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Chapter 245: Equipment relocation

In fact, not only is Chu Xiang depressed, the morale of the entire eschatology team members is low. If the culprit is naturally Sawada, the sniper plan is carefully arranged. Who knows that the failure due to the blocking of the marine mutants is not surprising. Xiang is furious at those mutant creatures, but how they kill them because of the huge number.

Chu Xiang was afraid of the master, so Chu Feng yelled at him to wake up from the anger, and with Zhang Jingyao's appeasement, Chu Xiang could only accept the reality for a while, the ghost of Zetian escaped, but this was just a At the beginning, the things that Chu Xiang promised would be done. Wait and see. It ’s not as the saying goes. The grasshopper after the fall can't jump for a few days.

"Song Jun, what do you think, the electric fish current is really not low, and one of my legs is still numb," Chu Xiang came out of Zhang Jingyao's arms, always avoiding tears like a man, what should I do? What else do you need to do?

Song Jun smiled: "It's okay, no matter how much we intercepted another four ghosts, this time it's nothing."

Chu Xiang helped Song Jun to the flames: "We first go to Jishi to find equipment, and other matters will be studied slowly."

I took everyone back to the Changshan Island Border Station first. It was a bit disappointing to learn that Zetian had escaped, but Zhang Jingyao used his eyes to stop everyone from talking too much. After all, Chu Xiang felt worse than anyone else. He Always blame yourself. If you think about it at the time, don't go into the water and chase behind Zetian, but fly to the submarine's head and sink it, nothing will happen, but the other party can avoid the attack of the mutant sea creatures. If they There is no way to hide in the water all the time.

Zhang Feiyang said: "We are still the winner in this matter, so everyone should be happy, Chu team, do you want to return to Jiji, what about your uncle and aunt, you and Song Jun have been injured, otherwise Let's rest here for a few days. "

Although Chu Xiang sometimes drilled horns, it did not mean that he could not get out. He smiled and said, "Neither Song Jun nor I matter. I'm just exhausted. Song Jun's numbness will return to normal after a while. I will send my parents back to the Yutai base first. Thanks Zhang again this time. You, I do n’t know if you have any difficulties. I can find a way to help you. "

Zhang Feiyang said: "The security issue on Changshan Island is not big. Although the squid are still active, they are no longer on the shore. Starfish and shrimp are still beating up every night. However, they never go beyond the artificial friendship. The impact is minimal, and the medical work is also going smoothly under the auspices of Director Liu Xicheng. We also have a lot of war preparations here, but one thing is the lack of fresh vegetables. "

Chu Xiang said: "It doesn't matter, I will send a batch of vegetables that I have grown myself. Later, the scale of the Yutai base will be expanded and it will be delivered to you regularly. Do n’t worry about everyone, it is not easy to live underground every day. The body can't take vitamin supplements. "

Zhang Feiyang said, "Thank you on behalf of the soldiers."

Chu Xiang said: "You're welcome. Our relationship is not outsiders. You can talk about any difficulties. As long as I can help, I will try my best. We have been here from Asan Town. This is a revolutionary friendship. "

Zhang Feiyang laughed: "Yes. It is a revolutionary friendship. In fact, there are a few other small problems. We are here at the border station. The main function is to guard the border. But recently many old names have come. They live under the base and affect the base Work safely ... "

Chu Xiang said: "It's okay. Send people to our Yutai base. There is just a shortage of manpower to open up wasteland. You can also dig coal to grow vegetables. In short, Yutai base recruits a large number of people. Let me solve them.

Zhang Feiyang rubbed his hands and said, "That's all right. You really are our lucky star, Chu team. But we can't always take advantage of you. Come with me. A little gift for you."

Chu Xiang did not understand what Zhang Feiyang said about the small gift. That's a big deal. Open the corner of the canvas is full of small and large floor boxes. I opened the box and saw it. It turned out to be weapons and ammunition. Chu Xiang hesitated. "Head Zhang. This is national equipment. Sending it to me in private will cause you trouble."

Zhang Feiyang didn't care about the tunnel: "How many weapons there were before was really there. But since the zombie riots, the number of weapons here is the same as the comrades at the original border station. It is also unclear. We guard a bunch of mutant marine life. It ’s a lot of consumption. Which one of the leaders above does n’t believe you can come and try for a few days. ”

What Chu Xiang lacks now is weapons. I do n’t plan to wait for the settlement of Jishi to go to Xinxiang. There is a 54 army station there, but before going to Xinxiang, because the development of weapons and ammunition at the Xiji base was dwarfed, we can get Adding this is of course a good thing.

"Head Zhang, without telling you that I do lack weapons now, I would be disrespectful if this matter would not cause you trouble."

