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Chapter 246: First test flight

Chu Xiang stayed in the scientific research building for cutting, while Li Niu was responsible for the relocation. Other people cooperated. Song Jun and Wang Shaohui also had great strength. Chu Xiang cut and everyone moved quickly, not for two hours. When the useful equipment in the scientific research building was dismantled, such a world-class relocation company could not be reached.

After confirming that there were no omissions, Chu Xiang found the guard squad somewhat embarrassed. "Comrade, shouldn't you sign a letter, I'll do it. Don't let your leaders trace it down. It's difficult for you to do it."

The squad leader was a little flattered and said, "Comrades, don't need it. I know you are a special group of people. It was a mistake to fail to cooperate well with your work just now. Otherwise, everyone would go to us for a glass of water. The conditions are simple and there is no tea and drinks. Just take a moment. "

Chu Xiang looked up at Tianse and said, "It's too late, we have to go to another house and move some equipment. I'll have a chance next time. Thank you for your cooperation. We strive to develop the anti-t virus solution at an early date. There are you in this too. A credit for that. "

The squad leader smiled proudly. He personally sent everyone to the door. "Comrades walk slowly, there are more zombies outside, but ordinary people like us are difficult to deal with, so we will not send them far."

The squad leader watched the team go away, and a large group of zombies surrounded the team, but those zombies did not siege, but seemed to be escorting the team. The squad leader enviously said: "True cow fork, the dragon group is different, even the zombies They all listen to their instructions. "

The equipment of Qilu Pharmaceutical Factory was successfully relocated. There was no guard at Shengli Bio. Zombies were dangling in the factory area. Xiaosi directly transferred them. Although two T4s were disturbed during the demolition process, the Song Jun He Xiaosi's siege was quickly eliminated, and at one o'clock in the afternoon the convoy was fully loaded and set foot on the road to return home.

During the period, Fang Yuxuan received the public-frequency signal from the city car ’s communication room. It turned out that the city discovered the convoy via satellite, but they did n’t know what purpose the convoy had, so they sent a signal and Chu Xiang did not let Fang Yuxuan answered. I ca n’t tell people to steal equipment. The city of Jeju has recently been harassed by t3 and t4, and has distributed some troops to **** important people into Beijing, so they ca n’t afford to come again to see, so just leave the convoy and leave south of the city along the Jingtai Expressway. .

The team returned to the Yutai base in the afternoon the next day, and Ma Xinghe took the left-behind personnel out of the base to welcome him. This is a victory worth celebrating. The return of scientific research equipment marks the beginning of the t-virus research at the Yutai base. In the future, it will be the t-virus research center, because there are only top geological scientists here. Although there is only one, One is enough to really work. Of course, it is inevitable to call a few assistants. She can't be too big to move now.

Just as everyone toasted. Chu Xiang took Shi Zhengqian and Li Haipeng to hide in the drill room, and a few days later, the eschatology team set off to the Changshan Island Border Station to pull their old names. Not only were some people and a few vehicles with weapons. He is also transporting a gunship back in the trailer!

Zhang Feiyang was really interesting, and he planned to give Chu Xiang two more amphibious tanks, but the team had no space, and the two tanks were oil-burning machines. They were worthless when they were opened, so I can only wait for the next time. It will take some time for vegetables to grow on a large scale.

That night, Chu Xiang and his wife Shi Zhengqian checked the helicopter's condition on the square. Zhang Jingyao worriedly called a few close people to discuss. "Shanshan ... Light rain. Xiaosi. Jun brother. You are not outsiders. I am very worried about Chu Xiang now."

Xie Shanshan said, "I know. Brother Chu wants to go to Zetian to cross the sea."

Fang Yuxuan said: "Will he not want to rely on that helicopter?"

Lin Dao: "I also saw him and Li Haipeng bouncing around every day. Wouldn't it be to use instant movement?"

Zhang Jingyao said, "I know that Chu Xiang now hates Ze Tian. Chu Zedi's escape has left Chu Xiang faceless with Wu Lin and Chen Feng. Yesterday Wu Lin also sent a message asking what happened to Ze Tian. I do n’t even Dare to talk about this to Chu Xiang. "

Xie Shanshan said: "We understand the meaning of Sister Jing Yao. You want everyone to find a way to persuade Chu Xiang to give up crossing the sea to seek revenge on Zetian. But do you still not understand Chu Xiang's character? At this time, both my uncle and aunt advised Ca n’t live with him. Besides, we ca n’t tell them the second oldest in this matter.

