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Chapter 255: Strength analysis

(The first two sentences, in fact, about the role of Cheng Xue, in fact, there is a part of the play in the original set of kittens, but it seems that the voice of opposition is very high, these chapters are for the big pushes, there are Part of it is about her drama, but it has little effect on the future plot, so you don't have to worry about it. The kitten knows how to deal with it. Thank you again for your support!)

Chu Xiang said: "This is the province of China. The big house is a large grain storehouse located in Yutai City. We built this base on the basis of the grain storehouse."

Cheng Xue said in surprise: "China? How is this possible? We were just in Japan. How could this be the case?"

Chu Xiang said: "Li Haipeng will move momentarily, but he will not be able to bring those Chinese back. We will pick them up after we have resumed maritime navigation. It is never a problem to stay in another country."

Cheng Xue felt that Chu Xiang was even more confused. "Chu Xiang, can you tell me how you have lived for more than a year, why do they all call you Chu team?"

Chu Xiang walked and said, "Oh, don't make fun of me when you say that, suicide hasn't died, and I'm so confused now. We organized a team. I'm the captain. It's so simple."

Chu Xiang said very easily, but Cheng Xue was very heavy listening to her heart. She just experienced the kind of lost pain. Just before Chu Xiang went back to find her, she really had a dead heart. Now think about it It was really an asshole, how deep hurt Chu Xiang that year! It turned out he committed suicide! Regret is useful, everything is late.

Chu Xiang took Cheng Xue to the office building and everyone greeted him. In addition to the main body of the grain depot surrounded by the center, the current Yutai base has four buildings in front of the grain depot entrance. One is an office command building. Buildings are living buildings, one is a hospital, one is a scientific research building, and there are some auxiliary facilities, but the building scale is smaller. Like the barracks in the barn room restaurant, the living building will be divided into separate men and women in the future, and a living quarter will be set up behind the original living building.

"Brother Chu, who is she?" Fang Yuxuan asked whether he came up on July 21, and Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan stared at Cheng Xue with curious eyes. Xiaosi was more direct: "Brother. You bring me again." Come back. "

Chu Xiang's face flushed, and he said: "Don't talk nonsense, I'll introduce it to you, her name is Cheng Xue ..."

Everyone was stunned. Even Song Jun was curious and looked at Cheng Xue more. "She is Cheng Xue?" This woman is famous because she let Chu Xiang commit suicide, but there is no news of her, almost everyone Everyone thinks she is dead with t virus infection. I did not expect Chu Xiang to go to Japan but brought her back.

Cheng Xue is also very strange. It's okay to come out of the hall. The women's grounds are all excellent. Even the little girl's figure is so mature and sexy. All looked at Chu Xiang's eyes had problems. But I know Chu Xiang. He has never been a woman. Do you know your own name very well? How can you look like Cheng Xue?

Chu Xiang was afraid everyone would say something extra. He explained: "Cheng Xue was stranded at the base in Yokohama. Shun took her back when she returned. Sister Birou asked you to take a bath and change clothes. In addition, arrange a room for her. Wait for Cheng Xue Contact your family and talk. "

He Birou answered: "Good. Miss Cheng, come with me."

Why did Chu Xiang entrust He Birou to take care of Cheng Xuedi? Because He Birou is usually silent and speaks decently. Will certainly not ask to make Cheng Xue embarrassed. If you let Xiaosi or Fang Yuxuan go. I'm afraid they will ask directly. What about your high-quality boyfriend? Even Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan may have opinions on Cheng Xue. Therefore, this matter allows He Birou to do the most sure.

Cheng Xue glanced at Chu Xiang and the surrounding women, and humbled his head, followed by He Birou and left. Zhang Jingyao and others were all brightly dressed. In terms of appearance, she is only more beautiful than her. And her clothes were ragged and dirty. At this moment there was no confidence at all.

