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Chapter 242: Save people

Chu Xiang also found something wrong, he said: "Maybe you have just evolved and can't carry such a long distance transmission."

Li Haipeng said: "Yeah, I thought I almost fainted after reading the spell. In fact, there are not many doctors in Jishi Hospital, and the medicine is scarce. I do n’t think this old ghost ’s injury can be cured there. But so far away, I'm afraid he can't hold it and hang up. "

Chu Xiang screamed for a long time. Fortunately, the flames were not far apart. Alas, it appeared in front of the two. Chu Xiang picked up Haruki Inoue and said, "I will send him back to Yutai Base for treatment. You immediately report to the toll collection station! There are still four ghosts and Sawada who have not been caught yet, and killing them is not enough to report the tragedy of our dozen bases! "

Li Haipeng said firmly: "Relax, I'll take a break and try to pass it back, we will try our best to get them back."

"Drive!" Chu Xiang rushed forward with a horse's belly! The speed of the flames was brought into full play at this moment. Shangyuhe leaped over Yucheng and ran into zombies. They simply couldn't catch up. After finding the Beijing-Taiwan Expressway, they returned as they were, but Kung Fu Dushan Lake for dinner was just in sight.

Suddenly the alarm sounded loudly in the control room of Yutai Base, because a red light broke through all the monitors and broke into the base when the machine gun could still shoot in the future. Wang Bin was frightened first. It was necessary to know that the masters of the evolutionaries in the base could All of them went out. If an enemy comes to kick the hall at this time, they must not rest. However, it is clear that it is one person and one horse, and he immediately turns off the alarm.

"President Hao! Where is President Hao?" Chu Xiang leapt off his horse. He shouted as he ran to the hospital just completed. Hao Jianshu was busy installing the equipment, and ran out when he heard the shout. "Who, who is arguing here, ah ... Captain Chu. Why, is someone injured?"

Chu Xiang didn't have much time to explain: "Hurry up and rescue him. No matter what method you use, you must keep his life. It didn't take long for him to hit the sword, and it only took about ten minutes. The hope of survival should still be great."

Hao Jianshu said nothing: "Immediately go to the rescue room! Xiao Wang, Xiao Liu, blood test the wounded first. Then prepare for surgery!"

Fortunately, the Yutai base built the hospital first, otherwise let ’s not perform surgery at this time. It ’s just that people do n’t know where they are going. Xiao Wang and Xiao Liu are the two nurses trained by Hao Jianshu. Originally I attended medical college at school, but all changed after I joined the work. After being discovered by Hao Jianshu, I could work after a little training.

When Ma Xinghe got the news, he immediately rushed to the hospital. Chu Xiang said: "Brother Ma, you will immediately organize our soldiers to have a blood test. After a while, Inoue Haruki's blood type came out and the matching soldiers were ready to donate blood. Operation is needed."

Ma Xinghe first stunned: "How did you find the imp?"

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, but he was badly injured, so please get ready."

Ma Xinghe hurried to the duty room and gave instructions to the five soldiers. Anyone who was not on duty would go to the hospital for a blood test. At first everyone did not know what happened, but later learned that a little ghost was rescued to donate blood for him. Some people are reluctant and do not test.

Ma Xinghe scolded: "This is an order, whoever does not execute will get out of Yutai base!"

A soldier said: "Director Ma (Ma Xinghe serves as the defensive director of the Yutai base), it is not that we are afraid. The things the little ghosts do are spread all over our base. What **** ghost troops do they send to kill our innocent surnames? Donating blood to save a ghost's life is something we can't figure out. "

Ma Xinghe said: "This person is very important to our base. You don't have to figure it out. You just need to know that you are a soldier. Obedience to your order is your duty. I will repeat it once and go to the blood test right away. , Rest back to rest! "

Although Ma Xinghe is not as prestigious as Song Jun, he is the chief commander of the base when the army goes out. Although these soldiers are only convened temporarily, they have serious individualistic ideas in obedience to orders, but their overall qualities Still, everyone went to the blood test line when Ma Xinghe became angry.

Haruki Inoue was carried into the operating room, and Chu Xiang had time to open a satellite phone to contact Zhang Jingyao. Zhang Jingyao was also anxious, but Chu Xiang ’s satellite phone was placed in a space ring. It is impossible to use such a long distance radio. After finally getting the news that Chu Xiang returned to Yutai Base safely, the talents there were relieved. "The old ghost has entered the operating room. It depends on Dean Hao's success or failure. The half of the knife penetrated deeply. I am a bit worried."

