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Chapter 262: Crisis repeats itself

Gao Yu didn't speak, and the evolutionists didn't dare to say much at this time. Chu Xiang's thunder just made them all feel the pain. Now the team leader doesn't say anything, they can only recognize it. There is a problem. At this time, if you become a bird, you are in danger of being beaten.

Chu Xiang taught Gao Yu and stopped saying anything. He whistled and called the flame horse. He jumped on his horse and pulled Zhang Jingyao. Then Xiao Si and Fang Yuxuan sat in front. There was no free space on the entire horseback. " Say goodbye to Master Tian! "

What can Laotian say at this time, let Chu Xiang stay and everyone still plays, "Take care of the Chu team!"

Li Haipeng smiled and went to Lalin's hand: "Sister Bo, let's go."

Lin looked angrily and enviously at the **** the horse. She said to Li Haipeng angrily: "Pass them on first, and I will leave at last."

Chu Xiang had a horse belly ready to leave. Suddenly he heard a loud noise coming from the air. Chu Xiang's face changed drastically. He jumped off the horse and grabbed Li Haipeng, then pointed north: "Look forward to the sound source! "

Li Haipeng didn't know why, but he absolutely obeyed the order. Alas, the figure of the two disappeared from the square, and the surrounding people saw clearly that they disappeared out of thin air! Many people exclaimed, "How is this possible? How is this possible?"

Gao Yu was a little bit surprised, he thought he had evolved and his strength was the boss of their evolutionaries, otherwise he would not be named the leader of the lore team, but who knows the strength of Chu Xiang this time Big increase, and a lot of strange abilities that he didn't have, is he really going to be crushed by him for a lifetime?

Tian Lei is now awakening. Everyone brought by Chu Xiang should have extraordinary skills. Yesterday, just looking at the surface. In fact, the battle that is not joined by others may not be able to win, and he ca n’t see the truth, let alone. Ordinary soldiers and surnames, this eschatological convoy is not simple.

Tian Lei could not wait to find a topic to ease the scene, and Chu Xiang and Li Haipeng appeared again. He didn't know what the two were going to do. Tian Lei saw Chu Xiang's face was heavy, and Li Haipeng was a little panicked. He immediately stepped forward and asked, "What's going on, Captain Chu."

Li Haipeng muttered: "It's over, you're all over, Yingjie. Let's go, this battle can't be fought, and even the **** will not be left over later."

Everyone heard the face discolored. To make Li Haipeng scare is that Zhang Jingyao hit a sudden in his heart. Chu Xiang did not answer Tian Leidi's question. He took a satellite phone from Zhang Jingyao. "Wang Bin. Take over our computer here. Pass the old American satellite signal. The bearing is xxxyyy."

Chu Xiang took the lead and entered the temporary command room. The technician inside was busy sweating. Seeing Lei Tian come in, "Master. Someone has invaded our computer. He, he is so powerful that we can't stop it. But we have no information here. He is sick."

Tian Lei said: "Go out. Go out. You don't need to worry about it here."

The screen shot changed. First, the rough areas were blurred and dark. But it quickly adjusted. The sight became clear, and the surrounding people were soft. Tian Lei also collapsed. "Where is it? Are we Kaifeng. It's over. It's really over this time."

Gao Yu looked away and walked out. The minder under his command quickly said, "Leader. We cannot win. You don't want to go!"

Gao Yu didn't look back, saying: "Back to the base! Will you stay here to die? Wait for them to close. We don't even want to leave!"

When Tian Lei's face changed, he hurried forward and stopped Gao Yudao: "Leader Gao. Leader Gao, you can't leave at this time. There are more than 10,000 surnames out there. To save them, you can help us again. Right. "

Gao Yu firmly said, "I can't help you with this help. Even if the gods come, I can't save you. Hurry up and find a way to break through. You can count as many people as you can."