After Cheng Xue left, Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan asked with a smile. Chu Xiang immediately said: "Don't ask me. I don't know. It happened unexpectedly. We didn't say anything. Hurry up and talk about the shipment of weapons and ammunition to Xinxiang. What happened?"

Zhang Jingyao said: "We are in conflict with another team."

Song Jun also said: "The other party is quite powerful. We played a day without distinction."

Chu Xiang was taken aback. He thought that the eschatology team had encountered only mutants and zombies in Xinxiang. I didn't expect to have met other evolvers, and also beat for a day, "Who are they? Have you been injured?"

Xie Shanshan said: "We can't hurt them, but they don't want to hurt us so easily. I also took the opportunity to steal their information, you also know their brother."

Chu Xiang wanted to go back and forth without knowing who it was. "I know that too? Come on, don't play the mystery."

Xie Shanshan said: "Gao Yu! The boss behind them is Gao Yu who participated in the rescue operation with you."

Chu Xiang took a sigh of relief: "Gaoyu, the base of Feihe? He hadn't evolved when we separated at Xigou Bridge, so he even organized a group of evolvers in such a short time?"

Song Jundao: "Yes, they also went to Xinxiang to look for weapons. We unexpectedly encountered them. Those two weapons were enough for the two. However, the guys were so angry that we had to wait for them to pick up. We were naturally unconvinced, so everyone started to fight, and in the end, no one could win.

Chu Xiang said grimly, "Go, go upstairs, and discuss this matter. How many people they have and what skills we have analyzed, Gao Yu's cares about it. Last time we worked with us to save people. , I'm afraid he will come to trouble us. "

After entering the conference room, Xie Shanshan handed a piece to Chu Xiang. She could see the human brain thinking, so most of the intelligence work was done by Xie Shanshan. Chu Xiang read it carefully. People, eight shots, are similar in strength to the last-day team. They also have hidden weapons and giant figures, and two excellent fighting fighters.

But the most powerful is a minder, who can use mindpower to move more than a dozen tons of stones, which is very different from a giant character, he does not need to do anything at all. This can be done simply by thought; there is also an eye that emits a kind of death ray, and if an ordinary person is next to this ray, it can be burned immediately; there is another person like a Transformer, whose body can deform arbitrarily; there is also a speed type Evolvers, just can't reach the level of that ghost killer in Russia.

The eight people who shot are these types of skills. Xie Shanshan, the eight who didn't, didn't analyze the other person's thinking. It seems that they also have some precautions. May be trained in anti-hypnosis, Gao Yu did not go to Xinxiang in person. The 16 people drove 15 container trucks. From this point of view, the strength of Feihe base should not be weak, after all, it was an early stage. The old base, the construction must be tracked in the morning.

Chu Xiang was constantly tapping the table with his fingers. He was considering what was not perfect at the base of Yutai, and the wall surrounding the evolutionary was useless. I can only intensify the training of evolutionaries on my side. In addition, we must recruit a large number of evolutionaries scattered all over the country. China has such a large population. There must be more evolutionaries than foreign countries, but it is not convenient to connect. Many people are living in bases in obscurity.

Finally, Chu Xiang said, "With the start of the post-disaster recovery work in our country, I believe that more evolutionists will emerge, and the future will be a chaotic world. For a long time, the country can only Adopting a laissez-faire management approach, we must speed up our own construction, appear in the first wave of first-class bases, open up the situation for future development, and prevent other malicious evolutionaries from unfairly competing and destroying us. "

Lin Dao: "We are also clear about this. I have discussed with the military brother to strengthen the internal and external defense work of the base again. However, in terms of construction, we have a sparse population here. If we want to accelerate the pace of development, we must have population resources. Wang Bin has already I tried my best to recruit people, but the effect was not obvious. Let ’s go to another base to pull people and be afraid of causing any trouble. Especially now that we know that other bases also have evolutionary organizations, we ca n’t pull people easily. ”

Chu Xiang said: "From yesterday I was thinking of a way. There are a lot of Chinese people scattered abroad. After I have thoroughly grasped the ultrasonic waves that drove marine life, we will go abroad to find people. In this way, contributing to the country will not affect anything else. The base survives, and as far as I know, those Chinese who are living abroad want to return to China. "

Zhang Jingyao said in surprise: "You have found a way to drive marine life away? It is Mu Qing's credit."

