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Chapter 259: Temporary victory

Tian Lei is now completely convinced. He intends to cover up the Kaifeng base, and even if he strangles, he will cover up a group of evolvers. King Kong is obviously on his own side and should be in some reinforcements. One, if it wasn't for his sudden appearance, he had really hung up just now.

"Master Tian, ​​my people will come later. You immediately organize a defensive formation. I clean up the creepers who broke into the defensive circle." King Kong said to Tian Lei.

Tian Leidao: "What is it called? Which army are you?"

King Kong saw that there were no creepers around that could threaten his safety. He lowered his head and stretched out a finger, saying, "Gao Yu, the leader of the Flying Crane Base lore group."

Tian Lei could not shake hands with Gao Yu, because his finger was thick, Tian Lei said, "Thank you in advance, and I'll ask you to drink afterwards, and I will immediately organize a defensive force in front."

Gao Yu is proud at this moment. What ’s so great about the evolver is that he has evolved now, and he is no worse than others. The face that was lost in the past always has to find a chance to find it!

Huh, huh, Tian Lei's defensive circle hasn't been organized yet, there are several humans on the periphery. They have their magical powers and the siege t and the creepers fight against each other. Several people have directly entered the square to cooperate with Gao Yu's cleanup. Although the work and scenes have been reversed, due to the large number of creepers, and except for Gao Yu and individual evolvers, other lore members cannot easily fight the creepers, and the scenes are no longer one-sided.

Tian Lei was very anxious. He found that many evolutionaries who were fighting with creepers were fatigued. After all, they were fighting one person for two or even one battle for four. If this continues, the battle still has to lose! I do n’t know what happened to the other reinforcements. If they are all ordinary soldiers, I am afraid it will take a day or two to reach them. If they are like these evolutionaries, then victory is hopeful.

An evolutionary was very powerful. One was fighting with only one creeper. He could easily throw out thousands of creepers, but soon other creepers came up. His face was sweaty, and his steps began to be a little embarrassed. Another evolutionist was very quick, and the creeper could barely catch him. He turned around and blinded the four creepers with a knife. Eyes! However, the high-speed operation made him feel a little overwhelmed, his figure became slower and slower, and sometimes he could only survive the blow of the creeper.

Gao Yu is fighting at the moment. His shape is similar to that of a creeper. One arm grips the creeper's sharp mouth, and the other grips its chin. Hey, Gao Yu secretly spun the creeper's mouth and then turned the body toward him. Thrown aside and overtake the other.

Tian Lei ran over and said, "Leader Gao, I think your team members are a bit tired, but the zombies and creepers are endless. Do you call some evolutionaries to reinforce them?"

Gao Yu smashed a creeper and looked around. It is true that his team members are a bit weak. But this time he brought out twenty evolvers. This is already limited. There are still a dozen evolutionaries who need to stay behind. He didn't want people to put the old nest to death.

For a while, Gao Yudi's temper was a little irritable. He told Tian Lei: "Let your locals work harder! Don't just count on us. At least you have to wrap up t2 and t3! Who doesn't work hard to give him some serious lessons. Click to wake up other pokemons. "

Tian Lei's face was a little embarrassed. He knew his soldiers. Although everyone is a little scared. But they did their best. Some soldiers even killed t3 with their own lives. No one is playing tricks at this time. But this lore group leader. People seem to be tall and temperamental.

There is no other way. Tian Lei can only return to the defensive line. He yelled at his soldiers loudly: "Comrades. Work harder. Cooperate with comrades in Feihe base to destroy the zombies!"

This shout doesn't matter. The four creepers targeted Ueda again. They pounded wildly here. The soldiers grenade guns together. But they couldn't be stopped at all. The beach has been lit up early. That thing is not like bombs. Equipped with a few sticks is already luxurious enough. After playing for so many days, there is not much inventory left.