Zhang Feiyang patted Chu Xiang on his shoulder and said, "Don't be polite with me. The most important thing I have here is the weapon. You move these first, and I will come back in batches anyway. Now you are fast, move back and forth a few times. It's just the effort of a meal. "

Chu Xiang decided not to hide Zhang Feiyang. He rubbed the ring to open the storage space. "Head Zhang, I evacuated them at most a dozen times because I have a baby."

After the continuous upgrade of the space ring, it now has five cubic meters of storage, which is a considerable amount of capacity. Of course, it is still unrealistic to put all these weapons in, but it wo n’t be complete without two more runs. Look at this distance.

Zhang Feiyang was stunned. He also looked at it when he was fine. He thought it was magic. Chu Xiang briefly explained to him the principle of storage. This is just an application of space technology, as long as the user's physical fitness is high enough. , The available space will be even greater. I think I should prepare some amphibious tanks for you, "Zhang Feiyang said.

Chu Xiang moved the weapon into the space ring and said, "You can give me a helicopter and I can drive you away."

Next, Chu Xiang sent his parents and sister back to the Yutai base. After he handed it over to Ma Xinghe, he took out the weapons in the space ring and returned to Changshan Island to pack again. This time Zhang Feiyang organized the first Some of the old surnames who went to the Yutai base were mostly young and strong. If they came up, they would put the old, weak and sick to the Yutai base, and Zhang Feiyang's face would be dull.

Chu Xiang can only take an individual back to the Yutai base each time to unload the weapons in the space ring. Ma Xinghe set up Chu Xiang's parents and prepared a batch of vegetables. Chu Xiang took the vegetables back to Changshan Island. Loading weapons again and carrying people, doing this tossing and repeating dozens of times, until the darkness is not considered to solve the immediate problem.

Leave a satellite phone for Zhang Feiyang so that he can contact at any time without having to go through the network. Zhang Feiyang promised Chu Xiang that he will send another batch of weapons from the warehouse next time he sends vegetables. Anyway, they are all used to kill zombies. Who can use them? However, it can not be tossed back and forth dozens of times. It is best to use public transportation because there are still a few surnames waiting to be transferred to the Yutai base.

As for the two evolutionaries Li Niu and Chen Kai who appeared here on Changshan Island, Li Niu was not originally a soldier on Changshan Island, and Chu Xiang took him away without any problems, and Chen Kai followed up with Zhang Feiyang ’s consent Chu Xiang is gone, he is not like He Yaohui. With Yao Xianghui's expedition to the west, He Yaohui has already been able to stand alone, while Chen Kai and Li Haipeng are still far behind.

With the weapon in the base, Chu Xiang's heart settled a lot. Although he was still worried about Zetian, he returned to the periphery of Jishi and found Zhang Hongbing and others. The trouble disappeared immediately. The urgent task was to find scientific research equipment. At this time, he could not go to Zetian desperately and say that. The guy is still in the water, and Fang is helpless with the mutant marine life. He really can't let them have an advantage. He will have to wait until Zetian comes ashore.

The base of Ji City was established in the Yellow River Hebei, basically out of the original urban area. This is because the original urban area was densely populated, and it was not easy to clean up the zombies. Therefore, the North River was blocked by the benefits of the Yellow River. New sites were established in the Sangzidian, Cuizhai, and Daqiao areas. A protective barrier was built around the base, followed by the protection of a large number of troops. The city's base was very solid on the surface.

After dinner everyone took out a map and researched it, thinking that the most likely place to find scientific research equipment should be in the east high-tech zone of Jishi, where Qilu Pharmaceutical, Chia Tai Furui Da, Shengli Bio, Yuanlong Bio. In short, it's right to move their research room out of their brains. It's no wonder that these large companies don't set up several advanced research rooms.

In the end, Chu Xiang set an action plan. Song Jun had recovered almost at this time. The two dived into the high-tech zone of Ji City overnight. After some observation, the relocation goals were determined. Shengli Biological and Qilu Pharmaceutical, two companies ’laboratories, Bai Xiaowei I have seen the equipment of their laboratory through satellite telephone, although it is not as good as the original laboratory 8. But in civil enterprises this is considered advanced.

Judging from the results. There are indeed a lot of zombies in Jixin High-tech Zone, and t3 and t4 are mixed. No wonder the team that escorted Shanghai departed for a long time. The city briefing to the Military Commission said that it has been frequently attacked by zombies recently. With so many t3 and t4, it is no wonder that the base is not attacked when nothing is done, but the last-day team is not afraid of Zombies, even t3 and t4, are not terrible. Everyone is most worried about those foreign evolutionaries.

After a restful night, having breakfast, the eschatology team set off in a mighty manner. The off-road vehicle drove the base vehicle, followed by ten large container trucks, and finally the off-road vehicle. Finally, a small silk happily controlled a large number of t2 and let them To **** the team left and right, several t3s appeared later. After being controlled by Xiaosi, they fought with a t4 for a long time. Finally, Xu Huai killed T4's life. Xiaosi can now easily control a large number of t3, but T4's ability is not yet under her control. Fortunately, the number of t4 is much less than that of t3.