Zhang Jingyao sighed, Fang Yuxuan said: "In fact, we should think about things better, Brother Chu went to Zetian to get revenge. This is to give us Chinese longevity."

Lin stared at Fang Yuxuan and said, "What your child knows, the little ghost's evolutionary is very powerful. It's not that difficult to kill Zetian alone. But who dares to guarantee how many little evolutionaries there are on the land?"

Xiaosi said: "I will accompany my brother. I don't believe that zombies abroad will not obey my command."

Song Jundao: "Chu Xiang is not fighting alone. I believe him."

Lin bitterly smiled, Song Jun and Xiao Si are now the most loyal supporters of Chu Xiang. Their worship of Chu Xiang has reached a completely blind destination, and they will not even consider how many danger factors there are during this period.

Zhang Jingyao said: "If we all go to the land of the little ghostland together, then we have a high probability of winning, but before we can't drive the marine mutants, this idea may be difficult to achieve. I guess Chu Xiang wants to use a helicopter or Li Haipeng. Momentary movement, and neither of these two tools can bring us all to the little ghost's hometown, especially the limited battery life of the helicopter, Li Haipeng's strength is not enough to support from China to Japan, even if his strength has been in these days Increase, but it is not possible to bring many people to the past, one or two is very overcrowded. "

Song Jundao: "Then the problem is very simple now. Let's all help Chu Xiang find a solution together. As long as the eschatology team is dispatched as a whole, no matter how many ghost evolutionists are in vain."

Anyway, the problem is still not stuck. Zhang Jingyao meant that everyone tried to persuade Chu Xiang to dispel the idea of ​​chasing and killing Zetian. In the end, it turned out to discuss how to go to the Japanese island together. Xie Shanshan returned to Zhou Muqing. I called and asked her about the possibility of using sound waves to drive marine mutants. In this regard, they were thinking in the right direction, but Zhou Muqing had no experience in this area and could only agree to try it in Hong Kong first. I will let you know the results.

The next morning, early in the morning, Little Silk was still asleep, and she let Chu Xiang pull out of the bed. "Yeah, brother. What are you doing, do you want me to go out and meet people like this?"

Chu Xiang froze for two days, patronizing the way to cross the sea, even forgot that Xiao Si was still a girl, she was only wearing thin pajamas, and her beautiful figure was exposed. It's okay to let him see it. After all, Chu Xiang is the one who grew up watching Xiaosi, but it is inappropriate for others in the base to see it.

"Oh, sorry, my brother is anxious a bit, I'll go out and wait for you first, and change my clothes quickly."

Xiao Si hurriedly dressed up and rushed to the main square of the base without having to eat even when they came. Shi Zhengqian and Yu Suzhen were directing a group of people to add aviation gasoline to the helicopter. This was brought back from Changshan Island together.

Xiaosi said: "Brother, wouldn't you just want to fly to Japan today? We would call for two talents, otherwise we would lose money when we fight on the other side."

Chu Xiang said: "What a joke. I'm not stupid. I have to fall into the sea to go to Japan. Today we are flying. I'm afraid that I will be disturbed by mutant birds, so I will take you. Can disperse mutant creatures under the sea, can we not dispel mutant birds in the air? The old one set up an aviation unit at the Yutai base, and then went to the small Japanese island to kill those dogs and land. "

It was right to try to open Singapore Airlines. Chu Xiang even thought of using iron for transportation. Rail freight has a large volume and low cost, but the only disadvantage is that it is vulnerable to zombies because the iron line is dead and there is a need to stop work if there is damage to the entire line. Otherwise, a large number of pavers will be required to accompany it because there are no railroad cars It's all a pile of scrap iron. It's not like a car. If it breaks, you can go elsewhere.

For these reasons, iron transportation is not currently considered, after all, the external business of the Yutai base is not large. Now, I have some contacts with Changshan Island, but the copper base sent a message. I hope Chu Xiang can send a food delivery team to support them.

The copper city base is not as affluent as Changshan Island. I ’m afraid that Chu Xiangbai will send food and put on fuel. Because the copper market does not have any resources, even the gasoline and diesel were still transported back to the base by Chu Xiang. But everyone ’s Friendship is far more than what these grains and oils can replace. Apart from that, Li Yingjie, Li Xiaoming, Xu Huai, and He Yaohui all came from the 106th base of the Tongshi base. Can you read a joke if something is wrong with your family?

