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Chapter 271: disguise

Song Jundao: "Let ’s talk about the topography of the exhibition hall and the place where Zhou Muqing's parents are most likely to hide. The exhibition hall has four entrances, and the main part is on the ground. However, for some precious collections, there are some underground buildings. It is estimated that there are at least 40 evolutionaries in the exhibition hall. They seem to be alert when they receive the information. At this time, it is almost impossible to sneak into the basement to detect the information. "

Chu Xiang said: "What are the strengths of ordinary evolutionaries?"

Xie Shanshan said: "It should be similar to the strength of Gao Yu's players, but we are afraid that they cannot easily hurt their lives, otherwise they are not afraid."

Xu Huai said: "It is better to ask the state for help and let the state issue an order, so as to avoid hurting innocent people. We have also made some contributions to the state before, so they can help."

Lin Dao: "I'm afraid that the SAR government can do nothing about Hou. How can the Central Government issue a few more instructions. Apart from the army, he is now the emperor of Hong Kong Island. He claims to be the Hong Kong New Flying Tigers and is a security guard. It is our garrison on Hong Kong Island. "

Song Jundao: "This is unrealistic, letting the two of them kill each other. Can we do this without saying that the Hong Kong SAR government will not agree because both forces are an important factor in their determination of the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong Island."

Chu Xiang said: "So this time we have to rely on ourselves. Shao Hui and Ying Jie can make more use of stealth. As long as Zhou Muqing's parents are in prison, it is easy to handle. We can break through."

Song Jundao: "There are thermal imaging cameras everywhere in the exhibition hall. We do not have special infrared-absorbing military uniforms, so the stealth function is not useful here. As long as there is heat emitted, they may be detected."

This is really troublesome. Chu Xiang scratched his head irritably. At this time, the car light flashed and Li Yingjie, who was in charge, said, "Look at everyone, Hou is here. I'm afraid he doesn't even know the evolutionary under his control. Where is it. "

Hou arrived and brought back nearly ten evolvers, so the number of evolvers in the exhibition hall reached fifty. Coupled with the four King Kongs, this force is really not weak, no wonder he dares to be arrogant. People do have capital.

Lin said hesitantly, "Will I try to lure?"

Xie Shanshan said: "Drop it down. Isn't Mu Qing pretty? Since Hou can tolerate today, it means he won't be easily taken by you. Hehe ... I'm not saying that you are not as pretty as Mu Qing. You have your own characteristics. "

There is a lively discussion on how to mix in the exhibition hall. Li Yingjie lowered the night vision telescope and said, "Hou is out again. I don't know where to go."

Chu Xiang said with emotion: "Li Yingjie and Wang Shaohui find a way to follow him. Report his movements to us at any time. We can pretend to be Hou into the exhibition hall to find out."

Impersonation is certainly not easy. The key is that Chu Xiang has the ability to control muscle and bone deformation. Although he has hardly used this feature. I don't know if it can be done easily. Always try to know. Although it is not easy to imitate a person's habits and sounds and eyes. But as long as Zhou Muqing's parents hide out. Don't hide it for long.

Li Yingjie and Wang Shaohui quickly followed. Afraid that they were slow, Chu Xiang sent Li Haipeng back. The constant return of newspaper news surprised everyone. Hou unexpectedly entertained with a group of foreigners. In fact, there is nothing to entertain foreigners. But the key is that these foreigners are all evolutionaries!

Hong Kong was originally a mixed place of fish and dragon. Foreigners are as common here as Chinese. If evolutionists emerge among these people, there is nothing wrong with that. But the key point is that the news shows that powerful people like Hou are respectful to those foreigners. This shows that these foreigners are by no means simple.

Chu Xiang said: "We ca n’t control that much. It ’s important to do business first. I ’ve seen Hou like it, and Shan Shan and others have seen it. Since Hou is happy outside, let ’s hurry up. Please help me check the appearance. Not like it. "

It is said that Chu Xiang uses consciousness to change the shape of the face muscles, and Xie Shanshan and others who have seen Hou's detailed face keep pointing out, especially the black birthmark on his face. Row. After some improvement. Chu Xiang finally changed his facial features to be inseparable from Hou, and his sound was not good. In particular, Hou's voice was very heavy in the southern part of the country. Chu Xiang, a northerner, never came. He only tried not to speak. There are a few followers, but the evolutionaries in Hou's follower exhibition hall should all know that there is no way Chu Xiang can only let Li Haipeng bring Han Jiao.

