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Chapter 258: Kaifeng Wai

What are the consequences of the development of communications? That is noisier than before. Operators need to change eight a day. If they don't work for a month, they will have ear problems. If they are noisy, they will not dare to relax their vigilance, lest one base accidentally occur.

Hua Fuqiang is obviously much more stubborn. Previously, he only needed to take care of the affairs of the Beijing base, but now the newsletter opens to the central government as soon as possible. It is urgent and none of them can help. Practically busy, although it is possible to mobilize troops directly under the provincial government to rush to some bases for rescue, the price is often greater than the cost of sacrificing that base.

A communications staffer hurriedly walked into Hua Fuqiang's office. "Chairman, Kaifeng was seriously in a hurry. The zombies launched a violent attack in the early morning, and they couldn't keep it up."

Hua Fuqiang immediately entered the command room. Many staff members who had been fighting in the command room for more than ten hours were refreshed and immediately reported the situation to Hua Fuqiang. The Kaifeng base had a population of 20,000 and a force of 4,000. It was Henan. The largest base in the east, if the defense line of the base is breached, the surname of 20,000 will be in danger.

The commander of the Kaifeng base is a division commander, and he cried: "Long, send troops to reinforce us, we can't keep it, zombie clips carry a large number of creepers, we are deadly, and the ammunition of the soldiers is fast. It ’s all out, fellow brother bases. Seeing the old surname, let ’s send your troops quickly, even if you are alone, we will scratch our heads and thank you. ”Hua Fuqiang frowned and asked the staff around him,“ We ​​near Kaifeng How many troops? "

The staff member shook his head and said, "There is no second one except the Zhengzhou base, but Zhengzhou base just reported an emergency just a day ago. They also found a large number of creepers there, and they are currently unable to divide the troops. They even asked us to send reinforcements. . "

Hua Fuqiang sighed. It was so easy to send troops. So far, the Beijing base has sent the only reinforcement to the Zhangjiakou base. It still takes into account the security of the national border, but the threat in the north has now been lifted. According to some information returned by Japan, the threat from the east has also been lifted, but at this gratifying time, it is completely unhappy. Many bases have called for assistance after the restoration of communications. Even if Beijing wants to send troops, there must be soldiers available. Even if there were soldiers at such a long distance, they would have already fallen when they arrived at the Kaifeng base.

Li Yangdao, director of the General Political Department: "Chairman, it is time for the evolutionary of the bureau. It is time to check the results." Li Yang, 58 years old, has just returned to the Beijing base not long ago and immediately took over as director of the General Political Department. Currently, Responsible for the ideological and political work of bases across the country. He and Chu Xiang knew each other, because Chu Xiang had rescued him on the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Expressway.

Vice Chairman Zhang Yibo said, "Yes, Chairman. We have worked **** this work for some time now, and we have almost searched Beijing and surrounding bases to find this group of evolutionaries. It is time for them to participate in practical training. "

Hua Fuqiang said: "But they can't rush to the Kaifeng base in a moment. Moreover, the Chief of Staff Zhao Hong also said that their strength needs to be improved, and whether the attack will be detrimental to their development, we have tried our best. Pull up this evolutionary force, you must not destroy it. "

Zhang Yibo said: "Chairman, I still have an idea. Does n’t Feihe base also have an evolutionary organization? They are very close to Kaifeng, so that they will send troops to reinforce immediately. Then our evolutionary troops arrived, and the two sides joined forces to believe that they would unlock it. Around. "

Hua Fuqiang nodded: "This is a good idea. Besides, can you think of a way to inform the eschatological team. I am still very optimistic about this guy, Chu Xiang. It is not difficult to unlock the siege of Fengfeng with his current strength."

Partial information online through Wang Bin. Most people at the venue know what happened in Japan. The consequences of angering Chu Xiangdi are very serious. This fact has been proven in Japan. The Japanese evolutionist couldn't stop him from attacking alone. It turned out that the Japanese government finally surrendered Sawada to himself. If it hadn't been for his killing. I'm afraid that Little Japan still has the heart to work out and expand. Now there are no more movements in the aid troops in South Korea. I want to expand before I finish my business. I can't help it. But this is their tradition.