In fact, the Tongshi base also made a request for assistance to their provincial capital Shijiazhuang base. However, the Shijiazhuang base suffered heavy losses after transporting grain and oil several times, not to say that the grain and oil suffered heavy losses. The zombies were frequently blocked and attacked, and the fighters would always be sacrificed after the trip. This cost caused the Shijiazhuang base to temporarily stop providing assistance to the copper city base. Not only the copper city, as long as the distance is not feasible .

Here I have to talk about the recent national situation. With the strengthening of the central government's connection with all parts of the country, thousands of human bases have now been established. They are divided according to the previous provinces and regions and belong to the leaders of the base where the provincial capital is located, like fish. In terms of procedures, the Taiwan base should be under the jurisdiction of Jishi, but so far Chu Xiang has not actively contacted the Jishi side.

The Yutai base is actually in a very delicate position. The Yutai Grain Depot was originally under the direct control of the National Grain Depot Management Office. Since Chu Xiang was frustrated by Chief Cai Xia, the central government has not actively contacted the Yutai base. There are some reasons for personal grievances. Cai Xia wanted to give Yutai Grain Depot a disappointment. He thought that Yutai Grain Depot could not stand for a few days. Although there was a lot of food, there were no weapons and troops stationed. He wanted to wait for Yutai Grain Depot. The treasury acknowledged its mistakes and took the opportunity to reclaim the management right of the grain depot. Who knows that this delay will become indefinite.

As for the city where the jurisdiction is located, they think that the right to manage the grain depot is not in the province s. They are afraid that the central government thinks that the province has the right to manage the province. Therefore, they did not actively contact the Yutai base. No matter, in fact, this situation is also good, otherwise Chu Xiang has to listen to others, if others are right, he will not object, but the problem is that sometimes their direction is wrong, which makes Chu Xiang Acceptable.

The refueling of the Kung Fu helicopter was completed. Shi Zhengqian was a civil aviation pilot. Yu Suzhen was just a stewardess, but the Yutai base couldn't find a better understanding of the aircraft than they do now. The goods are delivered to the sky. As for the ground crew, they can only find them slowly. There are so many airports in the country. It is enough to just drag some survivors back at that time, but it is not in a hurry. After all, whether it can fly in the air is still a problem.

Xiaosi looked at this strange thing to her and said, "Brother, let's call Sister Shanshan. I'm afraid I can't handle it alone. Who knows what weird things will happen to me? What about mutants? "

In fact, Chu Xiang was also flying for the first time. He has no idea in his heart. The aviation industry in the entire world is completely paralyzed, which indicates that the mutants are not weak in the air. Therefore, it is correct to be cautious. Call Xie Shanshan to take a test flight together.

Dealing with zombies and mutated creatures is a specialty, but Xie Shanshan can only deal with people. Although both are brain-control skills, they are different in nature. In fact, Xie Shanshan can also control zombies. However, her ability to control has not grown up. Later, Xiao Si's outstanding performance made her give up this development and focus on the thinking of the controller. Current ability is not much different from Xiao Si's ability to control zombies.

Speaking of driving a helicopter, Wang Bin downloaded a helicopter driving tutorial on the Internet. Shi Zhengqi was familiar with it for a few days and was sure it was okay. Then he dared to agree to Chu Xiang ’s test flight today. However, considering the addition of Xie Shanshan, Yu Suzhen Without boarding, in the event of an accident, Chu Xiang can use the bones and wings to escape with people, but with Yu Suzhen, he has some difficulty.

Xie Shanshan saw that Chu Xiang really wanted to fly. She also wanted to find Zhang Jingyao, the elder sister, to report the situation, but she let Chu Xiang push the helicopter up. If Zhang Jingyao rushes over again, and then elder Chu Feng and Elder Zhao Lan are shocked again, and he can't speak clearly, then the test flight today will be a disaster.

Shi Zhengqian fastened his helmet to everyone behind him: "Be sure to fasten a seatbelt if you have a seatbelt. Hold on without a seatbelt. I am ready to start."

Xie Shanshan asked: "Brother Shi, how confident are you to get it into the sky?"

Shi Zhengqian said: "If nothing happens, it's ten percent."

Xie Shanshan's face was depressed, the same as he did not say. Pop, pop. Shi Zhengqian turned on the buttons on the control dial in accordance with the helicopter driving process. Everything was normal, hum, hum, hum, a large propeller turned, the helicopter trembled and then lifted up, and the sand on the square was raised. A few meters high, Zhang Jingyao and others also heard voices running out at this time. However, the plane had flown high enough. Shi Zhengqian pushed the joystick out of the base.

