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Chapter 261: Provocation

Compared with Chu Xiang who did not blow his eyes before this time, he wanted to understand what he was trying to figure out. It used to be a life-and-death struggle. Once he died, everyone died together, but now it ’s different. There are Li Haipeng and Flame Horses are the siege of thousands of horses and horses. When they want to go or go, they can rectify as much as they like, anyway, they have swayed their words.

Tian Lei was also embarrassed and said to Chu Xiang: "Chu team, since it was agreed by the central government, I think we should do it. As for the missing materials, I will send someone to the surrounding cement plant as soon as possible to find it."

Gao Yu won the victory again. He is no longer so triumphant. In Fang Yuxuan's words, the worm's tail has been lifted to the sky. I ca n’t wait to prove to the world that Gao Yu is right. Of course, building a new base Gao Yu wo n’t Seeing the excitement, because he originally intended to control the Kaifeng base, he told Tian Lei: "Master Tian is assured that my people will **** you to transport materials. In addition, the new base does not have to be made of brick and stone as a structure, and a large number of steel plates. Steel can also be used. It is enough to stop ordinary zombies. There must be high-level zombies, even the highest height of concrete walls is useless. "

Gao Yu's words were facts, and Tian Lei didn't oppose them, so he immediately went to work separately. Zhang Jingyao said to Chu Xiang: "What shall we do? Continue to stay? It's not interesting."

Fang Yuxuan and Xiaosi whispered secretly: "The villain is very proud, and I don't know if the surname is high or not, he always wins a game at a critical moment."

In fact, this is not that Gao Yu is noble, but it can only be said that most people have been deceived by zombies. They are not as smart as Chu Xiang. It is estimated that they cannot see through. Of course, Chu Xiang himself did not raise his tail to the sky. Going, the more things he experienced, the more peaceful his mentality was, saying, "Let ’s live one day and go tomorrow. There are so many interesting and interesting places around here. Everyone goes around, so let ’s go out for a tour. Also gather nearby The agricultural resources in our vegetable field seem to be monotonous. Mr. Haruki Inoue has already improved, and we can't let him idle. "

Lin laughed: "I can't tell you you are still picking skins."

Several people laughed as they walked, Chu Xiang argued: "It doesn't matter if I am Zhou Zhoupi, I won't do anything to dig into the henhouse."

The world has changed and people's thinking has begun to change. Since the orders for the new base wall were set up on that day, it would not have been possible if it had not been a year and a half before. Gao Yu's people have been busy all day long, so they didn't bother with the eschatology team. After dinner, they had to build the site overnight at the new base supervisor, and also stayed in the square with Gao Yu to continue the research progress.

Chu Xiang found Tian Leidao: "Master Tian, ​​we set off to Yutai base in a while, you take care of yourself."

Tian Lei was a little embarrassed to be authentic: "Captain Chu, you came all the way to help, we have not accepted your opinion. I don't think it's right for you."

Chu Xiang said: "Master Tian. You don't have this idea. But I still want to remind you. Zombies will not stop there. You must quickly strengthen the two lines of defense outside the square."

Tian Lei said: "Most of the manpower has been transferred to build a new base. How can we still consolidate here. Besides, hasn't the central government been giving us warnings all the time. No zombies have been seen during the day."

Chu Xiang knows that some appearances on the surface are vigilant, and even highland veterans will be confused. Although it hasn't been a problem, he insists that he feels right. Zombies will not retreat easily. It's definitely messy. But Chu Xiang had no time to persuade. Gao Yu's Li Si happened to pass by the two. He said, "Get out and get out. Don't stay here.

Chu Xiang doesn't have that much temper. In this case, Li Si smiled if he said that he would not be allowed. But Li Si's stance is clearly looking for a puppet. call. Chu Xiangyi boxed to his head. Li Si is also an evolutionary. Although Chu Xiang is fast, he is not slow. Instead of evading his head, he took a punch.

boom! A crisp sound. Tian Lei cried out secretly. Mostly this Captain Chu's bones were broken. You must know Li Didi's divine power, but he has seen it. During the day a cement truck was stuck in the pit. Actually let him raise both hands. Such magic is rare in movies.

But Tian Lei took a closer look at the field. Chu Xiang smiled with his fists. Not as painful as a broken bone. On the other hand, Li Si was already squatting on the ground holding the hand that had just been punched. Is it the bone that broke him? Then this Chu Xiang is unusual. By no means is it as simple as chopping on a horse.

"Don't fight. Have something to say!" Tian Lei made a stop between the two. Who knew he wasn't shouting, this shout immediately attracted people from both sides. Wang Wudi ’s evolutionary skills are fighting. He usually made good contact with Li Si. Seeing that Li Si was injured, a whirlwind kick came over, and the target pointed directly at Chu Xiangxin.

Chu Xiang avoided a whirlwind leg like an iron bridge, and then kicked up with one foot in the air. Wang Wu was flying above Chu Xiang at the moment. Chu Xiang's foot lifted up and kicked himself, Wang Five Unable to dodge in midair, he could only put a little on Chu Xiang's instep, and his body flew to a distance and dropped.

