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Chapter 270: First contest

Chu Xiang didn't want to deal with these people who pretended to be Si Qinggao, but they kept coming up to give Chu Xiang eye drops, and cleaned up some things that Chu Xiang didn't know and hadn't done before. In the beginning, Zhou Muqing didn't think anything, because in This kind of politeness is very common in her social circles, but Chu Xiang's face is hard to look after a while, she immediately understands that these men are playing, they are anxious to Chu Xiang

Zhou Muqing was very disturbed. She knew that Chu Xiang was n’t like Xi and polite people. He just could n’t figure out which country Oxford and Cambridge were. How could he have thought about these beautiful and delicate arts? Zhou Muqing was regretful. He was originally in him. There is no place in the heart, so the distance between the two is farther.

Zhou Muqing was waiting to explain to Chu Xiang, and suddenly someone reminded, "General Hou is here!" So the noisy banquet hall immediately became silent, and a group of men in black guarded a man in his forties who came in. This man Half of his face had a dark red birthmark and looked a little scary, but he looked very imposing.

Zhou Muqing whispered in Chu Xiang's ears: "He is Hou. Today, almost all entertainment under the control of Hong Kong Island is under his control, and he has close relations with the SAR government. In addition to the chaos in the world, I am afraid it is here except for the troops. Count his strength. "

Chu Xiang hurriedly inspected, "How come they haven't arrived yet? This will affect the implementation of our plan."

Xiaosi did not know when she arrived at the banquet hall. She whispered in Chu Xiang's ears: "Brother, Brother Shao Hui and Brother Yingjie have been mixed in, Sister Shanshan is waiting for the others to bring in, Brother Haipeng The teleportation cannot reach the enclosed room, otherwise they will come here directly, you have to wait a little longer. "

Chu Xiang nodded and said that she knew. Han Jiao walked behind Chu Xiang, and she whispered to remind Chu Xiang: "Do not talk in a while. All the men in black around Hou have a set, and he has four gold coins. Steel is mysterious and mysterious. Most of the opponents of Hou let them assassinate.

Regardless of whether the four major steels really have the ability, Chu Xiang expressed his gratitude to Han Jiao. Although she wanted to soak herself before, it shows that she is attractive, and Chu Xiang is not Hou. No matter what Han Jiao can't get out of the wall.

Hou walked into the banquet hall and stood around. A group of people immediately greeted him, "Good evening, President Hou, hard work, President Hou came to our party in person, everyone applauded ..."

As soon as Hou raised his hand to suppress the voice of the crowd, his eyes first glanced at Zhou Muqing. Zhou Muqing let him look down with a guilty conscience, and then Hou's eyes turned to Chu Xiang again. Chu Xiang showed no weakness, and the two eyes collided head-on.

So strong energy fluctuations! Chu Xiang and Hou were shocked at the same time. It turned out that they were both evolutionaries! Hou ignored the surrounding guests who were about to continue greeting him. He walked straight to Chu Xiang, looked around Chu Xiang, and explained carefully: "This is Mu Qing's cousin. I just arrived on Hong Kong Island today. He made up to see Mu Qing. such."

Hou Buxian replied, "Is that right? It's really timely for Sister Zhou's cousin to come. Why haven't I heard that she has a distant relative? Come here. Take Miss Zhou down for a rest. I want to Get in touch with this cousin. "

Both Zhou Muqing and Han Jiaochi's faces changed. Chu Xiang was also very anxious. If Hou is also an evolutionary. Then Xie Shanshan would have difficulty obtaining his brain data. And from the sense of energy to the group of black people. They should not be ordinary people. Not to mention there are four major steels. The enemy's ground is very powerful. I just can't do it now. Otherwise, it will endanger the safety of Zhou Muqing's parents. The situation is very passive.

Zhou Muqing was reluctant but was taken to the second floor. She can use ultrasound. But this does not help solve the problem. Han Jiao quietly followed. Hope to help Zhou Muqing at a critical time. Anyway, she can't help Chu Xiang anymore if she stays. Hou has turned a deaf ear to her words.

