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Chapter 252: Out of town

Li Haipeng also said in surprise: "Chu Chu, that woman knows you?"

Chu Xiang pushed Li Haipeng and said, "I don't know, I don't talk, no one treats you dumb, go away."

Li Haipeng felt that there was an inside story, but Chu Xiang clearly did not want to mention it, or even wanted to see the person's face, so he hurried forward with his gun, but the woman in the base was anxious, and she shouted: "Chu Xiang, I'm Cheng Xue, don't go, I know you know me, you wait, I'll go down immediately. "

Chu Xiang sighed. Now Cheng Xue shouted his words. He would n’t be good if he left in desperation again. Yes, that person on the gate of the base in Yokohama was Chu Xiang ’s last girlfriend Cheng Xue. She was because of her parents. He broke up with Chu Xiang and chose one. For this reason, Chu Xiang jumped off the cliff and committed suicide. Why she didn't show up here in Beijing. Chu Xiang didn't know. He didn't want to know. Now she is her and Chu Xiang is Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang has never regarded himself as a great man and a saint. He feels that he is an ordinary person with passion and affection. He has love, hate, and normal people's emotions. The reason why he just left the voice just now is because he was afraid. He could not face Cheng Xue. Love and hate for Cheng Xuechu Xiang, love her because she loves Chu Xiang, but in the end she weighed her obedience to her parents, and hate her because Chu Xiang felt that Cheng Xue did not love herself enough, otherwise she would not care about her parents. Opinion.

Actually, Chu Xiang, who was in Beijing last time, had a bit of fantasies, thinking that he could meet with Xue Xue again at the Beijing base. Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan didn't joke about him. Jiang Danian and others did not find Cheng Xue's whereabouts. It turned out that she had gone abroad, and Beijing's immigration and entry files had been destroyed. If it wasn't for her relatives who knew where Xue Xue had gone, but the world was so chaotic, who would have known Cheng Xue's parents were away.

Although Cheng Xue was not found in Beijing, Chu Xiang didn't regret it, which even made him completely put Cheng Xue aside and have two daughters, Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan. Chu Xiang felt contented, and now that he is back at the Yutai base, Sang Fang and Fang Ya are accompanied by many kinds of companions. It is even more wrong for Chu Xiang to miss other women, after all, he is not sorry for them, They are sorry for themselves. So there is no guilt. I just decided to leave because I don't want to have any more disputes.

Boom, the door of the Yokohama base opened, and Cheng Xue ran out, "Chu Xiang, don't go! I never thought it would be you, listen to me and explain ..."

Li Haipeng said to Chu Xiang: "Chu team, I'll wait for you in front of you, and you talk slowly. Rest assured, I will not mention this to Zhang and Xie."

Chu Xiang smiled bitterly. It is estimated that the new players such as Li Haipeng and Chen Kai are not clear. Otherwise Cheng Xue shouted his own name and he should understand what happened. Li Haipeng stood far away, Cheng Xue had caught up, Chu Xiang stood still and didn't even turn around. It wasn't to be cool, but Chu Xiang was a little nervous.

"Chu Xiang," Cheng Xue shouted lowly behind him, Chu Xiang moved his shoulders and eventually did not answer. Now he doesn't know what to say. Cheng Xue also said, "Chu Xiang, I know you hate me. After that, I will never hear from you again. How are you?"

Chu Xiang opened his mouth and finally said: "Average. Eat, drink, and live. I am more fortunate than those infected."

Cheng Xue was silent for a moment and then said again: "I just recognized your back. I know I'm sorry for you. I disappointed your affection. But we really don't even have friends to do it. You won't even watch me Not too lazy to look at. "

Chu Xiang looked back at Cheng Xue helplessly. It's the face before. Just lively and clever. The rest is only pale and helpless. The clothes were worn out. There was dust all over. Dressed on Cheng Xue, who loved cleanliness. To Chu Xiang is really an incredible thing.

Cheng Xue stared at Chu Xiang. Her voice trembled a bit: "You, your face?" For Chu Xiang, the biggest change is a scar on the corner of her eye. If let Cheng Xue see the front. Maybe she may not dare to admit it.