Chu Xiang said: "It has nothing to do with her. I eat the Japanese evolutionary who can drive marine life, but it takes time to digest and become familiar."

Everyone: "..."

I learned that Chu Xiang, another evolutionary organization, had a sense of crisis. After all, the other party was his opponent. After the rescue, Gao Yu must have hated him, and now Gao Yu has a certain strength. I'll come to trouble someday. Judging from their tough desire to monopolize Xinxiang weapons, Gao Yu's evolutionary organization is not a good bird. This is called the upper beam is not right.

Chu Xiang analyzed the strength of Fang Fang, first of all his own skills, mainly in the following areas: bone weapons, bone spurs, bone wings, bone knives, bone spurs Chu Xiang is mainly used for sneak attacks, unexpectedly drilled out Often has a knock-down effect; in addition to flying and shredding enemies, Bone Wings can now fire projectiles. As Chu Xiang's ability to melt iron elements strengthens, his body is now a mobile machine gun, and its power is better than That ’s even bigger; the bone knife is Chu Xiang ’s main offensive tool. Its sharpness is very high, especially after the five-color liquid is deposited in the body, and then the energy of the ear is sucked. Raise, at present it seems that ordinary weapons can't stop him.

The second aspect of Chu Xiang's skills is physical deformation. This includes not only skeletal deformation, but also muscle tissue, but Chu Xiang is rarely used, especially tongue deformation. Chu Xiang has eaten several times after using it once. Without a meal, as long as life is not in danger, he is not willing to stick out his tongue to kill zombies. The first area of ​​skill is to control plants. This is currently a skill that Chu Xiang is vigorously developing. Using external forces to consume the enemy ’s land strength is really cool. It can also attack a large area and a large range of close range. So Chu Xiang decided to go to Xigou to plant some strange trees and blades of grass that would shoot this evening.

The fourth aspect is weather control, which is an important skill that Chu Xiang currently relies on. He used to envy Zhang Jingyao's high-voltage current. Now he has it, and he has more power. If a drought occurs in the base, he still Can engage in artificial rainfall. Of course, if it is not pleasing to the eye, it is not impossible to launch a hail attack, and then mixed with lightning strikes, the general base may not be able to bear it.

The fifth aspect of the skill is to smash the ground. Chu Xiang is actually reluctant to use it because of the gray-faced and gray-faced face. There is also a danger of hitting the ground of granite, so unless it is a special case, Chu Xiang is reluctant to use it. However, with this function, the construction of the base can be strengthened in the past few days, especially the second-phase project of the underground part of the scientific research building. Is the earth and stone project still worried?

The sixth aspect is wind control. This skill, Chu Xiang, did not go to his heart, but he felt that it could be used in conjunction with the weather control. When the wind, rain, and thunder were added, the effect would be very good. Have a chance to try it.

The seventh aspect is ultrasound. I don't know what Zhou Muqing learned about Chu Xiang's ability to send out ultrasound. Chu Xiang's ultrasound frequency range is more abundant. He has found a way to drive marine life, but just wants to use this method for actual production. It is estimated that many sonicists will have to study it.

Chu Xiang is satisfied with all these seven skills, except for ground-sharpness, deformation, and wind control. Especially the ability to control plants. Chu Xiang has now been used freely. The weather control ability has also been mastered by him after several battles with Japanese evolvers. What is lacking now is ultrasound. If Zhou Muqing is here, the two can exchange experiences so that Chu Xiang can take less turns when mastering this skill.