The two sides touched each other immediately. This move was a win or a loss. Wang Wu thought that Chu Xiang's ability was just like this. He ran up again with a cry, but Lin stopped and stopped him. It was not the first time that the two had fought. No one needs to be polite, just fight together.

Tian Lei rushed round and round, he found Gao Yudao: "Leader Gao, you can't let yourself hit yourself, you should stop them."

Gao Yu smiled slightly: "Teacher Tian, ​​your military rank is not low, how to do things is still hot, be patient, take a look slowly, they are all evolutionaries, and learning skills are also normal communication, don't be so nervous."

Tian Lei said, is it me or yours? If you want to, the new base can't be built so quickly. So far, the materials haven't been completed, and all of them are near here. Where can I find the materials.

Zhang Jingyao saw Chu Xiang frown, apparently some angry Gao Yu's approach, she quietly whispered in Chu Xiang's ears: "Don't worry, you will definitely win this time!"

Chu Xiang said: "How can you be so sure, if Gao Yu is not honest again, I have to clean him up this time, don't think that you have everything you have evolved, you should always press him or him!"

Zhang Jingyao said: "If you want to watch a good show, you can't come up and overwhelm him. Otherwise, what's the point of it. We later discussed the battle with Gao Yu's evolvers. If the land strength lasts longer, she will definitely fight Wang Wang It will win, and then we come up with a way, if we fight again, I will secretly help.

Chu Xiang said in surprise: "Oh. Can you do this now? I thought that no one except me could directly absorb your energy."

Zhang Jingyao said: "It used to be like this, but we have been together for a long time, and we may have a tacit understanding with each other. They can absorb my energy for a short time, but only for a short time, but they are equal in both strengths. As far as people are concerned, it is possible to increase the strength during the battle.

Zhang Jingyao secretly flicked his fingers and saw Lin's body startle. Wang Wu was forced to take two steps backwards. Gao Yu had changed his face unconsciously, and his evolutionary skills were not shallow. He also had strong eyesight. Just now Lin suddenly counterattacked Wang Wu.

Zhang Jingyao stopped talking to Chu Xiang and focused on the fight on the court. From time to time, she would give Lin some energy to help him. Then Wang Wu was beaten inexplicably. Before he met Lin, he knew she was powerful but not As for gradually losing her power to fight back, today she seemed to be filled with chicken blood from time to time. Within a few minutes, she slaps on her face, and then she was kicked in the chest. The woman wore hard leather boots and kicked his breastbone.

Wang Wu also wanted to insist that Gao Yu shouted again: "Enough, isn't it enough to shame?"

Wang Wu didn't dare to take another shot. He backed away and stroked his chest. If it wasn't for so many people on the ground, I'm afraid he would spit it out. He just didn't kick his stomach up!

Gao Yu stepped forward and said: "Last name Chu, I know you are not convinced of me, do you think that I was overwhelmed by my heart again? Hehe. I really doubt how you can stand it this morning. You ca n’t blow it. Can you be intimidated? Why do n’t you intimidate the leaders of the Central Government? Is this the official university you are also afraid of? You were an evolutionary before, and you played with me, but now I have evolved too, and you still want to bully me ?"

Li Xiaoming said loudly: "Who bullies who, it was yours who shot first!"

Gao Yudao: "My people just tell the truth, you slap people, you really think you are a hero? Even if I want to let you go. You ask these soldiers behind me!"

A group of soldiers stood around Gao Yu. They are all Tian Lei's soldiers, but they are all fan bases of Gao Yu's evolutionaries. Just when I saw Chu Xiang hit someone, my heart has long been upset. At this time, they cheered loudly and almost hit Li Yingjie and other popular people with a gun.

The old name is also unknown, they only know that Gao Yu and others took the evolutionary to make a siege. They did not know about the achievements of Chu Xiang and others. At this time, they saw that the heroes in their hearts had been wronged, and they were also upset .

Chu Xiangniu's temper came up. He drunk down everyone's voice with a violent drink: "Stop me!" With the ultrasonic component in it, everyone felt that the eardrum was going to be cracked. Shut up and cover your ears.

Chu Xiang looked at the crowd coldly, "You all listened to me. I was always fed up to find anger. I really thought that the zombies were so easy to defeat you and you could all die. I will You have advised again and again, no matter what you do first to keep your own life, and now the situation is unknown, you are going to set up a new base with great fanfare. I do n’t know how you ended up, what happened to the central order? The central government orders you to die, and you really die! In the last days, you have to rely on your own head! If your head is not flexible enough, then you should die, because you are not worth living in this troubled world! Chu Xiang's voice is overcast It was so cold that even Gao Yu was deterred for a while. No one dared to speak again at this time. Chu Xiang continued: "Evolutionists are not used to show off and show off. In heaven, do you want to support them as ancestors? No wonder none of you evolved, you are all a group of people who have no ambition and courage to chaos people, even for ten thousand years, don't expect an evolutionary! "

Tian Lei opened his mouth and didn't say anything. He also felt that these old surnames were a little overdone. In the past two days, Gao Yu's people have been held higher than the sky, but these old surnames are essentially good. Otherwise, he will not come forward to save him at a critical moment. The so-called man is not perfect, but Captain Chu is angry now, and he is hard to explain.

