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Chapter 251: Senior Zombie

Sawada was sent to kill the zombies who besieged Tokyo. He rushed into the zombies with a group of evolvers without hesitation. After all, they had undergone a deep evolution. Although those zombies surrounded Tokyo firmly, they were united by the evolvers. After being struck, a mouth was quickly torn open. Zetian led a person to attack a villa group built on the hillside according to information.

In fact, Zetian didn't have much confidence, but he was only forced to do so. Most of them have the skill of ninjutsu. Playing t3 is as simple as chopping vegetables and melons, but they can't hold the number of opponents. Occasionally mixed two t4, how can the strength of t4 be comparable to t3. One hour later, this group of people in Zetian belt was more than half dead and injured. At this time, they reached the destination. The zombie with meat **** on his shoulders was Strange smiles at these people.

Zetian said nothing, and ordered the wind controller around him: "It's your turn! Go fast! Otherwise, we must play it to get the first chance!"

At the beginning, these evolvers also felt that it was easy to deal with zombies, but as the number of t3 increased, they watched one by one fall. Now no one dares to underestimate the enemy. After a violent shock, a large cyclone group formed soon. Huh, the cyclone group turned more and more toward the zombie collar. Once t3 was coiled, it flew in the wind, and other evolutionaries also showed their magical powers. All tactics greeted the zombies.

It was a joy for Zetian to be able to successfully attack the zombie collar. After all, under the protection of thousands of t3, it was not easy to achieve the first victory so quickly. Now all the forces are embracing the zombie collar together. How to deal with it, your own ultrasound, storm, spider silk, chicken, all the hot weapons you can use also fire. Strive to kill the zombies in one fell swoop, so that everyone has hope for life.

But what everyone didn't expect was that this zombie collar was not afraid, and he didn't take a look at the various blows that he attacked together. It really is a collar. There is Taishan's style that does not change. However, they do have capital. The ultrasonic wave caused the t3 behind the zombie leader to explode and die. However, under the blow of Sawada Ultrasonic, even the body hair did not lose its roots.

The villas collapsed around the storm, but when passing by the zombie collar, the body of the zombie collar stood firmly on the ground like a root, and the body never wobbled; the sticky and sturdy spider The spider man wrapped his body around the zombie collar. When the spider man succeeded, he immediately urged the spider silk to tie the zombie collar layer by layer, and the chicken man took the opportunity to attach to the zombie collar body, and began to avoid the key to its eyes, throat, and head. The tear of life ...

Sawada thought that his ultrasound could not lead him to explode. An internal injury should always be shaken to make it lose a few layers of power, but now it seems that ultrasound does not affect it at all, and Sawata feels bad. The idea of ​​escape re-emerged.

However, the evolutionary around him was still desperate, and Zetian didn't dare to relax. His long sword slashed to the head of the zombie. Although Zetian still has hypnosis skills, he has not tried t4 hypnosis, especially It is this super-perverted t4, and it is estimated that the result cannot be obtained.

The knife slashed at the zombies' head, and Sawada, who trembled with a humming noise, almost vomited blood, and he slashed the skin of the zombies with a stab. But the bones of the zombies were strangely hard, as if a piece of granite was unbreakable. Zetian's numb hand could not hold the steel knife. At this time, he found that the zombie collar who had never resisted suddenly smiled strangely, and then the two meat **** on his shoulder broke apart. The knife threw away at the place.

Zetian's speed is fast, but his back still feels as if it has been fried by a pan. He rolls out a dozen meters and looks back. The two meat **** on the shoulder of the zombie are spraying flames! These two flames were extremely fierce. A light pole five meters high was melted immediately after being lifted!

No wonder there is pain in the back. If it hadn't been for the response, I had escaped in time. I'm afraid that now, like spider man, it becomes a roasted spider. The spider silk that had **** the zombies had already melted. It's not just the Spider-Man who has been poisoned. There are also chickens who keep tearing claws attached to zombies. He is worse. Directly blown out by the flame. The whole person was immediately burned into coke. There was a crackle after landing. This can also prove how high the temperature of the flames from the zombie collar!