Hou spoke to deny Chu Xiang's identity as a fake cousin. Someone followed immediately. "Yeah Hou. We saw that he was wrong. What the **** is it. Even Oxford and Cambridge don't know which country it is. Most of these people are graduating from home. Drinking with us is an insult to our land. Identity. Get him out! "

Chu Xiang turned sharply. Xie Shanshan is the place that needs to appear most at this moment. Get the whereabouts of Zhou Muqing's parents right away. Then hit and walk freely. But Xie Shanshan didn't show up. Now is not the time to Hou Fanlian. But the other side is forcing himself to turn his back. It's really difficult.

Hou Yi raised his hand to stop the people from shouting. He told Chu Xiang: "Sister Zhou is now my most powerful signing star. I sell this small face to her. Although you are relatives, you have to prove your strength to enter Shangri-La. I do n’t agree with tonight The lively atmosphere. Then come to the place. You come from afar. Let my men toast you a glass of wine. "

A man in black responded, and then someone took out two boxes of brandy from the backstage and opened them all, and someone brought two stainless steel pots, and pour out all the boxes and boxes of brandy. The man in black despised Took a glance at Chu Xiang and said: "Do it first!"

After speaking, he held up the stainless steel pot and gurgled and drank. It was only more than forty seconds. A large pot of brandy was completely cleaned by him. The people below shouted loudly. They were trapped on the island of Hong Kong for nothing. The only spiritual sustenance is to live a life of drunken dreams in Shangri-La every night. Now I ca n’t be excited when I see a good show, not to mention Hou wants to prepare the ground as their enemy. In their opinion, the men that Zhou Muqing likes are their enemies. Who cares? Is he a relative of Zhou Muqing? This shows how charming Zhou Muqing is for men.

I do n’t know when Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie have appeared behind Chu Xiang. The two whispered: "Chu team, pay attention to the man's feet. Chu Xiang looked down and saw a water stain on the feet of the black man who was drinking. He drank a large pot of brandy so that his face was not flushed and heartbeat. It turned out from his feet, so it was useless to drink ten pots, but he did n’t know how to do this. .

Hou saw Chu Xiang face embarrassed, and he sneered: "Sister Zhou's family and I came very talkatively, and they are visiting me, aren't you cousin who don't want to see them? How do you say they are relatives, don't you Will watch them sad and sad. "

Threat! Hou Zai threatened Chu Xiang with Zhou Muqing's parents. Chu Xiang's face changed from the front to the stainless steel basin. This is the overlord's hard to bow and drink. I knew that the situation here in Hong Kong was so complicated that I should bring a few more people. Now the situation is very passive, and he has been led by his nose since Hou debuted. Always think of a way Solve him.

The man in black was proud of himself, and a few drops of brandy remained in his body. He used to drink a lot of celebrities in Hong Kong in this way, making them willing to worship at the feet of his boss, and now it is better to drink an ordinary person to death?

Chu Xiang ’s energy fluctuations are not easily noticed by evolutionaries who are weaker than him. Unless he forgets to hide his energy, but after Hou came into the game and learned that he was an evolutionary, Chu Xiang would deliberately converge and the energy was leaked. This evolver who only has expertise in some aspects does not know that Chu Xiang is an evolver who is better than him. Chu Xiang saw from the gap between her fingers that Zhang Jingyao did not know when she was in the crowd of crowds. She secretly blinked at Chu Xiang and pointed at the light above her head. Chu Xiang also secretly clicked his finger to indicate that he received it. The pot was ready to drink and stand. At this moment, there was a spark, and the light suddenly went out.

Chu Xiang cut off the skin on his arm with a thunderbolt. The five-color liquid communicates with Chu Xiang ’s heart. It leaps out of the man in black in front of Chu Xiang. This man in black is just a little capable of controlling water. The actual ability is still far from good, and the five-color liquid is ruthless again. As a result, he didn't even cry out for help, but it took two seconds to turn into a pile of bubbles. The five-color liquid just flew back to Chu Xiang's body, and Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie picked up the foam group melted by the man in black and withdrew. To the corner. I randomly found a table and tucked it in, waiting for the opportunity to deal with it.

Just as the man in black was covered with a five-color liquid cover, Hou also issued a command, "Don't mess! It's just a power outage, send me someone to fix it right away!"