Hua Fuqiang strongly recommended that we support everyone. So someone contacted Wang Bin immediately. This is the most direct communication method with the eschatology team. Soon the communications staffer hurriedly came over and said, "Okay. They have set off on receiving the urgent news from the Kaifeng base."

Hua Fuqiang nodded secretly. This Chu Xiang knows the big picture. But he has been avoiding contact with the central government. Maybe I should ask Professor Bai well about this. In fact, even if Bai Xiaowei didn't talk. Chu Xiangdi's identity is now on the horizon. But what to do with his identity, Hua Fuqiang, is uncertain. If it was put a few months ago. He should be recalled to the base to be strictly protected. But today. Evolutionists have sprung up. His identity is not so special. But in his heart there was a shadow over Gao Yu. In addition, it has been unconsciously avoiding contact with the central government. This has led to the current situation of cold ground.

Li Yang told Hua Fuqiang: "Chairman. The world is different. I think ordinary soldiers can no longer meet the needs of the current war. Evolution is the main force in the future. In this matter, we must keep ahead of the world. "This is of great significance to the stability and rapid development of our country in the future."

Hua Fuqiang nodded: "Vice President Zhang. I want to lead you to set up a special working group. Full-time to catch the evolutionary. We lack experience in this area. You must widely adopt the opinions of all parties. Evolve our country Organizers carry forward. "

Zhang Yibo nodded solemnly, "Chairman please rest assured that I will complete the task."

Kaifeng base is indeed at the point of life and death, and it is not known who was recruited, and a large number of t2 first imposed a siege on the Kaifeng base for half a month. The siege was a common problem encountered by each base, even if Kaifeng reported Anxiety can't attract attention, no matter which base is not, no one cares about it.

But yesterday, a group of t3 and creepers suddenly arrived. They distributed violent attacks in the early morning. The first line of defense of the Kaifeng base had been breached, and the second line of defense was also crumbling. At present, Division Chief Tian Lei has gathered all the personnel in a square. He was surrounded by his last men and horses. If the zombies and creepers broke through the second line of defense, they would fight decisively here. They would have a chance to survive the old names in the square. Once defeated, they would all be destroyed.

"Don't smash the communication equipment." Tian Lei stopped the movement of communication soldiers. This guy probably watched too many movies. He wanted to smash the radio before the death battle, thinking that it was a ghost attack. Would the zombies use computers to steal human secrets? In the event that humanity wins, communication equipment must be found again.

A brigade chief hurried into the division command post. "Division. Did the country send reinforcements? Our second line of defense is about to collapse soon!"

The division chief said: "A team of twenty evolvers was dispatched as soon as possible tomorrow afternoon. As for ordinary troops, even if the country wants to send troops that are not available, the closest to us is the Zhengzhou base, and they also I've been calling for reinforcements, and I'm too busy at this time. "

The communication soldier was already ready to retreat, and suddenly he saw an information window pop up on the screen. He was pleasantly surprised: "Master, a base responded, saying that their reinforcements will come soon!"

Tian Lei and the brigade commander came forward in surprise. "Really? How many people? How long will it take?"

"It should be more than ten people. It is said that it is a small team that came from the Feihe base .... Another base responded. He asked us to stand up. Their reinforcements have already set out from the Luoyang base ..."

Tian Lei rubbed his hands and said, "Okay, after all, they are passed on to the same dragon. They will not die. They are better than none, although there are not many people. Go to the square to raise our banner to reinforce the troops. There is a direction signal. "

The brigadier rejoiced and said, "Is this really a flying crane base? Okay, there are Supermans there. If Superman troops come to reinforce us, we definitely have hope, and there are still more than a dozen troops with thousands of people."

"The Brigadier, that's not Superman," he said. "Britain Commander, internationally and domestically, it's called evolution."

Tian Lei said, "Whatever he cares about. Anyway, they are very bad. We are unlucky. A teacher doesn't evolve a few for me. Otherwise, can we be so passive? If you look back, all of you will leave me to evolve. Master Tian thought that evolution was hatching eggs.

A commander ran in, "Long, you have to withdraw, the second line of defense has completely collapsed!"

Tian Lei waved, "Retreat to the square, and swear to defend the last line of defense! Make sure your old name is safe."

