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Chapter 253: Kill Sawada

"Girl Cheng is back, they didn't embarrass you," an old man greeted Cheng Xuedao, "I'll leave your meal for you, go and drink it while it's hot

Cheng Xuedao: "Thank you Yubo, they didn't embarrass me, I will introduce you, this is ..."

Chu Xiang shook hands to Cheng Xue secretly. Cheng Xue understood that Chu Xiang didn't want to say his identity in front of everyone, and she immediately changed her voice: "This is my fellow Chu Xiang."

Yu Bo didn't pay attention to Chu Xiang, but kept looking at Li Haipeng behind Chu Xiang. It turned out that Li Haipeng was still carrying his automatic rifle, and the Chinese who could carry a gun in the base were probably the first.

Li Haipeng embarrassed to hide behind Chu Xiang. Cheng Xue introduced Chu Xiang again: "This is Yu Bo. He has been in Japan for many years. This is He Li. We joined the team before the virus outbreak. A travel agency came to Japan to travel. "It turned out that Cheng Xue was traveling in Japan and was stranded in Yokohama.

He Li is the man who has always been behind Cheng Xue. After Cheng Xue introduced him, he could n’t wait to ask Chu Xiang: "Why can't you take us back to China? With your ability, who do you want to take and who do you dare to stop?" Although Cheng Xue didn't say Chu Xiang's identity explicitly, He Li had been following him just now. He couldn't understand it.

Chu Xiang didn't answer, Li Haipeng said: "Heli, right, you want to go to the Chu team to ensure that you can safely walk to the beach, and then? How do you plan to return to China?"

"By boat," He Li said for granted.

Li Haipeng snorted: "If you can take the boat, you still use it? We are not stupid."

Cheng Xue was awake and said, "Is the sea closed now?"

Li Haipeng said: "Don't be afraid to die, just go into the water and try. Now the ocean is full of mutant creatures, and the aircraft carriers have to hide in the harbor."

He Li said, "How did you come here?"

Li Haipeng said: "We can come. But there is no such thing as taking you away. Who wants you to stay in your own country and have to go out to travel? Is China's good mountains and mountains not enough for you to see the land? ^^ 5200 ^^ Chongyangmeiwai! "

He Li told Li Haipeng that the blushers and ears were red. They knew nothing about the mutated creatures in the ocean, but they knew that the plane had been grounded. Now that the sea is broken, it seems unrealistic to leave Japan. All the people around were in a deep state. In fact, everyone's heart was more regretful. Many of them came to travel. They lived before the virus, but they only care about themselves when the virus comes. These foreigners are not as good as dogs except Americans.

At this time Cheng Xue knew why Chu Xiang refused her request. It turned out that it wasn't Chu Xiang who didn't want to care about these Chinese people, but he couldn't do anything. A young man gave He Li a lunch for him. come out.

"Chu Xiang, you drink it. The environment here is a bit worse. You will just take a look. I know this soup doesn't taste good. Just drink it with your nose."

Looked at the disappointed look around. Chu Xiang could not bear it. These are all his compatriots, and he is willing to help. But it was impossible to take them away with Li Haipeng's transmission.

Chu Xiang spilt the soup from the snow bowl during the pick-up process. Cheng Xue stunned: "You ..." That is a life-saving soup. It can be kept immortal if you drink it. You ca n’t waste it if you do n’t drink it. She hasn't eaten anything until now, and her stomach has been hot and hot tossing away. Even the bad smell of the soup made her swallow, but now she has nothing.

Chu Xiang shouted loudly to everyone: "I will improve your life at noon today, and there will be food in a while, Hai Peng, let's go."

After Chu Xiang said that Li Haipeng pulled his hand, the two of them disappeared from the eyes of everyone, Cheng Xue's bowl fell to the ground and broke, He Li was stunned, half of the soup in his hand was not known, Yu Bo Waiting was even more exclaimed.