The fastest crawler has leaped as fast as possible. Tian Lei was very depressed. How can I turn around and still die under their mouth? Life is not worth your money. But the key is to ensure the safety of the troops and surnames.

Alas. The sharp cracking sound made people involuntarily cover their ears. The creeper who had rushed to Tian Lei the most urgently was suddenly bombarded by his body, and his body turned backwards a few times. Flutter fell to the ground without any movement, and saw a dangling steel arrow stuck in its forehead!

What arrow is this! You know, all the bullets can't shoot through the creeper's brain! Tian Lei thought it was the lore group that saved his life at a critical moment, but he looked around. There were no people at all. Those evolutionaries were still fighting with the creepers.

The first creeper died instantly, and the rest of the land did not retreat at all. They even rushed to Tian Lei. It was even more urgent to hear the sound of breaking the air. Only the creeper fell back with an arrow at the same time! Gao Yu, who was fighting the creeper in the distance, also found the situation here. He stood up and saw a man standing on a commercial building in the corner of the square. This man he knew was the one who rescued the crashes together Song Jun!

Gao Yu didn't expect to encounter a friend here. He caught fire and twisted a creeper's thick neck. At this time, Tian Lei didn't know who rescued him secretly, but it was no longer important who shot it. The key was to fight back the zombies in front of him to save everyone's lives.

"Our reinforcements are here again, everyone is working harder!" In fact, Tian Lei was not clear about the specific situation, but when he said this, all the soldiers' fighting power was stimulated again, and the t3 and t2 hits at a time were backward. Have retreated.

Wrong, not because the combat effectiveness of the soldiers has increased, but because t2 and t3 are really losing ground, and many t3 are actually besieging their fellow creepers! This sudden change has stunned most people. Zombies are fighting in the nest!

A company commander looked to the sky with a hand in hand, "Master, why is the sky suddenly changing, are the zombies affected by the weather? Or how can they suddenly turn around to help us deal with the creepers?"

Tian Lei couldn't understand the situation either. He could only issue an order: "Zombies don't charge forward, don't shoot, let them bite dogs. Although t3 may not win against creepers, it is in our favor no matter who loses."

There was a sudden explosion in the increasingly gloomy sky, and more than fifty spherical lightnings struck down in weird ways. They just exploded around the creepers and ignored the space as large as the square. Tian Lei, who was so confused, was even more confused. Instead, they were in the zombies. Now it ’s God ’s help. .

Boom. Two people suddenly fell in the sky. Tian Lei's reaction was almost allergic and he did it without a gun. Fortunately, the other party indicated his identity in time. "We are a reinforcement in Yutai base!"

Tian Lei began to understand a bit. The rescue arrows just sent out must have been sent by the other party. The two troops arrived in time, and the people at Feihe base had a helper situation. This time, they must have escaped. Tian Lei stepped forward and clenched his opponent and said, "Comrades, I finally look forward to you. Everyone is working hard."

"Hello, my name is Chu Xiang. I don't know what you call it?"

Tian Lei quickly introduced himself: "I'm Tian Lei, the teacher of the Kaifeng base. Comrade Chu Xiang, you are also an evolutionary. Hurry to help the Flying Crane Base lore group, they can't help Chu Xiang for a while:" Feihe base lore group? "

Li Haipeng behind him said: "Chu team, I think most of it is the evolutionary organization that Gao Yu has made. What kind of lore group, even this zombie and creeper can't deal with it, wasted such a mighty name."

Tian Lei only heard Li Haipeng shouting Gao Yu's name, and he was pleasantly surprised: "It turned out that you and Team Leader had known each other long ago. He was fighting over there, and I asked him to come over and discuss how to defeat the creepers."

Tian Lei ran to the square. At this time, Chu Xiang could see the giant who hit the West in the square crowd. It turned out to be Gao Yu! What kind of evolution he is, I don't know if it is a giant evolution or a giant evolution.

Li Haipeng said: "Chu team, I'm going to help, be careful yourself."

