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Chapter 256: Family dinner

In addition, there is Li Haipeng. He is only very special in terms of transmission. In terms of actual combat power, that is, he is stronger than an ordinary battle. Besides Wang Bin, he is a hacker. There is no ranking. Zhang Debing and Wu Zhenghang belong to them. The evolution is right. The evolution table currently being developed according to Bai Xiaowei is evolving forward. As for a certain specialty, it is not obvious. At most, Zhang Debing has more strength and can lift a heavy machine gun.

In this way, Zhang Hongbing, Sun Gaoqiang, Ma Xinghe, Zheng Haoran, Wei Qingchun, Shi Zhengqian, and Yu Suzhen have not evolved among the team members of the eschatology team. If Su Yulian had been in the team for a long time, Well, that's to add He Birou, Fang Su and Fang Ya, after all, they are the people around Chu Xiang, and they will be happy to have evolved Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang analyzes himself and everyone's strengths slightly, and then tells everyone to discuss together, not to compete for rankings, but to let everyone have an evolutionary aspect in their hearts, especially Li Xiaoming, Xu Huai, Wang Shaohui, and Li Yingjie. These four people should Strengthen the cooperation in warfare. If they take it out alone, their strength will not be very strong. However, if the four of them join forces, it is estimated that Lao Zetian and He Er will also have to weigh them. The other is Fang Yuxuan and Chen Kai. The flames of the two people have the same purpose, and they should cooperate when fighting.

When it comes to Xie Shanshan's evolution, Chu Xiang's advice is to attack the human brain with all her strength, and strive to unify hypnosis and control thinking and action. Practice often, but do n’t practice it yourself, and cooperate with Li Haipeng ’s transmission. When they got up, the two often went abroad to engage in ghosts. Anyway, if they broke down, they would break up. At most, there were only a few idiots abroad.

As for Xiao Si, she has to work hard to control t4. After all, t4's battle and t3 are more than just a step. T1 and t2 are not much different in the zombie level, but t2 and t3, t3 and t4 are absolutely different. Li Niu also had to ask Lindo for advice. After all, Lin's fighting skills are incomparable to the entire Yutai base, otherwise there is no way to get a brute force to make it impossible.

When everyone discusses and arranges these things properly, supper time is too late, Chu He turns around, Chu Feng and Zhao Lan know that the children secretly ran to Japan, and these days they ca n’t eat or sleep. I just heard that my child is back, so I will not send my daughter to find someone, but everyone is in a meeting, and Chu He is embarrassed to enter.

Everyone left after the meeting. Li Niu did not relax after Chu Xiang ’s buttocks. Chu He said: "Li Niu, you have to come to our house to eat rice again. Your meal is too big. I ’m going to the room to get more. Just a hoe. "

Li Niu laughed. In fact, he is not stupid, just because he looks more realistic. "Xiao He. Xiao Xiang has just returned from Japan today. Your family must be ready to eat. Let me have a meal."

Chu He said: "First, move the gas tank to our house to resist water."

Li Niu said: "No problem, just don't know if there is a gas tank at our base."

For this giant figure, it ’s not like moving a Chinese cabbage against a gas tank. They both laughed and laughed, although Chu Xiang felt that Li Niu was not worthy of her sister, but what is the happiest woman? Of course, find an honest man who truly loves her. Although Li Niu is not as handsome and cool as the guys in the city, the key is to be happy with Chu Heshun, and he doesn't have a flowery intestine. Chu Xiang appreciates this, at least don't worry about his sister's happiness.

Get out of the base office and command building. The ground lights on the square lit early. A lonely figure sat on the stone bench. Chu Xiang was moved. He told Chu He: "Sister. You take a step first. I'll be home in a while."

Chu He said, "Hurry up. You are not allowed to go to the two girls with the surname Fang. Both Xiao Zhang and Xiao Xie will go to our house tonight. I'm afraid I can fight if they go again."

Chu Xiang responded casually: "I see. Come back and help mommy cook. I'll return right away."

Cheng Xue took a bath and put on He Birou to help her find clothes. After a new look, this gave her a little feminine confidence. But strangers looked and came. Think of the man who once made her extremely familiar, but now reunited, but felt strangely strange. Cheng Xuedi's heart is indifferent.