Chu Xiang turned to Gao Yu and said, "If you want to, just hurry up and say, I don't have much time to accompany you."

Gao Yu returned to Shinto: "Do you dare fight with me, I will wash my shame!"

Chu Xiang said, "Come on. But you'd better use less energy, in case there is a zombie to attack you, there is still a chance to save your life."

Gao Yumeng took a breath, and his body began to grow rapidly. "Less alarming and shaking the army, satellite monitoring said that there is no problem here, come and take it!"

Chu Xiang is unwilling to waste time with Gao Yu. Although he will deform, he will not inflate. If he confronts the current King Kong version of Gao Yu, he will have a disadvantage in body shape. So Chu Xiang didn't want to fight with him, he banged, he stepped on the concrete ground under his foot. A seed flowed down the dirt pipe into the dirt.

The crowd saw only a large hole in the ground, and thought that Chu Xiang was angry. He knew that suddenly a long vine came out of the hole, and it quickly expanded like a wheat branch, and then rushed like long eyes. Xiang Gaoyu, Gao Yu did n’t know why Chu Xiang stomped his feet at first. When he saw a bunch of long vines entangled in him, he knew it was not good. These things did n’t hit him with a punch, and it was very laborious to pull. You have to destroy it!

Gao Yudi was right, but he underestimated the strength of Chu Xiangdi. If Chu Xiang only remained in the state at the time of World War I, maybe Gao Yu could take him down, but today Chu Xiang has already How comparable then. Gao Yu separated the cane in front of his eyes and took Chu Xiang's face directly. Chu Xiang just made the spine cut in front of Gao Yu, Gao Yu backed out in a scream, and then the rattans followed immediately and Gao Yu **** strong!

Everyone is stingy! It can be said that all stayed! Gao Yu is a master in their eyes. Correctly speaking, it should be a master. The tall and mighty King Kong phenomenon, these two nights do not know how many girls' hearts have moved, but now the heart broke, and only one move of King Kong made people strong. ,what is this?

Tian Lei didn't know what to say. Although he had seen the contradiction between the two groups, he couldn't help at all, and could only try to be in the middle and thin mud. This time it finally started. Formerly Chu Xiang and others had to suffer. Who knew the results turned out to be so unexpected. In his heart is a great figure Gao Yu. No two rounds went down in the opponent's hands! And what happened to that weird plant, and what happened to the wings that grew out of the back of people, the world is really messy, plants are not like plants, and people are not like people.

In fact, Gao Yu still has a little strength. He still ca n’t reach the A-level colonel. If he really fights, maybe Chu Xiang will lose to him because Gao Yu is a real special forces master. Although Chu Xiang is having amnesia He passed rigorous training, but compared with Gao Yu, who has been immersed in the special barracks for many years, he is still far behind.

However, the problem is that Gao Yu's current skill is to transform. After transformation, his physical value has increased dramatically. No one in the end-time team is his opponent, but Chu Xiang has more strange tricks, which is equivalent to playing For example, in the same high school age, Gao Yu ate less, ate less, and played less. Finally, he took a general test, while Chu Xiang ate, slept, and played. Finally, he bought a pass and took a test. Gao Yu is not right.

Even more depressing are those soldiers and surnames who have always supported Gao Yu. The depth of Gao Yu's mind is definitely not comparable to that of Chu Xiang. He has already drawn a group of officers in just a few dozen hours, and of course he has also established a group Supporting his old name, but now he was smashed in a tall and mighty image, and was thrown on the ground like a dead pig and humming. The supporters also felt a numbness on their faces.

The members of the Gao Yu lore group immediately rushed up ~ ~ Some took the knife to cut the rattan, and some directly attacked Chu Xiang, Chu Xiang was on the fire. He doesn't care if you work hard for Gao Yu, anyway, old Cheating is reasonable, you messed me up first! Chu Xiang speeded up the rattan attack, and a greater number of plant stalks entangled with a group of evolvers. Zhang Jingyao secretly came to Chu Xiang. She took Chu Xiang's hand to deliver energy to his body, and the plant received sufficient energy to grow violently. A large tree surrounded by several people, the branches and leaves of the sky trapped people on Gao Yu's side!

Tian Lei finally woke up from the shock. He stopped in front of Chu Xiang and said, "Captain Chu, don't fight any more. I don't care if you have any contradictions, but we are human beings on the same front. If you fight again, I will report to the Central Committee! "

Zhang Jingyao whispered to Chu Xiang: "I have also taught him anyway, forget it, we are going."

Chu Xiang withdrew his energy delivery, and soon the plant stopped growing and slowly shrank. The people around him were still at a loss with their mouths wide open. The rattan on Gao Yu's body had disappeared. The obvious blood mouth was cut by Chu Xiang's bones and wings, which was still affectionate by his subordinates, otherwise the internal organs would flow out a little deeper, and Gao Yu also has a strong ability to heal himself. The wound began to recover at a rapid speed.


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