The zombie led a successful blow. Kill two evolvers right away. This increased the morale of the zombies. The two meat **** on the shoulder of the zombie collar originally contained flammable liquid. It will burn violently upon contact with external ground air. And its liquid is more powerful than those of Fang Yuxuan. One is not afraid of running out of quantity. The second is the large amount of ground heat generated during combustion. There is a danger of being roasted if you are closer. The tough tortoise shell of the eight-evolver, the so-called unbreakable tortoise, could not withstand the high temperature attack.

Sawada was shocked. His first thought was to find a water-controlling evolutionary to deal with this zombie collar. But this time there is no such talent in the team. There is no time to go back and prepare in a hurry. A glance at the side of the fire hydrant. He strove to split the fire hydrant with one palm. Fortunately, the amount of residual water in the water supply pipe is sufficient to cope with the current scene.

The evolutionists are helpless, and a stream of water is spraying on the zombie collar. Everyone is happy. Someone couldn't help laughing. Fire and water are incompatible. Children understand this truth. This time the zombie collar can always be eliminated. But let everyone unexpectedly be. The flammable liquid sprayed from the zombies is not afraid of water at all! The evolver who stood there with a smile just recently was struck by the zombies. Instantly turned into coke.

Sawada is old oil. He turned around when he saw a bad situation. Although the surrounding area t3 was not killed by the ultrasonic wave he just had. Most of T4 was also assigned to the front to urge T to besiege Tokyo. No one can deal with them alone. This zombie is not afraid of any attack. Even revealing the forehead so that you can't cut it. It only needs a flame to kill someone. And water has no effect on it. Don't wait any longer.

Other people naturally got into trouble when Sawata ran. Then let the zombie burn a few more. The rest rely on his skill to escape from this area with Sawada. The zombies did not pursue. It has its own goals. I didn't go to my heart for this sneak attack with its wisdom. Just break through Tokyo base. How much revenge can be reported.

Fortunately, several evolutionaries who escaped met in a grove, and someone asked Sawada what to do next. Sawada said: "Everyone. You must know my situation, I must not return to Tokyo. This time, I failed to hunt and kill the Zombie Colleagues. I will die when I return to Tokyo. Even if we kill the Zombie Colleagues, the mad who came to kill me from China will not let me go. By then, the government will serve several other bases. I had to surrender my security, so I decided to stop working for the empire. Let's just leave it. I won't embarrass you, and don't let me embarrass you. "

These evolutionists are not as loyal as Sawada. Now even Sawada is thinking of betraying the empire. How can they still return to the country with death? They must be punished if they fail to complete the task. Besides, they will return to the bird base at the end of the Tokyo base. what. So everyone agreed to take advantage of the opportunity to rush out of the zombies and start a career outside. With the ability of these evolvers, they are superior everywhere. Why bother to listen to someone else's instructions.

Zetian did not expect to unify the opinions of everyone so soon, and he could pull up a team before he escaped. Zetian was proud of himself for a while. The former senior official of the ghost army still had leadership and appeal, but Ze Tian immediately worried about the future,

After some careful consideration, Sawada said: "The escape of the Japanese island Nakajima will make the emperor angry, so we cannot stay here again. I think we should go down to Australia or Singapore. Go there and start our own business. This Both places have a good foundation and can do more with less. "

Everyone said yes, but someone reminded Zetian: "Captain, if we want to go south, we must take a boat. How to solve the problem of sailing in the sea."

Sawada smiled coldly, "Since I can safely return from China, it means that there is no problem in sea navigation. The person is still waiting on the submarine in Tokyo Bay. We went to catch him, the ocean is so big, where do we want to go in the future It's not what you want. "

The emperor and the emperor in the conference room haven't seen Sawada's return information for a long time. When I think of Sawada's signs of violent departure, I am shocked. In case of failure of Sawada's mission, it is estimated that he will not return to Tokyo. He was concerned that the evolutionist from China might also escape!