The square is very large, otherwise it will not be crowded with more than 10,000 people. Thousands more have been killed in the half-day war. Creepers are even more powerful than t3, and their creep into the crowd will cause the death and infection of the superior. These creepers look a bit like giant crocodile, with sharp tips and long skins and thick flesh. They have no way to take them except for the rocket launcher.

Tian Lei erected a banner on the square, and the hunting and hunting sounded in the wind. The surviving soldiers on the second line of defense had moved around the square, and the machine gun racks were placed on temporary shelters. The shelters were mostly pushed from everywhere. It is impossible to dig sandbags for scrapped vehicles, and there is no place to dig.

Tian Lei jumped on a large truck and said, "Comrades, the final decisive moment has arrived. Several brother units are coming to our side for reinforcements, and there are also Superman units, which are usually called evolutionaries. They Very powerful, we will definitely help us to defeat the zombies. Everyone must have the confidence to survive the immediate difficulties. Think about this. There are your brothers and sisters and relatives in this club. In any case, you can't let the zombies be half a step away! Are you confident? "

The soldiers around shouted, "The flag is here, the flag is dead! Kill the zombies!"

Tapping, the sound of the machine gun on the left has sounded. Zombies do not give them a chance to mobilize. Tian Lei personally guards it. One is to give instructions to the reinforcements of the brother army. The other is this is a spiritual support. This is really scary. Many soldiers are scared by their charge and even forget to shoot. They have to give them a spiritual power. Those who are not soldiers outside are scared, let alone ordinary old names. This flag is here, and they look at the bottom of their hearts. Huh, a car was rolled up by a t3 and thrown at the crowd. More than a dozen old names were too late to dodge and were smashed underneath! The old surnames next to each other frightened back, and the 10,000 people couldn't control the momentum when the situation was chaotic.

Tian Lei jumped on the truck again and yelled: "Everyone, don't mess! People who have the ability to help defend, don't walk around without the ability. At the moment of life and death, you must have confidence in yourself!"

Alas, Tian Lei suddenly heard a whistling above his head, and then exclaimed in the mouth of the old surnames around him. The guard immediately flew from behind him and crushed Tian Lei to the top of the carriage. Then Tian Lei heard a scream in his ear, wait He pushed the guard on his back and found out. The back of the guard was torn alive, and internal organs had flowed to the ground. It turned out that a creeper jumped across the line of defense to the truck!

After all, these creatures also have some wisdom. They probably also want to kill the human resistance leader in one fell swoop, so they went straight to Tian Lei. Tian Lei had a clear goal just now. It caught the creeper's attention.

Tian Lei's response was not slow. He jumped out of the truck, and the guards immediately lifted the machine gun and fired at the unscrupulous guest. However, the creeper had thick flesh and a car body blocked his head. It couldn't kill it, and it also realized the danger, and a tear under its feet pulled the top of the truck open and crashed into the compartment.

A soldier pulled out a grenade and threw it down the mouth of the car. "Lying down!"

Boom, the carriage of the truck exploded, but the people around were surprised when the smoke passed. The compartment was smashed, but a crawler was still standing in front of him, but there was a shrapnel in his left eyeball, and his body was bloody, but he didn't blow it up! It screamed and rushed forward. One soldier could not escape being swept up by the tail and smashed into a car body to spray blood. The other soldier was even worse, and the creeper ate his head! They chewed and squeaked, and the flames were screaming in everyone's eyes.

Tian Lei pulled out a pistol and fired at the undead monster. However, the bomb hit the brain of it clearly, but did not kill it. This is not t2. Ordinary bombs can not pose a threat to the head of the creeper, and they have also evolved. Otherwise, this creeper was earlier. Let the grenade be reimbursed.

However, the creeper made Tian Lei's shooting very painful. He threw away the corpse of the soldier without a head in his hand, and the corpse flew from its mouth in the roar, then two hind heels kicked. Hu's pounced on Tian Lei. Tian Lei's pistol had no bullets, and there were all surnames around him. There was no place to hide. He could only watch the creeper rush forward.

Seeing that Tian Lei was in danger, the two soldiers dared to jump in front of Tian Lei to block the fatal blow for him. The creeper threw the two soldiers and suddenly stood. The two front hoists each picked up a soldier. boom. It actually crashed the heads of two soldiers! Cruel. These creepers are crueler than zombies.

