go like this?"

Chu Xiang looked at the soldiers behind him and said, "For the safety of everyone, I can only let them go. But I will chase them on a blaze horse, and I will chase the ghosts of Haru Inoue to death!"

Ning Chang suddenly said loudly at this time: "Can't let that Inoue Haruki go!"

Sawada Daisuke's hand rested on the hilt. When the situation broke out, Wu Lin stepped forward and advised: "Long, at this time we have to sacrifice our lives to protect the car."

Ning Chang said: "What if we let him go in case of remorse? It is safer to take him to his advantage, and let us take Haruki Inoue away when we arrive in Beijing."

Zetian Da Zuo snorted: "What a big official power, don't you worry about us, why don't we worry about you? Today we will fight for a dead net, let alone a deer who is not sure yet ~ ~ Wu Lin smiled bitterly: "Long, you also saw it. The other party shouted that we can't stand it. If we keep Haruki Inoue, the consequences will be serious. "

Ning Chang said: "Don't you advocate fighting just now, why are you doing it again now, afraid?"

Chu Xiang really wanted to give this man a long slap to make him sober and awake. He must have scared his head. Can he just compare with now? The other party ’s ultrasonic killing range is wide. I really let him do this. Afraid of them first!

Wu Lin is really a talented soldier. He also believes that the long man must have been nervous and has a problem with the nerves. The situation is very clear now. Only two people have been able to participate in the battle. The opponent is a dozen people. , But he could not explain to Ning Chang.

Without saying anything, Song Jun stepped forward and gave Ning Chang a punch: "Shut up! How can our Captain Chu arrange for you to execute?"

Ning Chang was stunned on the spot, who dare to hit him? Seems like this is the first time since he is sensible! He wanted to get angry, but at the sight of the other's ugly and terrifying he retreated.


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