"Brother, my ability is okay now, it has improved from yesterday. I think it will not be a problem to control t3 in the future," Xiao Si proudly directed a lot of t2 and t3 to ask Chu Xiang, the child ’s psychology That's it, even Chu Xiang sometimes can't help showing off his skills.

Chu Xiang laughed with a smile: "Yeah, it ’s worse than it was in Beijing. You work hard to develop. Your brother is optimistic about you. Maybe you can control all zombies in the future. By then you will be a zombie girl.

The queen hates men. I just want to be your sister. Is n’t it good? We all have a happy life together. We will build the Yutai base to be No. 1 in China. By then, everyone will be envious of us. Want to go to the south, where it's freezing and cold, let them emigrate to our Yutai base in the future. "

It is no secret that there is no t virus in the south. But most people do n’t even think about it, because it ’s more difficult to go to the south than an ordinary person to kill t4. The first difficulty is that there is no transportation. If you are already standing outside the south circle, it ’s easier to do, but one Southbound. You do n’t know how many zombies are waiting along the way without a plane. Even if there are planes, I ’m afraid that mutant birds will drill into the engine before you take off, and there will be nowhere to go, even if there are ships. Will the mutant creatures in the ocean be so kind to let go, but the little Japanese ghost now has a way to drive out marine mutant creatures, but this leads to the second problem. There are many South Penguins and shrimps, but there is no other food source, even if you run with a lot of food. There is always a day after eating, which is not suitable for long-term development. In addition, the place is not large. All survivors in the world ran over. I wonder if I can get the ice sheet out of the landslide. And the temperature is low. No, only the cat can sleep in the room.

Chu Xiang lowered the telescope in his hand and said, "Your idea is very interesting, after our Yutai base has grown and became famous. Maybe someone really wants to dig into the country to emigrate. At that time, we will collect ten jins of gold jewelry by ourselves. It ’s hard to make a fortune. Speaking of your ability to control zombies, I will put you to the base of Xiji in the future. The zombies around the base of Yutai have all eaten the little guy with five-color liquid. It would be beneficial to control the number of zombies. "

Xiaosi said: "Well, I know my brother, but following you is the biggest exercise. There are so many zombies here, I'm so excited. Here is another t3. I want to try how many I can control today. , Rush. "

This is an astonishing scene. The large group of t2 is like loyal fans, and there are more than a dozen t3s who follow closely. For any obstacles, t3 rushes up. Case of carts and trees cut trees. The team went straight to Qilu Pharmaceutical.

Bang, a t3 walking in the forefront was shot. Xiaosi's face changed, although the zombies were not a fun thing, but after being controlled by her, the zombies said that it was her local people. It was also a shock to her body when the zombies were injured. The building of Qilu Pharmaceutical was in front. It seems that some survivors lived there, but they didn't notice that Chu Xiang last night. He and Song Jun's whereabouts were hidden, and the other party could not find them either. Xu Huai raised a big horn from the observation tower and shouted, "Don't shoot, we are human! Everyone is your own!"

Chu Xiang said to Xiaosi, "Let the zombies withdraw, it is easy to cause misunderstanding. Last night, they didn't light up and did not set fire. Song Jun and I didn't know that there were people hidden inside."

Xiaosi reluctantly directed the zombies to disperse to the surroundings. Only a few people appeared on the ground floor opposite the building. "Where are you from, why did the zombies leave by themselves?"

Xu Huai said: "We don't understand either. Maybe your shooting scared them away."

Although those people did not believe that they were so powerful, in fact the zombies actually withdrew after they fired. This shows how timely the shooting was. Otherwise, the group will be finished, so they are proud in their words. The atmosphere also thickened, "Why do n’t you go to the base of Jeshi, what are you doing here? This is a heavily polluted area, and ordinary humans cannot enter.

Chu Xiang told Xu Huai: "Tell them that we are the order of the Fengji base to pull the equipment and let them cooperate with our work."

Xu Huai shouted back like this, the other party apparently didn't believe it, "What are you doing to pull the equipment? We haven't received the order."

Xu Huaidao: "Of course we are doing research. We are cooperating with the country to overcome t virus. Now we urgently need equipment from pharmaceutical factories. Can you cooperate with us in order to achieve the victory against t virus for all mankind, comrades, we Need support. "

The other side said, "Come on ahead. The outside zombies are very dangerous. Our communication equipment has been broken for several days and we are trying to contact Jeshi."

"What to do? Get them under control first, or they will show up as soon as they contact," Xie Shanshan said.

Chu Xiang laughed: "No, they can't get in touch with Jishi, it's not that we say what they believe, and put away our communication equipment, so that they can't distinguish our true and false."

