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Chapter 243: Blood Revenge

Li Haipeng, the evolutionary Chu Xiang, was very happy. At this time, Zhang Jingyao found a fitting dress for Chu Xiang to replace. His original piece had been torn under Zetian ultrasonic shock. If it was not covered by a flame horse at the time, Maybe even the pants were worn out.

As soon as he changed his clothes, Li Haipeng came over with a gun and Chu Xiang said with a smile: "Squad leader, I heard that you fell into a halo and turned around. Didn't you have enough food yesterday evening?"

Li Haipeng embarrassed scratching his head and said, "Chu team, don't laugh at me. The company commander explained the situation to me. It turns out that you are the evolvers of the eschatology team at Yutai Base. In fact, our troops have the name of evolvers. Very strange, but we are very envious of the ability to see you last night. "

Song Jun patted Li Haipeng's shoulder affectionately: "Lead monitor, you are now an evolutionary, so you don't need to be envious."

Li Haipeng said, "Just brother, do n’t call me squad leader. I am a dead person now. I have to mingle with you later and call me Haipeng. I know clearly that my evolution is better than everyone else. One hundred and eighty thousand miles away, you have to give me more pointers in the future. "

Chu Xiang said: "No problem, it's no way to bring you over. From last night, you also saw that the ghosts are very arrogant. Why are they arrogant? It's not because their evolutionaries are more organized and they have Think you're strong, so you run wild. "

Li Haipeng said: "But what can they do if they are arrogant again? It's not our fate. As long as there is an eschatology team, I don't think kids will dare to fight our country again."

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "The strength of our fleet has slowed down, so we will consider recruiting a large number of talents. Rest assured, when we arrive at our Yutai base, there is no need to worry about clothing, food, housing, and transportation. We are still building new hospitals and research rooms. In the future, conditions will surpass large human bases. "

Li Haipeng said: "Oh, it's no wonder that Chu team you are so close to the old ghost of Inoue Haruki. It is for this reason that you have to do scientific research."

Chu Xiang quickly covered Li Haipeng's mouth: "Don't hurry to talk about the old ghost on Inoue, lest Wu Yingchang ask."

Li Haipeng said embarrassedly, "But I have already told the situation to the company commander. There is no way. Chu team. I am a famous soldier. If I do n’t report it, I violate the military discipline."

Chu Xiang let go of his hand and said, "Never mind. I thought you didn't have time to talk about it. They will ask me later."

It really didn't take long. Wu Lin and Chen Feng saw Chu Xiang dressed neatly and came over together. "Captain Chu. We are grateful to you for escorting us one more time. With you evolvers, we can be more at ease."

"You're welcome." Chu Xiang knew that the two wanted someone. Thanks in advance is a cutscene. Sure enough, Wu Lin said, "Captain Chu. We heard Li Haipeng said that Inoue Haruki was seriously injured. It was stabbed to the ground by the little man in Zetian. You took him to treat the injury and I don't know what happened."

Chu Xiang sighed and said, "Mr. Yingying Wu. Let's be honest. My flame horse can speed more than a thousand yards per hour. I have sent Haruki Inoue back to the Yutai base. But his injuries are really serious. It's undergoing surgery. The half-cutter is almost inserted into the heart. It's troublesome. "

Chen Feng glanced at Wu Lin. Wu Lindao: "Captain Chu. In principle, Haruki Inoue is an important person sent to Beijing. But he can't go with him now. We have to ask our superiors for this. This is not Li Haipeng's private affairs."

Chu Xiang told Zhang Jingyao: "Come here with a satellite phone. Wu Yingchang's express car was blown up last night."

Wu Lin and Chen Feng took the satellite phone and started to contact the Jishi base. Because they are all satellite signals, and the country is also promoting satellite phones in major bases, they quickly contacted the Jishi base. Reported to the base of Jishi. They did not conceal Chu Xiang's shots, and Chu Xiang did not stop them from telling this matter. The Yutai base has been established, and it can no longer be hidden at this time.