Chu Xiang smiled and said, "It's just a scar. Although it's ugly, there's nothing I can do. If there's nothing else, I'm leaving. Friends are still waiting for me. You, you go back to the base. It's not safe outside."

Cheng Xuedi's voice was full of disappointment. "Chu Xiang. Are you really the two evolutionaries from China. Is your plan to **** the Yokohama base? There are many innocent civilians ..."

Chu Xiang said coldly: "Cheng Xue, are you here as a lobbyist? What is the relationship between the Yokohama base and you? I have nothing to do with you! Don't let me hear you plead for the Japanese! "

Cheng Xue apparently did not expect Chu Xiang to have such a tone and expression. In her impressions, Chu Xiang has always been quiet and silent, and most of her suggestions are obedience, and she is gentle and not angry, otherwise she would not always be in front of him. Playing tricks, but now how did he become so overbearing, what happened to him after the break up, and what happened to the big scar at the corner of his eye, it looks so scary, but carefully measure the current Chu Xiang But more mature and masculine than before, and then thinking of his tough tone just now, this Chu Xiang is refreshing.

"Chu Xiang, you misunderstood. I am not asking for Japanese people. There are not only Japanese people in the Yokohama base, but also many of our Chinese civilians. Do you know what the Japanese are thinking? If you dare to break into the base, they will One thing to do is to kill this old Chinese surname! "

Chu Xiang snorted: "They dare!" Actually, it is not Chu Xiang who entrusted him. Some people in the previous bases also came up with this method, but how can Chu Xiang's current skills make their conspiracy successful? Yokohama Base just let They didn't even come out to fight, so they can see that their strength is even worse. They have to save people from their hands. They dare not say that there are no casualties, but they must be more sure. And in the first few bases, Chu Xiangfang talked fiercely. He only sought the trouble of the evolver, and had no relationship with ordinary civilians. Whoever threatened him with civilians would slay him back!

Those evolutionaries really didn't dare to make trouble, what is the purpose of Chu Xiang's visit this time? Of course, it is chasing and killing Sawada. His spirit of hunting for thousands of miles has scared many people, and no one wants to bother himself with nothing, so most bases do not use their old names as coercive conditions, but the truth of the matter is Yokohama base leaders. The layer is not open to the civilians. They only said that two Chinese evolvers wanted to wash the Yokohama base. They also said that the two evolvers had already washed several large bases. As long as they dared to rush into the Yokohama base, they took the Yokohama base. The old Chinese surname first operated!

"Chu Xiang. You need to calm down!" Cheng Xuedao: "I know there must have been a lot of things happening to you. Now you are not comparable. If you are truly patriotic, first think of a way to bring these Chinese people home. Okay? "

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "Sorry, I can't do it."

Chu Xiang didn't say this intentionally in the anger of Cheng Xue, but he really couldn't do it. Not to mention a Chinese, even ten people would not be able to take it back, even though it took nine cattle and two tigers to come to the island of Japan, and the landing point was seriously deviated, let alone now he still chases Ze Tian, ​​with those people, aren't you trying to die? As long as you don't hurt the Japanese civilians, this war is a war between evolvers and evolvers, and it has nothing to do with the country and the civilians! Whoever violates this hidden rule will bear serious consequences.

Cheng Xue thought that Chu Xiang was angry with her. She sighed and stopped talking, Chu Xiang looked at the time and said, "I'm leaving, Yokohama base we will not come back. But as long as Sawa doesn't come out one day, I will continue to sweep the evolution of the island of Japan, Until you kill them all! "

Cheng Xue was pale, and today she was shocked by Chu Xiang. Was this still Chu Xiang who had only chosen to concede in the past? Judging from the hearsay, he is now the devil who kills without blinking! It is said that tens of thousands of Japanese have been brutally killed by him.

"Cheng Xue, keep him!" A Chinese man hurried out of the base, "Yamada Yamasa wants to see him."