However, someone deliberately made troubles in the dark, and the results were not chaotic or out of order. Below you are full of guests. You step on me, I step on you. The five-color liquid took advantage of the opportunity to complete the sucking, and Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie took the opportunity to hide the body. At this time, the lights resumed, and ordinary guests did not notice that the man in black who had just drunk was gone.

Chu Xiang's hand was still holding a basin. He said to Hou, "Can I drink it? I also think my cousin and cousin will take me to see them when I have a job."

Hou saw that the man in black in front of Chu Xiang was gone. He gave a surprise glance to the team behind him. A captain-like person came forward and whispered in his ear. Hou Di frowned, and he whispered. "Find him." Then Hou told Chu Xiang: "As long as you drink this pot of brandy, I can consider it."

Chu Xiang asked Hou with a basin: "Mr. Hou. How is my cousin and uncle cousin recently? Are they fat or thin? Are they eating here warm and full? Are you not wronged, my mother? But I said, if they are wronged here, I'll ask you. "

"Bold!" The captain whispering just now in Hou's ear burst out angrily, shouted a boxing to Chu Xiang's face, Chu Xiang bowed his head, and then silently raised his head and started drinking the brandy. Li Li, because he saw Xie Shanshan already standing behind Hou et al. At this time, he had to take the initiative to cause Hou's thinking to fluctuate. Only when he remembered the situation of Zhou Muqing's parents, Xie Shanshan had hope to capture, and Chu Xiang needed A little time to digest the evolutionary skills that have just been sucked back, otherwise I really leave this large basin of brandy in the stomach, I am afraid that I will die half of my life if I am not dead.

Cooing, cooing, while drinking brandy Chu Xiang's stomach began to toss, he quickly urged the mass of water to move to his feet, although a little busy, but most of the wine still came out of the soles of his feet, and the shoes were full of water.

Hou Zhi stopped and hit the captain, and then watched Chu Xiang drink the pot of brandy, and slowly his eyes were attracted by the water stains at the feet of Chu Xiang. After seeing the situation, Hou couldn't help but startled, his heart also said This hand, this little bottom is not easy to touch, no wonder it dare to come to the door, it turned out to be a little skillful.

Chu Xiang put down the stainless steel basin and pretended to shake: "I'm sorry, I drink too much and want to go upstairs to take a rest." Said Chu Chuxiang turned and left straight away. At this time, he could only retreat and did not rescue Zhou Muqing's parents. You can't tear your face with Hou, but if you stay there, you will definitely try again. If you can't hold it, you must turn your face.

Hou Yichen, it seems that Chu Xiang is not drunk. Others don't know, but he himself has seen it, and most of Chu Xiang's wine also flows from his feet. Oh, is it ... the man in black behind Hou is about to move, Hou waved his hand to stop, and then he said to everyone: "Everyone can drink and play, I have something to do."

After saying that Hou left with a person, his captain said puzzledly: "General Hou, that's not easy, we can't let the tiger return to the mountain."

Hou said: "Stupid! Haven't you seen that he has a helper? And I sensed that someone wants to peep at the thoughts of my brain. Let me know all the things that remain for me."

"Ah!" The captain was a little surprised. "Why didn't they see it, but they really should have helpers. Otherwise, how could the black disappear? Hou always wanted to catch a long line of big fish and wipe them out?" Hou said: "I'm more afraid of them Will secretly rob Zhou Muqing's parents, you immediately notify Jin Jinsi to strengthen the defensive force. No one except me is allowed to enter the secret room. I will not believe in a small earth star and be more honest with me? See if she can Whoever invites me, if I don't agree to my conditions by noon tomorrow, I will let her parents return to the West! "

Chu Xiang opened an empty room casually on the second floor, and Zhou Muqing and Han Jiao came in a short while. After Hou's withdrawal, the guards here also temporarily retreated. They did not have to worry about Zhou Muqing's escape. Once the building was heavily guarded, Zhou Muqing's parents were still being held hostage. Zhou Muqing could not escape without asking.

After a while, Xiaosi also came in, and Chu Xiang asked anxiously: "What happened? Did you find Zhou Muqing's parents? We are **** by this problem and we must quickly rescue them."

