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Chapter 239: Rainy Chase

Chu Xiang did not intend to stop Song Jun's behavior at this time. It was the best policy to send the ghost away at this time. Although they would never let go of the party easily, they could not go to war with each other in such a concentrated situation. If it had been known that they had ultrasound, Wu Lin would not have brought people together, it would be safer to disperse them.

After Ning Chang experienced several zombies, he was really afraid. Now he wants to go to Beijing in a safe and safe step. The hostage is similar to a nuclear bomb. But do you have a nuclear bomb and dare to launch a war against other countries easily? ? That ’s just a way to make others jealous of themselves. In the view of Ning Chang, Haruki Inoue is a nuclear bomb. Leaving him in the team will not easily kill the mouse, but Ning Chang forgets that the other party is an evolutionary. If they It doesn't take much effort to destroy these people, even Haruki Inoue doesn't need to be injured.

Song Jun's fierce behavior scared Ning Chang back. Tasuda Sawa snorted, and Haruki Inoue said coldly, "Go, don't embarrass them, otherwise I would rather die than return to China. These people are my friends. I I won't watch them being slaughtered by you. "

Zetian Da Zuo didn't speak, turned around and left. The people behind him caught Haruki Inoue and shouted. The figures of these people were hidden in the rain. Wu Lin was relieved and Chu Xiang whispered: "Let everyone disperse immediately! Don't concentrate On a fan, people are guarding each other back to back! "

Wu Lin said nothing to convey the order. Chu Xiang opened the communicator and contacted Zhang Jingyao. The other side said, "We are almost at the toll booth. What's the situation with you?"

Chu Xiang said: "The situation is not good. Haruki Inoue was taken away. I can rest assured that you have come to protect them. The other party has an ultrasonic expert. You must stop Chu Xiang and let go of the communicator. The flame horse rushing to the vicinity appeared in the toll booth, and Chu Xiangyue jumped on his horse. He told Song Jun: "You lead everyone to stay behind, Zetian will not die. Be careful he kills the carbine, I will go after Haruki Inoue! "

The flames of horses and four hoofs disappeared in the toll booth. Tonight Wu Lin, Chen Feng and others have been shocked many times, so they feel the same. After a while, Zhang Jingyao and others arrived, everyone will defend the toll booth. Redeploy. Be sure to stop at dawn and rain.

Chu Xiang, who was caught by the wind and raindrops, couldn't open his eyes, especially under high speed, the raindrops were almost as strong as a bomb. He ran around first, and based on the traces on the ground, he judged that Zetian took Haru Inoue. The trees went east. They didn't go north, which meant that they didn't want to leave the original. Maybe they wanted to go to the sea to take a boat. Are they not afraid of the mutants in the ocean?

Alas, Chu Xiang heard the sound of breaking air behind his ears, although the noise of wind and rain was not obvious. However, his hearing has been increased by more than ten times. Coupled with countless battles, he automatically became alert, and the bone spurs came up from behind!

Hum. It was a symphony of metal. Chu Xiang saw a flame horse and saw two dwarfs standing behind him. The speed of these two people could go with the flame horse. It seems that the evolution of ghosts is also extraordinary.

"Hey ..." The two sneered. As soon as the figure changed, he flew to Chu Xiang. Quickly, Xiang Xiang had no time to defend. puff. Long sword pierced Chu Xiang's arm. However, Chu Xiangdi's bones are not inferior to the five-color liquid fortification. Skin and muscle tissue are naturally worse due to their different properties. But ordinary people and bullets can't hurt him at all. But the ground is currently facing two evolutionaries. Chu Xiangdi's strength has not been strong enough to be invulnerable to everyone.

The short one succeeded in retreating immediately. And his companions have turned behind Chu Xiang. Alas. Long sword pierced Chu Xiang's heart. The speed of the sword is never slower than that. Chu Xiang took a step forward with a horse's belly. The dwarf behind him missed. However, the previous one has re-used the move. Long knife Hanmang smeared Chu Xiang's neck.