Zhang Jingyao comforted Chu Xiang and said, "Relax Chu Xiang, I believe that Dr. Hao's medical skills will surely save Haruki Inoue, and this time Zetian has completely cooled Professor Inoue Haruki's heart, presumably he will not return to China It's just cheaper for us. "

Chu Xiang also smiled: "Yeah, I'm thinking about how to ask Ying Ying Wu for them, and now I will leave the old ghost with the reason of nourishment. Right, did our monitor Li Haipeng go back? He seems to have Evolution. "

Zhang Jingyao laughed: "We already know about this. Before, he sent people to look for him. He just returned, but he fell a half dead."

Chu Xiang stunned: "What's the matter, he has run into the remnants of the ghost army?"

Zhang Jingyao said: "No, the sudden movement that he suddenly evolved has a lot of flaws, or it may be that he doesn't master it himself. In short, he has to fall every time he moves, and he just returned from where you fought. It took five or six times to succeed, and now he's lying on the ground and slowing his breath. "

Chu Xiang said: "Anyway, his evolution is very powerful, and he can also move with me. If time goes by, he will definitely be a master and think of a way to get him out of Chen Feng's army."

Zhang Jingyao said: "I will let Song Jun and Chen Feng commander try. Li Haipeng has just completed the evolution. To be honest, if no one guides him, he will take more turns. In case of a powerful evolutionary, he may still hurt his life. "As we develop, we will soon be better protected."

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, let Song Jun go and ask, after all, we've helped them a lot, and asked them not to be alone, right, I don't worry about Zetian and the other four ghosts. You tracked Are they there? "

Zhang Jingyao said: "Xu Huai took Li Xiaoming, Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie to chase after, the specific situation is not clear for the time being."

Chu Xiang looked at the indicator light in the operating room and said, "I can't do it for the time being. If there is a problem with Haruki Inoue, I will take care of it here. So, send a notice to Xu Huai and let them confirm whether the ghost has left our borders. If they make up their minds to return to China without disturbing our base, do n’t move easily. After all, Zetian and the other four are not weak. I ’m afraid that the four of them may not be their opponents. However, I will find this enemy myself. They report. "

Zhang Jingyao said: "Good ground, the army is going to be on the side. Yingying Wu decided to take the front line of Hengshui and Shijiazhuang. We will send them back to the Hengshui base."

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, Wu Yingchang and Chen Fengren are not bad. It is those experts who are a little hard to deal with, and I want to get angry when I see them."

Zhang Jingyao laughed: "Well, don't give birth to these useless gas, experts. People who do research always have some considerations about life. This is normal. Bye-bye, we will inform you soon after the operation is successful."

In fact, Chu Xiang's impression of Haruki Inoue is not bad. At least he prevented Suda from using ultrasound on ordinary soldiers, knowing that the crowd was so dense at that time. I do n’t know how many people are going to sacrifice Zetian to scream. He now hopes that the old ghost will die, otherwise he will have to find someone to study the problem of plant mutation again.

Chu Xiang and Ma Xinghe asked for a pack of cigarettes and squatted at the door of the operating room to smoke. People who came and went to install hospital equipment greeted Chu Xiang, but no one dared to say that Captain Chu could not smoke at the door of the operating room. Although Chu Xiang did not work at the Yutai base, he still appeared as the captain of the eschatology team, but everyone knows that this Yutai base has been the boss of Chu Xiang since its expansion, and it is not important whether or not it is a title.

Diyutai Base Hospital is still simple. It's not about hardware, it's about medical staff. So far, Hao Jianshu has only started a human class, a doctor. It is still his dean and adult, and there are only two other nurses. Fortunately, the operating room has taken shape to prepare for the operation of the little real mother. Otherwise, it will be blind.

Squeaky, a nurse came out after the lights in the operating room went out. She frowned when she smelled a big smoke. Then Chu Xiang realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly choked the cigarette to the front: "What happened to the operation? kind?"

I do n’t know if it ’s Xiao Wang or Xiao Liu: “Lead Captain Chu, do n’t worry, the technology of Dean Hao has to say? People have already saved their lives, I ’ll arrange the ward and the infusion set to let him stay.”

Chu Xiang pushed in, another nurse was packing tools with Hao Jianshu, and Haruki Inoue was lying motionless. Hao Jianshu knew that Chu Xiangji was hanging the life of the old man, and he said, "Captain Chu is assured, this old The guy's life is good, if the knife is advanced by another half a centimeter, it will not be saved, but now there are only half lives left, I am afraid not to expect him in a month or two. "

Chu Xiang said happily: "It doesn't matter. If I ask another expert in this area, I'm afraid it will be more difficult than rescue him. Besides, his condition is not serious, I'd better say something to the escorts in Jishi. Otherwise, this old gentleman will be an important member of Beijing. "

Hao Jianshu didn't understand the relationship. He smiled and stopped chatting with Chu Xiang anyway. He was saved anyway. He finally lived up to the expectations of the leader. Besides, there is still a lot of work after the operation. Without an assistant is not enough. Fortunately, the body is okay, otherwise more than two hours of surgery will be exhausting.