That Hou was very strong, and her **** was found. At present, only the sister Mu Qing's parents were kept in the exhibition hall. Brother Song Jun and Shao Hui have rushed over to check the situation. "

Chu Xiang got up and said, "I have to go and see. This Hou is not a vulgar generation. I'm afraid the strength of the exhibition hall's ambush will not be weak. Xiaosi, you tell everyone else to come here to join. Once we succeed, you will rush Out of the hotel, there is Jingyao in I believe no one is here to stop you. "

Zhou Muqing said: "As long as my parents are okay, I can use the ultrasound with peace of mind, and I must blow them all up!" Han Jiao stopped Chu Xiang and said, "Do you know who lives in the exhibition hall?"

Chu Xiang said: "I don't know, but no matter who lives there, he must rescue Zhou Muqing's parents. Otherwise, Hou always presses us together. We are passive and cannot save people as soon as possible. The more this matter becomes, the more dangerous it becomes."

Han Jiao said: "I tell you the truth, Hou is a special function person, the government also calls these people as evolutionaries, Hou's strength is more important, because a group of evolutionaries gathered around him, even if the SAR government He also had to rely on his strength to strengthen the defense force of Hong Kong Island, and the exhibition hall is the base of these people. It is difficult to rush in to save people with your strength. "

Chu Xiang said: "Sister Han, I know that you are kind and don't hide that we are also evolutionaries. No matter how great they are, we must also break through. Zhou Muqing is our friend and no one can bully her. I leave. I'll let you know if I have news. I will call Xiaosi's satellite phone. "

Han Jiao also noticed that Chu Xiang was not normal, so she was not surprised to hear that Chu Xiang was an evolutionary. After Chu Xiang left, she said to Zhou Muqing: "Mu Qing, you have made a good friend. He cares about you so much. I'm afraid it's not as simple as a normal friend relationship, how deep your hiding place is, these two days have made me worry about you. "

Zhou Muqing blushed: "Sister Han, you can't guess, he has a girlfriend, but our relationship is very hard. This is true. Your husband should never mess with him. I heard there are A Japanese person provoked Chu Xiang, let Chu Xiangyi hunt down to the Japanese island, and almost wiped out the entire Japanese evolution world. In the end, the Japanese government had to obediently hand over people. "

Han Jiao looked shocked. "Oh, he did the Japanese thing! Then I really should worry about Hou. He did all the bad things and indirectly killed my parents. This time, he should let him pay the blood debt!"

About killing Han Jiao ’s parents, Zhou Muqing has not heard of it before. She just asked if someone knocked on the door and opened it. It was Zhang Jingyao, Fang Yuxuan, Li Xiaoming, Li Niu. Everyone was cheated by Xie Shanshan to control the formation of other people ’s neurological consciousness. Send in. It seems that there are many people coming to this time. Zhou Muqing's heart is more solid. These people cooperate with each other, plus the strength of her and Xiaosi. Once the exhibition hall is successful, it is necessary to rush out Shangri-La is not a problem.

Everyone is very confident about Chu Xiang ~ ~ But before the matter is resolved, Chu Xiang is actually not very sure. When he took Xie Shanshan to the exhibition hall, Song Jun and Wang Shaohui had already explored the situation In Ming, a group of people hid in an abandoned cowball shop in front of the exhibition hall to discuss the next step.

Xie Shanshan first introduced Hou ’s strength. After all, she is in charge of intelligence work. This is the responsibility. “This Hou is by no means Gao Yu's embroidered pillow. He is an a-level or slightly weaker evolver. It is unclear if he has no skills. The four strongest steels under his control are Jin Yi, Jin II, Jin, Jin Si. These four have their own skills, Jin Yi is unbeatable, and a pair of copper and iron bones. , A **** of power, known as never to die; Jin Er's nickname is Huoyun evil god, of course, the skill is flame, there is no data to compare with the strength of Chen Kai and Fang Yuxuan; Jin Zifeng's nickname is Quick Frozen, his ability is to control temperature, You can make ice in an instant and use it as a weapon; Jinsi ’s nickname is chameleon. From the analysis of the nickname, you know that you are a hidden expert, and it is not clear how much lethality is. "

This is not to blame Xie Shanshan used several unclear to analyze the intelligence, because her invasion was detected by Hou and failed halfway, although she later invaded several targets to gather information, but about Hou and the four major steels Outsiders know little, so there is almost no useful information from others.


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