Unexpectedly, there was still electricity in the factory area. The other side opened the door through the controller, and the convoy rushed in. It was clear that the zombies in the factory area had been cleaned up. These people haven't spent much time here, just wait for the t virus to resume production and construction.

Chu Xiang and others got out of the car, and the people upstairs also came downstairs. They were cautious and looked around several times before they dared to get out of the hiding place. He also asked cautiously: "How many t3s have just gone? Have they gone?"

Zhang Hongbing said: "Rest assured, they saw us scared and quickly took us to move the equipment. Our time is very tight. The base has been attacked recently. We have to go back and help the defense."

"Are there letters of introduction?" The other asked.

Chu Xiang touched his nose, and said, "Do you think the world is like this? The introduction letter is still useful, if not our communication equipment is broken. I really want to let Wu Yingchang approve you."

Chu Xiang has observed that although the other party is not wearing a military uniform, the posture of holding a gun is a standard soldier. Chu Xiang, Jeshi Base, only knew Wu Lin. At this time, he only lifted him out to block the gun. Sure enough, the other party heard that Wu Lin calmed down. "It was the leader of Ying Ying Wu. We used to stay in his company for a while. time."

Lin Shangqian said: "Since you haven't rushed to take us to the research room, a minute of delay will cause huge losses to the base. It is not easy for us to rush over, but we must rush back before dark, let's go."

"This ..." The other side hesitated. Xu Huai came forward and said, "What this and that place, this is my soldier's card. Everyone is a brother army. You really plan to stay here and wait for the t virus to disappear. Without our research, how could the t virus disappear by itself. In the best interests of the country and nation, comrades cannot hesitate. "

The opponent carried the gun to his shoulder and said, "Go." Xu Huaidi's soldiers' ID is not false, and there is no survivor who has been idle to steal equipment. Everyone can't even save their lives. What do they need to do with the equipment? No matter how advanced and precise it is, a pack of instant noodles works. Only the country needs these things, so the other party no longer doubts.

Chu Xiang came once last night. This time, someone was more familiar with the light. Although the scientific research building was a bit messy, most of the equipment and instruments were intact. The soldiers who led said: "Comrades. This is it. You guys. To see what needs, I will register. Then you will sign and take it away. Then the army will ask me if I can explain it. Chu Xiang looked a bit: "Except for the underground parts, we pull all the main equipment. go. "

The soldier was taken aback: "Comrade, you are not kidding. It is impossible to remove these equipment without large cranes and cutting tools, and it will not be completed today as the comrade said, and it will not be cleared up in ten days and a half months. Not coming out. "

Zhang Hongbing said: "We naturally have a way. Take your men and women to rest outside. We will move out and ask you to sign. This is a place of work, and idlers can't enter."

The soldier glared at Zhang Hongbing and said, "Please, please, we'll wait outside."

In fact, this soldier is optimistic. Although everyone is a colleague, these people are arrogant. They want to evacuate the scientific research building one day. The transportation capacity of ten large container trucks is not weak, but the equipment is few. Ten people couldn't lift it. It would be nice if they could take down one in a day. It was a joke. It scared the zombie.

One warrior said, "Leader, don't think of a way to contact Jishi for verification. I think they are all very embarrassed."

The monitor said, "Do you have a communication device?"

The soldier shook his head and the squad leader said: "We do n’t have communication equipment. If the other party is counterfeit, it is impossible to lend us the communication equipment. So we can only trust them now, and I write down the soldier ’s ID card. They are fake and can be found out at that time. "

Bang, here is talking about the authenticity of this unit. The hall of the scientific research building was smashed. The door was small and the equipment was only wanted to be smashed. A few guard soldiers were startled, but they made them eat more. Still behind ~ ~ I saw a machine with at least a ton of weight coming out of the broken hall, no crane, no dozens of people shouting, only a pair of feet can be seen from under the equipment Step forward.

The container was opened, banged, the equipment was stuffed, and the tires fell down. The man thumped the mud on his body and looked back at a group of stunned guard soldiers. He smiled with a stern smile and did not speak. Then he returned to the scientific research building. , A guard soldier finally shouted: "Monster!"

The squad leader gave him a punch and said, "Whatever you like, everyone pays attention to confidentiality. I think they are the dragon team of our country! This is a special task."

Another warrior wondered: "What is the dragon group? I think they are more likely to be monsters. The equipment is so much, but he is like moving a toy without even breathing."

The squad leader said: "Have you seen it? The members of the Long group are all people with special functions. What is the difficulty in moving a few pieces of equipment? You didn't see that the cement pillars were cut off in one piece, but they didn't With cutting tools, it is estimated that there are qigong masters in the group who are doing qigong. Everyone hurried back to work on duty and don't disturb them at work. These people with special functions are very weird and don't want others to see when they are doing qigong. "


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