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Chapter 260: conflict

Chu Xiang wanted to speak but was preempted by Gao Yu. He told Tian Lei: "Master Tian, ​​you have two options. One is to abandon the Kaifeng base and transfer to our Feihe base, and the second is to send troops to our Feihe base. Protect the reconstruction of your base. "

Tian Lei thought for a while and thought, "I personally prefer the second one."

Gao Yudao: "Let ’s send troops to the Feihe Base for protection is definitely more troublesome than the first one, but Kaifeng has abundant oil and natural gas resources. It is a pity that we give up on this. So, I can leave ten evolutionaries at the Kaifeng base. You provide them with a two-thousand-person force, and they are responsible for the security of the Kaifeng base. "

"This ..." Tian Lei was in trouble for a while, and he was not stupid. After this battle, his division had 2,000 people left, which is equivalent to handing over all the troops of the Kaifeng base to Gao Yulai. The instructions were to let him give himself to Gao Yu, but he couldn't accept this condition without consulting the central government.

Zhang Jingyao whispered, "Gao Yu is trying to seize power. Wang Bin said that he found that there are many people around the Flying Crane Base. His sphere of influence is much larger than ours."

Gao Yu has a good plan, Chu Xiang secretly said, he also knows how to expand his influence to recruit more evolutionaries to join, this is a virtuous circle, in line with development thinking.

"I don't know if Comrade Chu Xiang has any opinions," Tian Lei turned away from Gao Yu's conditions and turned to Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang thought of other happy thoughts: "I think it's a bit early to talk about these now, let's talk about it after it's really safe."

Gao Yu snorted: "Why, Captain Chu is afraid, aren't you afraid of heaven and earth, a few creeping worms scare you like this? Isn't your guts less when you have a woman?"

Chu Xiang is not too rare to talk to Gao Yu. This guy wants to provoke his anger deliberately. If Chu Xiang really fights against him, he will miss his plan. Tian Leidao: "Two, don't get angry, don't get angry, everything is easy to discuss. Listen to what Chu team said, may the zombies launch an attack?"

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, Master Tian, ​​have you ever seen a zombie collar?"

Tian Lei shook his head and said, "I don't know what the zombies are like."

Chu Xiang said: "Anyway, it must be different from the ordinary zombies and creepers you see. They haven't shown up yet. How could they be defeated like this? This is not in line with their rules of fighting."

A regimental commander said, "Is there any rule of zombie fighting? I heard it for the first time. What are they besieging us for? We have no money and no gold. Besides, they don't need these."

Wang Shaohui glared at the head and said, "Are you really confused or false? Zombies and creepers attack humans instinctively for food. If you add high-intelligent zombies to direct behind them, it is to better Eat collectively. "

An evolutionary under Gao Yu said: "Don't be alarmist. Don't be afraid. Zombies will be confident to fight them back even if they besiege again!" The crowd immediately cheered to show their strong support for the evolutionary. But Gao Yu didn't say these words blindly. After all, he has also experienced strong winds and waves. Knowing that zombies can do many unexpected things under the command of high-intelligence and high-level territories. Because he once lost in this area.

Fang Yuxuan couldn't help but say, "Shut up. Do you think you can win those creepers with your strength? You can't do anything about it! You think you are a real person."

Zhang jumped up and said, "You're all four, let's go home and eat your mother's milk!"

Fang Yuxuan hates people saying that she is small, of course, her **** are definitely not over. Aunt and grandma do n’t burn you today, you ’re not surnamed Fang! "

Zhang Jingyao grabbed Fang Yuxuan's hand and said, "Calm! If you dare to cause something, you don't need to come out with us."

Fang Yuxuan gave Zhang a grieved glance, Zhang proudly raised his head, Tian Lei understood at this time, and the two groups were not false. However, they have contradictions. In any case, he is the master, but he ca n’t let the two parties fight. "Please, listen to me, we should cooperate sincerely at the time of the national calamity. I do n’t know whether the high leader Gao said to Captain Chu. Agree. "

Gao Yu was ambiguous: "This kind of thing is not impossible, but our power is also very strong. They may be afraid to really retreat. But safe work is not to relax at all times, and we ca n’t really be safe when the enemy is dead all day.

Tian Leidao: "What is Captain Gao's opinion?"