Bai Sensen's brain was scattered everywhere, which made Tian Lei faint. The two lives that were still alive just now are gone, but the creeper is not satisfied at all, and its target is Tian Lei. Whoever made Tian Lei the first bird, he stands so high that t2 will probably take him The main target was attacked. Several soldiers kept firing with rifles. They tried to stop the creepers from harming Tian Lei, but they all failed. The creepers did not fear at all. These soldiers were torn apart!

"Protect the division!" A soldier was thrown out with a half body still shouting in the air, but the soldiers behind the division had all been burned out, and in the distance they could not be saved.

At the critical moment, the old surnames around did not shrink back! Maybe it was the **** scene that aroused them with their enemies. They knew that Tian Lei was the backbone commander of the base. If he sacrificed the army, he would be discouraged and fall into chaos. The war outside the square is fierce. At this time, Master Tian There must be no accidents! Many young and strong youths flocked to Tian Lei, but where were the creepers' opponents, they just exchanged their bodies for Tian Lei's hope of survival.

Tian Lei watched as the old surnames used the flesh to stop the creeper for him, he cried anxiously: "You all step down! Don't sacrifice for nothing! Guards! Guards! Get a rocket launcher to deal with it! You Go away, don't sacrifice yourself. "

The beaches have been arranged to deal with creepers and t3 on the periphery. Who would have thought that these creepers jumped so high? Not only did the army have this creeper, but this happened in other directions of the square, and the soldiers on the periphery had no time to distract themselves. Rescue, and the internal strength is empty, the situation is as critical as Tian Lei's current situation!

"Master Tian, ​​run away!" An old man rushed forward to block the creeper, and the monster was already angry. Seeing that someone was constantly obstructing him to kill the chief officer, a slap of fire broke the old man's neck, and Tian Lei fought. Catching the fallen old man, he can't help himself in sorrow, and the zombies are attacking fast. In this way, he can't support the arrival of reinforcements!

"Stop!" Tian Lei didn't care if the monster didn't understand. He shoved away and ran over to stop the creeper. The young man shouted to the creeper: "If you kill me, you can be satisfied, then you Come on! Don't hurt innocents anymore. "

Da Da Da, the two remaining guards fired angry bullets. The creeper couldn't care about Tian Lei. It blocked his eyes with the palm of his hand. It looked like the eyeball was its weakness. After all, a shrapnel had shot into its eyeball. There was no gunshot, but the creeper was tall, and it was difficult to hit its concealed eyeball. Huh, the creeper leaped to the front of the two guards, and alas, the two guards were swept by the tail. Out of the square, there is no need to expect life after falling.

Taking advantage of this resistance, Tian Lei was running towards the depths of the square. Tian Lei was desperate at this time. He was a high-level commanding general who originally asked him to fight the enemy. Even if he could not fight such battles as Chibi and Guandu, As for letting people destroy their troops and killing their old names so quickly, but the current opponents are not humans at all, they have no human way of thinking, they just rely on the vigorous physical attack without stopping, they do n’t pay attention to any military methods at all. In the case that the opponent's strength is not as good as the opponent, this attack method is impeccable ~ ~ Except for the death of Tian Lei, he can't think of other results.

Tian Lei broke away from pulling his old name. He held the grenade in one hand and firmly grasped the flagpole in the middle of the square. If the creeper attacked himself for a while, he threw the thunder into his mouth. This is With the same good solution, the hard skin doesn't mean that it won't rot inside.

The creeper killed the last two guards, it once again locked his eyes on Tian Lei, and said, this jump creeper has the confidence to kill!

through! There was a sudden noise, and the ground seemed to be hit hard by a hammer. Then the creeper flew out like a broken kite. Everyone thought that this time was over. Master Tian must not be able to save his life. They closed their eyes helplessly. Ke Tianlei didn't blink because he was afraid. He waited for a chance to blow up the king eight calves, so he saw with his own eyes a huge figure punching out the almost invincible creeper!

"King Kong!" The crowd exclaimed, and they were so excited to see such a familiar image with their eyes open.

"Call me Gao Yu!" The man didn't seem to like the title of King Kong. He punched and leaped a leaping creeper, his voice unpleasant to the human underfoot.


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