Cheng Xue shouted Chu Xiang in distress. "Chu Xiang, I know I shouldn't be the messenger, but if you don't see Yamada, I'm afraid we Chinese will not have a good time at the Yokohama base. Of course, I don't want to let you take risks. Many people who have the ability, you take care of it yourself. "

Chu Xiang turned back with a smile: "Nothing, I'm looking for a Japanese to talk with, let's go. Take it in front." After speaking, Chu Xiang screamed at Li Haipeng, Li Haipeng immediately followed, but what he scolded them just now should not fight. Now, we have to negotiate.

There is nothing to say at first. The relationship between Cheng Xue and Chu Xiang is currently embarrassing. No one wants to take the initiative to speak, so he has been entering the headquarters of Yokohama Base. Cheng Xue only has a few daily words, so someone else will be the translator. . Yamada Daisuke is an old man in his fifties. Wearing a decent uniform is in stark contrast to the shattered clothes of Cheng Xue and others.

Seeing Chu Xiang Yamada's eyes twitch. His fists were clenched tightly, and there was a lot of posture to bite Chu Xiang. This evolutionary is a killer. Japan hopes to ruin him all! But Chu Xiang didn't bother Yamada at all, he just found a chair and sat down and said, "Who is Yamada, is Sada coming?"

Yamada stepped forward aggressively: "Little, don't be arrogant! This is on our site, don't think that only you will kill, if you don't stop, I will kill all Chinese civilians in the base!"

Chu Xiang said: "Just whatever you want, but I warn you that every time you kill a Chinese civilian, I will kill a Japanese to pay it back. For the crimes committed by Zetian in our country, I can't even kill you. But I do n’t want to spread my sins to unrelated people, so this time I ’m only going to take the head of Sawata, but you do n’t know each other, I only kill the evolutionists to force you to hand in people! If I do n’t give up Sawata, I One day will not stop hunting the evolutionaries of your country! "

Yamada actually had some guilty consciences. Zetian arrogantly was the leader of the ghost army. He had always been arrogant. He murdered Chinese civilians at every base. He was heard by other bases. Now the other party chases Zetian but hides again. The crimes committed by China are afraid that the previous bases have already been slaughtered, but it is clear that Chu Xiang only killed the evolutionaries. If at this time the Chinese civilians who stayed at the Yokohama base talked about things, stand on the grounds of Yamada. Unstable, and the other party absolutely did what he said, he could really make up for it.

Yamada pressed the flames of anger back to the bottom of his heart, and said, "Sawada has rebelled against our empire, and he has nothing to do with our empire, so please don't bother us any more, otherwise we won't be polite!"

Chu Xiang sneered: "Are you going to use this reason to perfuse me? It's good to shout out your people, it's useless to say more. Let's see the real chapter under our hands. I have a lot of bases to go after finishing here Turn around, time is tight and you don't have time to grind with you. "

Yamada's body trembled, but he had to give in. Not because he was afraid that he could not beat Chu Xiang, but because he wanted to talk to each other. He wanted to speak with this Chinese evolutionist in person. "We want to see you."

Chu Xiang said: "I'm not interested in him. I just repeat it again. I want to see Zetian."

Snapped. The screen on the wall lit up, Yamada said: "The phase is to discuss with you about Zetian. Are you afraid? Zetian has instigated a group of evolutionists to follow him. If you don't have the courage, you don't have to know his whereabouts. "

Chu Xiangming knew that Yamada was a radical adversary, but had to accept it in order to find Sawada. He knew nothing about the Japanese Chu Xiang, just looking at his obscene appearance was not a good bird, and the other party also passed the screen. Seeing Chu Xiang, it was clear that Chu Xiang's youth shocked him.

"Sawada has betrayed our Emperor. Please do not kill the innocent again." The first sentence said this, although he did not think so, but now he can only say so. Who made all the domestic evolvers stupid? The past two days have been busy retreating and new bases. Now I know that the evolvers of other bases have suffered heavy losses.

