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Chapter 254: Come back

Chu Xiang smoked his cigarette severely and withdrew all the surrounding plants. As for the skills of the five-color liquid, it is not clear now because he was confused. Besides, it is not the time to consider this matter. Chu Xiang looks at The sea surface of the military port, "Hai Peng, how did you say that the imp was sure that Zetian would come here? Is there anything attracting him around here?"

Li Haipeng said: "I don't know. The chicken feathers are mysterious and secretive. I looked at it and knew that he was not a fun thing. Maybe he was secretly having fun. Let's kill him."

Chu Xiang waved his hand: "It's easy to kill such a person, but there is no need to kill him and others will be his position, so there is no need. Sawada has become a bird of surprise, his country does not want him, and we hunt down everywhere. He must have escaped to the naval port, but how can he escape? "

Li Haipeng said: "He should know that there are mutant creatures in the ocean ... Is it ..."


Alas, Chu Xiang's bones and wings shook suddenly. He could not even kill the smoke and flew into the air immediately. When he arrived just now, everyone in Zetian sneaked into the sea of ​​the military port. It must be looking for a submarine, that submarine. It should be a submarine that was returned by Sawata. The Japanese minister used this submarine to lead Sawada, but this submarine Chu Xiang was even more hated. If it was not for its sudden appearance, Sawada was rescued. Zetian is just one of the dead!

Unsurprisingly, Chu Xiang saw from the air that a huge grey shadow under the sea was sailing out of the military harbor. Just now, in order to attract Zetian to the hook, the submarine had surfaced, but when Chu Xiang and Zetian fought, it took the opportunity again. Dive on. It was only that Zetian did not have much strength to fight with Chu Xiang this time, and the battle soon ended. The submarine had just finished the dive and had not yet left the port.

Chu Xiang could ignore seventy-two, he plunged into the water. When the bone wings are closed, the arms are straightened and the six-blade knife is placed on the top of the head. The body rotates at a high speed in the water. This is a skill for ground use. Chu Xiang improved and used the sharpness of the bone knife to play the cricket more thoroughly. His body was like a high-speed artillery shell catching up with the submarine. Alas, the bone knife was rubbing against the shell of the submarine, and the solid submarine wall was just drilled with an eye open. Ordinary steel, even without drilling, Chu Xiang could be cut with a bone knife. But it will not be as easy as it is now.

After Chu Xiang entered the water, he followed a few strange fishes, but he had the ability to spin slowly to surpass those strange fishes in the water. Then he went straight into the submarine. Those strange fishes had no choice but to take him for a while, and the submarine was drilled through the air bubbles, and soon the alarm sounded through every corner of the boat.

Chu Xiang first drilled the submarine up and down, then he drilled one left and right, and then another one up and down, so the submarine sank directly to the bottom and was scrapped. A large number of strangely shaped fish drilled holes from Chu Xiang. Zhong Xiang squeezed into the submarine, and some began to besiege Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang wielded a bone knife to fight them. The two sides were thrilled. Suddenly those strange fish fled, Chu Xiang was shocked. He knew that something hiding in a submarine could drive mutant marine life!

The reason why Chu Xiang ventured to stay in the water is to wait for this thing. I do n’t know if it is a person or a thing. In short, this thing is very important, it is related to whether he can sail in the water in the future.

A dwarf floated towards the surface of the sea, Chu Xiang chased him up from behind and grabbed his feet. The dwarf didn't seem to recognize Chu Xiang as an enemy, waving his hands and feet to the top of his head, and seemed to tell Chu Xiang to float up .

Chu Xiang was observing those mutant marine creatures from the left and right, and he was afraid to approach here. It is certain that this person affected the actions of the mutant creatures. How did he do it? Judging from his body's response to energy, he should be an evolutionary, but what ability does he use to drive marine life far away?

Chu Xiang could not kill himself at this time. He followed the man to the surface, fearing that the other party would be seen when he talked. Chu Xiang could only point out the dumb, and the two walked on the water towards the shore. Fanbi can only be figured out. It turns out that the other party is also an evolutionary player of fame wave type. His sonic ability is very unique. He can work without the vocal cords and relying only on the vibration of the body. This frequency makes the seawater vibrate. Although the range is not very large, It can keep the marine life away from his body.