Han Jiao was startled when she saw Chu Xiang, but she immediately came to her senses. "Do you want to pretend to be in the exhibition hall?"

The fake Hou said: "Yes. But Hou can pretend, but his follower bodyguards can't pretend. Please ask sister Han if you come, I hope you can think of a way. After all, the people you follow in the exhibition hall can believe me more. What a vacation. "

Han Jiao laughed at Chu Xiang: "You only know you by listening to the sound. How did you make it? The dark red birthmark on your face looks like the real thing. If you don't say anything, 99% of the people will let you. I lied, but all of a sudden the bodyguards changed their appearance, and you didn't say a word. The evolutionists knew that there were problems no matter how stupid, but I can help you with this plan. "

Han Jiao's idea was that she came forward to speak for Chu Xiang. Although she said that there were no more husbands and wives, her identity and status were still there. Those evolutionists did not dare to treat her. At the same time, she claimed that the bodyguard who changed her face was Han Jiao. If you dare to doubt, let Chu Xiang show some strength at that time, those people will surely believe that they dare not let go. No one knows the true power of Hou, so they are not afraid to overdo it. It will show the filling.

Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie continue to stay under surveillance. If the true prince returns, they can be prevented in advance, otherwise the two princes will be in trouble if they collide together. Song Jun, Xu Huai, Li Haipeng, etc. put on black clothes and followed Han Jiao. Everyone took Han Jiao's car to the entrance of the exhibition hall. The entrance was blocked by a strong iron railing. Two evolutionaries came forward. an examination.

Han Jiao leaned out of the car and said, "Get out of the way! President Hou suddenly remembered that there was an important matter that was not handled. There was something wrong with his car, so I sent him back."

The two evolutionaries came to Han Jiao's car one by one, and the two first saluted Han Jiao respectfully and respectfully, and then looked into the car. Chu Xiang sneered coldly, an evolution The person gave a courtesy: "It turned out to be President Hou. I saw you out a while ago and thought you weren't coming back tonight."

Han Jiao said, "Since it's Hou Zong, what else are you talking about? Hurry up and let it go."

One evolver is preparing to raise the guardrail and the ground stake, but the other evolver said, "Well, President Hou, Heiba ​​them. It was they who protected you out."

Han Jiao said: "Hei Ba, they have other things to do. Why don't you believe that my people can protect General Hou?"

The evolver who was about to release suddenly became vigilant and usually protected the black people in Hou Di to change, but Han Jiao, who had always been in touch with Hou, suddenly sent Hou back in person, there would be no problem in it.

Chu Xiang hesitated to see the two evolvers. He knew that things were not good. The two men had begun to doubt. Chu Xiang's arms suddenly extended. Smash a ground stake with one punch! Han Jiao did not expect that Chu Xiang's arms could be stretched arbitrarily, but her response was fast enough, and she immediately drank aloud, "Hurry up and let go. President Hou is already angry, do you want to die?"

The two evolvers were frightened, and immediately raised the railings to lower the ground stakes. The two cars drove into the exhibition hall. The large exhibition hall has been converted into a training camp. The forty evolvers usually practiced here. , But they lack rich combat, so they are not evolving fast.

When Han Jiao got off the station and ignored him, Chu Xiang drove down the door. Originally, Han Jiao's returning to Hou would easily cause others to doubt. If Han Jiao's excessive affection at this moment was even more inappropriate, she would stand aside coldly until two captain-like people came to ask.

"General Hou, why are you back? Yo, Grandma is here too."

Han Jiao glanced at Hou and said, "Your general Hou just sang and sang, and now he can't speak. He wants to see the star and his parents. Please take him."

A captain cared, saying: "Is President Hou hurting his throat? Hurry up and go to the hospital for a look. The old couple is still locked in the basement. They can't run."

"Well, (two)" Chu Xiang snorted deliberately, Han Jiao immediately said: "I don't know if you need to be sent to the hospital. Hou always asks you to do what you do, or you can roll over to me go with!"