Fang Yuxuan sneered coldly: "Shameless! Who vowed to protect the Kaifeng base and lose the chain at a critical moment. You are so thick-skinned."

Gao Yu turned back: "If we can fight, we will fight. But we can't withdraw. This is the policy of war taught by great leaders. If you know that you will fail, you will stay and die. Are you stupid?"

What is it that scares everyone like this? Many people who are behind can finally see it on the screen and can't hear the sound, but the scene is spectacular, countless creepers move forward like cattle on the grassland. Running wild, there is dust rising high behind them. It is unknown how many creepers there are in the dust. Judging from the scale map in the lower right corner, the direction of the red dots is Kaifeng!

Tian Leigang wanted to say that he wanted to contact the central government, and the screen changed proactively. The original hacker had thought of it for him. The signal had been received by the central leadership. Presumably, they had also received the image that appeared on the screen just now. Several people's faces were ugly.

Isn't it ugly to think about it? This is a sudden change in Kung Fu, especially Zhang Yibo. He suddenly found himself doing Gao Yu once. He remembered the last Gao Yu incident clearly. The guy was severely criticized by the chairman. Alas, in the end, of course, he was transferred from his post. This generation should not want to enter the central government anymore.

Of course, Zhang Yibo's situation is better, because he did not directly conflict with Chu Xiang, which is also related to Chu Xiang's temper has improved a lot recently, or according to his previous personality, maybe he shot the table and stared at you early.

Li Yang and Zhao Hong retained their opinions at that time, and Zhang Yibo could not shirk responsibility at this time. As for how to handle his own fault, this matter cannot be discussed at the moment. After confirming eight times that there were a large number of creepers outside the Kaifeng base, he had already He voluntarily explained the process to Chairman Hua, and at the moment he was hiding behind Chairman Hua and did not speak.

"Xiao Chu, we let you down again," Hua Fuqiang first said to Chu Xiang. Although he couldn't see the video in Kaifeng, he guessed that Chu Xiang must be opposite.

Chu Xiang felt that being a leader was not easy. He must be held responsible for his fault. "Chairman Hua, at this time, it is no longer useful. In fact, it was to build a line of defense according to what I meant at that time. I do n’t think I can stop these crawling. They charge, they are much more. "

Hua Fuqiang said: "Anyway, we have failed your kindness again. Now I have ordered that, as Chairman, Master Tian, ​​Captain Gao ..."

The chairman wants to order Tian Lei and Gao Yu. The two saluted, Hua Fuqiang said: "Now I order your actions to obey the instructions of Chu Xiang, and the other two evolution teams will also arrive. You must ensure the safety of your old name!"

Chu Xiang hurriedly said, "Chairman Hua, I can't do this, you still have to ask another good one."

It's not that Chu Xiang fakes high or deliberately makes things difficult. Just look at the response Gao Yu just made. This is the case. Even if you change the emperor Jade Emperor, you may not be able to get back to life. The number of crawlers should be around two thousand. This is not two thousand t2. If it is two Thousands t2 Chu Xiang himself also dealt with the land, even saying that two thousand t3 is not a big problem, but creepy monsters such as creepers usually rarely appear, and the strength is no longer under t4, they issued a rapid charge. Even the Great Wall of Steel cannot be stopped.

Hua Fuqiang said eagerly: "Xiao Chu, you still have to rely on you at the critical moment. I know that the country can't live with you. Don't quit, even if it's unsuccessful, I will accept your affection. You are a good comrade, as long as you try your best Do it, and each of us thank you. "

Chu Xiang saw the chairman discuss himself. At this time, it would be impossible to give him the old man a little face, so he could only say: "Chairman Hua, let me do my best, I have seen it just now. These creepers come from the Yellow River They have been using underwater as a place of hiding and action, and have gathered to the present number before suddenly launching an attack. There are many rivers in our country, and other bases are notified to take precautions early. "

Hua Fuqiang said: "This is natural, but you still need to strengthen your support, so long as the country can do it."