Gao Yudao: "If you really want to transfer to Feihe Base, you also need to consider a lot of difficulties. I ca n’t see how to strengthen the defense force of Kaifeng Base and build a solid large base here."

Tian Lei turned to ask Chu Xiang again, "Captain Chu, what do you think?"

Chu Xiang said: "Be prepared for defense immediately to prevent the creepers from attacking suddenly."

Tian Lei reassuredly said: "Well, the opinions are unified. Whether it is to build a base or to prevent sneak attacks, in short, we must strengthen our defensive forces. We have a lot of civilians. The only place to stay is this square. I will let people strengthen the fortifications immediately , If the zombies really receded. We will resume the base reconstruction work. "

Gao Yu said to Tian Lei: "I let my people help you."

Tian Lei couldn't refuse, and took dozens of evolvers along the square to check the work. The soldiers greeted these evolvers one by one. None of the soldiers did not worship the power group. We all wish to worship these dozens of people as divisions. It is probably enough to save lives, Fang Yuxuan, Wang Shaohui and others are very depressed, because they find that their side is almost forgotten.

The soldiers who visited the surrounding area began to report back. The zombies were missing, and even the creepers did not know where they hid. They were out of the urban area and no danger was found. The news came back to the crowd, and Gao Yu's people were even more proud. Even Gao Yu himself began to believe that the zombies made them scared.

Li Xiaoming said angrily: "Otherwise, let's go and let them go. The zombies really want to attack and see how they cry."

Zhang Jingyao said, "You can't make fun of the lives of more than 10,000 people. Everyone must listen to Chu Xiang's orders."

Chu Xiang said: "Continue to wait, I will not feel relieved if the perimeter defense facilities of the Kaifeng base are not established."

This one day was one day, and then one night in peace. At this time, everyone believed that the zombies had been defeated, and even Fang Yuxuan and Xiao Si were wondering if this was the case. Unfortunately, there isn't a high-level zombies around here, otherwise Xiaosi has to grab it and ask. Those low-level t2s are only cannon fodder. What information do they have?

The busy day and night work of the base stopped in the morning. According to the original plan, Tian Lei set up the square as the last line of defense. It is also necessary to start to build two old defense lines in the periphery, but Gao Yu put forward a new opinion in the morning. He said that the two old defense lines were not reasonable, and the base should be moved while the zombies retreated.

The address chosen by Gao Yu is really good. It is located between the oil field and the coal field, and the two are not far away. In the future, it will be convenient to extract oil from the oil field, natural gas or coal from the coal field. For a base, this place is indeed in line with the long-term development strategy. . It's just that there are empty suburbs, and all the base facilities need to be built from scratch. Everyone is noisy about this.

Gao Yudao: "My opinion is very clear. Zombies have receded. We must hurry up. As long as the new base is built and there is sufficient energy, and my evolver stays behind, we will have a smooth siege in the future. Strength."

Tian Leidao: "I understand Captain Gao, this is indeed for the future consideration of Kaifeng base, but where to build such a large base we come from cement and bricks, and oil and gas are not as affordable for us as food and weapons . "

Gao Yu said angrily: "You are a woman's opinion! Energy is the most needed thing for future bases. There are dozens of large grain depots in the country. As long as we move to one, it will be enough for more than a dozen bases to eat for several years. But energy is the place of production. Without power, we can do nothing, including making no weapons and producing no food! "

Tian Leidao: "I understand what you are talking about, but there are many difficulties. Otherwise, we first go to the new base and build a small pilot. We will increase the construction of the new base when conditions are better in the future."

Gao Yu snorted clearly, negating Tian Leidi's approach. Tian Lei also knows that this is an evolutionary, and he has saved his life, and there are many places to rely on others in the future, so although he was not happy, he did not show it. Turning around, Tian Lei began to solicit Chu Xiang's opinion Dora alone might support Gao Yu to persuade him. Otherwise, where can I find cement and bricks? This is simply nonsense.

Tian Lei told Chu Xiang: "Captain Chu, talk about your opinion. Whether this new base will be built or not. If you have a vote, it will be up to you."

Chu Xiang said: "In theory, this new base is indeed of great significance. However, I agree with Master Tian that it is not necessary at this time. I still say that it is the most important thing to keep the life of the old name."

Wang Wu suddenly jumped out and interjected loudly to Chu Xiang: "Afraid of dead ghosts! The zombies have fled and there is no trace. You are still shaking the army here, you should kill!"