Han Jiao's reprimand really bluffed the two captains, and one captain led the front: "Okay, okay. We will take Hou to the basement immediately."

Han Jiao pretended to inadvertently say: "Xiao Jun. You accompany President Hou over, he has a bad voice and is inconvenient to speak. In case these people can't guess what it means to serve the general manager, isn't it trouble?"

Song Jun nodded behind Chu Xiang, and the two captains led left and right in front of them. After two levels, they turned around and entered the basement passage. Li Haipeng stayed beside Han Jiao. Later, when he saw Zhou Muqing's parents, he would immediately take Han Jiao away, so as not to get hurt and make Chu Xiang feel guilty.

After walking for a while, I reached the entrance of the elevator, where there were many guards guarding them, but they saw the fake houshou saluting and saying hello, there was no meaning to stop them, Chu Xiang nodded arbitrarily, huh and two beeps were confused, and entered the elevator straight Running underground, there were more than a dozen gun guards at the exit, and then there were people guarding in front of a few iron gates, but after seeing it, they took the initiative to let go. The security is so strict. People can't help Zhou Muqing's parents.

"Brother, why are you here?" A sturdy man suddenly came down from the wall. No one just noticed that he was standing by the wall quietly until he left the close wall, he The clothes on my body only returned to normal color. It seems to be a bionic clothing, but the problem is that people's skin and hair are the same color as the wall skin. Only then do they change back.

This person asked Chu Xiang, Chu Xiang couldn't figure out the bottom of the other side, and he didn't dare to answer easily. In fact, he couldn't speak even if he could figure out the bottom. At this time, one of the captains who took the lead pleased: "It was Jin Siye, Hou The general voice was a little hurt, and he said that he would come to see the actress's family, so I wouldn't take him down. "

Chu Xiang waved to the two captains, and the two left. The basement was not for them to come in casually, and it was not easy to bring them here. Since this person can be hidden on the wall, and is also known as the Four Lords, then he must be the chameleon Jinsi no doubt. Chu Xiang knows that these four King Kongs have an unusual relationship with Hou. At this time, he couldn't even speak, otherwise he could be seen with a single sound, so he pretended to wave at the front casually, signalling the Golden Belt.

Jin Si awoke and said, "Oh, I took my eldest brother in, the old couple was so mean. They had not eaten anymore, and said that if we didn't let them go, they would go on a hunger strike to kill themselves, so as not to hurt their daughter."

You ca n’t blame Jin Siyan's awkwardness. At the moment, Chu Xiang's easy-to-use technique using muscle deformation is really wonderful, especially the dark red birthmark on his face, which turned him out. This is Hou ’s signboard, the exhibition hall. People only need one glance to believe it; Erlai Chuxiang knew Hou as the superior person's expression and knew clearly that his pretend b was Houlai and felt that he was himself.

Chu Xiang snorted for Jin Si's words. Jin Si seemed to be accustomed to Hou's posture, so he dismissed it. He walked in front of him and said, "Brother, haven't the few British land evolutionaries agreed to your request? They are awful, they have delayed his brother's plan, Zhou Muqing's little girl is not familiar with current affairs, and I think it should have put some pressure on these two old things. "

Chu Xiang nodded, and now I know that Zhen Hou is accompanying the British evolutionaries, but I do n’t know what Hou asked them to do. It seems that the group proposed Zhou Muqing as an exchange condition, but Zhou Muqing died and did not agree, which caused this. Hou prisoner Zhou Muqing's parents forced her to submit.

At the end of the corridor was a smooth wall. There are no more doors and windows around, Chu Xiang secretly murmured, if there is no secret passage or the like, it is that Jin Si sees his identity. If there is a secret passage, do not let yourself open it, otherwise the switch is not clear. , Let go to let Jin Si see through.

Fortunately, Jin Si touched the wall for a while, snapped, and opened a small square hole. Inside, you need to enter a password. Jin Sipaipai entered a series of passwords, and the sound of the rumbling sound of the tightly-secret walls pulled to both sides to expose a steel door.