Chu Xiang was very angry. He knew that Sawada would not let himself go and those soldiers. Just now it was just trying to wait for reinforcements and dispersed formations. Now that Fang Zhantian has been completed, he hides. The surrounding area is a few square kilometers. It's wind and rain again. It's not easy for them to hide in the dark to deal with them. And now let the two little ghosts entangle. I'm afraid they will go further and further. Killers must be resolved quickly.

The short man in the front took advantage of Chu Xiang's companions behind him. His long knife cuts across Chu Xiang's head. Chu Xiang behaved a little flustered. At this time the dwarf behind him re-attacked. It seemed that his only choice was to wince. The short front seemed to know that Chu Xiang would do so. The gesture just slipped slightly down. The long knife was still cut towards Chu Xiang's neck.

puff. The low ground is not weak. He carried the blade to the blade with sharpness. Otherwise, Chu Xiang will not be injured. The long knife cut into the neck fiercely. Blood spewed out. But at this time Chu Xiang's mouth showed a smile. He clamped his head with a short knife. The short pumped and did not pump. I want to cut it in harder, but I can't get halfway when I touch the bone. The dwarf was panicked at this time. Knowing the trick. He just wanted to drop his knife. There was a flutter in front of me. Then the body was unloaded into eight pieces and fell into the rain.

Chu Xiang this is a bit of the same end to play. He took the risk of gripping the opponent's long knife with his neck. Then kill him with bone wings while he can't grab the sword! Because Chu Xiang has no time to walk here. And the two are fast. Fighting with them requires speculation. Otherwise they can drag them here.

Chu Xiang's dwarf attack has arrived after killing the little dwarf in front of him. Chu Xiang kicked the flame horseman and leaned forward on the horse's back to leap forward. The dwarf missed, but others kept on following Chu Xiang. The fierce flame horse continued to chase straight piercing, and the two jumped a few meters for a while. Chu Xiang could only have such speed when using the fiery flame horse, and the other side was only with his feet. This **** is comparable to Sun Wukong Is it because the ghosts often watch cartoons that they have evolved so much? It wouldn't be enough to deal with Altman.

The low point of the blade does not leave Chu Xiang's heart for a moment. One person who hides and chases the two can only rush forward in this way. Chu Xiang wants to use the advantages of the flame horse to shake off the shadow behind him, but the other party also knows that Chu Xiang is at this moment. Can't turn around to deal with himself, so bite it and refuse to give up. As long as the flame horse slows down for the first half, the kid will have the confidence to chop Chu Xiang on the horse.

Chu Xiang was annoyed by being chased by the ground, and there was not much chance of fleeing like this. Not Chu Xiang was willing to do so, but the point of the knife always stayed with him. At this time, there was no way to turn around and fight with the imps, and after a while, Chu Xiangling took out the m500 runner from the side of his right leg and shot backwards with a slam. No matter how fast you can, but you can't chase and bounce back. His body Chuchu took the opportunity to turn around.

I have to say that the dwarf evolution is quite powerful. In such a close range, the next high-speed vent can't even hurt him, but his step-by-step situation on Chu Xiang is also cracked. The two are facing each other now, and they can only fight with their own strength and speed. The short heart is a bit lacking. Just now, the two were fighting against each other. He felt that the odds were quite large, but who knew the danger of the other being cut off I seduced a companion, and now I see that the dead mouth on his neck has recovered more than half! The opponent's evolution also made Dwarf afraid.

The two didn't speak but suddenly moved, Chu Xiang mounts on a short offensive ground. He wanted to break Chu Xiang's speed advantage in the strategy of shooting first and shooting horses first. Because he had observed Chu Xiang's speed before, without the help of this sudden red horse, he was not his opponent at all, which was due to the omission of the horse. Zetian left only two of them to ambush here, originally thought that they could be grasped by the speed and strength of the two, but now the victory is hard to separate.