Pang, Wang Wu's words were slapped as soon as he fell on his face. Song Jun retreated. His face was ugly and horrible because he had been burned by the fire. Now his face was cold and horrified. Wang Wu was slapped in anger and jumped at Song Jun.

Gao Yu knew the strength of Song Jun. He pulled Wang Wu back with a stern glance at Song Jun and said to Wang Wu: "While going, we are talking without your intervention! You must remember the lessons of others, Don't forget, you must give him back the opportunity. "

Wang Wu touched half of the swollen face and stared at Song Jun fiercely. He knew that Gao Yu was helping him. Otherwise, he might not be the small opponent. At that time, he grabbed a weapon in Xinxiang to match his secret weapon. Shooting was not cheap at all.

Tian Lei saw that the two sides were about to fight, and his heart sank. Both groups were evolutionaries. They were afraid that they would hit the pond fish. Besides, if there really is a zombies to attack, how can they deal with zombies in their own nest? So Tian Lei immediately stood between the two parties and said, "Everyone is angry! Listen to me, what will happen to the Kaifeng base in the future, let's all stop arguing, what is the opinion of the country?"

Well, things are back again. Before I went to rescue the crashed crew, I also asked the country for advice when I could n’t decide, but that was Gao Yuti's talk, and this time it was Tian Lei. What else could Chu Xiang say? He just came to help, but felt that the zombies were retreating quickly, which was not in keeping with their spirit of failing to achieve their goals. Otherwise, the new base would be built in the Yellow River and it would be his fault.

Soon the messenger put the signal into the central command room, and it happened to be Zhao Hong, chief of staff of the War Branch, Li Yang, director of the Political Department, and Zhang Yibo, vice chairman of the Military Commission. Vice Chairman Zhang Yibo has just taken the post of the leader of the National Evolutionary Working Group. He immediately joined Zhao Hong and Li Yang. There are many people and the power is great. This group is mainly managed by the Ministry of National Security when it is beyond control. The local evolutionists are now renamed the evolution group.

When receiving news from the Kaifeng base, Zhang Yibo and others were very pleased. This indicated that the base was not occupied. Zhang Yibo said: "Comrade Tian Lei, I order that you must keep it. The two evolution teams we sent will be able to arrive soon. Difficult. No matter how old you must stand! "

Because it has been busy arming since yesterday, and the communication equipment has crashed the zombies. Therefore, they did not contact the central government until now. They did not know that the zombie attack had been repelled. Tian Lei reported the situation to Zhang Yibo in detail, including the decision he was now facing and asked the central government to make a decision.

After hearing this, Zhang Yibo was surprised and delighted. The surprise was that the creeper was so powerful. Fortunately, the Beijing base only encountered a zombie attack last time, otherwise the loss was even greater. Fortunately, the evolutionary organizations in various places have matured. The evolution management team leader is available. Otherwise, such a large country guards fifty evolutionaries who have not evolved for a long time.

However, Zhang Yibo also suffered after the surprise. The current choice is whether the new base will be built now or later. If it is long-term and safe to build early, Ke Tianlei will also analyze the concerns of the current construction in the report. In case the zombie attacks again, and because the new base was abandoned to defend the old base, the new base has not yet been built and the old base is empty. Isn't that terrible?

This matter is that Zhang Yibo's two deputies are not good enough to immediately conclude, and at this time Gao Yu has fully exerted his speech genius. He snatched the communicator and said, "Chairman Zhang, I am an evolutionary base of Feihe base. Kill team leader Gao Yu. "

Zhang Yibo did not expect that Gao Yu, who was reported by Tian Lei just now, was next to him. The original communication signal could open a video, but the video system at the base of Kaifeng was trampled by a zombie. Zhang Yibo said, "Captain Gao Yu, thank you for your help. Dangerous and rushed to Kaifeng base in time to reinforce, your credit country will remember. I hope you can go further and further in the future evolution path. The more evolution, the higher the contribution to the country. "

Gao Yu said sincerely: "Thank you for your encouragement. I would like to express my thoughts. The new base is my chosen address. Of course, my opinion is that I hope to start the construction of the new base immediately. As for the lack of materials, we can solve it while we build it. People in Kaifeng provide a more secure guarantee. Of course, I did n’t think about the threat of zombies, but I sent people around to observe. There are no large zombies around a kilometer nearby. They are difficult to organize in a short time. The second siege, so we can rest assured to carry out construction, if Chang does not believe it, we can call a satellite to view. "

Gao Yu's words were all-inclusive, and he also pulled out the credit of the new base site. He also reasoned, and Zhang Yibo sent a final decision on the spot. However, he listened to Gao Yu's suggestion and let Zhao Hong immediately adjust it. Satellite imagery around Kaifeng.