"Brother, please," Jin Si made a gesture, presumably the steel door was slowly separating, Chu Xiang stepped forward without hesitation, Song Jun had to keep up, Jin Si had "You are new here, this brother. You can't get in there. Stay outside and our brothers have a cup of tea."

Chu Xiang didn't stop. The steel door began to close after he entered. Song Jun knew that there was no time to rush, so he stayed outside and waited with ease.

When Chu Xiang stepped into the steel door, he saw another scene. Jin Chancan thought that his eyes had gone. It turned out that the underground secret room was full of gold bars, and there were some cabinets. I did n’t know what was inside. Valuable objects may be things that are not easy to keep in the air, so special cabinets are needed to store them.

What's more, there is a diamond hill in a luxurious bulletproof glass wall cabinet! This diamond mountain is about the size of two fists. Many diamonds have gorgeous colors. Chu Xiang cannot value them at all. Although these mouthpieces say that these gadgets have no value in the last days, as long as humans have these things, It is impossible to lose value. To say that there is no value is only a temporary situation. With sufficient food, these things still have value! As long as human nature is in them, they will not lose value!

Of course, Chu Xiang is not here to make a fortune, so he just glanced at these things. After passing this golden jewellery and diamond booth, there was a small room separated in front of the booth, but the glass was transparent, and one of them sat inside. There is a man and a woman. They are all in their early forties. Zhibin Bin has a breath of humanity. No wonder Chu Xiang didn't distinguish between Cambridge and Oxford. It is a joke. If a relative like him knows this couple, I'm afraid I won't agree.

There was a big five man sitting at the door. This time, no one was blocking Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang could only bite his head and came by himself. Anyway, he had already seen Zhou Muqing ’s parents. Besides, let ’s just look at Zhou Muqing ’s mother. Who is she? The mother and daughter are very similar.

"Brother, why are you here?" This person must also be one of the Four King Kong, but Chu Xiang is not sure who it is, or what he said just now, even if the bit is accurate, Chu Xiang's accent is completely different from Hou Fang , Dare not speak at all.

Chu Xiang pointed at the couple in the room and said that it was Jin Ji's guy: "Is the brother going to take them away, isn't Zhou Muqing's girl agreeing, I will let them out."

Chu Xiang didn't expect it would be so simple. He nodded his head and opened the bulletproof glass door. The couple of the Zhou family was a little hungry. I do n’t know if it was Jin Ji who brought the two up. The words seemed to have anticipated this day, and they didn't know what they were thinking. Chu Xiang took the lead and walked in front of them. They were followed by them.

When I reached the heavy steel door, Chu Xiang was dumbfounded again. Why did it open? When it came in, it opened automatically. What can I do now, but Chu Xiang was so hesitant to stand in front of the door. The man rushed forward immediately, and he pleased Chu Xiang to enter the password to open the door. Chu Xiang secretly sighed with relief. When the boss felt so cool, I was afraid that someone would help wipe the buttocks after pooping ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Chu Xiang was the first to get out of the steel door, Jin Ji turned to mention Zhou Muqing's parents and was ready to go out, suddenly a sharp alarm sounded, and someone hurriedly said in the broadcast: "The following Hou is always fake! Note that Hou in the basement is always fake, and he will always be trapped when he is trapped! "

Chu Xiang's look changed, not good, something went wrong, and Jin Si and Jin Jiyi changed their faces after listening to the radio. Song Jun had already shot at this time, a hidden weapon hit Jin Si, and Chu Xiang immediately turned around and rushed in The guard room of the back room starts with several pairs of Zhou Muqing's parents.

Jin Si responded quickly. He lay down on the floor to avoid Song Jun ’s hidden weapon. Song Jun ’s eyes blew, but when he looked closely, he could n’t find his shadow. He launched a hidden weapon to cover the surrounding area, but It didn't hurt Jin Qinhao. His color changing function is powerful. At this moment, he doesn't know where to hide. He may attack you at any time behind you.

The steel door began to close at this time. Song Jun saw that Chu Xiang was rescuing Zhou Muqing's parents inside. He was worried that Chu Xiang would have to take care of the second old man and deal with a King Kong. He would not be busy, let alone the Jin Si had been hidden and stay It is bound to suffer losses, so Song Jun did not hesitate to squeeze in through the crack of the door, click, the steel door closed again.


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