Chu Xiang cut off his arm with a knife, and the five-color liquid flew out. The man's face was still a little dazed. After speaking a few questions in Japanese, Chu Xiang laughed and said, "Don't be afraid, soon you won't feel it. It can also be regarded as a contribution for the old. I worked hard to come from China and helped your country get rid of the treason. This reward is still to be paid. \\ xiaoshuo520

Chu Xiang didn't care about these two superpowers. What he wanted to know was whether the last person's ability to drive marine life was still there, because it was a sound wave function, which might be fused with Zetian's ultrasound, but Chu Xiang For a while, he couldn't figure out the frequency of that sound wave, and he could only enter the seawater again to try.

I don't know if the five-color liquid realized that Chu Xiang needed this ability, or that driving the sound wave was originally one of the ultrasonic waves. After more than two hours of tossing, Chu Xiang finally found out the driving sound wave, which made him excited and bring Li Haipeng returned to the base in Yokohama.

Yamada doesn't care about Chu Xiang and Li Haipeng going in and out of the base at random. Although he hates it, his strength is not enough for others to drink a pot. Besides, he has to execute the order, but he has no choice but to see Chu Xiang visit the vegetable garden. He seemed to enter his command room, and he turned his face angrily and ignored him at all.

Chu Xiang did not get angry with such people either. He said, "Say hello to your big boss, Zetian, I've cleaned up. Now we are two clear, but I hope that in the future, things that are not good for us Chinese will happen. Otherwise, I will come back, hey, you will still be restless at that time, so it's better that everyone is in peace. "

Yamada heard that Sawada had died, and he was shocked. It was only a few weeks ago that the evolutionist who was so powerful as Sawada was killed. Fortunately, he did n’t have the power to control it, so contact him quickly. If you do n’t let him on Stop even desperately.

At this moment, the island nation is holding a dead pig face. He hated it terribly. Sawada was dead, but he received news that the submarine was also destroyed, and the Sonic Evolver he relied on was finished. It was an unexpected accident. Who knew that Chu Xiang would risk rushing into the sea. His strength is now strong. I thought that the sonic evolutionist would show his face to attract Zetian to hook on the strength of the ocean. Who knows This accident happened. ^^ 5200 ^^

"His strength is really amazing. Since your purpose has been achieved, then please come back. We do not welcome your arrival in Japan." Xiang knows that it is too late to say anything now, or to send someone away quickly. The so-called revenge of the monarch is not too late for ten years, and then he will be reckless and work hard.

Chu Xiang laughed: "Rest assured, I haven't liked you yet, but I have some Chinese friends who will stay in your country. Let's take care of each other, don't let my friends be hungry and hurt, I will Come back and pick them up. No one can be less, one less penalty. "

Chu Chuxiang walked out of the command center without looking back. It is unrealistic for him to leave with the Chinese at the Yokohama base. Although he can drive marine life, he is not skilled at all, he is not sure how long it will last, and some people will still drive the boat. So the conditions for leaving are still immature.

Finding He Li and Cheng Xue in the Chinese tent area, Chu Xiang went straight to the local road and said, "We're leaving. Take care."

He Li shouted, "Do you really want to leave? Do you care about us? The little ghost will take our breath away."

Li Haipeng said: "Rest assured, the Chu team has warned the Japanese. It is really impossible to take you away at present, but soon we will be able to resume maritime traffic, and naturally we will come to pick you back home."

Cheng Xue lowered her head and twisted the corner of her clothes and didn't speak. Her eyes were red. Chu Xiang wanted to say something and didn't know where to start. The two were embarrassed for a while. Finally, Chu Xiang could only say "Goodbye" , Then he and Li Haipeng disappeared in front of everyone.

Cheng Xue couldn't help tears. He Li stepped forward and persuaded her: "Cheng Xue. Don't be sad, people like them won't care about our little men and women. We have to live well."