Chu Xiang adjusted the viewing angle of the screen. At this time, the creepers had begun to form a semicircle to surround Kaifeng City, and Gao Yu's face twitched. He lifted his feet and lowered them again, and then lifted them again. He repeatedly did not know what he was hesitating in his heart.

Chu Xiang said: "Chairman Hua, prepare a missile, please fire at us if necessary."

This is a classic line from the Shangganling movie, fire at me! Wang Cheng's heroic image has been circulating in the hearts of generations. In the face of such a large-scale creeper group, Chu Xiang has also developed a heroic complex. In fact, he also loved watching hero stories when he was a child.

Communication was interrupted. In fact, there is nothing to say. Zhao Hong and Li Yang admired Chu Xiangdi more and more, Li Yang was still cautious before. Now it ’s the same as Zhao Hong. I thought that next time there would be such a thing, what Chu Xiang said was what it was, and that was absolutely wrong. And Zhang Yibo took the initiative to find a place to reflect on. With more than 10,000 civilian surnames, he even let Gao Yu flicker.

Gao Yu finally made up his mind. While everyone was staring at the screen, he quietly walked out. The twenty evolutionaries he brought behind him also moved quietly. The closing was about to be completed. Creepers, these evolutionaries who ca n’t fly or teleport are all dead. It ’s silly who does n’t run

"Stop!" Chu Xiang screamed angrily, "I will kill anyone who dares to go!" Damn, letting them blow their noses is better than one, and now they really want something to run, how can it be so cheap? Good thing.

Transformer Steel ignored Chu Xiang and muttered as he continued to walk outwards: "Which onion are you? We are here to help. No one can order us if we want to leave."

Alas, Chu Xiang shot, his speed was already very fast, plus Transformer Steel and others did not expect that Chu Xiang would come true, grunting a human head rolling to the ground, Transformer Steel will deform, but he He ca n’t change his head. Without his head, his body can no longer support him. He slammed and fell to the ground, and blood spit out. Several evolutionists who were in front of him were sprayed, scaring them. Dare to move for half a minute, and let the blood drop on your body.

Gaoyu **** turned to bastard, but he never thought about killing the opponent's evolver, how could he never imagine that Chu Xiang was so vicious, kill it, kill him, he is a prestige, none of the remaining nineteen evolvers dare After leaving, even Gao Yu had to temporarily suspend operations.

Tian Lei was scared. He thought Chu Xiang had a good temper. It turned out to be so hot. His shot was an evolutionist's life, without blinking. In fact, Chu Xiang has his difficulties. He can ignore this matter, but he has always borrowed the national military satellite signals, and Chairman Hua has always been very kind to him. Chu Xiang wanted to repay the people before. Try again. It also counted as repayment of human debts, so he promised Chairman Xia Hua to do his best, and Chairman Hua also gave Tian Lei and Gao Yu orders to let them take all their actions and listen to their orders. I did not expect to have started to command. Gao Yu originally The soldiers belonging to the regular army began to retreat. As soon as he retreated, his evolutionaries also retreated. At this time, when retreat was born, it was almost foreseeable that the battle would be defeated without fighting, so Chu Xiang must kill and stand up to stop the defeat!

I could hear a quiet needle here because of killing an evolutionist, but noisy outside, Tian Lei shouted, "Noisy!"

A company commander ran in and said, "Leader, two evolution teams in our country have arrived, and a reinforcements base in Luoyang has just arrived."

Tian Lei said with joy on his face: "Well, it's time to hire someone. Hurry them in."

Gao Yu now hates the itchiness of his teeth, but he clearly lost the test just now, and he lost miserably. So many people have joined forces to defeat a plant. At this time, if he still insists on leaving, from the perspective of Chu Xiang just now, he will definitely kill! Then stay.