Sawada did not consider the addition of external forces, but this short did not consider the strength of the horse. He did not expect that the flame horse was not vegetarian. His ground knife had not pierced the belly of the horse, and the flame horse kicked over, but it was short. Know the goods, listen to the wind to tell the sound to know that this kick is very overbearing. If you play well, you may have to open your belly, and he rolls on the spot to avoid the sudden attack, but his sneak attack did not become Chu Xiang's creation of the fighter. The two huge wings were heading under the hood, and they did n’t know. Chu Xiangdi's bones and wings can be extended to cover the sky, he can only throw out a smoke bomb to take advantage of the opportunity to flash.

Alas, Dwarf just shrunk away from the smoke to slip away from his chest and was hit, Chu Xiang's bone knife pierced straight in, and kept piercing through the short back. Can penetrate through the chest Chu Xiang can not feel the hatred, the bone knife picked up, the short body was split into half.

The short plan is actually correct. He should have the hope of stealing under the attack of Chu Xiang's bones and wings through the smoke, but he didn't think of it. In his opinion, Chu Xiang's position is riding. He only needs to avoid bone wings, but Chu Xiang's arms can be extended. At the same time, he made two attacks, one light and one dark. The short didn't really disappear from the current space, his smoke bomb was just an illusion. As soon as his man emerged from the smoke, he ran into the extended bone knife head-on.

Chu Xiang killed two little ghost evolutionists in succession. He didn't care to check his wounds, and he continued to hurry. Even if it was not for the old ghost of Haruki Inoue, let these people cross the province and do n’t know how many **** cases will be caused. To stop them.

As a commander, Zetian naturally knew the situation on the entire battlefield, and he never thought about giving up the killing of the toll stations. The value of those soldiers was negligible, but those families were the enemy of the empire. By killing the development of their empire, they can thrive in Southeast Asia.

Zetian divided the team into sections, some went back to attack the toll booth, and some evacuated with Haruki Inoue. Although the old guy was stubborn, he couldn't figure out how many people around him under the rapid march, so he didn't know there was one. The group had already returned, and another group of people, Sawada, sent two fast-trackers to deal with the chase.

Unexpectedly, Sawada was two speed runners whose strength was unstoppable. He was killed in a moment. The sound of a horse's hoof behind him was just seconds. Sawada waved his hands and two ninjas stood by him. The chaser behind was blocked behind him, and the rest set up Haruki Inoue and continued to move forward. At this time Haruki Inoue realized that something was wrong and just wanted to speak and reprimand Sawada for not being faithful, but the two men marched between him. Quickly, he took two breaths and closed his mouth. Things were no longer under his control, and resistance was useless. Ga, Chu Xiang, a horse belly flame flame horse stopped instantly, used to this braking method Chu Xiang will not fall in front of Ze Tian, ​​shame, Ze Tian saw it is Chu Xiang, he used a contempt tone: "No wonder I have avoided the killing of my two fast runners. It turns out that you have a BMW to help you. Well, I am also missing such a fetish. Thank you for sending me. "

Chu Xiang had already seen Haruki Inoue taken away, and he said, "What are you talking about? Come on!"

The superpower that Zetian showed just now is ultrasound, so Chu Xiang has been paying attention to his mouth shape, and he only tried to dodge when he made a single mouth. Although I haven't tried against ultrasonic waves before, I don't think it will feel good. Chu Xiangdi's plan is to dodge with super speed and then kill Sawata.

"Are you scared so nervous?" Ze Tian's soft voice made Chu Xiang a little unaccustomed.

Chu Xiang said: "It's just a fake handle if you don't practice, let me pick up your ultrasound."