Not long after Wu Lin came back and returned the satellite phone to Zhang Jingyao, he told Chu Xiang: "Captain Chu, the base leader said, they asked for instructions from Beijing, Professor Inoue Haruki could not delay the injury, and it was not appropriate to transfer to the hospital at this time. So let him stay with you for the time being. He will be escorted back to Beijing when his health improves, and I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the leaders of your helping hand base. "

Chu Xiang said in his heart. Waiting is this decision, leave the people first, if the old man is unwilling to leave, presumably you can't force it, Chu Xiang said: "Wang Yingchang rest assured that our Yutai base has the best equipment and doctors, We will definitely help Professor Inoue Haruki to heal the injury, and he will then decide to stay. "

Wu Lin didn't care about Chu Xiang's last sentence. Anyway, he approved it. Chu Xiang just said that he wouldn't let him go, and in his opinion, he would not wait for the whimsical experts if he was not in the military order. I have to choose four for a meal, and I think it is wind and rain.

In the afternoon, the convoy proceeded along the Beijing-Taiwan Expressway. On the way, they encountered several human strongholds destroyed by ghost forces. The corpses were all over. Wu Lin left the soldiers to bury the corpses. Everyone was in a bad mood. It rained more than outside. The weather was even worse. They had five people left to kill, but they must not be spared!

Wu Lin said to Chu Xiang through a wireless intercom: "Captain Chu, I know that I am a soldier, and sometimes I ca n’t act privately even if I have the heart. Besides, we have limited capabilities, I have a request."

Chu Xiang looked at a dead body buried in the mud. He said, "Chairman Wu Ying, you don't need to say, I know what to do. I am also a **** man. I will not stop killing Zetian! "

In the evening, the team rushed to the dz base. If everyone was just sad before, now there is only anger to describe. The entire dz base is a cruel prison on the earth, there are corpses and stumps everywhere. On the way, he thumped out of the car, and his feet fell to the ground and burst into tears.

At this time, don't talk about any man who doesn't cry easily, let you face thousands of corpses, and there are many elderly and children, most of them have incomplete limbs. It may have been bombarded by ultrasonic waves. What do you do this time? Li Haipeng cried a few times and got up. "Everyone is looking for a ghost!" He immediately echoed.

Because it has been raining, there is no fire in the dz base, but the rain also gathers the blood of the corpses on the ground, and a red and colorful river flows out of the base. The stabbed eyes hurt, the entire base was dead, and a survivor did not stay, which is by no means a terrible word.

Song Jun grabbed Li Haipeng and said, "Stop!"

Li Haipeng shouted, "Mr. Army, are you afraid, I will go with the soldiers! The big deal is a life, but I can't watch this **** sea with deep hatred!"

Song Jun whispered: "Nonsense, this is not a matter of fear or fear, are you going to kill him? We must report this revenge, but it is not as good as you, remember that you are now an evolutionary. Before you If your strength cannot compete with the enemy, you must think clearly with your brain! "

Wu Lin walked to Chu Xiang, and his eyes were filled with tears. Chu Xiang waved his hand. "First, bury the body of the old surname, it's going to be dark, this wind and rain will give everyone a rest."

Wu Lin immediately ordered the next soldier to dig the ground immediately to dig a pit, and more than one soldier went to the body of the old surname. No one was heard in the whole scene. Only low sobbing, even the more problematic experts did not say a word. Some people even took the initiative to help, no matter how they were, they are also Chinese. Although they are used to the days of the upper society, but now No one pays attention anymore.

It wasn't until 9 o'clock in the evening that the victims of the dz base got into the ground. Everyone fired off their hats and saluted. Chu Xiang got on without a word and Wu Lin commanded everyone to board the car. This hatred can only be remembered in the bottom of my heart, and it will one day be paid back ten times!