Chu Xiang nodded and jumped onto the top of a light truck. The creeper in the middle of the square was almost cleaned up by Gao Yu and others. Song Jun was helping in the east. His steel arrows were extinct, and the creeper where he got the potential was immediately pressed down by him; there was a small silk on the west to control it. Although he did not kill the creeper, a large number of t2 and t3 were around forty. Only the creepers ca n’t let go, they ca n’t do anything for a while; Wang Shaohui, Li Yingjie, Xu Huai, and Li Xiaoming ’s four-person hunting group has already begun operations, and a dozen crawlers have been reimbursed for their low effort. The bomber, since it was a weapon deployed by Li Yingjie, of course, it is impossible for even a creeper to deal with it. This is not the same as an ordinary grenade; to the north is Gao Yu's main battlefield. The pressure in other directions eased, and their people moved closer together to quickly gain a war advantage. Kill creepers to fart and piss.

Chu Xiang shouted, and the flame horse separated from the crowd and rushed to the side. He jumped directly from the roof to the horseback. The battlefield was wide. His ability to control plants and ultrasonic waves was not good. As the evolutionaries and the creepers struggled Together, the lightning attack will not dare to launch again. Besides, the power of lightning attack against t3 is okay. After the evolution, creepers can only hurt them. Chu Xiang can only ride on the flame horse to constantly search for hacks on the battlefield. crawler.

Although these creepers like giant crocodiles are thick but they can't stop the attack of Chu Xiang's bone knife, coupled with his fast speed, more than a dozen of them were killed in a short amount of time. Counting the achievements in other directions, The human race has won the game, and the zombies began to retreat, and the remaining creepers also withdrew. After an hour, there were only a few scattered t2 dangling outside the square. I do n’t know what to do. Without organization and quantity advantages, they only Can hit anyone as a target.

"Victory!" The square was full of joy. Indeed, after experiencing life and death, human beings will cherish life even more. Just look at the faces of men, women and children to understand this.

Gao Yu ’s tall body is soaring to the sky, not to mention the smell of King Kong. The twenty evolvers he brought have moved closer to him. It looks like Gao Yu has the style of a general. Many female survivors in the square are screaming. Run towards him, and finally the master lifted Gao Yu's body up! How great the power of the masses.

Zhang Jingyao arrived late, and she couldn't help anything, but stood quietly behind Chu Xiang. Wang Shaohui, Xiaosi, and others had already rushed over, Xiaosi snorted: "What is the smell? The battle is not his own fight. If it is not for us, the outcome is not yet determined. "

Chu Xiang doesn't care about these. It may be that Bai Xiaowei has kept him hidden from the sequelae of his identity. He hopes that others will not pay attention to him. Looking at the excitement in the center of the square, Chu Xiang said: "Report your situation. Has anyone been injured? Light rain, don't let her run around or you won't take her anywhere next time."

Zhang Jingyao opened the communicator and began convening people to Chu Xiang. Soon this time, the players who came to the Kaifeng base for reinforcements came together. The male members were Song Jun, Wang Shaohui, Li Yingjie, Xu Huai, Li Xiaoming, Li Haipeng, Li Niu, and the female members were Zhang Jingyao, Xiaosi, Fang Yuxuan, Lin, and the rest were left behind. At the base, Zhang Hongbing was noisy and had to come, but when he drove the base car, he was afraid that the Kaifeng base was wiped out by the zombies. In the end, he could only do it because Zhang Hongbing left the base car and had no combat ability. He still knows the point.

Make sure no one is injured. Chu Xiang said: "Gao Yu's strength is not what it used to be. This time we are here to help, not to fight with him. No one should mention about the last time in Xinxiang. To put it plainly, we are all Chinese. Things will only make foreigners look high

Wang Shaohui and others disagreed, even Song Jun, who always kept a low profile, said, "Chu Xiang, it's not that we want to fight with them. Last time, they really forced us to fight. You can see how they are so proud now. I'm afraid this time 80% There will be good things. "

Chu Xiang smiled, "Don't bother. Only small talents will make such an aspirational look, walk and go there to rest."