People outside came in, and the two evolution teams of the country helped other bases to fight back the zombies, so it was late, not because they were not in a hurry, but when they got on the ground, they received news that Kaifeng's perimeter had already Solved. Otherwise, they arrived at noon. Fortunately, the country did not recall it halfway. Otherwise, it would be too late to send troops.

The Luoyang base reinforcements set off very early, but because they drove, they did not travel at an evolutionary speed, so they arrived only tonight. What Chu Xiang and others never expected was that the reinforcements of the Luo base led the troops. People turned out to be Wu Junhao!

"Chu Xiang ?!" Wu Junhao didn't expect to meet Chu Xiang here, and his surprise was revealed on his face.

Chu Xiang stepped forward and hugged Wu Junhao. "Team Wu, we meet again!"

Song Jun and others came forward to say hello, Wu Junhao said: "I ’ll be fine if you are here. I just received a message outside the door saying that the creepers launched a more violent attack. They were more than an hour away from Kaifeng. Cheng, what do you tell the Chu team? "

Tian Lei saw this time that the Luoyang reinforcements came from the same group as Chu Xiang, although their number was not large. Just five soldiers. But looking at people ’s neat military appearance and brand new weapons, the combat effectiveness is certainly not lower than their own troops. What's more, there are twenty more evolutionaries, this is the new force to kill the creepers. Chu Xiang quickly thought about how to fight this battle. He unrolled the map and first considered the breakout retreat. At this time Wu Junhao also saw Gao Yu. He was surprised and said, "Captain Gao, I can't think you are here too. Which one is this? Out. "

Gao Yu had recovered his normal posture at this time, and he could n’t stand his face when he met these old teammates. Although he was abandoned in the end, if not for the other two teams, maybe he and his team members died early in the water. The bridge or Xigou.

Wang Shaohui quietly said a few words in Wu Junhao's ears. Wu Junhao nodded and no longer ignored Gao Yu. Originally, Wu Junhao looked down on Gao Yu. He heard that he rushed to work when he was not dangerous, and ran away when he was in danger. Talking to him has fallen into his own fame. To say who is afraid is not afraid, but if you have the potential, you can set it.

The strength of the two evolutionary teams from Beijing is average. As Wang Bin said, the highest ground is a c-level major, which is definitely stronger than ordinary soldiers, but it will not play a significant role in reversing the war. Regardless, what he needs to solve now is how to fight this battle.

"Master Tian, ​​how many available vehicles can you call up now?" Chu Xiang asked.

Tian Lei immediately asked the Brigadier behind him, and soon he got the general data, saying: "Not many, most of them were used as bunkers in the battle. We originally had some armored vehicles and tanks, but they were all at war. It was destroyed in the beginning, and there was no fuel. Even if there were more tanks, it would not work. The artillery came to the door, but the shells were all exhausted. "

Well, it's the same as not saying.

Chu Xiang said: "My original plan was to retreat eastward and retreat to our Yutai base to use the advantages there to block the creepers ..."

Gao Yu hasn't said anything yet ~ ~ Zhang Xiandao, who is good at hidden devices, said, "Why retreat east to your Yutai base, I think we should retreat north, to our Feihe base! Good things ca n’t let you Occupy, don't worry about the lack of food at our base, no matter how many people go to raise it. "

Alas, a spark popped up on Zhang, and Zhang was jumped up like a rabbit, "Oh, who calls me!"

Zhang Jingyao said, "Come in, believe it or not, I'll make you dead!"

Zhang closed his mouth immediately. The ground current was indeed very strong, and the current was different from the hidden weapon he launched. The gadget was invisible. Although he was good, he had to have a target to hide. This woman, not only with a big breast, was also a little real. Expected.

Gao Yu actually hopes that someone will raise this question, why should he retreat to the Yutai base. If more than 10,000 people return to his base, how much value will it generate in the future.

Chu Xiang said to Tian Lei: "Master Tian, ​​you have doubts in your heart, do you think I have selfishness? The Yellow River is to the north, and the creepers come from there. ? "


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