Ning Chang asked Wu Lindao, "Are we not resting, it's late."

Wu Lin had discussed the travel plan with Chu Xiang as early as possible. He knew that Chu Xiang could only **** the convoy to Hengshui base, and his **** had to be suspended in the early morning, because he had to rush to the Changshan Island Border Guard Station to attack the devils.

"No rest, sorry for the long, we must rush to Hengshui base overnight."

Ning Chang opened his mouth, but did not say it in the end. The scene is heavy now. Although he was unwilling to catch the night, it seemed more inappropriate to stay here.

The dz base team did not continue to advance along the Beijing-Taiwan high speed. It turned to the Shicang Expressway on the northwest side. The Hengshui base is located in the middle of the high-speed area connecting Jingtai and Shicang Expressway. It encountered small-scale zombies, but they were successfully repelled. It is very solid, and there should be no impassability within one or two years after the end of the world. At about two in the morning, the convoy successfully reached the periphery of the Hengshui base. It has been learned by satellite phone that the **** troops arrived at Hengshui base. Meet at the base five kilometers away.

Chu Xiang broke up with Wu Lin here, Wu Lin said: "Captain Chu, I will leave it to you for revenge. Don't let us down, don't tell us if you don't break the ghost.

Chu Xiang said: "Be assured, I will not let them go if they hide in the shell of the turtle. I won't say anything else, goodbye."

Wu Lin and Chen Feng shook hands separately and said, "Goodbye, take care."

Although Li Haipeng was a little bit reluctant, he eventually boarded the Chuxiang ground vehicle and left. He knew that he was no longer an ordinary person, and that he only had to leave the army if he wanted to achieve further development.

Behind the team behind me, Chu Xiang said to Lin Dao: "I and Song Jun and Zhang Jingyao rushed to Changshan Island first. You return to the Qihe base and meet with Zhang Hongbing, and then wait outside Ji City. If necessary, I I will inform you to go to Changshan Island. "

Song Jun and Zhang Jingyao are two men with higher strength in the eschatology team, so it is normal for Chu Xiang to take them first. Lin nodded and took orders. Chu Xiang got out of the car and called the flame horse. However, he was afraid that his current ability was not enough to support Changshan Island, so he had to do nothing.

The Changshan Island Frontier Station received the news early, and it happened that the battle between starfish and shrimp had ended, so everyone ran out of the underground base to meet them. Chu Xiang and Song Jun and Zhang Jingyao quickly appeared in front of everyone. Changshan Island faces the sea. It rained, but the wind was heavy tonight.

Zhang Feiyang, the head of the team, and Chen Kai, the team leader of the original guard company, were in the team that welcomed him, but what made Chu Xiang the most happy was to see his sister Chu He, who was curious about his brother ’s horse, and even asked him why he did n’t Hurry up to pick up your parents. However, Yanma Ma resisted Chu Ho and raised her head to ignore her.

Chu He just remembered her mission. She threw the horse aside in annoyance, pulled her brother who was greeted with Chen Feiyang, and slammed on his head: "Dead young, is it right? Sisters forgot. You are typical of having a daughter-in-law and forgetting your mother. "

Chu Xiang touched his head and said, "How can you, my sister, the Yutai base has been under construction. This wall has just been closed. I originally planned to come and pick you up in the near future. Now I will catch up with the kids and make trouble today."

Chu He rubbed his head for his brother and said, "You're smart. Right, I'll tell you the good news. Li Niu and Chen Kai have evolved. I envy them so much. You and Jing Yao are both evolvers. I can be like you anytime. "

Chen Kai stood on the side, and Chu Xiang asked in surprise: "Really Chen Kai, I didn't see it. Hurry up and talk."

Chen Kai said embarrassedly: "This is my little skill. It's not worth mentioning. Sister Chu He is joking."