"Is the environment okay here?" Chu Xiang opened his mouth as the host. In fact, don't doubt his purpose now. Cheng Xue is a friend in his eyes. After a suicide, he can think things more openly. This is the reason why he never asked Cheng Xue that high-ranking boyfriend.

Cheng Xue nodded. "Thank you, Chu Xiang. Otherwise, I will stay in Japan to suffer and suffer. You are really different now. Although you are just the captain of the team. But I must listen to your order at the Yutai base."

Chu Xiang scratched his head and said, "Everyone trusts me. In fact, I don't want to manage the base, because I also know that I don't have this ability, but I don't have a good candidate to take over. Oh, don't talk about these, go to my house at night Let's eat."

Cheng Xue lowered her head and said: "No, Sister He said that he would take me to the restaurant to get familiar with it. I may disturb you in the future, but I will find a job in the base and will not have a casual meal."

Chu Xiang smiled: "Don't think about it, how do we also used to be colleagues, you just bring your family to me, and I plan to start another villa in these two days, since we If conditions permit, we should live a better life, and we also have a decadent life in Western capitalist countries. "

Cheng Xuedao: "You are very courageous, and you will be very successful in the future. Bless you first."

He Birou did not know when she stood behind Cheng Xue, she quietly pointed at Cheng Xue, and then secretly walked away again. Chu Xiang wanted to call her, but she was afraid she would try something else. He Birou knew that Cheng Xue ’s Identity, she is creating opportunities for the two, in fact, Chu Xiang does not need. After a while, Zhang Hongbing ran from the restaurant and said, "Cheng Xue, He Birou is not feeling well. She said that if you go home with the Chu team for dinner, you should not wait for her."

Cheng Xue didn't know Zhang Hongbing. She looked to Chu Xiang for help. Chu Xiang said: "This is the team director of our base and the maintenance director of the team. Since Sister He can't come with you to come home for dinner."

Zhang Hongbing urged: "Come on, let's go. Your four sisters are almost together. You don't need to find outsiders to play mahjong."

Cheng Xue didn't understand what Zhang Hongbing said. Chu Xiang didn't explain, he took it in front, Cheng Xue couldn't quit, so the two walked to the living building one after the other. The aunt and aunt who had a lot of good things talked about where Captain Chu got a handsome one. Girl.

Knocking on his door, Li Niuzheng pounded the garlic. Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan are making dumplings in the living room. Chu Feng is holding a few outdated newspapers to pretend to watch the news. In fact, his eyes have not left the living room in every move. The master is also worried now. The child is now big enough. A bunch of girls are not sure when they come back. How can he and Zhao Lan not be in a hurry, especially in this world, leaving a descendant is the first important thing.

Cheng Xue saw Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan busy making dumplings. There was obviously a stun on her face, because she didn't know what the relationship between the two women and Chu Xiang was, but it seemed that they were familiar with housework. Obviously not as simple as an ordinary colleague.

"Dad, I'm back," Chu Xiang was a little timid, and he didn't know which unlucky child told his parents about going to Japan. This is not the case, tonight, I can't escape the curse.

Chu Feng put down the newspaper and said, there are too many people in the living room. He is not good enough to ask a monk to discipline him, "I know I'm back. Is Japan fun?"

Chu Xiang smiled awkwardly and didn't speak, Cheng Xue stepped forward and saluted, "Good uncle, bother you."

Chu Feng didn't know Cheng Xue. Chu Xiang introduced: "She is Cheng Xue. My colleague who worked in Beijing before met her when I went to Japan. I picked it up by the way. The living conditions there are bitter. People starve to death. "

Zhao Lan just came out of the kitchen. She lowered the spatula in her hand and said, "Are you Cheng Xue? Sit down. The dishes will be just a while away. When Xiaoxiang used to work in Beijing, he often mentioned you in writing letters. Why did you go to Japan?"

Cheng Xue was blushing. Zhao Lan said that she knew her previous relationship with Chu Xiang and knew that she had failed Chu Xiang. Zhao Lan's enthusiasm made her ashamed. At this moment, she really wanted to drill a mouse hole. But this strange building couldn't find a crack in the wall. Not to mention mouse holes.