Sawada hesitated and laughed, "I ca n’t say what the ultrasound is. I can only use it. But you are a good horse. Where can I get it from? I can use the old guy Haruki Inoue to exchange with you. How about this condition? Well, in fact, you have been misunderstanding me, I am not bad, we must have a common language, how about this exchange, Haruki Inoue is a personal talent. Absolutely more valuable than your horse. "

Chu Xiang's heart was a little shaken, and the flame horse would not be subdued. If he replaced it with Inoue Haruki. Then I called it back with a whistling. Was the idea cost-effective?

Zetian also said: "You see such a strong wind and heavy rain, how are we suffering? What is the meaning of the fight between life and death? Isn't life just for enjoyment? What do you want? I can satisfy you. We are not only It ’s the enemy, is n’t there a saying, there are no eternal friends and no eternal enemies. We would have no grudges and revenge. Let us reconcile now. "

Chu Xiang felt that he wanted to sleep with the upper eyelids and lower eyelids. The wind and rain were running and fighting. He was really tired. Yeah, why do n’t you have an eternal enemy? Why do n’t you take Haruki Inoue to leave? Important people, as far as the lives of others are concerned. Wasn't that arrogant, let him cope.

Zetian voice continued: "I will give you Inoue Haruki and let me be a friend. Now you can dismount, and the old ghost from Inoue will come over in a moment, come down, come down and rest ..."

Chu Xiang felt his legs were weak, and he was about to dismount from one side. Suddenly the five-color liquid in his arm moved violently. It struck Chu Xiang's heart fiercely. Chu Xiang wasn't nearly killed by it. The pain was like a stimulant to sober his original consciousness.

One of Chu Xiang's feet had been lifted and was ready to be dismounted. Suddenly awake made him vigilant, and he was committing trouble. At this time, could the cruelty of killing the Chinese base with a ghost and killing the Chinese base be able to negotiate with himself? But why did he change his mind just now? Not good. This Sawada is not only able to ultrasonically, he is hypnotizing himself!

Cold sweat came from Chu Xiang ’s head. If the five-color liquid did n’t respond in time, this life would definitely be lost. Thinking of Chu Xiang ’s horse belly here, the fierce flame shot at Zetian, and his six-blade knife was caught by two arms. Extending it is like two spears piercing Sawada's chest!

Alas, Zetian spurted a blood spurt. He didn't know what went wrong. He had clearly controlled the other party ’s mind just now. As soon as he got off the horse, he would let him be slaughtered. But the other party ’s sudden soberness backfired against him. Seriously exceeded his expectations ~ ~ With his knowledge of Chu Xiang's strength, his mental strength is not enough to fight against himself! This is why he was willing to take the risk of using hypnosis, but how did Zetian know that Chu Xiang had a five-color liquid in his body, and that little thing woke Chu Xiang with pain at a critical moment.

Ze Tian knew it was not good after Chu Xiang broke his mental imprisonment. His blood was rolled away before he sprayed, and the two little ghosts around him didn't have such a speed of reaction. Alas, the two still I thought that the victory was in sight. They originally used their strength to join forces with Chu Xiang to draw a tie. But now Chu Xiang was stabbed directly by Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang flashed over the two bodies and fell into the puddle. .

"Zetian, you come out!" Chu Xiang struck and killed the two evolvers. The shadow of Zetian and others were no longer visible in the rain curtain. Annoyed, Chu Xiang yelled a few times and then continued to catch up, originally at the speed of the flame horse It is not difficult to catch up with Zetian and others, but the whereabouts of several people in Zetian are secretive, and coupled with the continuous rain, Chu Xiang sometimes has to go back and forth a few times to know where they are going.

At this moment, the battle at the toll booth started. Zetian also made a mistake here. He thought that the other party had only two evolvers. Although the six companions of Qihe Base did not reply, Zetian did not believe that there would be an evolutionary Even if he did not think that the other party would have done to his six subordinates, his neglect of the enemy caused his troops to be overwhelmed.


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