Chu He said: "Who is kidding me, brother, he can control the fire. Now he smokes wildly without a lighter, and also said that he saves energy for the base."

Chu Xiang said: "Don't hide it, let's see what it is."

Chen Kai had no choice but to slam his fingers, and saw a flame burst from his fingertips. Chu Xiang said: "Can you make it bigger? I mean it needs to be a little bit strong. This little flame is probably not lethal. We are not doing magic shows. This is to kill ghosts and zombies."

Chen Kai said: "Yes, but the range is limited, I'll try to show you." Said Chen Kai waved his finger toward nobody downwind and exhaled a flame, but as he said, the amount of flame was insufficient. So temperature will not be high, lethality is really limited.

This skill of Chen Kai attracted Fang Yuxuan. She is also a specialty in flames, but she is fundamentally different from Chen Kai. Chen Kai belongs to the automatic production of flames. Fang Yuxuan belongs to a liquid combustion. In addition to performance The characteristics are the same as the others.

"Brother Chen Kai, we can study more together in the future. I also have expertise in flames." Fang Yuxuan said to Chen Kai happily.

Chen Kai did not know Fang Yuxuan's evolution. Fang Yuxuan showed him his flame. The two had a like-minded idea, so they hid aside and discussed with each other. Of course, it's just a research in terms of technology. Fang Yuxuan can't hold another man in his heart. Besides, Chen Kai is also a good warrior, thinking about how to improve his skills. Now someone is discussing this issue with him. Gender is forgotten.

Seeing that he couldn't keep his mouth open, Chu Xiang asked his sister, "Where is Brother Li Niu, what is his evolution?"

Chu He laughed: "He is like a bull, and his evolution direction is very good for him, that is, strength. Now a dozen soldiers are not tugs with him."

Chu Xiang said: "Very good, hurry up and take me to see my parents, I miss them."

Chen Feiyang came over: "The Zetian gang has not yet entered the Changshan Island area. If there is news, I will inform you immediately. Let's go and see your aunts and uncles. They miss you too."

Chu Feng and Zhao Lan did n’t see the children for a while, naturally they were panicking. They saw that they were much stronger, and they also led Zhang Jingyao back together. The old couple were very happy. Chu Xiang said after passing through the affection: “ Dad, mom, we will go to the Yutai base together after the kid ’s incident is over. The construction site there is almost the same. The base is self-protecting. No problem. I can safely take you there. "

Chu Fengdao said, "As long as you are healthy and healthy, nothing will happen to me and your mother."

Zhang Jingyao said: "Uncle, aunt, go ahead, we are living there now, it is more convenient to take care of you, there will be no sunshine tormented all year round."

Zhao Landao: "In fact, the day on Changshan Island has been very stable recently. The squids no longer come ashore, and the birds like shells do not come to Changshan Island. During the day, we can move outside safely, but we must guard against the shore at night. Starfish and crawling shrimp, they are busy every day, and if you are used to it, you should just watch it lively. Actually, you are happy to live here. "

Chu Feng said to Zhao Lan: "Since the son and daughter-in-law have the intention to let us pass, let's go. Xiao He shouted every day that his brother would not care about her, and this time if she was to stay on Changshan Island. She must be wronged."

Zhang Jingyao blushed and lowered her head. Chu Feng's daughter-in-law made her feel a little embarrassed. Zhao Lan looked at Zhang Jingyao more and more. The key is that Zhang Jingyao's figure is very good for Zhao Lan. Such a woman must be a child. Good health. And it's so pretty, in the future, if there is a child who touches his mother, he will be handsome.

Indeed, the spots on Zhang Jingyao's face have long since disappeared. After Zhou Xiang constantly moisturized her skin, even Zhou Muqing was envious. In addition, the era of girlhood has ended, and the flavor of young women matures day by day. Zhang Jingyao is even more beautiful than the picture she showed to Chu Xiang.

