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Chapter 240: Strange evolution

The strength of Song Jun's long-range attack and near-defense are masters. Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan only adapt to close attack. The two of them have weak defensive capabilities, but with Xu Huai, Li Xiaoming, Wang Shaohui, and Li Yingjie, these people are simply ghosts. You Will it be invisible? We are still hidden; your sword is fast, our bomb is faster!

Ning Changqi snorted into the toll booth and did not show up. In fact, he was frightened to see the fighting start. After a few waves of attacks, Wu Lin saw it. The opponent ’s ultrasound was not there. He yelled to concentrate the troops on defense. Song The army, Xu Huai, and others dispersed to protect the people. The ninjas sent by Zetian couldn't afford their protection. They had to attack them first.

Alas, a ninja suddenly appeared, but he didn't wait for his shot. Wang Shaohui appeared next to him. The ninja was startled and asked in Japanese: "Ah, when did you come to me? This is Is Chinese Ninjutsu? "

Wang Shaohui stabbed into each other's chest with a stab: "Go to your mother, who knows what you crooked."

Another ninja suddenly appeared while Wang Shaohui was killing his companion, but he suddenly appeared, but what he didn't expect was that after the praying mantis caught the cicada, the sword was hit by others after his sword was raised. Li Yingjie said to Wang Shaohui "You owe me again."

Wang Shaohui said: "The next time you show up and seduce them, so I can pay you back once."

Li Yingjie grinned at the same time that the two were invisible at the same time. These ninjas have always used hermit as their expertise, and they like to harm others behind them, but did not expect that the harm will end in the end, and now they also taste the stab in the back.

Two dwarfs felt that the **** girl was very bullied, and the two of them appeared at the same time and rolled to Zhang Jingyao. Zhang Jingyao was relatively unfamiliar with this amazing ninja. Both she and Xie Shanshan were startled. Forgot to deal with it, the two ninjas hehe smiled and drew the sword to the two women's chests, presumably caring about how it would feel to break the two bullets with the sword.

Bang, bang, two bullets circled behind the second female ears in an arc. Alas, alas, the two ninjas did not expect a bullet to be fired from this unexpected location. They were simultaneously burst out of their brains. Xu Huai came out from behind the two women. He inserted two guns into the waist road: "I said two Position. Don't be horrified, these little ghosts are nothing terrible, they must show up if they want to attack, as long as they show up, we don't need to show mercy!

The performance of Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan was naturally seen by other ninjas. They thought that the two were incapable of being protected, so another famous ninja launched a joint attack on them. At this time Xu Huai had gone elsewhere Help, this ninja is brazenly prepared to shave the two girls' clothes and kill them, but they are blinded by the illusion just now.

Alas. A strong current hit the nearest ninja, and soon it became a dried meat. This high-voltage current was not produced by ordinary generators. Although the launch time is short, the human body can't stand it at all, plus the surprisingly winning effect, most people will win.

The remaining two ghosts were taken aback. There is no attacking spirit. But they could not escape Xie Shanshan and successfully controlled them. Xie Shanshan's control of brain thinking is different from ordinary hypnosis. She doesn't need that complicated process. But with high spirits she could not intrude. However, the mental strength of the two ghosts is far worse than Xie Shanshan. After being controlled, the two eyes appeared confused. Suddenly you gave me a knife. I give you a knife. They both fell to the ground. This is the legendary use of a knife to kill people.

Following this, two ghosts bully the weak girl. But they just showed up. Exhale a blast of flames. Both were caught off guard and their hair was burned. Fortunately, the ground is full of rain. They rolled on the spot and luckily didn't make a barbecue. But just as they rolled in. Li Xiaoming hit the ground. The two also went directly to Xitianle.

Xiaosi shouted, "Leave a few for me. I can control t3 just today. Let me try again." She summoned four t3s. But afraid to scare these soldiers Zhang Jingyao did not dare to bring her over. Now she can't help seeing everyone playing.

Zhang Jingyao said: "Don't make a fool. Drive the zombies as far away as possible. Otherwise I will let your brother spank you!"

There is no temper when it comes to Chu Xiang Xiaosi. She has an innate affection for Chu Xiang. And sometimes she was really afraid of Chu Xiang. She was afraid that Chu Xiang would get angry and send her into the zombies. So although she wants to show off her ability to control the zombies. But it's free now.

In fact, Song Jun alone is enough to deal with these ninjas. It seems that except for Sawada. The capabilities of other evolutionaries are not that special. However, there appeared a guy who controlled the water. And water is everywhere today. But his ability to control water is poor. Little effect on human and land damage. Song Jun was shot into a sieve by a hidden weapon.

The members of these ghost forces are in the spirit of fearless martial arts. If you die, you wo n’t be able to shoot a gun. However, in terms of marksmanship, they were Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming's opponents. Later they threw grenades, but Song Jun was already fully alert. In addition to the grenades thrown at them, a few hidden weapons were also added. It didn't take long for those who came to destroy the **** troops to disappear. Most members of the ghost forces were killed, and only a few were unlucky. The retreat chased Sawada.