Soon the satellite image was analyzed by the staff. There were indeed no large zombies around the Kaifeng base, not even small ones! Zhang Yibo said happily: "This is good news. It may be that the sudden reinforcement of the two evolutionary teams scared the zombies. The creepers also disappeared after heavy losses. My opinion is to start the construction of a new base in Kaifeng immediately. This Gao Yu There is a set, and I admire him very much. "

Zhao Hong whispered to remind Zhang Yibo: "Vice President Zhang, this Gao Yu was in a dispute with Chu Xiang before. As a result, Chu Xiang breathed Gao Yuke into Gao Yu who vomited blood." Zhang Yibo stunned: "Oh, it was He, if you look at the past, is he talking about it again this time? "

Zhao Hongdao: "It's hard to say, but I suggest let Chu Xiang talk about the situation over there and his opinions."

Zhang Yibo said: "Also, let Tian Lei talk to Chu Xiang."

Tian Lei quickly executed the order without any trouble. Chu Xiang was sitting next to him. No one was visible on the screen. This made Chu Xiang less embarrassed. Every time he made the central government long-lasting, the contradiction appeared again. As a result, he really did not want to commit more crimes for himself.

"Chu Xiang, is it you? I'm Zhao Hong."

Chu Xiang heard the voice aside from his reluctance, he said, "It's me, Brother Zhao, I haven't had a drink together for a long time."

Zhao Hongdao: "You won the battle. It is reasonable that we should celebrate you, but it is far away. I will have a chance to come to Beijing in the future. This time I invite you to drink."

Zhao Hong was drunk by Chu Hong in Gao Yuguan's small black room last time. He had been thinking about hoping to have the opportunity to invite Chu Xiang to drink it once again. Unfortunately, Che Xiang has left Beijing since the incident that night.

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, why have you been promoted recently?"

Zhao Hongdao: "Oh, it's from the transfer of combat science to the chief counselor. In fact, the office location remains the same. Tell me about your situation and your views."

Chu Xiang said: "Since we are old friends, I won't tell you, in fact, I just think that zombies will not stop here, so I suggest giving up the new infrastructure construction and keeping the main focus first, waiting for some time to ensure We will start construction of a new base only after it is really safe. "

Zhao Hongdao: "You are a conservative who does not seek merit but seeks nothing, but you can deny the construction of a new base just by feeling. Can you find individual reasons for this?"

Chu Xiang said: "Elder brother Zhao Qian, I only believe in my feelings, let me find other reasons I really can't find it."

Zhao Hong whispered: "Actually, I believe what you feel, but I also need to convince long-term in this matter."

Chu Xiang reluctantly said: "But I can't find a reason. I want to say that the reason is that the zombies retreated quickly, and their chiefs did not show up ~ ~ temporarily interrupted the communication. Zhao Hong said to the two leaders:" In fact, I know Chu Xiang better. His strength is okay. He has rich experience in zombies. Maybe the new base really needs to be dragged backwards. "

Zhang Yibo asked Li Yang: "Lao Li, what do you mean?"

Li Yang frowned: "It's hard to say, after all, we're not on the scene, I'll keep my personal opinions for the time being."

Zhang Yibo glanced at Zhao Hong. He was the leader of the team with a vote of veto and pass, weighed again, and looked at the satellite map again, and then told the staff to keep an eye on the changes in the zombies on the satellite map. Finally, Zhang Yibo said: "I think right away It is appropriate to start the construction of a new base. We don't have much time and zombies, and it will be dangerous if we delay one day. "

Zhao Hong sighed: "The vice chairman's opinion makes sense, but I also retain my personal opinion."

Zhang Yibo said: "It is so determined. Let Tian Lei start the construction of the new base as soon as possible. As long as a new solid base is established, the Kaifeng base will not be in a hurry."


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