The entire Japanese island is still under the prestige of the Emperor. Besides, hunters from China know that Sawada is on the island. If Sada was going to escape, he would definitely not stay in Japan to die. Then he will use the submarine that returned home! The Sonic Evolver remained on the submarine on standby, if Sawada threatened the submarine and Sonic Evolver. Where he doesn't want to go!

Xiang Xiang was out of a cold sweat. Just now he patronized and considered other issues, but he ignored these things, and he did not allow the secretary to probe the killing of the zombie collar again. He called a submarine in Tokyo Bay and learned everything. After normal, he ordered the submarine to dive immediately out of Tokyo Bay, and remained on the high seas without approaching the Japanese island without his further instructions.

The trick of this phase is indeed to kill Sawada. When they arrived in Tokyo Bay, it was too late. Sawada regretted his feet. He knew that the sonic generator researched from the sonic evolutionist had not yet succeeded. If it succeeds, Japan will soon become the new land maritime supremacy, so currently there is no other way to leave the Japanese island except the Sonic Evolver. Since it is a step late, it is only necessary to hide its whereabouts to avoid the pursuit of Chinese hunters. The Sonic Evolver captured him after he went ashore and planned to leave the island.

No matter what happened to Tokyo, Chu Xiangke attacked the Kitakyushu base on time at 8 am the next day. He did not see the evolution of the Kitakyushu base, but he did n’t see the evolution of the base. Poor and nothing special, Chu Xiang was too lazy to release five-color liquids and send them directly to hell. This move, Chu Xiang and Zetian, eliminated a few Japanese evolutionaries and helped China's future rise. As long as the enemy is weak, we are strong, and if the enemy is strong, we will weaken our strength.

At this time, Tokyo was retreating in a big way, and it did not care about what happened to the base of Kitakyushu. The plan for assassination of the zombies failed. The Tokyo base could not be completely protected. Naturally, he would no longer oppose the emperor's withdrawal order. All the zombies were frustrated, Yamato's spiritual pillar fell, and everyone was dying. This is the real end of the world. So what happened to the base outside, and who still has the heart to care about it.

After the Kitakyushu base was attacked, Hiroshima was next, and it was carried away by Chu Xiang and Li Haipeng at noon that day. There was no slaughter, but the evolving rebels were eliminated in one fell swoop. Although there were two relatively powerful evolvers in Hiroshima base, in the face of such super-evolvers as Chu Xiang, they were not enough dish dishes, but they were also fierce enough. of. Seeing that his life was not guaranteed, he even committed suicide immediately, which made Chu Xiang want to **** their energy.

Suicide seems to spread. In the next series of attacks on Japanese bases, the evolutionary forces in Kyoto, Kobe, and Osaka all embraced the spirit of the militarists as if they were dead. Once the situation was defeated, they immediately committed suicide, which made Chu Xiang sleeplessly at night. It is the ordinary people who bind them with rattan is almost equivalent to controlling their lives, but these evolutionists do not know what methods they will use if they want to die, and some of them will smash their bodies. Before dying, he must be a human bomb.

In the subsequent attack base, Chu Xiang also wanted to drive. He no longer considered drawing on the skills and energy of these evolutionaries, which made him frightened. In severe cases, he and Li Haipeng threatened their lives and let go. The dozens of evolvers in Nagoya did not stop Chu Xiang from attacking in all directions. This is the Japanese evolutionary who set up in Nagoya. In an ambush, they thought that nearly twenty evolutionaries would have shot Chu Xiang together and would die, but they still underestimated Chu Xiang's strength and were completely obliterated.