Wu Lin and Chen Feng suddenly encountered so many Supermans. They didn't know what to say. It was getting brighter. Although the rain didn't stop, the ghost attack hadn't appeared for more than an hour. You can be sure they had After giving up, the two men finished the expert troops and then came to Song Jun and Zhang Jingyao together.

"Everyone, thank you so much last night. To be honest, we don't believe everything we saw before. It feels like watching a movie. Is it that we didn't wake up? It was a dream last night."

Zhang Jingyao said: "It's not a dream. We in China have evolutionaries and foreign countries. This is a natural choice. To put it bluntly, we are evolutionaries, not superhumans. In fact, you too, but you lack a leader to influence you. Will, so your evolution is much slower and not obvious. "

Li Haipeng asked eagerly: "What do you mean, we can also be Superman like you?"

Song Jundao: "As long as you have this idea, you can succeed."

Li Haipeng said excitedly: "That's good, my idea is really powerful, I have imagined that I can walk thousands of miles in one step, so that I don't need to spend money to buy air tickets, if I can achieve my dream now, I must first look for my fellow fellow. I think his skill is the best. I want him to accept me as an apprentice, and we can deal with these little ghosts in the future. "

Chen Feng filmed Li Haipeng and said, "Hurry back to gather the troops and have a daydream here. If you really have the ability. I can fly in the sky like a bird. I don't have to buy a ticket where I want to go. "

Li Haipeng muttered as he walked and said, "I mean, the ghosts were like this last night, they suddenly appeared, and they disappeared. Most of them used this technique. But unfortunately, they didn't catch a living. Otherwise, you can ask. I have verified it with theory. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, we can imagine space as multiple planes. If we go from one point to another, we usually think that the straight line is closest, but in fact, if we have With enough strength to bend the straight line, you can quickly reach it. "A soldier next to him also smiled and took a shot of Li Haipeng:" Squad leader, do you really dream, is this the theory of Einstein? Is it yourself? Make up the ground? Or do you want to show it to us? Looking back, we will take one step to Beijing, and you will be a big contributor. "

Another soldier also laughed: "Yes squad leader, dare to think and do it. You have to have the courage to try it. Maybe I can also spit fire discharge, hey, I must call a few beautiful sisters, But now you try to pull it first, to reach out your hands, and press hard. "

Li Haipeng said angrily: "Who was joking with you, the super people have just said, as long as we have enough will to achieve it. I think that the t virus indirectly affects human genes, and the human body originally has infinite Potential, maybe I will disappear into the air next ... "

The two soldiers wanted to make fun of the whimsical squad leader. In their opinion, this kind of thing can only be done by Superman, and ordinary people like them don't even think about it. Whoever thinks about it will make everyone laugh. , Superman is not as simple as daydreaming. It is like dreaming that there are ten eight beautiful girls crying and crying to marry you. This is simply unrealistic.

The soldier on the left patted the squad leader's shoulder: "I got the squad leader. Let's get going. If you really have the ability, go to Beijing and report us a letter ..."

The soldier on the left said something suddenly stopped, because he found that the palm was shot empty! The soldier on the right was also in shock and couldn't keep his mouth shut. He usually made a good relationship with Li Haipeng. He just wanted to take his shoulder. Who knew that it would be empty! Li Haipeng really disappeared into the air with the last sentence!

"The company commander! The company commander! The company commander !!!" The two soldiers shouted Chen Feng loudly. It was even harder to accept such a thing than watching Superman show off his power last night.

Chen Feng intends to ask some Superman to pass him some time before they set off, maybe he can show his bravery at the crucial moment, and the shouting of the two soldiers makes him very upset, "What? Hurry up and get ready to eat. We'll be hurrying soon. "

The two soldiers were about to cry, "The company commander, the squad leader disappeared!"

Song Jun also found it inappropriate at this time. Just now he saw Li Haipeng and the two soldiers leave, but now there is a gap between the two soldiers. Judging from the posture of the two, there should be one person!

Zhang Jingyao was even more surprised. She didn't think about things like ghosts and gods, but an evolver appeared just after encouraging everyone. This is really frightening, let alone what ability is this? Is it really as far away as Li Haipeng said just now? Now he is thousands of miles away?

Wu Lin also knew that something had happened here, and he rushed over to understand the situation. After all, he was the battalion commander and the courage to handle things was great. He waved, "Comrades, don't panic. This is a good thing. This shows that Comrade Li Haipeng It has evolved successfully under the guidance of superhumans! "

Wu Lin's words immediately drew applause: "Okay! Li Haipeng is good, we need to cheer!"

Chen Feng said anxiously: "No, no, where did my soldiers go, and said what evolved to do nothing, I need to know where my soldiers went!"

At this time, let alone Chen Feng, even Song Jun didn't know where Li Haipeng went. A soldier relied on his many years of ufo experience and said, "Coachman, I have read some reports before and said that some people walked on Suddenly disappeared, there is a horse devoted to devouring the bride. The bride will disappear from the bride's side when walking, and no one will be found after digging the horse, will the squad leader disappear like this? Maybe he goes In another space, he has become a traverser at this moment. He still has a gun and enough bombs on him. If he goes back to ancient times, that guy must be a prince. He knew that he would bring him a computer and make a bunch of iron. Gun information. "

Chen Fengqi said fiercely, "Don't talk nonsense to me."