In fact, Chu Xiang ’s space ring contains a portion of food, but it ’s too small to meet the needs of people and land. Therefore, I have to come out temporarily to find it. Hatefully, neither Chu Xiang nor Li Haipeng know Japanese characters. They are on the streets of downtown Yokohama. After walking around for a long time, I do n’t know which one is eating and which one is clothing. In the end, I broke into a supermarket blindly. There are zombies inside and outside the supermarket. If you return a few months ago, Chu Xiang will definitely not venture in to find food. But now these zombies can no longer pose a threat to him, but instead hold the food for him and have not been taken away by other Japanese.

This supermarket is not small, and the cans are piled into a mountain, which is convenient for the two people. In order not to expose the secret of the space ring, Chu Xiang keeps enough to eat and use other food to pack in a large backpack. Li Haipeng sent it back first, anyway, it didn't take much energy to travel back and forth dozens of times.

Finally, the food in this supermarket was completely ransacked. Li Haipeng took Chu Xiang back to the base in Yokohama. At this time, the tent area in China was no longer quiet when Chu Xiang and Li Haipeng left, and the crowd was noisy. The food returned by Li Haipeng even fought.

Chu Xiang took out the m500 runner Wang Chaotian and fired a shot, "Quiet! Li Haipeng, whoever robs him of food will deprive him of the right to eat, and do n’t give him a box of cans!"

Li Haipeng shouted down the automatic rifle: "Everyone is a Chinese, don't force me to shoot, can you be a bit orderly, do you want the Japanese to see a joke!"

As soon as Chu Xiang's m500 sounded, the crowd was quiet. Under the arrangement of He Li and Cheng Xue, they lined up to divide the cans, two boxes per person, and sent them the rest of the night. Soon there will only be the sound of chewing in the tent area. Everyone is hungry. If it is not limited, most people can eat ten boxes.

"Chu Xiang, thank you for helping us," Cheng Xue said sincerely. Others patronized and ate, but they didn't even remember to say thanks, but Cheng Xue couldn't forget it.

Chu Xiang smiled. He pulled out a saber from the left leg and pried open a box of cans, eating and thinking about the bits and pieces that were with Cheng Xue at the time. Cheng Xue had just graduated. ^^ 5200 ^^ In front of myself, I often use my younger sister to take care of herself. Be sure to let Chu Xiang take care of her everywhere. Now the younger sister has grown up. It seems that these Chinese people look at her and Herima. Unfortunately, we can't take everyone back to China.

The chaos in the Chinese area has long attracted the attention of the base guards, but they did not come to inquire, but when they saw the Chinese eating and chewing. They immediately ran over, "What's the matter? Where did you get the canned food? The **** Chinese must have stolen our grain reserves, put them down, all of them were put down, and they were not allowed to eat. All turned in!"

Here came one who was waiting for Lu Cao and also brought four Lu Shi, who seemed to want to collect canned food from the Chinese. How could the Chinese be willing to turn in, the Japanese immediately turned their guns at each other, Cheng Xue looked at Chu Xiang anxiously, at the foot of Chu Xiang was a grass, he stepped on and stepped on, and shouted, the grass was like a snake to five Japanese soldiers rolled over.

The first two Lu Shi who were blocked first were attacked. They were wrapped in large blades of grass and then pulled into the dirt. The Chinese people watched exclaimed again and again. At the Yokohama base, no one dared to shout to the Japanese soldiers. speak. Not to mention killing them in front of a large number of Japanese soldiers. And this killing method is almost like a movie.

The remaining Japanese soldiers ran away when they were in a bad situation, and Chu Xiang did not pursue. Take back the grass and continue to eat his canned food. Cheng Xue has directly petrified. From the news she heard, Chu Xiang should be a demon, but when she met him at the gate of the base just now, she felt Chu Xiang emotionally. After the previous Chu Xiang, but now it seems that she is wrong. This Chu Xiang is really as bold as the Japanese legend.

When Lu Cao quickly moved to a large number of soldiers, but before waiting to let Yamada send the locals to drink, joking, how these ordinary soldiers are their opponents, but the other side swept through several large bases in the south, that is, Yamada The evolutionists are not sure that they can take a trick and a half, and if they anger the other party again, it is not difficult to destroy the Yokohama base.