There is also an unskilled skill. It can only be regarded as a friend who temporarily lives on the body of Chu Xiang, that is, five-color liquid. This guy was developed from f adhesive. Now it is no longer just a building material, but a highly intelligent living body that has an evolutionary inhaler. And the zombie energy's strange ability, but also can help Chu Xiang to strengthen physical fitness, while sharing the energy and super power back to Chu Xiang.

Speaking of friends, there is a flame horse that has a great effect on Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang is not like Li Haipeng who can move instantly. The flame horse is his main means of travel. With it, it is faster than flying with bone wings, and the flame horse is very defensive. It only needs to eat grass and drink water, which has many advantages over cars.

Although I do n’t know what skills Gao Yu evolved, Chu Xiang is confident and will step on him. He does n’t come to trouble himself. Everyone gets along in peace. No one in Xinxiang has taken advantage of anyone. The loss is just that. If he hasn't forgotten the past, come to trouble him. Make him look good then.

His abilities are very powerful, and Chu Xiang ranked the team members who have evolved from the end of the team from the beginning. Now, besides him, Song Jun has the highest strength. Song Jun is good at shooting. He is a master of hidden weapons and suitable for long-distance attack. It is estimated that few people can get a steel bow. It is the first master of the eschatology team except Chu Xiang.

If He Yaohui also counts himself, if he is the second best player, fast knife, two fast knife speeds are unparalleled, and there is no problem in blocking bullets, suitable for close attack, fast attack and defense. Lack of strength.

If Zhou Muqing is also considered as her own player, her ultrasound must be regarded as the top player, and the attack area is very wide. Ordinary people and ordinary zombies will explode when they are touched. It is estimated that the large area of ​​T3 can't resist her ultrasonic attack. Maybe it has already charged towards the explosive body t4, which is a close-range and medium-range attack master, but Zhou Muqing does not have the ability to protect himself, which is a fatal weakness.

The fourth master must be Zhang Jingyao. Her high-voltage current is generally unacceptable. Even the evolvers of the e-level captain's strength are estimated to be unable to resist it. However, Zhang Jingyao also has many weaknesses, only suitable for close range attacks, and also has poor self-protection capabilities. She would be troublesome when the other party used insulated weapons and clothing.

The fifth master should be Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming. They are long-range snipers, because they are soldiers. After the evolution of physical fitness, they have a certain ability to protect themselves, but it is only general. If you cooperate with Wang Shaohui With Li Yingjie, these four can be a small long-distance offensive and defensive team.

The sixth master is of course Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie. The two are not weak. After evolution, their physical strength in addition to the stealth function will also improve the strength of the two. Especially the old two of them are traps and blasters. After the stealth function, these two advantages can be better. Before, they were not reflected because of the lack of explosives ~ ~ However, the two people obtained a lot of high explosives from the 54th Army Headquarters of Xinxiang this time, and later Some have played.

The seventh master is Lin. She is a fighting policewoman. She has a strong fighting ability, but in other areas, she can only do close-up attacks.

The eighth master is Fang Yuxuan and Chen Kai. The flames of these two are overbearing. Although they are still lacking in fire, they will manifest themselves in time. This is the only magic weapon to deal with mutant birds, and it is very important for the team's defense.

The ninth master is Li Niu, he is a strength fighter, but lacks training in combat. After all, he was an honest farmer in the field and needs to be strengthened. After having the experience of capturing and fighting, he will cooperate with his power and suitability. It is estimated that the combat effectiveness can reach C major.

There are many evolutionaries in the future, but it is difficult to distinguish who is strong and who is weak. For example, Xie Shanshan, she controls the human brain. Although she can control some enemies to fight, she is not powerful enough to do intelligence. The work is still similar. Besides, Xiao Si, she has a good physical fitness, but she has no genius in combat, but she is good at controlling corpses, but this is the same as Xie Shanshan. It is not her own ability, so she will not be in the last days. The team ranked.


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