Chu Xiang saw Haruki Inoue unable to wake up from anesthesia for a while and a half. He had to leave the operating room and went to Fang Qian to see Bai Xiaowei. It was learned that Haruki Inoue had come to the base of Yutai and turned white. I've had a relationship with him, and I should go and see him when he first arrives. "

Chu Xiang said, "Just rest. The old man who was sent to pick him up took a stab. At this moment, half of his life was wandering in the gate of the ghost door. Bai Xiaowei asked what happened:" I ca n’t think of a foreign country. Geo-evolvers have begun organized and planned activities. Chu Xiang, it seems that our construction should be accelerated, otherwise their evolution will be faster and faster, and we are still hovering in situ, which will sooner or later suffer. "

Chu Xiang nodded: "I just met a soldier who will move instantly. I want to bring him over. We will try to draw talents into Yutai base in the future. We will influence each other and make progress. I want to use It won't be long for China's evolutionaries to outperform foreigners. "

Fang Qian said: "I agree with this point. If Xiaoyu is not following you, I don't think she will evolve. We have been lagging behind, and now the world structure has to be rewritten. The evolutionist will play a pivotal role in the future world. Effect, we must never fall behind them again. "

Chu Xiang said: "Let you say that. I think we should talk to Li Haipeng immediately. In fact, we have a vast land and a vast territory. I think there must be more evolvers than foreign countries, but we have not organized them well. Work harder in this regard. "

After saying that Chu Xiang left the laboratory in a hurry, since Inoue Haruki has arrived at the Yutai base, then he should go to Jishi to look for scientific research equipment, otherwise the old guy wakes up and promises to help but asks nothing. By then, he will definitely not do it. I can't do it if I want to.

Ma Xinghe and Wang Bin were waiting at the door of the experiment, and saw Chu Xiang come out to meet them. "Chu team, do you want to hurry back?"

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, nothing has happened to the base these days, especially the Xiji base."

Ma Xinghe said: "Everything is normal except for the occasional zombies. We have now stored enough coal for more than a month, and more coal will be transported to Yutai base continuously. = There is also good news. , Wu Zhenghang encountered a t3 in the battle with zombies the day before yesterday ... "

Chu Xiang said with joy on his face: "Oh, has he evolved?"

Ma Xinghe said: "Chu team, you are so clever. I haven't talked about it yet. Wu Zhenghang has indeed evolved, but he has not shown any special strength."

This is not Chu Xiang's cleverness. Ma Xinghe said that the Xiji base was normal, and then said that Wu Zhenghang encountered t3. It was certain that Wu Zhenghang killed t3, and it was a bit difficult to kill a t3 based on his previous strength. , So the only explanation is that he evolved.

Chu Xiang said: "It doesn't matter. He and Zhang Debing should be similar. Belonging to the kind of steadily developing fighters, this is also the correct direction for the final evolution. Speaking of me and other people, most of them have gone the wrong way, as long as he continues to work, there will be one in the future. Achievements, but development will be slower. "

Ma Xinghe said a little embarrassedly, "But I haven't been moving. Chu, please see if you can point me. I have eaten a lot of Zhang Hongbing's vegetables. I even deliberately fished some fish to come back to eat, but I didn't see anything. Ah, I haven't fallen asleep for a few nights. "

Chu Xiang laughed: "Brother Ma, do you think this is a baby, don't worry, it will evolve naturally when it is time to evolve. You are anxious and useless. With your skill, I think it is not a problem to evolve a fighting fighter. , I think most of the time, you have been left behind to delay your evolution, and I will take you to go out and practice more in the future. "

Ma Xinghe said: "Thank you for the Chu team. Otherwise, Xiaowei and Xiaozheng have evolved. My leadership faces are not good-looking. I have to be a leader and take the lead."

Chu Xiang looked at the sky. Although it didn't rain here, but the gloomy sky didn't see the sun, Wang Bin reminded Chu Xiang: "Brother Chu, it's almost lunch time, it should be more than 11:30."

Chu Xiang said: "I'm not eating at the base anymore, please go and get in touch. We will contact you if you have any questions."

Wang Bin said: "Brother Chu, I have something to ask you."

Chu Xiang turned back and said, "What is it?"

Wang Bin said: "This time the ghost army has caused great damage to our country, but our country will definitely not come to blame Japan because there is not enough evidence. I think we will get this out."

Chu Xiang said: "What are your plans, speak out and listen."