In fact, Yamada is not depressing. People in their own territory are like no one else, and they can wipe him out, but what can he do? They can only be angry. There are two reasons. First, from bases in Fukuoka, Kobe, Nagoya, Osaka, etc. The news came that his evolver was not an opponent at all; secondly, there are strict orders to use this Chinese evolver to kill Zetian, to punish the evolver who betrayed the empire, and to meet the requirements of this Chinese evolver It was a **** of plague to send him off early. With him on the Japanese island, Japan would not be able to restore normal order in ten years, let alone compete with other countries in evolution.

How to lead Sawata to the Yokohama military port phase has begun. He pretended to leak a submarine carrying a sonic evolutionary to dock at the Yokohama base through a satellite. Sawata is also a thoughtful evolutionary. He incites other evolutionaries to rebel. Later, they will definitely pay attention to the government's movements. As long as they have communication equipment, they will definitely receive this message. When they arrive at the military port, the Chinese evolutionist will kill Zetian. As for the Chinese evolutionist, The losses caused by Japan can only be tolerated in the case of uncertainty that he can beat him, lest he be revenge more strongly. This is called soft fear of hard, hard fear of horizontal, and fear of death.

Without words, Chu Xiang and Cheng Xue went to rest after dinner. After so long, Chu Xiang no longer had fantasies, so he did n’t even inquire about Cheng Xue ’s situation in China. He would kill Zetian tomorrow and leave, as long as Little Japan no longer irritates herself, and may never return, let the past go with the wind.

Early in the morning, I received information that Sawada and his party really ran out of stealth. At this moment, they have reached the periphery of Yokohama. At this moment, they are testing the authenticity of the submarine landing.

The emperor stayed up all night, and he said to the minister, "Will Zetian believe our news? What if he is not fooled? The Chinese evolutionist is terrible. We ca n’t take him at all. Is it necessary to deal with him through the Chinese government? Are you trying to put pressure on the Chinese government? "

Xiangdao: "Your Majesty, you don't have this illusion anymore. A man like him can't be controlled by the government. If he is really under the jurisdiction of the government, I'm sure he wouldn't dare to make trouble on the island of Japan at this moment. Yi has not yet succeeded in making it. He can't erect foreign enemies for himself. As long as he kills Zetian and really retreats, we don't care about the gains and losses of those evolutionaries. We should have a tie with China, and then fully restore production and construction. On land, as long as there is a place to live at sea, it is enough to be proud of the world. "

Emperor said: "Okay. The key is to see Zetian being fooled. If he doesn't go to the military port, will he tell the Chinese evolutionary to go to him by himself?"

Xiangxiang thought for a while: "I'm afraid not. The Chinese evolutionist has a bad temper. If Zetian hears the news and runs away, he will definitely cause us troubles. Such people do not account for the consequences, which is exactly his terrible thing. I'm afraid it would not be impossible for him to kill our Kawaguchi base in anger. We can't trade his life for his life. That's not worth it. We must seduce Zetian to hook. Zetian understands the appearance and performance of the submarine. Knowing the sonic evolutionist better, it seems that only if they really appear. This risk is worth taking. As long as they are still in the water, others can't take them. "

Emperor said: "Then implement it quickly. I'm afraid that Zetian has really run away. You look at the pile of urgent reports and describe that Chinese evolutionist as a **** of heaven. It seems that all our weapons have no effect on him. And he cannot use nuclear weapons against him on our site. "

Startled, said: "Your Majesty, even if he is not on our site, he cannot use nuclear weapons. That is self-destruction. Will the Americans allow it? Besides, our nuclear weapons do not take a certain time to assemble. This idea you Let's cancel it. Our population is running low. When the nuclear war is triggered again, it will be over.

The emperor said: "If we can't solve him, let's go to the south. There is no t virus there, and it will be safe for us to go by boat."

I hate iron and steel without saying: "Your Majesty, if you retreat again, I am afraid that our empire is really finished, and you see which country's key figures leave their country at this time."