Xie Shanshan breathed a sigh of relief, and it looked like he was driving fluently. This guy is indeed a little capable, and he has always been running with their husband and wife, or else it will be a big trouble to come up and start up.

I do n’t know if the nearby mutant creatures scared Chu Xiang and Xiao Silk away or did not have the sound of a plane for a long time to stimulate them. It ’s no problem to fly around Yutai Base anyway, Chu Xiang said: "Go to Xiji Base Take a look. "

Shi Zhengqian adjusted his course and flew over Dushan Lake to Xiji Base by visual inspection. Because everything was rushed, Wang Bin and Sun Gaoqiang had not had time to modify the navigation system, so at present they can only fly visually. After connecting with Wang Bin's central computer, satellite navigation can be used. However, the satellites used by Wang Bin are owned by the state. Although they discovered Wang Bin's invasion early, they did not break the line, which made Chu Xiang I am very pleased that I have the opportunity to do more for the country, otherwise I feel guilty for being so embarrassed.

In fact, Chu Xiang does not have an opinion on the country. He is also a serious patriot. He just let the two guys, Gao Yu and Gao Yu, take heart to the ground, especially Gao Yu uses Beijing ’s power to consolidate him, not Chu. Xiang is still a bit afraid of letting him hurt, so Chu Xiang is as far away as possible from the regime, which is actually a protection for him. Bai Xiaowei uses him for experiments. If the country knows everything about him, can he still be free?

"Xiao Si, can you communicate with mutant creatures in the ocean?"

Xiao Si said to Chu Xiang: "I haven't tried it, brother."

Chu Xiang pointed to Dushan Lake Road: "The last time you communicated with the snake shrimp monster was very successful. I think it should not be difficult to communicate with the mutant creatures in the ocean."

Xiaosi said: "Maybe the same reason, but always try to be sure."

Chu Xiang said: "We will go to the beach after the test flight is completed. You try to contact the mutant creatures in the ocean to see if everyone can live in peace. Last time I killed the king of squid, these squids didn't die. Then they must cut off their roots. "

Xiaosi said: "Brother, the ocean is so big, I'm afraid we can't control them."

Chu Xiang said: "I always have to try before I die."

Xiaosi understands that Chu Xiang will never give up if he doesn't kill Zetian. This is another way to land for landing. She said, "I first try to communicate with the mutated creatures in the lake and understand their way of thinking. Maybe it will help. Communication with marine life. "

After flying over Dushan Lake, I quickly saw the Xiji base in the air. Compared with the Yutai base, the Xiji base is only a small courtyard, but Chu Xiang does not intend to give up this place, and will use a fence to block the place after a while. Arise, this is also a necessary measure to strengthen the anti-corpse ability.

The current importance of the Xiji base is coal supply. After Chu Xiang and others returned to Yutai, Ma Xinghe took the initiative to exchange for Wu Zhenghang. He wanted to experience the early evolution. If evolution only occurred among one or two people, Ma Xinghe Don't worry, but his soldiers have evolved. If he doesn't worry, he won't be right.

From the air, it seems that there are a lot of coal mountains around the Xiji base. Even for a small city, this coal is not a big deal. But for the current Yutai base, these coals are enough for several years. .

Chu Xiang looked at the sky from side to side and said, "We haven't seen much movement after flying for so long. Isn't aviation capability restored now?"

Xie Shanshan said: "No, if this is not the case, countries are still racing to open new routes? They are anxious to look at air transport than we are."

Shi Zhengqian said: "Maybe our flight is not high enough, or should I try to fly higher?"

Chu Xiangdao: "No need ~ ~ If the helicopter can ensure flight safety at low altitude, I think our country has used helicopters to **** the relevant personnel into Beijing. It doesn't have to cost so much trouble at all, so the safety is not because the flight is high on."

Xiaosi's face suddenly changed: "Not good, there is a problem on my head!"

Chu Xiang lay on the hatch and looked up. I leaned. I do n’t know when a group of sparrows came over the head. The small sparrows are not big and do n’t seem to be very lethal, but this quiet appearance still makes people startled. .

"Is it mutated?" Chu Xiang could not see the eyes of the sparrow. The eyes of the mutant creatures were different from ordinary creatures. Chu Xiang generally used this to judge before they launched an attack. Already.

Xiaosi nodded. "They are waiting for other reinforcements. If I want to disperse them, they are not strong enough. With my current control ability, they can be easily solved. Chu Xiang said:" Don't worry, can you tell them Try to communicate, I mean, if they are thinking, I mainly want to know now, why do they have to take over air control, can we share it? "

After that she entered a state of imagination.


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