Here the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law whispered quietly, Chu He led Li Niu back, Chu Xiang came forward and said, "Brother Niu, I heard that you have evolved. Come, let's try our best with our wrists."

Li Niu hehe looked at Chu He with a smile, which meant that Chu He would not do it if he didn't speak. Chu He gave Li Niu a white look and said: "My brother, please try it, lightly, hurt my brother, be careful, I'm asking you trouble."

Li Niu smiled very stupidly to show that he knew, Chu Xiang did not hesitate, the two of them joined hands and stood up at the table. At the beginning, Chu Xiang did not dare to use his strength. He knew that Li Niu had just started to evolve and came up If you fight hard with this A-level university, you will definitely be injured.

But Chu He could see that the doorway came within seconds. She said to Li Niu, "Li Niu. It turns out that you are not as strong as my younger brother. I have never seen who you ca n’t take a second with your wrist. Come on. Oh, don't lose to my brother, or I'll make you ugly. "

Li Niuhong blushed, and he withdrew after six seconds: "Xiao He, I confessed to losing, Xiaoxiang is afraid that even five of Chengdu's strength is not used, he is terrible."

Chu He snorted but was happy. Li Niu is boasting about his own younger brother. Besides, when Li Niu and the soldiers in the base have never lost their wrists, let him lose once and know that there are people outside of heaven and people.

Chu Xiang said to Li Niu: "Brother Niu, you have a lot of strength. As long as you are good at using it, there is no limit to the future. Come back to Yutai base with us this time. Learn more about your future development. Good. "

Chu He laughed: "Of course he has to go together, otherwise who can help us move things."

Song Jun knocked on the door: "Chu Xiang. Xu Huai, Wang Shaohui, they are back."

Chu Xiang said to his parents, "Dad. Mom, don't go out if you stay here. Well, I think it's still early, you can make up for it and wait for me to finish the five moving things."

Zhang Jingyao also followed, and Chu He gave Li Niu a wink, and Li Niu followed. Chu Xiang didn't stop. This was a battle between evolvers. Let Li Niu open his eyes first. Chen Kai can pull the best, and the flame is also a powerful weapon, which can be of great use in critical times.

Xu Huai was in the underground command room, and Zhang Feiyang was there. When they saw Chu Xiang came in and greeted them, Xu Huai said, "Chu, Zetian, this little ghost is very smart. From a line that traces them, they board The location of the boat should not be on Changshan Island. It is also estimated that the side of the Changshan Island base will block them. He was really scared by us in the past two days, not as arrogant as when he first entered China. "

Chu Xiang said: "They shouldn't show their heads, as long as they can't destroy them, is there a place where they can go to ambush?"

Xu Huai opened the map and said, "Zetian's whereabouts are erratic, but I guess they should board the boat near Mulberry Island. From the time when they were last found, they will arrive at about 8 am."

Chu Xiang has some headaches. The most annoying thing for the little ghosts is hermitism. Their whereabouts are tricky and difficult to find. Otherwise, if everyone flocks on, they will not be able to escape if all 28 are present. The exact plan is that if the main force is transferred to Mulberry Island for ambush, what if Sawata flees and goes to another place.

Zhang Feiyang said: "I think Xu Huai is very likely. In addition to Changshan Island, only Mulberry Island is suitable for submarine infestation. They ignore the strength of our fleet. This is a naked provocation and must not be let go. They run away. "

Chu Xiang said: "Since there are only two places suitable for submarines to land here, we have two soldiers. Song Jun and I coped with each other. We keep in touch at any time, and we will notify you in time if we find the enemy's whereabouts."

For insurance purposes. Chu Xiang rode on the flame horse and took over Lin and Xiaosi. Xie Shanshan was temporarily in charge of Zhang Hongbing's team. In this way, Chu Xiang, Zhang Jingyao, Song Jun, Xu Huai, Li Xiaoming, Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie all rushed to Sang Island, Lin and Xiaosi took Li Niu and Chen Kai to defend on Changshan Island. In fact, this still used Sang Dao as the main battlefield. Once Zetian appeared on Changshan Island. Chu Xiang can only bring people at most, but this person's strength is enough for Zetian to drink a pot.