The emperor blushed, and then stopped talking, and according to the plan will be implemented step by step. As a result, Zetian really appeared in the military port, and Yamada immediately conveyed the message to Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang and Li Haipeng immediately rushed At the military port, Zetian and a group of evolutionaries were hiding behind a wall to plan how to obtain the submarine, and Chu Xiang appeared silently behind him.

In fact, Li Haipeng asked Chu Xiang whether he would let the little ghost act as a gun before he came. Chu Xiang replied that it is imperative to kill Zetian. The trick of the little ghost is for the time being. I do n’t know how the progress in Xinxiang is going. If you want to continue, you can't spend all your time here, as long as you can find others in Sada.

"Zetian, we meet again." Chu Xiang whispered.

Zetian turned back in horror. He couldn't believe that he would meet Chu Xiang here. "You, you, how are you here?"

Chu Xiang said: "Don't hide it from you, let you understand that your empire has betrayed you, we have reached an agreement, they are responsible for leading you out, and I will leave Japan after I kill you."

Zetian knows Chu Xiang's strength. He knows he can't escape the roar this time: "Let's go together. He doesn't have much strength to fight for days!"

Chu Xiang heard the sound of the bone wings immediately stretched out, a projectile shot at the evolutionary, several evolutionaries avoided, and some strong body shells resisted, but eventually a famous evolutionary was killed on the spot. At this time, the clouds mobilized by Chu Xiang in the dark had been in place. Booming, a spherical lightning split down, two evolvers hiding behind the hulk were smashed into coke. ability.

Zetian did not expect that Chu Xiang ’s strength had grown so fast in just a few days. He roared and uttered an ultrasonic wave. At the foot of Chu Xiang ’s foot, the concrete floor cracked a large gap. In a moment, a row of plants blocked between him and Zetian. Although the sound waves of Zetian ground shattered the plant, it did not hurt Chu Xiang at all. Chu Xiang continued to add energy to his feet. The plant grew new stems and leaves again, entangled in Zetian like arrows.

As soon as Zetian's long sword was slashed, Chu Xiang leaped forward. Zetian was about to deal with the plants that were entangled with him. When he faced Chu Xiang, he was distracted. Chu Xiang's bone knife cut and cut half of his shoulder. Come down! An evolutionist came to the rescue to rescue, Chu Xiang's bone spurs suddenly detoured from the ground to the back of the evolutionary, and the bone spurs pierced his brain. The evolutionary whimpered, not even knowing who his hand was Grasp the stem of the rattan with your hand and continue to energize it. The branches of the sky control the surroundings. All the undead evolutionaries were captured and Sawada was wrapped up. Since the enemy has been captured, , Chu Xiang no longer sting, cut open the skin on his arm, five-color liquid flew out and rushed to Zetian, Zetian exclaimed, and soon the sound disappeared quickly from head to toe into a bubble, this name was full of Chinese old names The **** hands disappeared in such an instant.

Huh ~ ~ Suddenly a hurricane formed behind Chu Xiang, and Chu Xiang's shaved center of gravity flew up. Fortunately, his hand was always holding the plant's cane, presumably it was Some of the entangled evolvers were still making trouble. Chu Xiang urged the rattan to pull the evolvers to death, and the bulletproof hard-shell evolver was rattled by Le's shell.

The five-color liquid was almost blown into the sea by the wind, and it flew back in anger to cover one, no matter what he was, and quickly turned him into a **** of his own, then went on to the next one, If these evolutionaries fight Chu Xiang desperately, I am afraid that Chu Xiang will not be able to kill them for a while.

Just like the one with a hard shell, it is impossible to entangle him, but the five-color liquid seems to be born specifically to **** these evolutionists. As long as it is covered, its life is a matter of seconds, but the five-color When the liquid is full, this is because its level has increased greatly after the level is increased, otherwise it is full in only one Zetian, so Chu Xiang also needs to come forward to help and cut the heads of the remaining two evolvers directly. Regardless of his skills, this can't be ignored at this moment.

Li Haipeng was accustomed to this scene, and saw Chu Xiang take back the five-color liquid. He busy stepped forward and gave up cigarettes. "Chu team, what skills have you smoked this time? Now that Zetian is dead, what should we do next?"


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