Wang Bindao: "Although the civilian network is broken, the international community still uses satellites to communicate information at any time. I can hack their servers and send all the photos and incidents of the ghost forces. Even if Japan cannot recognize them publicly, the most At least let them know that we in China are not so brave enough to let them bully! "

Chu Xiang said: "Okay. I agree with this plan. Don't be afraid to make things big, anyway, no one dares to throw a nuclear bomb, just go to the dead and warn Dasawa Sawa, no matter where he goes. I You must kill him! Let him clean his neck and wait. "

Farewell to Ma Xinghe and Wang Bin, Chu Xiang immediately got on the horse and rushed back. When they found Wu Lindi's team, they were having lunch. The sky was still raining, but the wind was much less. The team stopped under a bridge. Take a break. Zhang Jingyao first came to see Chu Xiang: "Chu Xiang, Xu Huai, they just sent back information. Zetian merged his four men and headed for Changshan Island. During the period, the two sides fought once, but Zetian rushed to escape, and they did not force themselves. Fight, hurriedly repelled our siege and fled. "

Chu Xiang anxiously said, "Going to Changshan Island? My parents are still there, no, I'll rush over right away."

Zhang Jingyao said: "I just contacted Zhang Feiyang of the 76th Regiment. He has already sent troops to prepare for battle. As long as Zetian dares to enter the scope of their defense, the 76th Regiment will launch an attack, and cooperate with Xu Huai and others to take Zetian under."

Chu Xiang groaned for a moment. Zetian can't wait to get to Changshan Island tomorrow. It ’s not a rush now. "The leader Zhang ca n’t do it. Ordinary people are definitely killing Zetian. We escorted Wu Lin for a while, and agreed with him at any time. Huai keeps in touch. Tomorrow morning I will take you and Song Jun to Changshan Island to guard the rabbits. "

Zhang Jingyao nodded. Although Zetian was terrific, but he was on the site of someone else's house after all, the fewer people he hit, the more people on this side hit more and more. It was better to catch him alive. Fortunately, there is evidence to let the world know about the heinous crimes committed by Japan.

"By the way, what happened to Li Haipeng, Bai Xiaowei told me just now. We must speed up the establishment of the evolutionary army. Otherwise, the more foreign people evolve, the more powerful we will be.

Zhang Jingyao said: "Song Jun is still talking with Wu Yingchang and Chen Lianchang. The results didn't come out, after all, it is very easy for them to have an evolutionary, this moment is a treasure."

Chu Xiang said: "I'll check it out."

Sure enough, under the bridge Wu Lin was facing Song Army in a difficult position: "Although my brother, I know your identity, but your Yutai base cannot take our people away like this. A superman like Li Haipeng has set an example of evolution for our troops. We should give more publicity so that all fighters can follow his example, and let us evolve the last Japanese ghost together. "

Chen Feng also said, "Yeah, military brother, it's not that we don't give you the face, but Li Haipeng is clearly our company. Now that you want to leave him, we can't explain to him."

Chu Xiang coughed, Wu Lin and Chen Feng immediately got up: "Captain Chu, you're back. It's not long ago that you turned out to be the captain of the last-day team. Comrade Song Jun said just now that we would ask Li Haipeng soldiers on behalf of the Yutai base. We are discussing this issue. "

Chu Xiang said: "Director Wu Ying, Chen Lianchang, you have to look far into this matter. Don't just think about the immediate benefits. You say, how does Li Haipeng's current strength compare with us?"

Wu Lin didn't speak, Chen Feng said a little embarrassedly: "Of course it's far worse. Now he can't run far, and the second is easy to wrestle."

Chu Xiang said: "This is not enough, he needs to continue to evolve in the future to do major things, and if you are trapped here ~ ~ Of course I am not saying that the army is not good, I mean that in the army He did not get the correct guidance here, which is not good for his future evolution, and the evolutionist is easily chased by zombies and evolutionary agents sneaking in from abroad. If we do not unite the evolutionaries in our country, they will have It may be eliminated one by one, which is not good for the future development of our country. "

Wu Lin and Chen Feng glanced at each other, and the two nodded and said, "Captain Chu, what you said is, but we still feel reluctant to take Li Haipeng away. He is really valuable, and it is also an evolution for all our fighters now. power."

Chu Xiang said: "The role model is not the role model to keep people around, we all know that Xi Leifeng is a good role model, so Comrade Lei Feng is not left in our army every day to supervise and remind us that only Li Haipeng has become stronger and more powerful. In this way, the role model will be more powerful. Besides, we do not mean to take Li Haipeng away as an existing one. As long as his strength is enough to stand alone, we will let go. "

Wu Lin pulled Chen Feng aside and the two whispered to discuss it, and then Chen Feng came over and said, "Okay, I and Wu Yingchang are the ones to take the initiative. We will temporarily remove Li Haipeng from the compilation and remove him. It is listed in the column of sacrificed soldiers, otherwise we will not be able to explain to our superiors. I hope that one day Li Haipeng has successfully evolved and can continue to return to the army to serve the motherland. "


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