Chu Xiang explained for Cheng Xue: "Mom, Cheng Xue is traveling."

Zhao Lan also understood that Cheng Xue was the culprit of Chu Xiang's suicide. But things have already passed, and she ca n’t hold on to this matter. Besides, there is no suicide in the past. How can it be brilliant today. So Zhao Lan stopped asking, but two people were caught in the kitchen, Chu Xiang scalp. One hemp, everyone is here tonight. No wonder Zhang Hongbing said that he is missing one. He really wants to play one more mahjong. Chu He won't let himself inform them, but if the sisters come back in such a big deal, if the sisters do n’t It's strange to know that most of them ran in front of Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan.

"Sister, is that your fourth sister? Oh, it's really pretty." Fang Ya always talked straight, and she didn't shy away from joking. She also held a tomato like a pumpkin in her hand. This is the vegetable garden of Yutai Base. Specialties, good taste.

Fang Su and her sister are different. She has a more introverted personality, but let her sister take a long time together with the nourishment of love now also cheerful, "What four sisters, what are you talking about, go and cut tomatoes, I will go home and get sugar . "

Chu Xiang knew that Cheng Xue knew Fang Su's place, because before he told her, Chu Xiang stood up and said, "I'll introduce it to you, Cheng Xue, my colleague when I was in Dali Tire Factory. Oh, she The time was statistics and technical inspection, and I took good care of me. Cheng Xue, I will introduce to you again, my parents and sister, the one who messed up is Li Niu, one of the main members of our team, these are Zhang Jingyao, Xie Shanshan, Fang Su, Fang Ya. "

Before meeting Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan Chuxiang in the square before, they didn't introduce Cheng Xueduo, but directly asked He Birou to take her to take a bath to change clothes. Now we all formally know each other. Cheng Xue learned that Fang Su was surprised by the simple and elegant girl. It was Chu Xiang's previous girlfriend before he knew her. Now why are the two together again?

Fang Ya smiled and said, "Cheng Xue, do you know what this Miss Xie Shanshan is about?"

Cheng Xue shook her head. She only knew Liu Qingqing and Fang Su, Xie Shanshan didn't understand. Fang Yadao: "This is the first time that Chu Xiang's childhood friend Zhu Mei has a crush on me. This is my sister, so I do n’t need to introduce it. When I was growing up with my brother-in-law, don't be ashamed, sister. What can't be said. Really. After sending Liu Qingqing, the four of you sisters will have everything tonight. "

Fang Su pushed her sister out of the door. "You go home and get sugar, so you can talk nonsense here."

Chu Feng has been here for a while, knowing that Fang Ya is just joking, so she doesn't care. Just urged: "Xiaoya, call your parents together. I'll have two drinks with your father tonight."

Chu Feng and Fang Guo have some contradictions, and Fang has the principles. Chu Feng appreciates him. He said that this is a true party member. Only this kind of leadership can do practical things. Unlike those who only know how to accept bribes, they have no party spirit and principles Corrupt officials.

Fang Su smiled embarrassedly at Cheng Xue: "My sister just loves making trouble, don't go to your heart."

Only then did Cheng Xue understand what Zhang Hongbing meant by lack. Dare to be Chu Xiang's four girlfriends, now missing a Liu Qingqing, isn't this missing one?

Chu Xiang felt a little awkward. He got up and walked out the aisle: "I'll go out for some order and good wine, and I'll be back in a while."

After Chu Xiang jumped into the flames, he still muttered in his heart, whether it was right or wrong to bring Cheng Xue back, he must have no wrongdoings, but Fang Ya was so afraid that Cheng Xue would have an opinion and did not know Zhang Jingyao Will Xie Shanshan embarrass Cheng Xue? After all, they care about themselves, and they are afraid that they will have a special opinion on Cheng Xue, a woman who made herself suicide.

"Drive!" Chu Xiang leapt out of Yutai base with a horse's belly. Regardless of it, love is what it is. Anyway, she will live well. This is the most important thing in troubled times. Cheng Xueken stays and she will not ignore it. If she wants to leave, she will not be forced to stay. Now that Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan are content, let alone their relationship with Fang Su and Sister Fang Ya, the two parents are already discussing how to resolve this matter.