Chu Xiang did not respond to this photo. He looked up and looked around casually. Yamada had a respectful expression, standing behind his guard. The famous guard had obvious energy induction, which shows that they are evolutionaries, and The look in their eyes seemed unconvinced. But judging by induction, this one is worse than Watanabe, the base of Fukuoka. The corner miles of snow and the man who ran out and called her didn't say a word, it looks like they are not doing well here.

Seeing that Chu Xiang ignored him at all, as an outstanding politician, he did not show an angry look like Yamada, but continued: "Because our strength is limited, we cannot arrest this treason, so I would like to ask your understanding that we will lead Yamada to Yokohama naval port. At that time, at your disposal, we have only one condition. After killing Sawada, please leave us Japan. "

Chu Xiang can also see that he killed here. There are really few masters of Japanese evolution. Now even if they really want to catch Sada, it is very difficult to do this. No matter whether this is true or false, anyway, if you go to the military port to take a look I know that the Yokohama base will not be transferred overnight. If you dare deceive yourself, you will really slaughter the Japanese island again.

Chu Xiang said: "My time is very tight. I will not see Sawada tomorrow morning and I will continue to handle this matter by my own means. Let Yamada notify me of anything. I will stay at the Yokohama base for the time being."

After saying that Chu Xiang ignored the situation and went straight out of Yamada's command center, Cheng Xue hurriedly followed. The man next to her shouted Cheng Xue and also caught up. The Yokohama base is very large. The protective works are constructed of thick steel plates. There are several original buildings in it, and there are people with faces and faces in the base. In addition to all the tents, Chu Xiang walked around the base at will. Yamada didn't dare to send people to stop, because he knew that he couldn't stop them at all. Cheng Xue and others were always behind Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang didn't open her. not talking.

Li Haipeng caught up with Chu Xiang and said, "Chu team, little ghost's words are not credible."

Chu Xiang said: "At present, there is no other way. After all, there are many Chinese people who stay in Japan. This is why I only kill evolutionaries. I am afraid that if they are anxious, it means that they are desperate and we cannot force them anymore. , Wait until tomorrow to know the results before planning. "

Li Haipeng nodded. In fact, many Chinese know that after the massacre in Sawada, many bases set off a wave of driving and beating the Japanese. Although the news was tightly blocked, more or less Japan should have heard about it. The massacre to Sawada was ahead, and the zombies were besieging Tokyo. This incident did not cause much shock in Japan. If they used the Chu Xiang to force them to completely break with China, it would be the two sides that were injured Civilians, so it is enough to force them to count, can not live.

"Cheng Xue, is this your friend?" The man walked behind and asked Cheng Xue in a low voice.

Cheng Xuedao: "Yeah, we used to work in Dali Tire Factory in Beijing. I never thought he was a Chinese evolutionist who made the Japanese frightened. I think he changed a lot."

Man: "Did you tell him to take us out of Japan?"

Cheng Xue said with some sadness: "I said, but he refused."

The man shouted: "No, he is so patriotic ~ ~ Don't we just watch us suffer and suffer here?"

Chu Xiang's hearing was so sensitive, he turned back and said, "Let's go and see where you live."

Cheng Xuedao: "Okay, I'll take it."

Famous Chinese live in low-moist tents. At this moment, it is time for lunch. Chu Xiang saw that everyone only had a bowl of water-like soup. I didn't know what it was made from. I smelled it and knew it would not. It ’s delicious, but everyone is still holding it carefully, lest they miss a drop, and some children even lick their bowls after drinking. They are really hungry. However, Chu Xiang just saw them eating after passing by the Japanese tent. It is white rice, and even meat and vegetables, of course, canned.

Chu Xiang wants to cry. He thinks that the Chinese sometimes give themselves a pride and always hold the foreign ghosts high. When they are offered like their ancestors, they are afraid that the wait is not good. A good proof is that the survivors were divided into grades at the copper city base at the time. Landlords and foreigners were first-class good people and enjoyed high-level treatment, while ordinary survivors could only be second-class people, and old, weak, and disabled. Wait, let's see for yourself how foreigners treat foreigners on their land. They only consider themselves as human beings. Other countries are all walking and talking walking dead.


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