Wu Lin waved decisively: "Leave a hand alert, others go around!"

Song Jundao: "We also help to look around, if he has just evolved, he should not run far."

Zhang Jingyao said: "You can rest assured to find them. We will stay behind and signal you as soon as something happens."

Although more than a dozen soldiers were sacrificed last night, it was heroic and righteous, now what a soldier disappeared out of thin air. So even if he didn't have breakfast and struggled to delay his journey, he should seek him.

It is said that Chu Xiangyi traced Sawata Daisuke, who is definitely a strong faction. Among the ghost forces, his strength is the strongest. Not only is he superpowered, he is also a master at lurking. Chu Xiang can only keep running back and forth. There is no one running on this side. When he comes back, he goes to the other side. Thanks to the flame horse, otherwise he will be exhausted. .

When the sky was clear, Chu Xiang finally stopped Zetian and his party at a motorcycle repair point. There were five people in total. To be honest, Zetian felt quite wrong. For the sake of Haruki Inoue, his 28 elite elites just hung up like this, and the bones could not return to the empire, but fortunately, he still had four masters. After these four returned to the empire, he still had a comeback. strength.

"You're so sticky!" Sawada said sincerely. He used countless ways to hide his whereabouts, but how can he not fly? Even if he would hide his tracks again, the rainy surface is so soft and easy to leave traces, unless he only Take the asphalt. But it was certain that Chu Xiang would find it quickly, because there were not many asphalts to go around.

Chu Xiang shook the clothes that had already been soaked. His clothes were actually made specially. For nothing else, his bone wings and bone spurs had to be sent out every time he fights. It's not unusual to see two eyes on your shoulders. After all, the weather is hot now, and it's reasonable to wear a pair of small calf noses. The only thing that doesn't work out is the ass. If the bone spurs caused the pants to be destroyed, they would be gone, so Zhang Jingyao didn't bother to think about it.

But everything has been tried. The cloth on that **** was used up to five times before blooming. In the end, Zhang Jingyao couldn't make a special hem for Chu Xiang. The hem was a bit long, similar to a woman's miniskirt, but than that, Chu Xiang used bone spurs every time. At that time, the hem will be pushed to the side. After the bone spurs are retracted, the hem will rise to block the buttocks, but the pants must be changed frequently, and the hem is only a temporary cover.

Chu Xiang Lema said coldly to Daisaku Sawada: "I said that Inoue Haruki is a must, and you must be responsible for your own crimes and want to run? You run to that small island and chase after you!"

Zetian snorted: "Do you really think you're great? Take me an ultrasound now! Hey ...!"

Ze Tiandi moved quickly and ruthlessly. After a period of rest, the ultrasonic wave has recovered to 10% of his skill. This shouted out, and suddenly Xiang Xiang felt a huge pressure coming forward, and the flame of the horse shouted his forefoot. Bend your head down to make a strenuous resistance.

Chu Xiang was almost kicked off the horse with an instability, his clothes were shattered, and even his hair fell off one by one. It seems that his protective strength cannot take care of the hair, and the pain of the skin is cut. The sound of drinking was strengthened, and blood began to appear on the skin, as if it might be cracked at any time.

Chu Xiang stretched out the bone wing strongly. Although Ze Tian saw that Chu Xiangdi's bone wing had taken precautions, at this time his four men could not kill Chu Xiang at the risk of being injured by ultrasound. He only desperately strengthened the ultrasonic force, hoping that Chu Xiang could explode in the next second!

Chu Xiang really felt a little unbearable ~ ~ Last time Zetian sent an ultrasonic attack on Song Jun. At that time, Song Jun had a large concrete structure to cover it, and this time he used his body to fight. I knew Zhou Muqing would yell a few more times when I knew I would meet such a master one day. With resistance, I wouldn't be afraid of Tasuda Sawa.

Of course, Chu Xiang's bone wing was not intended to attack Zetian. He found that a light truck was parked, and the bone wing stretched hard to roll up the light truck. At this time, his whole body was almost bloody, even the sitting flame horse. The skin also began to bleed. It seems that Zetian's strength is indeed Niucha. No wonder he is walking sideways in China.

Huh, Chu Xiang rolled the light truck in front of him to block the ultrasonic waves from Zetian. The car body continuously made a sound of disintegration, but the ultrasonic waves that attacked Chu Xiang were immediately blocked. Chu Xiang jumped off his horse and held his hands. Light truck rushed to Zetian.

In fact, Zetian has reached the end of his strong bow. He didn't expect that anyone in the world could block his ultrasonic waves with his bare hands. He has exploded countless zombies and enemies with ultrasonic waves. This is the best weapon to kill opponents in a large area. Now it seems to have lost its effect. Instead of being killed, the opponent has the power to roll over a truck as a shield. What's on his back? Can fly wings? China's evolutionary is really inscrutable!


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