The food of the counties, cities and towns around the base of Yutai has made Ma Xinghe take people five times apart. Chu Xiang could only run horses to Jining. Fortunately, the horse speed was fast enough. In addition, it took only half an hour to clean up a famous tobacco and liquor store and wholesale food department. Jining also has a small base, but they have no strength. Food in the urban area can only be cheaper.

When Chu Xiang brought two large bags into the house and six dishes were put on the table, Fang Guo and Lin Mei also arrived. Fang Guo also carried a bottle of alcoholic wine from his own collection. Several women made dumplings in the kitchen. Chu Feng said to Chu Xiang: "Sit down with your uncle Fang and Aunt Lin and have two drinks together. Chu Xiang said," Uncle Fang. Let's keep your wine alive. I heard Fang Ya said that you have kept this bottle of wine for five or six years. I have Wuliangye, Maotai, Xinghuacun, and Fen here. Let's drink whatever we want tonight. "

Fang Guo is not polite with Chu Xiang now. The two daughters often let Chu Xiang pull in a room. The ghosts know that they haven't done anything good. This is a big deal. They always have to get justice from other places. He I gave the alcoholic liquor to my wife's custody, and then opened the big bag that Chu Xiang brought back. Sure enough, it was full of bottles of good wine. Some foreigners did n’t know Chu Xiang, so they could n’t be named.

"Sure enough, it's all good wine. Where did you get back to now?"

Chu Xiang said: "On the side of Jining, almost all the available materials around us have been concentrated at Yutai Base, and we will expand the target to the adjacent urban areas in the future."

Fang Ya happened to be carrying dumplings into the living room, and she said happily, "Brother, have you gone to Jining? You have saved some delicious food, and show me soon."

Chu Xiang brought another big bag, except for a few dishes, and gave everything to Fang Ya. Fang Ya turned around and pulled up Cheng Xue to get into Chu He's room. Chu He originally smelled the dumplings and was ready to eat. After a pass, when Fangya came into her room with a bag of things, she took a look at the dumplings and followed them resolutely. Within a while, you came, mine.

The relationship between Cheng Xue and several other people did not worry Chu Xiang. Although Fang Ya loves to make trouble, he never prevents Cheng Xue from coming to Taiwan. Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shan are afraid that Chu Xiang is angry. Xue Yuan was also a lively and cheerful girl. She could see that the four women were not malicious to her, so the conversation gradually increased.

Fangya stuffed a packet of beef jerky into Cheng Xue's arms, "Your, eat Cheng Xue, don't care, it's the same as your own home. You don't need to worry about any danger when you stay at the Yutai base. There is Chu Xiang in We don't need to be afraid of starvation. In fact, each of us is crawling back from the brink of death. Now we should cherish life even more. "

Fangya's remarks moved Cheng Xue. Don't look at Fangya's appearance, but she is still very kind. Cheng Xue said: "Fangya, Jining is far away from here, is Li Haipeng taking Chu Xiang to the ground, I Knowing that he will move in an instant, I can't believe I am in the country until now. "

Fang Yadao: "Mostly it is not Li Haipeng. He may be fooling around in the vegetable garden at the moment. Zhang Hongbing and others like to drink there. Most of my brother-in-law went on horseback."

"Riding?" Cheng Xue felt that he couldn't keep up ~ ~ Chu He ate potato chips that were about to expire: "Yeah, do you know who I particularly hate now?"

Fang Ya shook her head, Chu Ho said, "It's my brother's flaming horse. Yesterday I originally wanted to take advantage of my brother's not being secretly addicted, but it even fell me off the horse. This **** is now It hurts, I'm so mad, but I can't tell my brother yet, or will you have a meal and help me fix it? "

Fang Ya shook her head vigorously and said, "Sister He, it's not that we don't help you, even if my sister is pulled up, one of us can't repair the horse. You still have to stop thinking about it and turn back. Your dad knows you're being scolded again. "

Chu He said: "Never mind, do you have a good share? I want to go out and eat dumplings. To be honest, I admire my brother. I thought the end of the world, and we will never have a good day again. I'm proud to live a fairy-like life again. That's my brother. "

Fangya laughed, but she said in her heart that it was your brother or my brother-in-law and husband. I am also proud. Looking at China, how many people can eat and drink like us every day .


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