Chu Xiang's strength grew so fast because he continued to integrate his skills in the battle and began to experiment with multiple attacks. After absorbing Watanabe's ability to control the weather, Chu Xiang used it in the battles in Kyoto, Kobe, and Osaka. At first, his power was very inconspicuous. He even got distracted, but Chu Xiang's energy was amazing and he was mastering it. After this skill, Nagoya had a taste of the power of nature in the First World War. At most, he produced fifty fireball lightning bolts, and a group of evolutionary crying fathers called their mothers. If normal lightning is used to split a certain target, the eight-story building can make Chu Xiang split into two! You can see how amazing the power is.

Controlling the weather is the attacking force from above in Chu Xiang ’s all-round attack. Chu Xiang uses the ability to control plants. Since the Battle of Fukuoka, he has carefully collected part of the plant species. Otherwise, at the critical moment, all his feet are covered with cement floor. A plant can be troublesome. The biggest combat power of a plant is a word-wrapping trick. The best way to solve the siege is not to be afraid of the enemies coming up in a dense crowd, or for them to spread apart and catch one by one. As long as Chu Xiang's energy source is endless. One species can break down numerous branches and even form a tree wall to block the enemy's attack.

Speaking of the strike below is also the super power that Chu Xiang has just acquired. However, Chu Xiang is not easy to use. This super ability to drill underground is very poor. First of all, you do n’t know the geological situation. If it is hard rock, it is likely to drill a blood flow, and then it is very difficult to drill. Damage to the image, at least out of the burrow is sure to be gray and gray, so Chu Xiang is rarely used.

Speaking of the distant strike is Chu Xiang's bone wing shooting ability. Now his reserves of molten iron elements continue to increase, and with the strength of the bone fins increased, the accuracy and force of shooting have also greatly improved. Now the projectiles are no longer a mechanism. The artillery can be compared, even the reinforced concrete building can not stand the Chu Xiang round.

Speaking of the near blow is Chu Xiang's bone weapon, the evolutionist Chu Xiang who can withstand his bone knife perfect strength has not encountered in Japan, not to mention Chu Xiang's bone weapon is now a ghost, because he Both bones and muscle tissue can be deformed arbitrarily. It is not impossible to let your own hands fight with each other behind, and the more experience you have accumulated in the battlefield, the more the entire Japanese evolution world will be dared by the time you kill the Yokohama base. Started with Chu Xiang, in fact, Japan has few evolutionaries left.

Sitting at the gate of the base in Yokohama, Chu Xiang and Li Haipeng were very depressed. They scolded them for more than ten minutes and greeted their nineteenth generation ancestors, but the people inside didn't say a word, nor did they send in a few as in the previous bases. A piece of peanut rice for the two to taste, Li Haipeng said: "Chu team, let's go in directly, the little ghost is now a tortoise and it is not a way to wait."

Chu Xiang said: "It is not a problem to enter the base, but I am afraid that the evolvers in Yokohama should not fight. At that time, we have to find such a large base to be really troublesome. Maybe they have already heard and escaped. There is no such thing in the base. Evolvers. "

Li Haipeng said: "Then * Sawada can be really calm, if we have been killed in Hokkaido, Japan's evolutionary world is not finished, I don't believe the Japanese government will let us continue to kill like this, they should tie Sawada to us Begging for mercy. "

Chu Xiang said: "I'm also wondering ~ ~ It's because their government has let the zombies disappear, so now it's a situation that nobody cares about."

The two were discussing, and suddenly someone shouted at the gate of the base: "Hey, are you Chinese? I am also a Chinese, don't attack our base first, I have something to say."

Li Haipeng looked up and said, "It's a Chinese woman. She looks beautiful, but she treats the Japanese as her own. What about our base!"

When Chu Xiang heard the shout, his heart trembled. He didn't dare to look up, because he was afraid to see the face. Li Haipeng said again, "Chu team, let's ignore her and attack."

Chu Xiang lowered his head in a panic: "Okay, let's withdraw first, then turn back and hit them by surprise."

Li Haipeng picked up the automatic rifle and walked forward. Chu Xiang followed him. The woman on the gate suddenly gave a surprised surprise, "Chu Xiang, are you?"

Chu Xiang didn't look up. "I'm not ..."


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