Tian Lei hurried over, "Chu Xiang, right, thanks to your timely arrival, everyone joined forces to repel the siege of the zombies. Let's go together and describe what we should do next in our Kaifeng base."

This is business. Chu Xiang followed Tian Lei and walked towards the center of the square. At this moment, it has become a stage for the lore group to show themselves. The girls have dedicated themselves on the spot. After all, no one who is capable in this troubled world will not like it, not to say that Chu Xiang has no strength in this aspect, but they appeared late, and most of them shot in secret. For example, Xiaosi, in the end, no one knew that the zombies were controlled by her. Xu Huai and others have good marksmanship. But there were gunfire everywhere, who knew who killed what. Only the arrows shot by Song Jun attracted some people's attention. Unfortunately, Song Jun's position was relatively hidden, as if nobody knew it except Gao Yu and others.

"Everyone be quiet!" Tian Lei issued a command loudly, his words were still authoritative, and the girls immediately dispersed. Victory has been achieved for the time being, but the perimeter defenses of the Kaifeng base have been completely destroyed. Master Tian Lei is studying the next action plan. In order to save his life, no one dares not to obey his orders.

Gao Yu probably felt that the show was complete, it seemed to take a breath, and then his body retracted, and his kung fu didn't recover much as usual, which made him look more handsome and handsome. The girls who had left the place and started to turn around again. The surrounding soldiers threw their guns and everyone left reluctantly.

Tian Leidao: "Come, we know each other ..."

Gao Yu unexpectedly stepped forward and held Chu Xiang's hand, "Chu team, we met again, do you feel surprised? Have you ever thought of leaving me this time?"

Chu Xiang did not refuse to shake hands. He smiled and said, "Yeah, it's really unexpected. Captain Gao's tall, handsome and majestic posture probably fascinates these girls. Even if we leave you behind, you don't have to worry about loneliness. Tian Teacher, you can't stop the girls from pursuing their own happiness. "

Tian Leihaha laughed: "Look, I have forgotten, you know each other, rest assured, we have no shortage of beauties in Kaifeng, and everyone comes to help regardless of the danger. As long as those girls are willing, you will never be in the middle of love. Blend. "

Gao Yu swept the crowd behind Chu Xiang with his eyes, and a thin person beside him whispered a few words, and Song Jun whispered to Chu Xiang: "Slim is called Zhang ~ ~ Apparently a pseudonym, he is good at hidden weapons. I and he have played against each other at the same time, regardless of victory or defeat, I am afraid that his strength is not under me. Chu Xiang was surprised because there were many evolutionaries around The impact of this is not so strong, but he can make Song Jun's person not bad even if he is bad. Song Jun then said: "The fat on the left of Zhang is called Li Si, he He was a divine warrior. At that time, he played against Li Niu and did not separate the victory. The man behind Gao Yu was called Wang Wu. He was good at fighting and tied with Lin, but I really want to comment that he should lose. After all, Lin is a woman, and he has an advantage in physical strength. Transformers are at the southernmost point. The one with the longest head is a minder, and the x eye has not come. "

Zhang also whispered in Gao Yu's ears. Obviously, he was telling Gao Yu about the last battle. In fact, Gao Yu knew the members of the eschatology team quite well, but Chu Xiang had nothing about the current Gao Yu. I know, from this point, I have suffered, but this time I didn't come to fight, so Chu Xiang didn't care.

Tian Lei saw that the eyes of the two sides were not very friendly. He was unclear for a while, so he could only open his mouth: "Two people, I ca n’t find any other way to repay for the time being, I can only say thank you, the siege of the zombies For the time being, I have retreated. I have arranged the soldiers to go to the outer defense. What should we do next? Everyone talks about opinions. You are all evolutionaries. Give us the Kaifeng base.


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