Although he kept in touch with Wang Bin, Wang Bin could not find the trace of Zetian by using the real-time map viewed by satellite. Zetian would use the terrain and the surrounding environment as a cover. It is really difficult to find their whereabouts, but let Chu Xiang and others were pleased that Wang Bin found a submarine outside Sang Island on the satellite at about 7:30 in the morning.

Chu Xiang opened the map and looked at Song Jun, Xu Huai, and others. The appearance of the submarine at this position seemed to be from the direction of South Korea. It ’s just that everyone ca n’t figure out, does this submarine need not worry about the mutant creatures under the sea? The giant squid made Chu Xiang feel a little tremor in retrospect.

Li Yingjie said: "Should you kill the ghost submarine?"

Chu Xiang said: "Oh, is there a way? That's a steel giant. I'm afraid I won't be able to subdue it if I poke up a few holes."

Li Yingjie smiled and took off a bag from his back: "Chu team, forgot my job, I'm a blaster, this is a high explosive bomb jointly produced by Shao Hui and me, when the two of us dive into the water Press them to make sure there isn't even a bone residue left. "

Chu Xiang picked up the bomb in Li Yingjie's bag and looked at it. It was less than a grenade. If one can kill a submarine, then the power can be imagined. It seems that it was a wise decision to transfer Li Yingjie at first, and his specialty can finally be brought into play.

Chu Xiang lowered the bomb and said, "Don't rush to bomb the submarine first, or Zetian must be shocked and run away. If he goes into the sea, he will say that it would be bad if we continued to go inland to harm our old names. Yamashima sent a message telling them that we saw a submarine here, but they must not relax their vigilance until Sawada appeared. "

Zetian doesn't seem to have so much effort, in fact he now wants to split the sight of the two followers. But his four men followed him deadly, and they all knew who to separate was to seduce the Chinese to be fooled. This sale was not a good deal. Zetian only approached Mulberry Island carefully, and he knew that there was a garrison on Changshan Island. This is also the reason for changing the boarding on Mulberry Island.

"Not good, there is an ambush!" Ze Tian whispered and turned to take away, not because he had no fighting strength, but once his fighting spirit was lost in his mind, he just wanted to escape. Hiding around this one. Sawada had lost his high spirits a day ago, and it is no exaggeration to say that he was a bereavement dog.

With the eyes widened, Chu Xiang and others can count the shadows of Zetian and his party. If they haven't arrived at the beach, they will probably not reveal their body shape. Everyone will take the opportunity to surround them. After seeing the guards before and after seeing that his plan to escape had fallen through, Zetian could only turn back to face Chu Xiang ~ ~ On the sea not far behind him, he could already see the cooperating submarine, Sawada now hates itching teeth.

"Do you think we really don't have the strength to do the last battle with you?" Zetian knew that he could not escape, but calmed down, he said coldly to Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang looked at these five people at one glance, and their level could not be determined by induction alone, but it was not as simple as e-level and d-level, especially Zetian's strength was deeper, but they were currently in a passive situation and fighting spirit. Lao San, so Chu Xiang is not afraid of him.

"Okay, let's go to the final battle. Is everyone fighting, or should we fight alone?"

Zetian estimated the strength of the two sides and then said, "Since it is a fight between life and death, do you pay attention to what kind of play, but I have a suggestion that your people may not be my opponents. It is better for us to stop here or leave It's not good for anyone to lose both. "

Chu Xiang said: "Even if I agree, will my people agree? Even if my people agree, will our thousands of Chinese surnames who have been slaughtered in your country agree? Zetian, I'm not against you when you come to find someone. But if you start with our innocent old name, you must die! "


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