How can Cheng Xue understand the pain in her heart? She shook her head and sat aside. He Li said, "Aren't you the same colleagues? Don't be sad, you and me, I will protect you of."

Cheng Xue still shed tears silently. At this moment, she deeply felt the pain of Chu Xiang when she broke up. This was a kind of crazy despair. No wonder Chu Xiang no longer took a serious look at himself, his heart must be broken. Now, I'm sorry, Chu Xiang, the next generation has the chance to repay you.

Yu Bo pulled Heli away and said, "Xiao He, let Xiao Cheng be quiet for a while. His relationship with that guy doesn't seem easy."

He Li laughed: "Yu Bo, I know that Cheng Xue has a boyfriend, but it's definitely not the same person. If it wasn't for an accident, she would get married after returning to China, but now the world is in chaos. Previous events Can you still count? Oh, you can't stop me from looking for my happiness? "

Yu Bodao: "The only thing the parties know is whether they can do it or not. We outsiders should not mix it."

Yu Bo shook his head and walked away. He Li didn't want to be an outsider. To be honest, he liked Cheng Xue very much. When he got on the plane, he liked it, but Cheng Xue explicitly told him he had a fiance. He Li was very depressed, but a large area of ​​the t-virus occurred in Japan less than two days after playing. Both luckily survived. He thinks this is a godsend.

He Li got up the courage and came to Cheng Xue again. "Cheng Xue, don't cry, and you don't know what the country will be like. Can we all survive each other through difficulties? If you can really return, you are willing to find yourself I have no problem with my fiance, but in this troubled world, give me a chance. "

Cheng Xue wiped her tears and said, "I'm sorry He Li, I understand your thoughts, but I'm sorry for Chu Xiang, I don't want to be sorry for my boyfriend anymore, so I would really live without shame. "

He Li inquired: "Are you not a colleague with Chu Xiang? How can you be sorry for him? It should be him who is sorry for us, and left us alone, he is disgusting."

Cheng Xuedao: "Don't say Chu Xiang this way, others are very good, and it is really difficult to leave without everyone. Since he promised to come back to pick us up, he can certainly do it."

He Li said, "You just believe him?"

Cheng Xuedao: "Yes, he has always been a talker, but unfortunately I have failed him."

"You ..." He Li began to doubt the truth of Yu Bo's words.

Cheng Xue didn't want to go on. She walked away indifferently, looking at the sky outside the base, she didn't know what she was thinking. He Li stood behind her and didn't dare to bother. The two stood like this, Cheng Xue's heart was a mess, she wondered if he felt the same way when he left Chu Xiang at the time.

Suddenly someone coughed behind Cheng Xue: "In fact, I can take a person with me. I don't know if you want to take a ride."

Cheng Xue turned back in surprise. This voice was by no means a congratulation. "Chu Xiang ..." Cheng Xue choked, and there was hope again in despair ~ ~ This mood was very complicated.

Chu Xiang stretched out a hand to Cheng Xue. Cheng Xue hesitated and finally held it. Li Haipeng grinned and said, "Catch yourself, don't blame me if you fall into the water ..."

He Li didn't know well, but he hadn't yelled, hey, the people in front of him disappeared, leaving him only to hang out in the air, hey, the relationship between the people is really unusual, he is a toad and wants to eat swan meat, Even if he wants to protect Cheng Xue, his ability is low.

Japan ’s World War I increased Li Haipeng ’s strength, which greatly shortened the number of return trips. People appeared in the Yutai base more than an hour later. Li Haipeng let go of Chu Xiang and Cheng Xue ’s hands with a smile, and left. Even silly, I can see that Chu Xiang and Cheng Xue have problems, but Li Haipeng can ask more in the presence of the two, but he knows that Zhang Hongbing is the most gossip person, so it is right to ask him.

People at Chu Xiang ’s ghost-ridden Yutai base were used to it, and everyone greeted Chu Xiang one after another, “Good afternoon, Chu team,

Cheng Xue looked around curiously, and she was a little confused: "Where are we? When did Japan have such a Chinese base?"


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